Thursday 12 June 2014

Vol. 7, no. 41

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Annual Report to the Conference of Directors of National Libraries - Library and Archives Canada, 2013-2014 

Newspapers Canada - 2013-2014 Freedom of Information Audit

De la communauté / From the community
McNulty Consulting - Digital Memory Toolkit

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - Data on the Web Best Practices Use Cases & Requirements

Digital Repository of Ireland - Fact Sheets

Institut national de l'audiovisuel - E-Dossier: l’extension des usages de l’archive audiovisuelle

OCLC - The Evolving Scholarly Record

Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems,  vol. 48, no. 3 (2014)

Historic Libraries Forum Newsletter, no. 28 (June 2014)

Library of Congres Digital Preservation Newsletter (June 2014)

Canadiana Bulletin, vol. 12, no. 2 (June 2014)

Surrey's (B.C.) Stories Newsletter (Summer/Fall 2014)

Book - Cinephemera: Archives, Ephemeral Cinema, and New Screen Histories in Canada

Book - World War I Unclassified

Book - The Law and Politics of Memory Concerning Past Injustices

Book - Society and the Internet: how Networks of Information and Communication are Changing our Lives

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exhibition of Archived Photos of Canadian soldiers in Action during the Normandy Landings
Until June 30, 2014, Ottawa

Pontiac Archives (QC) Open House
July 8-10, 2014, Shawville

Fifth One World, One Family: Discover your Family Roots Conference
August 23, 2014, Brampton (Ont.)

Webinar - Interoperability of Persistent Identifiers
June 25, 2014

International Archival Conference - WWI : Reflections from Behind the Frontlines
June 26-29, 2014, Sarejevo

Webinar - Developing a Coherent Approach to Managing Large Hybrid Archives
July 3, 2014

National Archives of Australia - Information: the Currency of the Digital Economy Conference (Recordings and Presentations Available)
May 29, 2014, Canberra

Webinar - ORCID and DataCite Interoperability Network (ODIN): Building Basic Tools for Interoperability (Recordings Available)
June 3, 2014

Sur le web / On the web
Slidecast - Council of Archives New Brunswick: AtoM Training Workshop Presentation 

Slidecast - Europeana Strategic Plan 2015-2020

Slidecast - Facebook, un incontournable pour la diffusion

Podcast  -  Archival Manoeuvres: Managing Digitization Projects

Video - Coalition of Networked Information: Local Participation in the Digital Public Library of America

UK National Archives Podcast - Big Idea: a Competition to Encourage Videogame Design Students to go Off the Map 

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Indian residential school claimants stalled by document search

Access-to-information complaints spiked 30 per cent

Héritage preserves J.S. Woodsworth fonds

Saskatchewan - Province spent $500 million on incomplete electronic health record: auditor

BAnQ et l'École nationale de l'humour signent une entente de partenariat: pour la pérennité de l'héritage des artistes et des artisans du rire

Centre de conservation du Québec : 35 ans à arrêter les signes du temps

A drink with BlogTO editor Derek Flack: Discussing Toronto’s visual history

Associate University of Toronto Archivist wins Independent Publisher Book Award 

D-Day: Secret 'Mulberry Harbours' project revealed in McMaster archives 

McGill School of Information Studies Master's student Rebecca Nieto, who specializes in Archival Studies, receives international award

Saanich (B.C.) group archives decades-old school photos

Staff Profile: The Museum Héritage Museum (St. Albert, Alb.) Archivist

Afrique / Africa
South Africa government could be tracking cellphone data

Maroc - Comment des hauts responsables empruntaient des manuscrits précieux sans jamais les rendre

Quel est votre avis sur le système d’archivage des documents d’intérêt public en République Démocratique du Congo ?

Cameroun - Les Archives nationales en quête de la performance administrative

Mali - Journée internationale des archives : l'évaluation des stratégies de préservation dans les zones en situation de conflit au centre des débats 

Amériques / Americas
Veterans still battling 1973 fire that wiped out millions of service records

National Archives Museum Presents Original G.I. Bill of Rights

Clinton Papers: Concerns over Commerce, Rwanda

Navy veteran accused of stealing from files of famed historian grandfather

Hathitrust Library's Fair-use Win Survives Appeal

Belfast Project: Report on the Hearing on NBC’s Request to Unseal Documents

Harvard Library to Help Preserve Tibetan Literary Heritage

The Science of Anthropodermic Binding: Harvard Library Confirms Book is Bound with Human Skin

Indiana University - World War II films added to digital archive online

University of Maryland archive specializes in collecting material from history of radio, TV

Southwest Arkansas Regional Archives - Rooted in railroad history

Preservation Aesthetics: an interview with Shannon Mattern

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - National Archives reports 95% digital by 2015

Australia - Stunning secret albums of 1890s New South Wales governor Lord Carrington to go on display

Vietnam - Intangible value of the Imperial Archives of the Nguyen Dynasty

Archives sur Hoàng Sa et Truong Sa, preuve de la souveraineté du Vietnam

Mongolia - Unprotected arts and heritage

China seeks UNESCO listing for Nanking Massacre, sex slave archives; Japan protests

A Visit to the National Library of Uzbekistan

India - Ancient Palm Leaf Jain Texts to be Digitised for Posterity

Pakistan - Deal signed to preserve rare, old documents

Europe / Europa
New rules on Slovenian Communist-era archive survive referendum

Russia sentences secret agents over theft of Gutenberg Bible

Croatian State Archive marking International Archives Day

Austria - Photography Series Archives Famous Film Reels, Reveals A Different Image Of The Cinematic Experience

France - Un projet de loi sur leurs oeuvres orphelines

The origins of the Audiovisual Department at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ferdinand Brunot and the Archives de la Parole

France - Le métier de chargé d’études documentaires aux Archives de Paris

France - Paul Fromonteil (secrétaire particulier de Georges Marchais) livre ses archives à l'histoire

Ireland - State files removed from National Archive following mother and baby home revelations

UK National Archives - Household Cavalry servicemen records available online

The British Library Big Data Experiment

Revealed: war diary meant to stay secret

John Lennon treasure trove smashes auction estimates

Letters and Manuscripts of a Great English Eccentric to be Sold at Bonhams

Photographic archive is essential to giving the people of the West Midlands a voice

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
United Arab Emirates - The man with all our memories (Dr Abdulla El Reyes, director general of the National Archives)

Egyptian National Archive requests 2014 election documents

Digitizing Negatives with Digital Cameras

Digital shoebox of memories helps dementia sufferers remember

Confidential info threatened, but technology can help

What Causes the Smell of New & Old Books?

Avant/après: ces montages photos historiques nous passionnent, mais nous parlent plus de nous que de l'Histoire

Cloud-based records management takes off

In a Single Tweet, as Many Pieces of Metadata as There Are Characters

Dix choses que vous devriez savoir sur l’archivage de la recherche

What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades 

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