Thursday, 9 May 2013

Vol. 6, no. 36

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada - Privacy Emergency Kit

Strategy for Archiving Digital Records at the Danish National Archives

National Library of Luxembourg - Libraries and Publications of the Future: a Guide to Understand Current Challenges, Opportunities and Requirements

British Library - Digital Preservation Strategy 2013-2106

De la communauté / From the community
Dene Cultural Institute (Northwest Territories) - 2012-2013 Annual Report

State of the Art Report on Damage Prevention and Repair of Digital AV Media

PDF/A in a Nutshell 2.0

Australian National Data Service - Research Data Management in Practice

Linking Things on the Web: A Pragmatic Examination of Linked Data for Libraries, Museums and Archives

Supporting research at The UK National Archives Newsletter (Spring 2013)

Tennessee Archivists, vol. 36, no. 2 (Spring 2013)

First Monday, vol. 18, no. 5 (May 2013)

Book - Copyright in the Digital Era: Building Evidence for Policy

Book - Recommender Systems and the Social Web

Book - Guide to the De-Identification of Personal Health Information

Book - The Development of the Babi/Baha'i Communities: Exploring Baron Rosen's Archives

Book - Handbook of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies

Livre - Archives et musées: le théâtre du patrimoine (France-Canada) 

Book - Information Retrieval Methods for Multidisciplinary Applications

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: The Changing Reality of Catholic Archives
23-26 September, 2013, St. Albert (Alberta)

2nd Annual Conference of the International Council on Archives: Archives & Cultural Industries
11-15 October, 2014, Girona (Spain)

Webinar - Connecting the Dots between Records Management and eDiscovery
29 May, 2013
eCourse - Social Media Basics: Engaging Your Library Users
July 2013

Visual Culture and Archives (video available)
4-5 April, 2013, Ann Harbor (Michagan)

Sur le web / On the web
Nova Scotia Archives and Nova Scotia Museum - Harry Piers: Museum Maker Virtual Exhibit

Video - Guatemala civil war archives help find missing

Vidéo : Découvrez les archives du ministère de la Défense à Vincennes (France)

Video - Boston Archivist Describes Salvaging of Memorial Items

International Committee of the Red Cross - Henrify yourself on Facebook

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Library and Archives Canada Acquisition Update

Photo preview of LAC’s newest facility for storing its collections

Library and Archives Canada - Release of an updated version of the Census of Canada, 1871 database

The Library and Archives’ beginnings

More to LAC story

B.C. Aboriginal Audio Digitization and Preservation: Call for Applications

A treasure trove of Montreal medical history: Archivist’s Montreal General Hospital collection will go to new McGill University Health Center superhospital
Jewish Montreal Heritage Week targets young

Québec pourrait conserver ses artefacts archéologiques

81e congrès de l'ACFAS - Faire une place au passé dans le culte de l’instant présent

Alberta - Mystery boy who wrote letter to Santa was beloved Victorian

Book archives Sudbury’s Finnish business community

The Internet dilemma: Do people have a right to be forgotten?

Afrique / Africa
Liberia: Freedom Of Information Faces First Legal Test

Algérie - Des documents et des pièces de grande valeur seront récupérés des pays de l’Europe de l’Est

Sénégal - Incendie au ministère de la Justice : la salle des archives consumée par les flammes

Amériques / Americas
Cayman Islands - Information commissioner 'unable' to carry out investigations

As Works Flood In, Nation’s Library of Congress Treads Water

Are digitization and budget cuts compromising history?

Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government?

Copyright owners to help set meaning of 'diligent search' in orphan works reforms, says Intellectual Property Office

«Le public doit avoir accès à toute la littérature du XXe siècle»: entrevue avec Robert Darnton

Five years later, Iowa still in need of state archivist

Deal OKs Georgia Archives move

How the Washington state archives collects, preserves and provides access to records
Agreement with Cuba brings 2,000 more digital copies of Hemingway's letters to JFK Library

Ohio State’s recorders sued over “racist” deeds

Inside the Internet Archive

Muhammad Ali Center will soon open long-planned library and archives 

Staples wants to sell you your first 3D printer

Curating an American icon: Speaking to Levi’s archivist Lynn Downey

Q+A: Daniel Hartwig, Stanford University archivist

Sunday Profile: Preserving, sharing history thrills University of Nevada at Reno archivist Sundstrand

Interview with Emily Drabinski, editor of the Litwin Books Series on Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies

Historicizing the Digital for Digital Preservation Education: An Interview with Alison Langmead and Brian Beaton

Artists revisit the marvels of GeoCities' amateur web culture

New Zealand - Local history shipped out: Fairfax Media's decision to sell its photo archive to a US company stuns veteran sports snapper

100 years of Indian cinema: The world of dreams is archived here

Europe / Europa
Anne Frank institutions in Netherlands, Switzerland at odds over family archive

Vatican Uncovers First Known European Depiction Of Native Americans

German Holocaust archive reaches out

A Hidden Medieval Archive Surfaces

Hungarian government closing down freedom of information

France - « Copyfraud » : le ministère de la Culture privatise le domaine public

France  - Call for sponsorship to buy Michel Foucault’s archives

France - La mémoire ultramarine bientôt sauvegardée
BBC's troubled £133m digital video archive delays 'tapeless' future

Memento in the UK Government Web Archive

UK National Archives - 19th century immigrants' records released online

UK's Ordnance Survey goes Linked-Data

Digital archives: making museum collections available to everyone
Prisoner of war's coded messages hidden in letters home are finally cracked after 70 years

Archive on nuclear whistle-blower at University of Bradford

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
United Arab Emirates National Film Library and Archive opened

Librarians, Archivists, the Transformation of Information and Palestine: A Call

Libya archive reveals pictorial history of Gaddafi's brutal reign

Faire de l’archiviste le maillon fort de l’open data

Off with their Heads?: Matchbooks in Archives

International Standard Project for E-Discovery Approved

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