Thursday 18 September 2014

Vol. 8, no. 3

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Whitehouse - Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies and Independent Agencies: Guidance on Managing Email

Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation - Challenges and Opportunities for Australia’s Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums

Archives de France - Cadre méthodologique pour l'évaluation, la sélection et l'échantillonnage des archives publiques

UK National Archives - A Review of Good Practice from the Information Management Assessment Programme, 2008-2014

NARA - The General Records Schedules Transmittal 23

2013 Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress

Public Record Office Victoria Annual Report 2013-2014

De la communauté / From the community
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers - Archive Exchange Format (AXF) Standard

Historic Libraries Forum - Loaning material for exhibition

International Image Interoperability Framework Image and Presentation API Version 2.0

Fédération des Associations de Musiques et Danses Traditionnelles - Traitement documentaire des archives sonores inédites: guide des bonnes pratiques

Numériser en bibliothèque: fiches pratiques

Archival Science, vol. 14, no. 3-4, October 2014 (Special Double Issue on Archives and Human Rights)

D-Lib Magazine, vol. 20, no. 9-10 (September/October 2014)

Information Management, vol. 48, no. 5 (September-October 2014)

Archival Practice, vol. 1, no. 2 (2014)

Journal of Archival Organization, vol. 11, no. 3-4 (2013)

Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, vol. 26, no. 3 (2014)

Information Standards Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 2, Summer 2014 (Topic: Open Access Infrastructure)

Library and Archives Canada - Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 12 (September 2014)

Silhouettes: the Associations of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick Newsletter, no. 38 (Spring 2014)

NARA App and eBook - Congress Creates the Bill of Rights

ISO/TR 18160:2014 - Document Management: Digital Preservation: Analog Recording to Silver-Gelatin Microform

Association of Research Libraries - SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces

Conference Proceedings - Archives*Records: Ensuring Access

Book - Ubuntu: Curating the Archive

Book - Cyber Security Management: a Governance, Risk and Compliance Framework

Book - Library Analytics and Metrics: Using Data to Drive Decisions and Services

Book - After the Book: Information Services for the 21st Century

Book - Big Data: a Business and Legal Guide

Livre - Les écrits s'envolent: la problématique de la conservation des archives papiers et numériques

Agenda historique 2015 - 50e anniversaire de Laval 

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
We Are Continually Exposed to the Flashbulb of Death: an Exhibition of Allen Ginsberg Photographs
Until December 6, 2014, University of Toronto

Ottawa Code4Lib Meeting
October 7, 2014, Ottawa

Club des cartophiles québécois
18 octobre 2014, Victoriaville

ACA@UBC Professional Education and Archives
February 11-13, 2015, Vancouver

Webinar - Addressing the Whole Content Lifecycle: Aligning Records Management and Digital Preservation 
October 2, 2014
La collecte des archives
3 octobre 2014, Paris

Feminist Archives Between Memory, Activism and Research
November 6, 2014, Amsterdam

10th quadriennal conference of Caribbean Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives
December 2-6, 2014, Fort-de-France (Martinique)

Civil Society Archives and Heritage: Unearthing the Memory of Collective Action in Portugal 
January 16-17, 2015, Lisbon (Portugal)

14th International Symposium of Information Science
May 19-21, 2015, Zadar (Croatia)

23rd General Conference of Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives
8-12 June 2015, Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Réflexions autour des portails d’archives en ligne: trois exemples d’utilisation par des institutions suisses (présentations disponibles)
15 septembre 2014, Genève (Suisse)

Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada Podcast - Sign Me Up: Canadian Expeditionary Force Files, 1914-1918

Council of Nova Scotia Archives - MemoryNS

IFLA Standards Website Now Online
New Website - Digital State Archives

Videos - Caring for Digital Materials
Overview of Digital Preservation:
Convert it to Preserve it: Digitization and File Conversion:
Backups, Copies, and what Can go Wrong:
Digital Preservation Networks and Collaboration:

Collections Trust - Choose a Collection Management System 2014-2015
Slidecast - Towards an Open, Participatory Cultural Heritage

Slidecast - Implementing Digital Preservation Strategy: Collection Profiling at the British Library

David Fricker (President of the International Council on Archives) now on Twitter

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Tories seek Canadian Museum for Human Rights content: want list of all exhibits that refer to federal government

Historians close to pinpointing Sir John A. Macdonald's birthplace
Paul Wagner (from Library and Archives Canada) named International Internet Preservation Consortium chair for 2015

Library and Archives Canada - A Sticky Situation: the Perils of Sticky Notes

Taking it All in: The Photographic Panorama and Canadian Cities Exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada

Newly Digitized Microfilms on the Héritage Portal

Five Canadian research libraries collaborate to share cataloguing of large collections

Signature de l’entente officialisant le prêt du Traité de Paris avec le gouvernement du Québec
Traité de Paris : le Musée de la civilisation a dû se faire rassurant auprès de la France

Désolation au Musée de la Civilisation: il faudra au moins cinq mois pour réparer les importants dégâts

Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists Institutional Grants Program: Call for 2015-2016 Applications

Saskatchewan - Filmmakers hope to capture long-lost history on Residential School

Saskatchewan - Church archives invaluable to genealogy

Over the Top: the Archives of Ontario’s WWI Onsite Exhibit

Québec - L’article 24 de la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information ne limite pas le droit d’accès à un document

Halifax businesses regroup after blaze destroys headquarters (Wallace MacAskill photographs are safe)

The University of Toronto is scanning The Varsity newspaper

Minister of Veterans Affairs visits North Vancouver and announces Government of Canada support for First World War Commemorative project

