Thursday 15 October 2015

Vol. 9, no. 7

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
UK - Independent Commission on Freedom of Information: Call for Evidence (Open Consultation)

Mémoire soumis à la Commission des institutions sur le document intitulé Orientations gouvernementales pour un gouvernement plus transparent (par Daniel J. Caron)

De la communauté / From the community
Speech - Archivists: from the Backroom to the Boardroom: in Memory of Tony Newton (Given at International Council on Archives Annual Conference 2015)

Arnprior Archives (Ont.) - Arnprior Area Railway History in Maps 

Creative Commons - Comments on Mass Digitization Pilot Program

Hudson Institute - A 21st Century Copyright Office: the Conservative Case for Reform

Reference Guide for Digital Surrogate Metadata

Image Permanence Institute - Suitability of Storage Environments for Collection Materials

Building Histories of the National Mall: a Guide to Creating a Digital Public History Project

IFLA - Responding! Public Libraries and Refugees

Paper - How to Support Participation and Quality Contribution on Websites for Crowdsourcing Cultural Heritage

Information & Culture: a Journal of History, vol. 50, no. 4 (2015)

Statistique et société, vol. 3, no. 2, 2015 (numéro spécial : Archives de la statistique)

Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 5, no. 9 (September 2015)

Archives and Records Association Ireland Newsletter (Autumn 2015)

Telling our Stories: Newsletter of the South Peace Regional Archives (Alb.), vol. 6, no. 4 (2015)

Book - Metadata Standards and Web Services in Libraries, Archives, and Museums: an Active Learning Resource

Book - Curating Oral Histories: from Interview to Archive (Second Edition)

Book - Robertson on Library Security and Disaster Planning

Book - A Companion to Heritage Studies

Book - Customer Service in Academic Libraries: Tales from the Front Line

Book - Collecting Children's Books: Art, Memories, Values

Book - Between Memory and Museum: a Dialogue with Folk and Indigenous Artists 

Livre - Archives d'un présent 

Livre - Jacques Chirac : vie publique, archives privées

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
We Feel Fine: Big Data Observations about State Institutions and Social Inclusion
October 20, 2015, Vancouver

Archives of Ontario Presentation
October 20, 2015, Toronto

Mindtools: what Does it Mean to be Literate in the Age of Google?
October 21, 2015, Halifax

Mémoires de la francophonie d'Ottawa
22 octobre 2015, Ottawa

Lambton County Archives Introduction to Genealogy Workshop Series
October 27, 2015 - November 21, 2015, Wyoming (Ontario)

Toronto - Understanding the Library and our City with Open Data
November 3, 2015, Toronto

Canada's Archives: a New Blueprint
November 13, 2015, Ottawa

Alberta on Record Training and Institutional Forum
November 13, 2015, Calgary

The Future of RAD: a Forum for the Archival Community of Newfoundland and Labrador
November 20, 2015, St. John's

Third Annual Code4lib B.C.
November 26 and 27, 2015, Vancouver

ACA@UBC Symposium: Preserving Liquid Communication
February 10-12, 2016, Vancouver

Sustainable Collection Services: a Webinar Series about Analyzing, Managing & Sharing Print Monographs
November 3 and December 1, 2015

An Introduction to Web Archiving for Historians
November 11, 2015, London (UK)

Enterprise Data World Conference
April 17-22, 2016, San Diego

Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada Podcast - Mirrors with Memory

TVO Videos - A Disappearing Canada

University of Waterloo Special Collections and Archives - New Digital Exhibit : Harry Byers

Vidéo - Discours de François Hollande lors de l'inauguration des nouveaux locaux de l'École des Chartes

Europeana - iTunes U Course and Multi-Touch Book on the First World War

Slidecast - People, Communities and Platforms: Digital Cultural Heritage and the Web

Slidecast - SERIF: a Semantic ExeRcise Interchange Format

Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries, Librarianship, and Book Culture (Fall 2015)

Survey - BenchmarkDP Consultation on Software Evaluation in Digital Preservation

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Canada Caves on Copyright in Trans Pacific Partnership: Commits to Longer Term, Urge ISPs to Block Content 

Why the Trans Pacific Partnership Creates a Backdoor Copyright Takedown System in Canada

Questions raised over preserving sensitive Truth and Reconciliation testimony

Silence on science degrades Canada 

Government sensitivity over you hearing about sensitive information

Health Canada requires doctor to sign confidentiality agreement to see drug data

Archives Alberta - And the Oscar Goes to… (Behind the Scenes of our How-to Videos)

