Thursday, 21 March 2013

Vol. 6, no. 29

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology - Intellectual Property Regime in Canada

Library of Congress - Perspectives on Personal Digital Archiving

Suisse - eCH-0165: Spécification de format SIARD (version 1.0)

De la communauté / From the community
Archives & Records Association UK and Ireland - Irish Guidelines for Indexing Archives

Iron Mountain - Federal Records Management: Navigating the Storm Report (U.S.)

2012 Results: Social Media Use in Archives and Special Collections

Archival Science, vol. 13, no. 1 (March 2013) 

D-Lib Magazine, vol. 19, no. 3-4 (March-April 2013)

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, vol. 52, no. 1 (February 2013)

In Situ: revue des patrimoines, no 20, 2013 (Numéro spécial : Les patrimoines de la traite négrière et l'esclavage)

La Gazette du Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement Supérieur (numéro spécial sur l'Archivage numérique pérenne)

Library of Congress Magazine, vol. 2, no. 2 (March-Avril 2013)

Book - Records and Information Management for the 21st Century 

Book - Performing Memory in Art and Popular Culture

Book - Commemorative Events: Memory, Identities, Conflict

Book - Understanding and Conducting Information Systems Auditing

Livre - Actes, contrats et dispenses de mariage: comment retrouver ces documents essentiels ?

Book - Implementing Virtual Reference Services: A Library and Information Technology Association Guide

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
81e congrès de l'ACFAS
9-10 mai 2013, Québec
Colloque 314: Archives et intermédialités
Colloque 331: L'exploitation et la mise en valeur des archives à l'ère numérique
10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects
2-5 September, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal

Screening the Future 2013: crossing boundaries for AV preservation
May 7-8 2013, London

Cultural Heritage Archives: Networks, Innovation & Collaboration
26-27 September, 2013, Washington D.C.

Sur le web / On the web
New blog for the International Council on Archives Section for Literary and Artistic Archives
World-wide Directory of Repositories holding Literary and Artistic Archives

Video - A Digital Shift: Libraries, Ebooks and Beyond
UK National Archives podcast - The policy agenda of the British Government, 1945-2008

L'association des Archivistes du Québec maintenant sur Twitter

Outils / Tools
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

‘Muzzling’ of Canadian government scientists sent before Information Commissioner Suzanne Legault

Searching for a savior: who will serve as steward of Canadian government information?

James Moore talks with librarians on Twitter. Here's what ensued.
Laurie Hawn, MP for Edmonton Centre: No muzzle on librarians

Halifax's case of the missing letters, steam engine and suit of armour

Québec accusé de «désinformation numérique»: le Conseil du trésor manipule des données pour donner un portrait embelli des dépenses publiques

Bruno Lemay nommé à la Direction des centres d'archives de l'est du Québec et des archives gouvernementales de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

La chronique d'Hugo Lavoie sur les cent ans des archives de Montréal

York University - Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections acquires 700 artists’ books

Valuable donations added to Bowen Island (B.C.) Museum and Archives’ collection

Afrique / Africa

Manuscrits maliens : Arkhênum et l’INSA de Lyon prêts à reprendreleur travail de numérisation

Sierra Leone - National Public Archives Act is obsolete: Minister of Information and Communication, Alhaji Alpha Kanu 

Amériques / Americas
CIA's Gus Hunt On Big Data: We 'Try To Collect Everything And Hang On To It Forever'

United States Copyright Office - Call for Updates to U.S. Copyright Law

Library of Congress to Preserve 1st Message from Space

The Lyndon Johnson tapes: Richard Nixon's 'treason'

The Copyright Rule We Need to Repeal If We Want to Preserve Our Cultural Heritage

Special Library in Focus: The National Archives at New York City

South Carolina archivist: Legislative ‘sunshine’ could cost $1 million

Smithsonian begins creating US agriculture archive

Europe / Europa
Ambitious Luxembourg electronic archiving reform now on track

Radio Netherlands Worldwide archives in danger
Interviews with German First World War soldiers who fought at Verdun unearthed

Photographer To The Tsar: The Russian Empire In Color

France - Le don d’archives féministes : premiers résultats

France - "Le Monde" détruit 50 000 clichés d'archives d'un photographe argentin

Ireland - Trove of Irish Historical Artifacts in County Mayo

Unique images of German prisoners of war in England revealed

Herefordshire man discovers WWI documents Government wanted destroyed

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Turkey - TRT’s historical Turkish music archive goes digital

Turkey's musical archive preserved due to Armenian musician Hambardzum Limonchyan

The Importance of Archiving in TV and Film

Snow Byte and the Seven Formats: A Digital Preservation Fairy Tale

How digitised ‘special’ collections are boosting experiences of teaching and learning

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