Thursday 3 January 2013

Vol. 6, no. 18

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner - Pledge to Protect Your Online Privacy in 2013: Five New Year’s Resolutions

De la communauté / From the community
Born Digital: Guidance for Donors, Dealers, and Archival Repositories

Contribution de l'Association des archivistes français à la Consultation pour une éducation artistique et culturelle pour tous
JHOVE Tips for Developers (Draft for Proofreaders)

Centre for Law and Democracy - Making the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Effective: Guidelines for Assessing OGP Action Plans

Article - How Much of the Web Is Archived?

Metropolitan Archivist, vol. 19, no. 2 (Winter 2013)

Open access book - Debates in the Digital Humanities

Book - Secrets & Treasures: Our Stories Told Through the Objects at Archives New Zealand

Book - On the Map: A Mind-Expanding Exploration of the Way the World Looks

Book - Archives for the Lay Person: A Guide to Managing Cultural Collections

Book - Social Media Mining and Social Network Analysis: Emerging Research

Livre - Du Tag au Like: la pratique des folksonomies pour améliorer ses méthodes d’organisation de l’information

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Free Webinar - Caring for Digital Materials: Preventing a Digital Dark Age
April 2013

Webinar - The Sedona Conference Commentary on Proportionality in Electronic Discovery
January 9, 2013

Webinar - Translating the Library Catalog from MARC into Linked Data: An Update on the Bibliographic Framework Initiative
January 23, 2013

International Conference in Information Science and Social Media 
September 11-13, 2013, Borås, Sweden

Sur le web / On the web
App - L’Âge d’or des cartes marines par la Bibliothèque nationale de France
UK National Archives podcast - New files released from 1982

Video - The Role of Taxonomies and Content Strategy 

New Search Engine from The Israel Genealogy Research Association

A Timeline of Information History

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

When Canada turns 150: Time to get the British North America Act into Canadian hands, former archivist says

Archives Association of Ontario - Archeion in 2012

Medecine Hat - Archives, accountability and human rights

Canadian war graves at St Margaret's Church, Bodelwyddan given QR code

Deseronto (Ont.) Archives - Archives statistics for 2012

Samuel Champlain Rochelais ? Un généalogiste déniche l'acte de baptême du découvreur de Québec: polémique

Afrique / Africa
Mali - The secret race to save Timbuktu’s manuscripts

Algérie - Conservation et exploitation des archives judiciaires: création de cinq centres régionaux

South Africa - Uncontained: Opening the Community Arts Project Archive
Amériques / Americas

Why Congress's Digital Archive For Text Messages Is Such A Bad Idea

FBI removes many redactions in Marilyn Monroe file


Harvard’s Alternative to Google Books: Universities launch a digital public library

As Trash Goes, Authors' Clutter in the Right Hands Is Very Bankable: Ken Lopez Gets Top Dollar From Libraries; Uncashed Checks, Salt Shakers

Princeton Library Acquires an 18th Century George Frideric Handel Score

George Eastman House takes steps to preserve daguerreotypes
Recreating 19th-century face jugs with 3D scanning and printing technology

Coke Calls a Doc to Put Fizz in Sales, but Is He the Real Thing?


Australia - Archives reveal Canberra concerns

Military archives show New Zealand and US conducted secret tsunami bomb tests

Archives International Auctions To Offer Rare Chinese And Asian Banknotes In Hong Kong

Europe / Europa
Elderly Auschwitz guard could face charges in thousands of Nazi-era murders as fresh documents cast doubt on past

Philharmonic archives and the Austrian art of remembering

$2 million Tarkovsky archive to return to Russia

France - L'Institut national de l'audiovisuel baisse le prix des archives

France - La numérisation des archives de Jean-Toussaint Desanti

France - Sélestat-Strasbourg « Bataille » pour la plus ancienne archive écrite évoquant le sapin de Noël

France - Les manuscrits du Mont Saint-Michel, une histoire mouvementée

Plan to brain wash IRA hunger strikers revealed in archive papers

Ireland - Troubles Archive Hearing Causing Political Stirrings

UK National Archives - 20-year rule comes into force
British Library - The Conservation of Codex Alexandrinus

UK Web Archive - Slavery and Abolition in the Caribbean: a new special collection

A database has been launched containing the details of 20,000 railway workers who died in World War I

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Israel - Students' online and offline social networks can predict course grades -- Ben-Gurion U. researchers

The National Library of Israel Selects Ex Libris Rosetta for Digital Preservation

Israeli library shows ancient Afghan manuscripts documenting 1,000-year-old Jewish community


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