BAnQ - Le blogue Instantanés fête son 100 000e visiteur

Newfoundland - A grave discovery: Portuguese fishermen return to honour White Fleet

L'épopée des terre-neuvas au Musée de la Marine à Paris

Stolen Charles Darwin book to be returned to Halifax university

Université de Montréal - Big data: le pétrole du 21e siècle

Two New SSHRC Grants: Web Archive Analysis Insight and Hackathon Connect

Library Master Plan Renovations to Cost McGill $180 Million

Carleton University - Animating the archive: Michel Hogue's new book brings Métis border narratives to life

The Jewish Museum and Archives of B.C. Welcomes New Archivist

My London: Visual records an eye-opener 

Photographer Réjean Meloche's archives show slice of Montreal history

Québec - Les archives de la ville sont des documents au sens de la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information

Preuve de documents technologiques sur des supports différents

Le Réseau du patrimoine franco-ontarien lance un cri d'alarme sur les archives à Windsor

Un pas de plus vers un centre d'archives à Lévis

La Société d'histoire de la Rivière-du-Nord acquiert de précieux trésors (des fonds d'archives)

Du papier peint qui cache un pan de l'histoire acadienne

Cambridge (Ont.) - Opinion: Moving archives not a good idea

Association des archivistes du Québec - Et si on parlait franchement de gestion du changement?

Afrique / Africa
Tunisie - Mahmoud Bouali (ancien archiviste de la Présidence de la république): si l’on pouvait résumer une vie aussi bien remplie

Sénégal - Accès à l'information : le comité de pilotage installé

L'histoire du Gabon en version 2.0

Congo - Un fond d'archives disponible à la mairie de Kananga

Mozambique - Freedom of Information Regulations Approved

Google digitizes Kenya National Archives enabling virtual tours

Amériques / Americas
Secret archive offers fresh insight into Richard Nixon presidency

National Declassification Center not yet Releasing All it Can

Declassified State Department Documents Disclose Internal U.S. Government Debate over Whether to Enforce Red Lines for Nuclear Activities in Pakistan

Government Printing Office to Digitize Two Million Pages of the Federal Register

National Archives Renews Digitization Partnerships with FamilySearch and Ancestry

NARA - The Challenge of Digital Records for Archivists

An interview with David Mao: the Acting Librarian of Congress shares his vision

Senate Passes 10 Year Term for Librarian of Congress

As Democratic candidates debate, Internet Archive will be gathering data

Digital Public Library of America - Archival Description Working Group Members

University of Washington Center for Human Rights sues CIA for information on El Salvador massacre

Digital Preservation Outreach and Education Program Plants Seed for Statewide Digital Preservation Effort in California

California now Has the Nation's Best Digital Privacy Law

Texas - Historic documents are being donated to the state

Hidden treasures at the Wisconsin Historical Society archives

University of Michigan library acquires papers of assisted-suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian

University of Southern Mississippi now home to extensive archival collection of WWII Infantry Division

The World as Seen Through Books: an Interview with Kalev Hannes Leetaru (George Washington University)

Museums Open up to Power of Wiki: Museum of Modern Art now hosts monthly edit-a-thons to help improve the quality of Wikipedia page

Flooding causes minor damage to The New York Times' photo archive

Notarial Archives tell story of New Orleans in thousands of historic documents

Digital archive site to feature videos honoring life, legacy of New Orleans chef Paul Prudhomme 

Collecting the art of protest at Brooklyn's Interference Archive

Photo bought at a thrift shop for $2 could fetch $5,000,000 at auction

A Court Has Ruled that Bikram Choudhury can't Copyright his Yoga Poses

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Metadata retention changes explained

Australia - Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull defends use of non-government email service

Australia - Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull reignites stalled Open Government Partnership bid

World War II Australian POW Records Released Online

Queensland State Archives (Australia) - Finalising the discussion on drafts

Records and information management FAQs: using cloud services based outside of New South Wales (Australia)

New Zealand - Managing statutory obligations for information and records: Archives' perspective

Vietnam - Exposition de photos et d’archives sur Hoang Sa et Truong Sa à Son La

Taiwan - Film archive neglected

China welcomes UNESCO listing of Nanjing massacre files

Japan - Tokyo could cut funds to UNESCO over Nanjing massacre archive

Japan - Siberia detainees records added to UNESCO world memory list

Wartime aerial photos document destruction of Japanese cities in U.S. air raids

Korea - Presidential Archives removes sign written by leftist scholar

Two Korean documentary heritage holdings inscribed in UNESCO's Memory of the World