Newfoundland - Conception Bay South company part of Arctic mission that found Franklin expedition wreck
Montreal Jewish Public Library celebrates 100 years

Montréal - L'oeuvre du grand photographe Gaby revit

Chronicles of Wellington (Ont.) oral histories new to archives collection

Cité Historia lance un appel aux témoignages : le projet mémoire vivante pour Sault-au-Récollet

Dématique et système d'archivage électronique : l’écriture des données en Y

Afrique / Africa
Scratched acetate 1943 record sound saved in the South African Broadcasting Corporation Radio Archives

South Africa - Mbeki's presidential library seeks to pin down a new narrative

Kenya - Cabinet approves privacy and data protection policy, access to information policy and law

Amériques / Americas
Uncovering Hidden Text on a 500-Year-Old Map That Guided Columbus

Radical Archival Practices and the Digital Humanities: the Early Caribbean Digital Archive

Classified US Documents Could Set the Record Straight on Chile's Military Coup

ARMA Applauds Passage of Presidential and Federal Records Act

CIA and the National Archives Thwart The JFK Act and Obstruct Democratic Accountability

National Archives will expand by 112,000 square feet at SubTropolis

Finalists named for future Obama presidential library

Library of Congress - Conservation Corner: a Persian Manuscript

Flooding of FBI Archives Destroyed Hundreds of Thousands of Pages of Files Related to Civil Rights Movement History

100,000 Digitized Art History Materials from the Getty Research Institute Now Available in the Digital Public Library of America 

Nearly 60,000 items from the Medical Heritage Library now available in Digital Public Library of America

The Smithsonian Works to Digitize Millions of Documents

15 Rare Images From NASA's First Decades of Space Exploration

Conan Doyle Estate Asks Supreme Court to Put Sherlock Holmes Back Under Copyright

Publishers Gave Away 122,951,031 Books During World War II

Treaty of Canandaigua Arrives at National Museum of the American Indian

Katie Blount to lead Mississippi state archives, history deptartment

Amon Carter Museum of American Art Digitizes More than 35,000 Artworks with Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities
Digital Content and Digital Preservation at The Henry Ford
Forbes Announces Agreement With EBSCO To Digitize All Content From 1917 To 2000

Duke University - Digitally documenting the Women's Liberation Movement
Comparing Photographic Views of the Civil War in Duke University’s Newest Digital Collection

University of Maryland - Rare French pamphlets shed light on Haiti's history
University of Miami - The Haitian Diaspora Oral History Digital Collection

Documenting Ferguson ​free, online archive created by Washington University Libraries

Alain Locke, whose Ashes were Found in University Archives, is Buried

Stanford Media Preservation Lab begins reformatting of Benoit Mandelbrot audiovisual media

Two universities hoping to archive caricaturist Tony Auth papers

Patrick McMullan keeps photo archives in his mouth

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
See the original Suffrage Petition at Archives New Zealand

Australia - Digital cinema will allow visitors to explore museum archives

Fears State Records will be merged with the State Library of South Australia

State Records of South Australia under review

A Trove of Ancient Maps May Prove the Philippines' Territorial Claims Against China

Indonesia - Gadjah Mada University houses 70,000 archives in its collection

India - Call for digital archives of patient records

Europe / Europa
The Historical Archives of the European Union pilots archiving of European Union Institutions websites

Droit au déréférencement : le G29 se dote d'une boîte à outils pour le traitement des plaintes

46 milliards : le coût d'une mauvaise gestion documentaire en Europe

Spain - The open collections of Biblioteca de Catalunya
Czech Republic - Adventurers against their will highlights fate of people displaced during WWII

How Soviet Hipsters Saved Rock 'N' Roll with X-Ray Records

Denmark - The world’s oldest Mozart recording
Europeana - Featured partner: National Library of Austria

Heinrich Himmler: the documentary 'The Decent One' once again brings up for debate the issue of using archival material and the difficulties in perpetuating the memory of the Third Reich and the Holocaust

Luxembourg - Archives nationales: un avenir incertain

Un portail national pour les archives françaises en 2016

France - Création de l’administrateur général des données

Archives de France - Le dossier de carrière : quelles évolutions, quelle sélection ?

France - Après 117 ans, l'École des chartes quitte ses locaux de la Sorbonne

France - Archivage et gestion de documents en ligne: un gain de temps pour les chefs d'entreprise

Ireland’s only archive web portal makes hundreds of unique archival collections freely available online

Ireland - Rare War of Independence recordings to be made public
British Library - Introducing the India Office Medical Archives Project 

British Museum - Museum Virals film project: how do you promote museums to young people?

The rich First World War archive of the Illustrated London News goes online

Files reveal WW2 secret Agent Fifi test for spies

Hidden histories: the first black people photographed in Britain: in pictures

Bodleian Libraries apply space age imaging to conservation research

National recognition for St Ives archive: award for its project collecting the memories of women in industry in the west of the county

Sudbury - Historic records dumped in landfill claim

Victorian borstal brought to life in Dalston poetry archive project

Moyen-Orient / Middle East

Turkey struggles to curb access to Ottoman archives because of the Armenian genocide 

Uncovered: U.K. intel encouraged Arab armies to invade Israel in 1948

As survivors die off, Israeli Holocaust memorial searches for ways to preserve WWII-era items

ISO 16175: The Babel Fish of Records Management

Unhappy Medium: the Challenges with Archiving Digital Video

Archivage électronique à long terme: implémentation d’une application génératrice de SIP dans un système d’information métier
Présentation préliminaire du schéma VITAM conçu pour le versement d’archives

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