Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Directive on Open Government
European Commission - Film Heritage in the European Union: Report on the Implementation of the Recommendation on Film Heritage
NARA - Strategy for Digitizing Archival Materials for Public Access, 2015-2024
Commission d'accès aux documents administratifs (France) - Rapport d’activité 2013
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner - Freedom of Information Guidelines (Updated Version)
De la communauté / From the community
Digital Public Library of America - GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) Hack-in-a-Box: a Short Guide for Helping you Organize a GLAM Hackathon
National Digital Stewardship Alliance - What is Fixity, and when Should I be Checking it?
Association des archivistes français - Archives, histoire, travail de mémoire et politique de la ville : quels modes de coopérations pour quelles politiques publiques?
OCLC - Success Strategies for Electronic Content Discovery and Access
Open Knowledge Foundation - Open Definition 2.0
A Modest Proposal for Improving Access to Archives (and Other Records)
Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture, vol. 43, no. 4 (October 2014)
Journal of the Institute of Conservation, vol. 37, no. 4 (2014)
Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 8, no. 3 (2014)
Journal of Documentation, vol. 70, no. 6 (2014)
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, vol. 38, no. 3 (September 2014)
Scandinavian Library Quaterly, vol. 47, no. 3, 2014 (Special Issue on Metadata)
First Monday, vol. 19, no. 10, October 2014 (Special Issue on Napster, 15 years on: Rethinking Digital Music Distribution)
Association of Research Libraries - SPEC Kit 343: Library Support for Faculty/Researcher Publishing
Book - Staging the Archive: Art and Photography in the Age of New Media
Book - Information Needs Analysis: Principles and Practice in Information Organizations
Book - The Evolution and Equilibrium of Copyright in the Digital Age
Book - Doing Oral History: a Practical Guide (Third Edition)
Book - Performing Information Governance: a Step-by-Step Guide to Making Information Governance Work
Livre - Archives de la Grande Guerre: des sources pour l'histoire
Livre - La Chine, une passion française : archives de la diplomatie française XVIIIe-XXIe siècles
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exhibit - The Thinking Heart: the Literary Archive Of Wilfred Watson
October 16, 2014 to January 30, 2015, Edmonton (University of Alberta)
Open Data, Quality and Visualization with Données Ouvertes Montréal
October 22, 2014, Montreal
Big Data Symposium: Constructing a Data Driven Business
October 29, 2014, Toronto
DNA 101 for Genealogists
October 29, 2014, Arnprior (Ont.)
Oral History Workshop: Engaging with Stories
November 1, 2014, Thunder Bay
Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives - Simple Disaster Plans for Small Institutions
November 20, 2014, St. John's
Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives - Archives and the Arts
November 21, 2014, St. John's
Webinar - Innovative Solutions for Dealing with Born-digital Content in Obsolete Formats
October 20, 2014
Webinar - Government and Legislative Libraries Online Publications Portal into Government Docs and Legislative Libraries
October 22, 2014
Diasporic Literary Archives
October 23-24, 2014, Yale University
DLM Forum: 7th Triennial Conference: Making the Information Governance landscape in Europe
November, 12-14, 2014, Lisbon (Portugal)
Linked Data in Libraries: Let's Make it Happen (Videos and Presentations Available)
August 14, 2014, Paris
Sur le web / On the web
Podcast - Canadian Archives at Risk?
UK National Archives - Free Course: Responsible for Information (for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises)
National Library of Wales App - Gwlad Gwlad
Slidecast - Using Semantic Technologies to Create Virtual Families from Historical Vital Records
Siegfried: a PRONOM-based, File Format Identification Tool
International Encyclopedia of the First World War
Cumulative Bibliography of Library History 2000-2013
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Conservatives to change copyright law, allowing free use of news content in political ads
Federal scientists muzzled by media policies, report suggests
The story behind Canada's most famous photo of the Second World War
US National Archivist Praises Genealogist's Contributions during a conference at LAC
Library and Archives Canada - Discovering the Héritage Collection Through Archives Search
Alberta - Archives get creepy
Québec - Loi sur les archives : les dossiers juridiques sont-ils concernés ?
