Thursday 3 September 2015

Vol. 9, no. 1

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Saskatchewan - The Archives and Public Records Management Act

New Brunswick - Review of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Australian Department of Finance - Guidance for Commonwealth Entities on the Requirements to Keep Nonfinancial Records

Library of Congress - Migration Checklist (Draft for Comment)

De la communauté / From the community
Centre du Patrimoine de Saint-Boniface - Écoles francophones du Manitoba

Response of the Australian Society of Archivists to the Review of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986

Australian Society of Archivists - Joint response to the National Arts and Culture Accord: Digital Technology Survey

Society of American Archivist's Criteria for Advocacy Statements

Center for Law and Democracy - Submission on Access to Information Reform in Quebec

The UNESCO/Persist Draft Guidelines for the Selection of Digital Content for Long-term Digital Preservation

Queens Library - Preserving your Digital Memories

American Library Association - The 2014 Preservation Statistics Report

Computer & Communications Industry Association - Copyright Reform for a Digital Economy

Research Data Management: a Primer Publication of the National Information Standards Organization

Open Science, Open Issues

Article - Archival Science, Digital Forensics, and New Media Art

Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, vol. 39, no. 2, June 2015 (Special Issue on Data, Records, and Archives in the Cloud)

Arbido: périodique de l'Association des archivistes suisses et de Bibliothèque information suisse, 3/2015 (Numéro spécial sur Wikimedia)

Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities, vol. 1, no. 1 (2015)

National Archives of Australia - Government Agencies Information Network Newsletter, no. 7 (2015)

Online Audiovisual Catalogers Newsletter, vol. 35, no. 3 (September 2015)

Surrey's Stories: Surrey (B.C.) Archives Newsletter (Summer/Fall 2015)

Association des archivistes français - Gestion des mes­sa­ges électroniques : quelle poli­ti­que mettre en oeuvre et webo­gra­phie/biblio­gra­phie sélec­tive.

Free ebook - The History of Cartography

Book - Digitizing Audiovisual and Nonprint Materials: the Innovative Librarian's Guide

Book - The Audacious Ascetic: what Osama Bin Laden's Sound Archive Reveals about al-Qa'ida

Book - Creative Library Marketing and Publicity: Best Practices

Book - Critical Gaming: Interactive History and Virtual Heritage

Book - UNESCO on the Ground: Local Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage
Book - Film Distribution in the Digital Age: Pirates and Professionals

Book - Self-Publishing and Collection Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries

Book - Using Google Earth in Libraries: a Practical Guide for Librarians

Book - The National Archives: the Great Fire of London Unclassified 

Book - Information Governance Professional Certification: Study Guide and Exam Workbook
Available through the ARMA International Bookstore:

Book - Rights & Reproductions: the Handbook for Cultural Institutions

Livre - Dictionnaire de l'historien

Livre - Le droit à l'oubli numérique : données nominatives, approche comparée

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Lancement de Nommer les documents et les dossiers numériques
16 septembre 2015, Québec

Une approche intelligente à la gestion de contenu d’entreprise 
29 septembre 2015, Montréal

La sémiotique: analyse de valeur de l’information: cadre d’analyse de la valeur de l'information archivistique dans les organisations
19 octobre 2015, Ottawa

American Library Association Webcast - Digitization and Libraries
September 10, 2015

Sharing is Caring: Right to Remix? 
October 2, 2015, Copenhagen

Saving America's Radio Heritage: Radio Preservation, Access, and Education
February 25-27, 2016, Washington D.C.

Sur le web / On the web
Council of Archives New Brunswick now on Facebook

Video - Keeping our Stories Alive: Canadian Lesbian + Gay Archives 

Vidéo - Certificat en archivistique et microprogramme en gestion des documents numériques : Université Laval

Society of American Archivists Video - Archives Change Lives

tranScriptorium - Handwritten Text Recognition Crowdsourcing Platform Launched

Tate Museum - AnnoTate: Crowdsourcing to Transcribe the Archives (Source Code Available)

Artstor - New Crowdsourcing Software (Beta Release)

EpubCheck 4.0

Video - Policies for Long-term Curation and Preservation within Digital Repositories 

Europeana - Recording and Playing Machines through Time: a Virtual Exhibition

Bibliographie - Humanités numériques francophones

Slidecast - Approaching Archival Authenticity: when Records become Data

Slidecast - Measure All the (Web Archiving) Things

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Canadian Music Industry Hit with Competition Complaint over Public Domain Recordings 

Federal Court says open courts principle overrides Privacy Act

Nouvelle entente AAQ-ACA

Archives of Manitoba - Back to School, 1915

Le réaménagement des salles au pavillon Casault à BAnQ Québec

UK National Archives - Transatlantic journey: transporting the Holland Map back to Prince Edward Island

Ian Milligan (University of Waterloo): Five things I've learned from combing an archive of old and deleted political websites

Royal Winnipeg Ballet hopes to salvage archives damaged in flood

Sharon Shorty is Aboriginal storyteller in residence at Vancouver library

North Vancouver - Archivist helps history live forever

Montreal - This mansion is central to the story of how Canada became a democracy. It’s probably going to be turned into condos

Archives de Montréal - Le voyage d'un Montréalais dans l’Ouest canadien en 1913

Niagara Falls painting (believed to be the first eyewitness painting of the falls) prompts British brouhaha