Cambodia - Stories from along the Khmer Rouge paper trail

Burmese Artifacts Added to the Memory of the World Register

Diplomatic Archives of Mongolia and Turkey will Cooperate

India - Phased freedom for Netaji files

Europe / Europa
European Commission Hears it from All Sides Following the Safe Harbor decision

What the Safe Harbor Ruling Means for eDiscovery

Russian Defense Ministry Plans Archive Unit to Counter WWII Lies

Hungary - The Chernobyl Archives of Nobel Prize winner in literature, Svetlana Alexievich at Open Society Archives

Finland - 500-Year-Old Skolt Sami Document Joins Memory of the World

Derveni Papyrus: First Greek Item in UNESCO's Memory of the World Program 

German, French versions of Hitler's Mein Kampf readied as copyright ends

Belgique - Des mesures pour assurer la conservation des archives fédérales

La destruction de données fleurit en Suisse

France - La liberté d'informer sacrifiée sur l'autel du secret-défense

Archives de France - Pré-versement : le dédoublonnage

France - Résoudre le casse-tête du financement de la numérisation patrimoniale ?

France  - Basse-Normandie : Sauver les archives Léopold Sédar Senghor, une urgence

Des archives de Louis Pasteur inscrites au registre de la Mémoire du Monde

L'Unesco inscrit la Mappa Mundi comme Mémoire du Monde

Europeana - J'accuse: the Dreyfus-Affair in historical newspapers 

How Cartographers Digitized the 18th-Century Road Network in France

Ireland - Uncovering history: how you too can use the 1916 archives

Digital Repository of Ireland - Preservation and Trust: the  Data Seal of Approval Certification Process

Ireland - Trinity College library to enter technological age

Ireland - Tyrone parish priest gathered archive of murder secrets and the ghosts of war

National Records of Scotland - Topic Consultation on Scotland's Census 2021

Gallipoli stories revealed thanks to Isle of Wight archive project

UK - Freedom of information commission not very free with its information

UK National Archives - Preserving First World War diaries 

British Library - Chinese collections opened up by Libcrowds

British Library - The birth of the British electorate revealed online 

Suffragettes in the UK Parliamentary Archives

Details of more than 1,000 suffragette arrests made available online

Oxford University - How Digital.Bodleian will open access to over 1 million extraordinary images

Oxford University - Creature removed from manuscript by pious reader can be seen again using hyperspectral imaging

University of Cambridge - Earliest Known Draft of King James Bible Is Found, Scholar Says

Vital information could be lost in digital dark age warns professor

Natural History Museum: we hope people will discover new species with our open data

Victorian gas balloon aerial images auctioned

Vicar discovers forgotten first edition of King James bible from 1611 as he is clearing a cupboard at his church

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Israel - Jesus Was Black Reveals Newly Found Manuscript

Egypt - Customs officials foil attempt to smuggle rare manuscripts to Qatar

Iranian books added to UNESCO Memory of the World

United Arab Emirates - The Memory of the Nation hosts the UNESCO Memory of the World

Turkey - Ugur Unal: Ottomans' archive keep documents covering Armenians' crimes against Muslims in Ganja

Le Portail international archivistique francophone, l'amour et twitter

Raiders of the lost Web: if a Pulitzer-finalist 34-part series of investigative journalism can vanish from the web, anything can

The Future of the DNA Hard Drive

Interview with Duff Johnson on the relationship between PDF/UA and WCAG 2

PDF forever?

Think the floppy disk is dead? Think again! Here's why it still stands between us and a nuclear apocalypse

How to save our digital knowledge for future generations to read

Les voleurs d'archives creusent un trou dans notre mémoire collective

Role of Digital Forensics in Corporate Organizations Becoming Increasingly Prominent

Crowdsourced research: many hands make tight work

The lost women: forgotten female photographers brought to light in pictures

The role of libraries in times of crisis

Pourquoi il faut distinguer clairement les archives ouvertes et l'édition électronique ouverte

HTTP Archive: past and future

Visual Literacy in the Age of Open Content

Re-image your Records Management Team

Why the Printed Book will Last Another 500 Years

Google Launches Cloud Datalab, an Interactive Tool for Exploring and Visualizing Data

Why phone location data is the biggest security threat

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