Centuries-old Halifax city council minutes go digital
A drink with Toronto archivist Sarah Carson
Prince Edward Island - Health files moving out of derelict building
L'honorable Don Boudria fait don de ses archives au Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française
New Brunswick - Saint John Jewish Historical archives transferred to New Brunswick Museum (starting at 26:53)
Candidatures au conseil d’administration du Réseau des archives du Québec
A passion for record-keeping has earned a local Regina business owner startup money
The Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (Ont.) is in Style This Fall
Cambridge (Ont.) - Franklin mission fuelled by crucial local meeting
Afrique / Africa
Badilisha, World's Largest African Poetry Archive, Now Mobile Enabled
Information about national campaign of public administration records appraisal in Mozambique (2013-2014)
Angola: Minister Underlines Importance of Music in Preservation of Angolanity
Sénégal: ARTICLE 19 publie une étude sur l'accès à l'information dans le cadre de la lutte contre la fistule obstétricale
South Africa - 13 Officials Ordered to Destroy Nkandla Records
Amériques / Americas
Argentina - Inside the company that god rid of email
Branzilian Government Develops Toolkit to Guide Institutions in both Planning and Carrying out Open Data Initatives
Declassified Documents Play Important Role in Legal Proceedings Against Baby Doc and Associates
The Library of Congress Wants You (and Your File Format Ideas)
Unlocking the Mysteries of the J. Robert Oppenheimer Transcript
Records awareness, awareness of records
Donations drying up for Lincoln Presidential Library foundation, chairman tells lawmakers
Librarians won’t stay quiet about government surveillance
Peering into the Secret Diaries of American Artists
Interview: Nevada State Library and Archives
Vermont - State archivist honored by peers
Arctic discovery places 118-year-old University of Alaska Fairbank map in mix of current events
Newly Published Titanic Court Documents are Released
Watch rare footage of the Senators beating the Giants in the 1924 World Series
Photographing the African American Baseball Experience
Holocaust Theater Archive Established at University of Miami
Emory University acquires archives of fiction author, short story master Flannery O’Connor
University of Arizona - New Digital Archive Details Challenges for Mexican Journalists, Migrants
Slave photo discovered from Robert E. Lee's home
Digital archive group CyArk captures New Orleans in 3-D using laser beams
History Buffs Discover Their Hidden Past in New York Public Library
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - National Film and Sound Archive turns 30 amidst belt-tightening measures
Australia - War memento returned: it was like him coming home
Tips for Citizens Documenting Hong Kong’s Protests
The story of Cambodia’s stolen children
China launches crackdown on leakage of military information
Kashmir - JK issues guidelines on records damaged by floods
India - Clean India campaign unearths century-old record
Europe / Europa
Europe's cultural treasures online: opportunities ahead
Europeana, the Austrian National Library and Google join forces to make Europe's cultural heritage more open
Friends of the Historical Archives of the European Union association celebrates its first year
Bosnia and Herzegovina burnt state archives restored
Belarus celebrates day of archivist
Vienna Philharmonic Will Digitize Archives Revealing Nazi Past
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research Hopes to Digitize Lithuania Archives, but where is the Cash?
Safe driving, Nazi-style: Archival footage shows German society just a few years before Second World War
Allemagne : un institut de protection de la jeunesse possède des milliers d'archives de films X
Newly found Hollywood Mussolini film screened in Italy
Luxembourg - Réouverture du bâtiment principal des Archives nationales après d’importants travaux de mise en conformité
Help the National Library of France acquire a national treasure
France - Fontainebleau : les Archives nationales cambriolées
France - Théâtres, opéras, musées: l'Institut national de l'audiovisuel veut centraliser les archives vidéo de la culture
France - Les archives françaises du Web s’ouvrent aux bibliothèques de province
France - Ecrits du philosophe sur le net: des archives de Tocqueville à découvrir
France - Désavouée par les employés, la directrice des archives départementales de la Charente s’en va
France - Archives départementales de l'Aisne: l’histoire passée à l’aspirateur
France - Bordeaux : des siècles d’archives en ligne
Ireland - Revolutionary past laid bare as military archives show path to independence
Ireland - Time to let us see the secret Garda historical records
Scotland - Rare images of St Kilda's modern primitives found
UK National Archives - The Hollywood battalion
Eduardo Paolozzi’s huge personal archive donated to Tate gallery
Smartphone snaps of the First World War
Bodleian Library saves priceless photo archive
Extraordinary box of treasures discovered in attic reveals one man’s life during the First World War
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
United Arab Emirates National Archives to Manage Digitisation of Napoleon Museum in Italy
US college archives named after United Arab Emirate’s Khalaf Al Habtoor
Israeli Library's Manuscripts Tell Unique Stories
Antiquities Lost, Casualties of War: in Syria and Iraq, Trying to Protect a Heritage at Risk
What Does it Take to Be a Well-rounded Digital Archivist?
History: the key to decoding big data
What Activists Need to Know About Video Archiving and Preservation
Poor records management causes misleading policies, misplaced funds
How do we keep e-books from being lost in a deepening digital memory hole?
How to read and write old floppy disks
The Future of Saving the Past
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