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto Blog - 100th post

Des millions de dossiers à numériser au CHU de Québec

Le déménagement des Archives du Séminaire de Nicolet se prépare

While ISIS destroys, Hamilton man battles to preserve historic texts

The solar-powered box that could save world heritage

Canadian Heritage Information Network - Not Getting Much Engagement on Social Media: Don’t Despair

Canadian Heritage Information Network - How Museums can Encourage Crowdsourcing

Afrique / Africa
The world's largest African poetry archive is coming to an Internet near you

Mali - Atelier de validation de l'étude de numérisation des archives coloniales

Sénégal - Modernisation de l’assemblée nationale : des archives centenaires numérisées

Algérie - Mouzaïa : le musée du Moudjahid (et ses archives) abandonné

Rare portraits reveal Nigeria's young and fashionable elite on the rise in the 20th century

Amériques / Americas
Inventorying of living heritage rolls on in Ecuador

White House - Standardizing and Simplifying the Government’s Data on Federal Spending

NARA re-evaluating deadline for agency email records management systems, official says

Federal agencies show progress on records management

A rare detailed look inside the IRS's massive data breach, via a security expert who was a victim

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency provides unclassified geospatial intelligence for the Arctic

Wills of millions of Americans now available online

1 in 3 federal government employees use personal e-mail for work, survey finds

Washington State Supreme Court - Texts on public employee's cellphone public records

Photographing public records to save time a big no-no in Tennessee

Kentucky - State archivist and records administrator retires after 32 years

California - Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Launches First of-its-Kind Criminal Justice Open Data Initiative

Landmarks and Vestiges: Unearthing Stanford University's Maps and Architectural Drawings

University of Minnesota - Program helps scholars gain access to Libraries’ vast archives

LGBT archive at University of Southern California preserves personal stories from a hidden past

Lousiana State University - Cleaning up after Katrina: a Special Collections Perspective

National treasure found: early version of Happy Birthday song discovered at University of Louisville

Rare photos of 19th-century blacks speak to modern Americans

Introducing the Archive Corps: meet the man behind a new effort to save documents and other artifacts before they disappear

Meet the City Staff: John H. Slate, City of Dallas Archivist

North Dakota man inspires preservation of home movies

Unseen Ezra Pound poem sold at auction

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Help Choose what Music Goes into Australia's Sound Archive

Data retention and the end of Australians' digital privacy

State Archives of New South Wales - Records and information management FAQs: deciding why, when and how to capture the content of links

Archives New Zealand - What do you do with the hardcopies of records that have been digitised?

Japan Offers Archival Evidence in Island Territorial Disputes

Taiwan - Electronic records of court cases to be made available

National Archives of Thailand: going digital with online search

TK Park launches Thailand's first online library

Malaysia's Historical Records Still Remain in the Hands of Other Nations

How Google Cultural Institute wants to help digitise India’s cultural heritage 

India - Digitalise record-keeping to root out corruption in land offices 

India - Jawaharlal Nehru University Goes Paperless, Adopts E-Governance

10 000 partition stories to be added to the 1947 India-Pakistan Partition Archives

Digital preservation to the rescue of Pakistan’s crumbling monuments

Europe / Europa
Brussels launches public consultation on geo-blocking

7th century BC inscription in Georgia may rewrite history of written language

Swiss archive provides film of Chinese history

Traces, la plateforme d’échange de l’association des archivistes suisses

Belgique - Namur: 13 siècles de trésors dévoilés

Belgique - Paul Otlet, l'homme qui inventa le Google de papier

Luxembourg - Généalogie : un million d’actes de naissance sur

Luxembourg - Mise en ligne d’un inventaire des documents d’archives de la période de l’occupation allemande (1940-1944) 

Service interministériel des archives de France - Pré-versement : le calcul d’empreintes

France - Transfert des archives de l'Académie Julian aux Archives nationales

France - Reconstituer un puzzle grâce aux archives du Service historique de la défense : le parcours d’un officier

France - Comment le gouvernement a reculé sur la mise en Open Data des données de transport

France - La collection d’autochromes de l'Établissement de communication et de production audiovisuelle de la Défense

France - Rare manuscripts to be sold as world’s largest private collection is liquidated

Archive lifts the lid on life for school starters in 19th century Wales

Isle of Man - Will Freedom of Information really shed more light on government?

UK Government - Registers: authoritative lists you can trust

Terror law prompts British Library to reject unique Taliban archive

British Library statement regarding the Taliban Sources Project

British Library Web Archive - 2015 UK Domain Crawl has started

The oldest fragment of the Quran found in Birmingham University: radiocarbon dating suggests it could have been older than the Prophet himself

Transforming Archives: Vivacity Peterborough Archives 

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Palestinian archives remain scattered

West Bank - Nablus library seeks to catch up with modern times

Saudi Arabia - 500-year-old miniature document top attraction at Madinah exhibition

Open letter by International Internet Preservation Consortium Chair (Paul Wagner from LAC)

Alliance for Open Media - New open standard for Ultra High Definition video will enable enhanced video playback

Twitter Strategies for Historians

Enhancing Archivematica for Research Data Management

Secret d’archives #1 les Archives, c’est comics

The challenge of data in digital musicology

The Photo as Weapon

La recherche d'information stratégique en six principes

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