Thursday 19 February 2015

Vol. 8, no. 25

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Library and Archives Canada - Guidelines on File Formats for Transferring Information Resources of Enduring Value (Available on LAC Website at Last)
Library and Archives Canada - Louis Riel, the Red River Rebellion and the North West Campaign Thematic Guide

B.C. Information and Privacy Commissioner - Letter Re: Bill 5 - Government Information Act

New Brunswick - Review of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act: Discussion Paper

Ireland - Consideration of Options for Open Data Licences
UK House of Lords - Make or Break: the UK’s Digital Future

Indispensability of the Archives for Development (Text of the Lecture to Mark the 60th anniversary of the National Archives of Nigeria)

De la communauté / From the community
Digital Repository of Ireland - Metadata Quality Control

Archives & Records Association UK and Ireland - Volunteering in Archives 2014

Information Architecture Institute - Annual Report 2014

Recode - Policy Guidelines for Open Access and Data Dissemination and Preservation 

Guide to Open Science Publishing

Union of Concerned Scientists - Freedom to Bully: how Laws Intended to Free Information are Used to Harass Researchers 

International Journal of Digital Curation, vol. 10, no. 1, 2015 (Open)

Library Management, vol. 36, no. 3 (March 2015)

Ariadne: Web Magazine for Information Professionals, no. 73 (February 2015)

Nautilus, no. 21, 2015 (Special Issue: Information: the Anatomy of Everything)

Mémoires d'avenir: en direct des Archives nationales de France, no. 18 (Février-Avril 2015)

For the Records: Newsletter of the New South Wales State Records, no. 109 (February 2015)

Maple Ridge Historical Society (B.C.) Family History Newsletter (February 2015)

Free eBook - Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: an Introduction

Free eBook - From Dust to Digital: Ten Years of the Endangered Archives Programme

Free eBook - Library and Information Sciences: Trends and Research

Book - Copyright versus Open Access

Book - Writing Material Culture History

Book - Bodleian Library Treasures

Book - Cybercrime and Digital Forensics: an Introduction

Book - How to do Everything: Genealogy (4th Edition)

Book - Usability and the Mobile Web: a Library and Information Technology Association Guide

Book - Information Security Auditor: Careers in Information Security 

Book - Digitizing Identities

Book - Roots and Flowers: the Life and Work of the Afro-Cuban Librarian Marta Terry González

Book - Genre Theory in Information Studies

Livre - Les manuscrits astrologiques latins conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Who Left the Lights on? : how a Government-Industry Open Data Partnership is Driving Innovation in the Delivery of Electricity Load and Generation Data to Islanders
February 27, 2015, Charlottetown

Records and Information Management (RIM) and the Law
March 5, 2015, Winnipeg
Massive Open Online Course - RootsMOOC: Intro to Genealogy and Family History Research
March 23 - June 1, 2015
Agir ensemble pour le patrimoine 
26-27 mars 2015, Paris

Digital Curation Center - Digital Curation Webinars
13 April - 27 May, 2015

Preserving the Old, Creating the New: Archives of World Faiths within the UK
May 5, 2015, London (UK)

Engaging the Public: Best Practices for Crowdsourcing Across the Disciplines
May 6-8, 2015, University of Maryland

Beyond Methods of Mining: a Workshop on Doing Historical Research using Digital Data
September 14-15, 2015, Utrecht (Netherlands)

Biennale du numérique 2015
23 - 24 novembre 2015, Lyon (France)

Réutilisation et open data : quels enjeux pour les archives ? (enregistrements disponibles)
23 septembre 2014, Paris

10th International Digital Curation Conference (Videos Available)
February 9-12, 2015, London (UK)

Sur le web / On the web
Video - The Real Story behind the Canadian Flag

Provincial Archives of New Brunswick - The War of 1812 Document Exhibit
Podcast - As it is Written: Judaic Treasures from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library (Toronto)

The International Internet Preservation Consortium now has an Official Blog

UK National Archives Podcast - The Huns Have Got my Gramophone: Advertisements from the Great War 

Archives départementales d'Ille-et-Vilaine (France) - Vidéo: Les archives avec Archi et Réginald

Slidecast - Authority Control: Are you who we Say you Are?

