Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics - Privacy And Social Media In The Age Of Big Data
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner - Australian Privacy Principles and National Privacy Principles: Comparison Guide
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Guide pratique du catalogueur: citation des archives de l’Internet
De la communauté / From the community
International Council on Archives - Position Statements: Planning Freeze on the new Cologne City Archive Building
New York Art Resources Consortium - Reframing Collections for a Digital Age: A Preparatory Study for Collecting and Preserving Web-based Art Research Materials
Role of PDF and Open Data
Pew Internet - Civic Engagement in the Digital Age
Article - Carbon Dating The Web: Estimating the Age of Web Resources
Code4lib Journal, no. 20 (2013)
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, vol. 6, no. 1 (2013)
Ngā Tapuwae: the Newsletter of Archives New Zealand (April 2013)
Book - Information Security Policy Development for Compliance
Book - Dear Sir, I Intend to Burn Your Book: An Anatomy of a Book Burning
Book - Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity: The Voyage of the SS Walnut, 1948
Report - Institutional Digital Repository Benchmarks, 2013 Edition
Livre - Le droit après la dématérialisation de l'oeuvre d’art
Book - Memory and History: Understanding Memory as Source and Subject
Book - Tracing Your Irish History on the Internet
Book - Going Beyond Google Again: Strategies for Using and Teaching the Invisible Web
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
i-Society 2013: International Conference on Information Society
June 24-26, 2013, Toronto
Exhibit - The Practice of Everyday Freedom: Richard Hudler and Rupert Raj (Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives)
3 May - 5 June, 2013, Toronto
Jewish Montreal Heritage Week
5-12 May, 2013, Montreal
10th Conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship
20-22 November 2013, Paris
How to fit in? Integrating a web archiving program in your organization (report available)
26-30 November, 2012, Paris
Sur le web / On the web
British Library Labs Launch Event Report
Slidecast - Everyone's A Mechanic: Building Simple E-Records Workflow
DPLA and Europeana: a single search box for USA's & Europe's libraries, museums, archives
Video - Library of Congress: Digital Preservation at the Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation
Simple Data Format (version 1.0 beta)
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Canada Privacy Breaches: More Than A Million Canadians May Have Had Data Compromised
Canadian Association of Law Libraries: Could Federal Budget Affect Access to Legislative Information?
Comparing Science Communication in Canada and the USA
Library and Archives Canada vs. Librarians and Archivists in Canada
By-Request Microfilm Digitization at LAC
Ottawa tourism - Getting lost in the national archives
Nunavut information and privacy czar to get more powers
Ontario embraces world-classstandard of privacy protection
Constitution: Trois demandes d’accès à l’information seront déposées auprès du gouvernement fédéral par le gouvernement du Québec
Online Toronto maps project puts the history of familiar streets a click away
Whitby Archives (Ont.) receives $127,000 donation
B.C. filmmaker seeks Liberia's lost photos
À la recherche des manuscrits oubliés (de musique religieuse au Québec)
Afrique / Africa
South Africa - Changes to info bill, but debate continues
South Africa - Archives and Human Rights: The Case of Slavery in the Cape
Algérie - La bibliothèque personnelle de Frantz Fanon dédiée au Centre national de recherches préhistoriques, anthropologiques et historiques
Tunisie - Lotfi Ben Jeddou : L’ouverture des archives politique plongera le pays dans le chaos
Maroc: Analyse du projet de loi sur le droit d'accès à l'information
Amériques / Americas
U.S. House of Rep. Judiciary Committee Announces Comprehensive Review of Copyright Law
Intelligence Satellite Imagery Declassified for Release
Bush library, museum handed to National Archives
Maryland - Audit dings State Archives for poor record-keeping, outdated software
Irish groups vow to fight Boston College IRA interviews fight to stop Northern Ireland police access
Transcript : CBC Radio’s As It Happens interview with Ed Moloney (journalist and former director of the Belfast Project)
Every Genocide Leaves a Legacy: Rwandan Tutsi Genocide Testimonies Integrated Into USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive
Alexander Graham Bell’s voice identified in 130-year-old wax audio recording at Smithsonian
Florida - British raids destroyed historic Jewish archives
Official, Authenticated, Preserved, and Accessible: The Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act
Google Execs Say 'The Power Of Information Is Underrated'
Born Digital Archival Materials at New York Public Library: An Interview with Donald Mennerich
Yahoo to feature 38-year 'Saturday Night Live' archive
Tulsa Is New Home for Woody Guthrie Archives
A Peek Into the Jetsons Archive at Warner Brothers Animation
9 Letters from Young J.D. Salinger Unearthed
West Australia's modern history records 'at risk'
South Australia Library to preserve war material
Australia - The good, the bad and the mouldy: a look inside a city (Victoria)
New Zealand - Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte III's letters unearthed in Napier
Indian startup looks to archive memories
India - Andhra Pradesh: Historic, rare records go digital
Europe / Europa
Intelligence archives need to be given to secret files commission without delay: Bulgarian President
Czech totalitarianism office director fires security archive head
National History Museum of Belarus presents treasures of gentry’s archives
Poland - Historic files handed over by Foreign Ministry to state archives
Forged Hitler Diaries Now Part of Germany’s Archives
One year later: Linked Open Data in the German National Library
Photos show the incredible history of the Soviet space program
New evidences of the Armenian Genocide from Ottoman archives
Spain Admits New Copyright Law Is Designed To Keep It Off US's 'Naughty' List
Pontiff to open archives and settle 'Hitler's Pope' debate
France - Ces photos centenaires sauvées de la poubelle
Precious archive sheds light on life in Hitler's Germany after being found by Lincoln auctioneers
Files that may shed light on colonial crimes still kept secret by UK
UK National Archives - 20,000 County Durham Home Guard records available online
Rare Poem by Amy Levy For Sale at Bonhams
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Iran - National Library and Archives to safeguard historical Persian carpet patterns
Dubai - Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid praises Safa Park’s Archive Library
Turkey - Ancient epic tales to go on display in Istanbul
Metadata orchestration might be next generation of web solutions
Digital curation cost models for everybody’ by Sabine Schrimpf
Why All Librarians Should Take an Introduction to Archives Class
Twitter hires first data editor to find stories in tweets
The Rise of Big Data: How It's Changing the Way We Think About the World
Archivage : Aperçu du paysage normatif
Why Modern Musicians Should Care About Metadata
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