Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner - Pledge to Protect Your Online Privacy in 2013: Five New Year’s Resolutions
De la communauté / From the community
Born Digital: Guidance for Donors, Dealers, and Archival Repositories
Contribution de l'Association des archivistes français à la Consultation pour une éducation artistique et culturelle pour tous
JHOVE Tips for Developers (Draft for Proofreaders)
Centre for Law and Democracy - Making the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Effective: Guidelines for Assessing OGP Action Plans
Article - How Much of the Web Is Archived?
Metropolitan Archivist, vol. 19, no. 2 (Winter 2013)
Book - Secrets & Treasures: Our Stories Told Through the Objects at Archives New Zealand
Book - On the Map: A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks
Book - Archives for the Lay Person: A Guide to Managing Cultural Collections
Book - Social Media Mining and Social Network Analysis: Emerging Research
Livre - Du Tag au Like: la pratique des folksonomies pour améliorer ses méthodes d’organisation de l’information
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Free Webinar - Caring for Digital Materials: Preventing a Digital Dark Age
April 2013
Webinar - The Sedona Conference Commentary on Proportionality in Electronic Discovery
January 9, 2013
Webinar - Translating the Library Catalog from MARC into Linked Data: An Update on the Bibliographic Framework Initiative
January 23, 2013
International Conference in Information Science and Social Media
September 11-13, 2013, Borås, Sweden
Sur le web / On the web
App - L’Âge d’or des cartes marines par la Bibliothèque nationale de France
UK National Archives podcast - New files released from 1982
Video - The Role of Taxonomies and Content Strategy
New Search Engine from The Israel Genealogy Research Association
A Timeline of Information History
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
When Canada turns 150: Time to get the British North America Act into Canadian hands, former archivist says
What to Watch for in Canadian Intellectual Property Law in 2013
Build a national portrait gallery: Ignatieff
National Gallery mag goes online. Nature Museum now has free apps
Archives Association of Ontario - Archeion in 2012
Medecine Hat - Archives, accountability and human rights
Canadian war graves at St Margaret's Church, Bodelwyddan given QR code
Deseronto (Ont.) Archives - Archives statistics for 2012
Samuel Champlain Rochelais ? Un généalogiste déniche l'acte de baptême du découvreur de Québec: polémique
Afrique / Africa
Mali - The secret race to save Timbuktu’s manuscripts
Algérie - Conservation et exploitation des archives judiciaires: création de cinq centres régionaux
South Africa - Uncontained: Opening the Community Arts Project Archive
Amériques / Americas
National Archives tribute, Watch Nights among events marking Emancipation Proclamation’s 150th
Why Congress's Digital Archive For Text Messages Is Such A Bad Idea
FBI removes many redactions in Marilyn Monroe file
Planning starts for Georgia State Archives transition
Michigan State archives puts original township survey maps online
Ephemera gift illuminates life in 19th century Alaska
Harvard’s Alternative to Google Books: Universities launch a digital public library
As Trash Goes, Authors' Clutter in the Right Hands Is Very Bankable: Ken Lopez Gets Top Dollar From Libraries; Uncashed Checks, Salt Shakers
Princeton Library Acquires an 18th Century George Frideric Handel Score
George Eastman House takes steps to preserve daguerreotypes
Recreating 19th-century face jugs with 3D scanning and printing technology
Coke Calls a Doc to Put Fizz in Sales, but Is He the Real Thing?
Australian archive releases mid 80's cabinet papers
Australia - Archives reveal Canberra concerns
Military archives show New Zealand and US conducted secret tsunami bomb tests
Archives International Auctions To Offer Rare Chinese And Asian Banknotes In Hong Kong
Europe / Europa
Elderly Auschwitz guard could face charges in thousands of Nazi-era murders as fresh documents cast doubt on past
Philharmonic archives and the Austrian art of remembering
$2 million Tarkovsky archive to return to Russia
France - L'Institut national de l'audiovisuel baisse le prix des archives
France - La numérisation des archives de Jean-Toussaint Desanti
France - Sélestat-Strasbourg « Bataille » pour la plus ancienne archive écrite évoquant le sapin de Noël
France - Les manuscrits du Mont Saint-Michel, une histoire mouvementée
Plan to brain wash IRA hunger strikers revealed in archive papers
The first ever color photographs of Ireland taken by two French women in 1913
Ireland - Troubles Archive Hearing Causing Political Stirrings
UK National Archives - 20-year rule comes into force
British Library - The Conservation of Codex Alexandrinus
UK Web Archive - Slavery and Abolition in the Caribbean: a new special collection
A database has been launched containing the details of 20,000 railway workers who died in World War I
18th-century ‘Aristotle’ sex manual to be auctioned next week
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Israel - Students' online and offline social networks can predict course grades -- Ben-Gurion U. researchers
Archive of Jerusalem's 1949 wartime governor for sale in U.S
The National Library of Israel Selects Ex Libris Rosetta for Digital Preservation
Israeli library shows ancient Afghan manuscripts documenting 1,000-year-old Jewish community
10 Pivotal Moments for Digital Art in 2012
The Challenge to Future Historians
Internet Archive Raises $1 Million in 2012
Digital audio files converted into 3D-printable records
Top Rated Genealogy Software for 2012 model going global
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