Podcast - Listening on the Edge: Oral History in the Aftermath of Crisis 

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Did losing the long-form census weaken Canada’s jobs data?

Total Information Awareness: the Disastrous Privacy Consequences of Bill C-51 

The Nine Year Wait for Government Urgency on Privacy Reform

Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Vatican may be asked to repeal edicts on heathen aboriginals

Supreme Court removes Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC)'s power to search law firms

Open Government: Library and Archives Canada cited as a good example

Library and Archives Canada - Opening the vaults: 10 million pages and counting
Who Killed Canadian Studies?

B.C. - Province moves to digital archive system for official records
Newfoundland - Ocean Ranger victim's photos donated to The Rooms

Québec - La fin des données ouvertes sur l’adoption

Québec - Accès aux documents en conformité avec les articles 10 de la Loi sur l’accès et 23 de la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information

Alberta plans document dump of freedom of information requests

Rare artifact from early B.C. goes to auction: letter from a Hudson Bay’s Company fur trader to his daughter is 17 years older than the province

Un carnet d'asile de Nelligan aux enchères

University of British Columbia - Papal bull media roundup

Hunt is on for rare 1880 paintings from B.C.'s first professional artist
Winston Churchill, Emily Carr artifacts found hidden in Vancouver schools

$32 Million Toronto Archives under Secure Management

Inside the Film Reference Library at Toronto International Film Festival Bell Lightbox
Black history in Toronto

InsideToronto - Genealogist Janice Nickerson shares her passion in new column

Waterloo - Photographs document transition for area Mennonites 

Peterborough Museum and Archives (Ont.) has more room to store history

Peterborough Museum and Archives (Ont.) secrets unveiled
A walk through time in Pembroke (Ont.)

Esquimalt (B.C.) celebrates road through municipal history 

Milo (Alb.) working on expanding online inventory of archives

Nova Scotia - La Société Saint-Pierre receives federal support to enhance Acadian landmark (including an archives)

Nouveau-Brunswick - Des étudiants d’Edmundston visitent des sites religieux et des lieux de mémoire (la visite était guidée par des archivistes)

Afrique / Africa
Rwanda: Access to Information Portal Launched

Open data: how mobile phones saved bananas from bacterial wilt in Uganda 

Access to Information and Ghana’s Commitment under the Open Government Partnership

Mali - Qu'y a-t-il dans les manuscrits de Tombouctou?

Algérie - La France n’est pas prête à restituer les archives

Tunisie - La question du transfert des archives de la Présidence sera résolue prochainement, annonce Khaled Krichi (vice-président de l'Instance Vérité et Dignité)

South Africa - ISO 15489: ensuring compliance for information, records management

Amériques / Americas
Dutch Caribbean islands press on with inventorying its living heritage

NARA - From Slaves to British Loyalists: the Book of Negroes Revealed

Robert E. Herzstein, who Foiled Nixon over White House Tapes, Dies at 83

Preparing thousands of the earliest ethnographic recordings on wax cylinders for transfer to the National Audiovisual Conservation Center
Northeast Document Conservation Center - WWII Veteran’s Recording Recovered with IRENE Technology

Watchdog: Open-records site designed to pull back curtain on Texas government 

Oregon governor tries to delete emails, instead creates paper trail suggesting cover-up

Washington State - Attorney General rejects Seattle man's request for 600 million emails

Princeton University Receives $300-Million Bequest of Rare Books

University of Illinois - Professors to build digital comics archive

Algorithm tests your tweet skills using website created by Cornell University scientists

Grants will help Ojibwe language preservation efforts

Activists suspect cover-up after files into 1946 Georgia lynching destroyed

Archdiocese of Cincinnati's Chancery Archive preserves state's Catholic history 

Boxes of Hard Drives and Other Challenges at WGBH: a National Digital Stewardship Resident Project Update
Computer algorithm can accurately identify Jackson Pollock paintings

I tried to use the Internet to do historical research. It was nearly impossible.

