Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
UK National Archives - Open Government Licence v2.0
NARA - Guidance on Managing Social Media Records (Draft for Comments)
State Records Office of Western Australia - General Disposal Authority for Government Records (Exposure Draft)
De la communauté / From the community
Preserving Interactives: Preserving Audio-Visual Materials in a Post-Broadcasting Paradigm
Young Researchers in Digital Humanities: A Manifesto
OASIS - Content Management Interoperability Services (Version 1.1)
Archives and Records: the Journal of the Archives and Records Association, vol. 34, no. 1, 2013 (formerly known as the Journal of the Society of Archivists)
First Monday, vol. 18, no. 7 (July 2013)
Canadian Library Association - The National Voice Advocacy Newsletter, vol. 1 (June 2013)
Nga Tapuwae: the Newsletter of Archives New Zealand (July 2013)
Chroniques de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, no 67 (Juillet-Septembre 2013)
Book - Archival Turn in Feminism: Outrage in Order
Book - The Metadata Manual: A Practical Workbook
Book - The Accidental Law Librarian
Book - The Struggle for Canadian Copyright: Imperialism to Internationalism, 1842-1971
Book - Big Data
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Reconnect Big Data 2013: the Advance of Data Drive Discovery
October 16-18, 2013, Ottawa
Free e-course - New Librarianship Master Class
July 8 - August 4, 2013
The Reel Thing
August 21–23, 2013, Los Angeles
COmmunicating COmplexity: International Conference Aimed at Exploring Responses to the Emerging Need for Making Complex Information Accessible Through Design
25-26 October 2013, Alghero (Italy)
9th International Digital Curation Conference
24 - 27 February, 2014, San Francisco
Sur le web / On the web
Slidecast - Big Data and the Quantified Society
Web Archiving Bibliography 2013
Video - YouTube Copyright Basics
Video - The U.S. National Archivist on Founders and Flying Saucers
Research Project - Phototrails: Vizualizing Millions of Photos to Find Cultural Patterns Around the World
Video - Duke University: Digitize This Book Service Presentation
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Canada’s access to information law is still full of holes after 30 years
Aboriginal Affairs impeding residential school suit, says NDP
National Repository of Criminal Records database is exceeding its reach
Minister Aglukkaq Announces Support for Preservation of Canada’s Heritage (Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation and Tlicho people)
Library and Archives Canada - Release of a new version of the Federal Census of 1871 (Ontario Index) database
Experts want next LAC boss to have archive experience, headed in "disastrous direction" in last four years
Québec - Révision de la Loi sur les archives et de ses documents afférents
Manitoba - Our archival yearbooks should stay in our province
Newfoundland & Labrador - Red bay (now on UNESCO heritage list): it started as a love story
Life on the Grid showcases Toronto’s photo archives
University of Toronto - New acquisition: 1867 Royal Proclamation broadside
Ryerson University Library & Archives - Mystery Images Found Around the Library
The Windsor Community Archives: A Gateway To Our Collective Memory
Welcome to the Maclean’s archives: 108 years of the magazine will soon be digitized
‘Lost Ottawa’ Facebook page a labour of love for history buff
Appel à tous : recherche d’archives en lien avec la basse-ville de Québec
Saskatchewan - Humboldt and District Museum and Gallery on the hunt for historic photos
Canada Through a Lens: the British Library Colonial Copyright Collection
British Library - Happy Canada Day
Afrique / Africa
The 100th Anniversary of the Archives of Senegal
Promesse au sénégalais: François Hollande fait volte-face sur les archives des massacres de Thiaroye 44
Four communities in Uganda commence inventory making of their intangible cultural heritage
Préserver les archives de la Télévision Publique d'Angola, c'est garder l'histoire de l'Angola
Algérie - Convention entre le MPTIC et les Archives nationales sur la promotion du contenu numérique relatif à la mémoire nationale
Algérie - Archives : "Il existe des perspectives de coopération fructueuses avec la France"
Amériques / Americas
Guyana - National Archives digitisation project launched 2013/news/stories/06/28/ national-archives- digitisation-project-launched/
Jamaica - UNESCO Commits $36 Million to Archives and Records Department
U.S. Postal Service Logging All Mail for Law Enforcement
Hawaii Passes Open Data Legislation
Georgia - New Era For The State Archives
Maine - Architecture of early Acadian houses on display at Acadian Archives
Patent filed for self-destructing email
Florida Atlantic University restoring children's records damaged by Superstorm Sandy
University of Alabama - Archivists Race Technology to Save Past Research, Records
Archival Revival: Efforts to salvage the Baltimore City Archives get a boost
New map may explain General Lee's decisions at Gettysburg
http://www.santacruzsentinel. com/usnews/ci_23560917/new- map-may-explain-lees- decisions-at-gettysburg
Rare letters from father of US Navy surface in South Carolina
An MIT Project That Lets You Spy On Yourself
Cool Job Alert! I Was A Lingerie Archivist
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - National Archives transfers coat of arms
National Library of New Zealand - Drawing New Zealand Life (about the Cartoon Archive)
Kashmir - Digitization of J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages' cultural wealth on, 1.25 lakh folios done
Europe / Europa
Cyber-savvy Estonia urges EU to rely less on US 'clouds'
Russia's oldest record label goes digital
Digitizing the GDR: East German Papers Offer Glimpse of History
Archivist traces manuscript waste in a set of volumes back to a dark origin in Frankfurt
'French PRISM' revealed: All communications tracked, metadata collected
What Is Happening to France's Military Archives?
Association des archivistes français: La parole aux conservateurs du Service historique de la Défense
France - Des livres anciens (de la Bibliothèque nationale de France) retournent en librairie
France - Trouvé dans une poubelle, un chartrier de 1388 remis aux archives du Morbihan
France - Sounds archives travel with a boat
Ireland - University of Ulster is to establish a £1.2 million digital archive focusing on the ‘Troubles’
Ireland - Derry citizens collaborate to create massive historical photo archive
Scotland - Records donated to Archive Centre in Inverness shed light on ex-pats in Africa
Every British Website Is Going into the British Library: A Q&A on How & Why
Far-right archive opened at University of Northampton
Rescued, Hitchcock's Silent Films Flicker Anew
Authorities 'use analytics tool that recognises sarcasm'
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Ottoman manuscripts come to the digital environment
Technical knowledge necessary for archival jobs
The “What” of Email Archiving
What People Are Asking About Personal Digital Archiving: Part 2
Conseils pour bien choisir son outil de numérisation
Citizen cartographers fill the gaps in maps
Cloud storage: Hype or Happening?
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