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - What Metadata Retention Looks Like: Prepare to be Shocked

Australia - Stanley Fowler historical photographic collection in limbo between storage at CSIRO and conservation at National Archives

Vietnam - Vu Kiêm Ninh, l'homme qui préserve les portes des villages à Hanoi

Les archives des Khmers rouges et le centre de ressources audiovisuelles Bophana, Phnom-Penh

Archives of Asia Africa Conference (Bandung, 1955) nominated jointly by India & Indonesia for incorporation in UNESCO's Memory of the World Register

India - Delhi Metro Rail Corporation launches archival website

Europe / Europa
How Google determined our right to be forgotten

Sweden's cultural heritage gets a digital identity makeover

Spanish court sentences cathedral electrician to 10 years for stealing priceless Codex

Espagne - L’expérience d’implémentation des normes du Records Managament : l’exemple de l’Escola Superieur d’Arxivistica i Gestio de documents
NATO Archives discloses documents related to the events in Poland 1987-1991

Romanov items from archives of Prince Yusupov return to Russia

Employee at Russia's Hermitage arrested for stealing books and documents, some centuries-old

German Federal Cabinet Drafts Law on Public Sector Information Re-use

German Crew’s Rotterdam WWII Destruction Film Discovered

Codex Vaticanus is now On-line

La bibliothèque vaticane, outil de la diplomatie vaticane

Malta - National Archives Create Register of Living Evacuees

Swiss team uncovers time-tested preservation method

Suisse - Berne subventionne le fond d'archives de l'ancien Évêché de Bâle

Suisse - La tuerie de 1932 exhumée: le Centre d’iconographie a retrouvé des images de la fusillade qui a fait 13 morts
Luxembourg - Enseigner les Humanités numériques

France - Ségolène Royal invite ses fonctionnaires à réduire leurs emails

Entrée des archives de Bernard-Marie Koltès à la Bibliothèque nationale de France

France - Archives de Rennes: sauvegarde des messages Charlie

Ireland - Boston College tapes: Winston Rea's interviews to be flown back from America but police must not examine contents
Ireland - Winston Rea Boston College tapes to be stored at Belfast court

Important role that South Wales schools played during the Great War revealed in opened archives

UK still in top spot for open data

Britain Just Found Another 170,000 Unlawfully Withheld Government Files

UK - Managing digital National Archive a challenge

UK National Archives - Winners of First World War short film competition announced

LGBT history in the National Archives’ Library

British Library - Millions of images from the world’s endangered archives made available online

A macroscope for UK web history

Creating a Directory of UK Sound Collections: an Update

Navy Museum launches first crowdfunding appeal for Gallipoli survivor

Case Study: Digitisation at the Bodleian Library

Lost wartime love letter found in Norwich charity shop sewing machine

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Who Are the People? A Conversation on the Assemblages and the Archives of the People
Preserve and prosper: Rotana Group is carrying out one of the world's biggest film restoration projects: 1,700 Arab films 

Google at the Israel State Archives

Has AKP sacrificed Turkey's Ottoman heritage?

Turkey - Historic calligraphies under restoration 

Turkey - Footage of Nemrut works discovered in Germany flea market 

Google's Vice-President Vint Cerf warns of Digital Dark Age
When you store your entire life online, you gamble with your memories
Managing information in a mobile working environment
One Republic of Learning: Digitizing the Humanities

Saving information to computer frees your mind to learn new material according to a new study

Records Management: you Gotta Take your Medicine

Fixing Links on the Live Web, Breaking them in the Archive 

Big data : les désillusions pointent déjà

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