Thursday 18 February 2016

Vol. 9, no. 25

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Privacy Commissioner of Canada - The Internet of Things: an Introduction to Privacy Issues with a Focus on the Retail and Home Environments

Canadian Conservation Institute - Measurement of Ultraviolet Radiation 

U.S. Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative - Audio Analog-to-Digital Converter Performance Specification and Test Method Guideline (Version 1.1)

Annual Report of the Director of the National Archives of Ireland 2014

UK House of Commons - The Big Data Dilemma

De la communauté / From the community
Soeurs de la Charité de Montréal - Formulaires de la Politiques d'accès et de diffusion 

Digital Preservation Coalition - Preserving Social Media

SwissPeace - Archives and Dealing with the Past: a Collection of Resources

Association for Information Science and Technology Position Statement on the American Library Association Accreditation Process

Museums Association - New Code of Ethics

Resource Discovery at the University of Oxford 2015

Ithaka S+R - The Costs of Publishing Monographs: Toward a Transparent Methodology

Paper - Gaps in the Past and Gaps in the Future: Archival Silences and Social Media (Given at ACA@UBC Symposium)

Collection Management, vol. 41, no. 1 (2016)

South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, vol. 81, no. 2 (2015)

Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 4 (2015)

Les cahiers du numériques, vol. 11, no. 4 (2015)

Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 1 (January 2016)

Quarterly Newsletter on Grey Literature, vol. 8, no. 1 (2016)

Transitus Domini: Bulletin des Archives de l'Archidiocèse de Québec, vol 2, no. 1 (2016)

City of Richmond (B.C.) Archives News, vol. 21, no. 1 (Spring 2016)

UNESCO - World Heritage in Europe Today

Book - Fostering Family History Services: a Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and Volunteers

Book - Stolen Words: the Nazi Plunder of Jewish Books

Book - Dante and the Dynamics of Textual Exchange: Authorship, Manuscript Culture, and the Making of the Vita Nova

Book - Managing Innovation and Cultural Management in the Digital Era: the case of National Palace Museum

Book - Cyber Threat: the Rise of Information Geopolitics in U.S. National Security

Book - Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting

Book - Public Knowledge: Access and Benefits

Book - Tangier Archive: the Great War Photographs of Captain Givord

Book - Guide to Electronic Resource Management 

Livre - Mémoires des migrations en France : du patrimoine à la citoyenneté

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
World Information Architecture Day 2016 Montreal
February 20, 2016, Montreal

Webinar - Top 25 Free Technologies for Law Librarians
March 9, 2016

Webinaire - Le web sémantique et bibliothèque numérique
24 mars 2016

Linked Open Data in Cultural Institutions Workshop 
May 12-13, 2016, Toronto

Freedom of Information Act Requests at the National Archives
March 2, 2016, Washington D.C.

Le web de données dans le contexte du patrimoine culturel
17 mars 2016, Villeurbane (France)

Research Data, Records and Archives: Breaking the Boundaries
April 18, 2016, Edinburgh (Scotland)

Developing Research Data Management Services
May 12, 2016, London (UK)

Towards Digital Folkloristics: Research Perspectives, Archival Praxis, Ethical Challenges
September 14-16, 2016, Riga (Latvia)

East Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives Conference (Papers Available)
October 13-16, 2015, Fukuoka (Japan)

Sur le web / On the web
International Committee of the Red Cross Audiovisual Archives Now Open

Nouveau site - Bibliothèque nationale de France : Presse locale ancienne 

British Library - Introducing SHINE 2.0: a Historical Search Engine

StaticAid: a Static Site Generator for Archival Description

Alexandria Internet Archive Search Prototype 

Video - X-Ray Audio: the Documentary

Ball State University - Drawings + Documents Archive the Movie

Video - iPhone Archival Digitization

Video - What is the Freedom of Information Act?

Slidecast - Crodwsourcing dans les institutions culturelles: mise-à-jour pour l'année 2015

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Sharing copyright material online not a simple case of David versus Goliath

National museums underfunded about $78M a year, heritage officials admit

Behind the scenes of the Canada Hall renovations

LeBreton library proposals a red herring, says Library and Archives chief

French lessons: why a Montreal library could be the model for Ottawa's new central branch

Opinion - A sorry chapter in the saga of a new central library

Finding patents of invention held at Library and Archives Canada

Yellowknives Dene digitize traditional knowledge archives

Northern Saskatchewan Archives open house showcases northern history 

Saskatchewan - Des Fransaskois prennent la relève en l'absence d'archiviste francophone

Archives Alberta - Collaborating with Alberta's Institutions

Prince Edward Island Archives' Displays Celebrate Heritage

Québec - Lancement des travaux sur le renouvellement de la politique culturelle

BAnQ - Aurore Gagnon, l'enfant martyre

BAnQ - Le Club des raquetteurs de Montréal / The Montreal Snowshoe Club

UQAM - Mêler histoire, images et numérique le temps d’un été

Carleton University - MacOdrum Library Officially Opens Ottawa Resource Room: what this Means for Local Historians

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - Family Day Family Photos

Toronto - Cold-case website lets users search records of unsolved Toronto murders

Eastern Townships historical archives go online for new database project

Burnaby (B.C.) archives office beginning to run out of space 

Digging into Prince Albert (Saskatchewan) history

Dans le passé de l'Hôpital Montfort

Que contiennent les archives sous scellés de Claude Jutra ?

Everything from birth to death: father of Canadian photojournalism honoured

Uncovering stories is a family affair: the Smith-Virgin family in Glanbrook has been making some interesting discoveries about black history in Canada 

Forgotten Ducks Unlimited film recovered by detective work

Exploring the GeoCities Web Archive with Warcbase & Spark: Getting Started

LIS Education in Context

Afrique / Africa
Saving the endangered sounds of West Africa

Uganda - Buganda gets library, archive centre

Maroc - Les archives des députés depuis 1997 numérisées

Maroc - Approbation du décret N° 2-15-943 relatif à l'École des sciences de l'information

Algérie - Archives Nationales, disparus et essais nucléaires, le ministre des Moudjahidine Tayeb Zitouni : la position de la France a évolué 

Amériques / Americas
The Archivist of the US Should Call the Torture Report What it Is: a Federal Record

NARA - Declassified CIA and Henry Kissinger State Department Records

Internal Revenue Service moves on digitizing records

How the Smithsonian Institution Is Crowdsourcing History

Bits and Baby Steps: the Society of American Archivists Reference, Access, and Outreach Section Engages with Electronic Collection Material

Where Jesse Owens lives every day: inside the Ohio State archives

Southern Illinois - Culinary manuscripts are an untapped source of regional identity

NISO Launches New Project to Develop Recommended Practice for Tracking Link Origins

College of the Holy Cross - Scholarship Related to Transgender Issues to Benefit from First Digital Archive

Whose Memory? Whose Monuments? History, Commemoration, and the Struggle for an Ethical Past

Connecting Wikipedia with the Guggenheim

Eastman Museum rescue huge cache of Indian films

Staunton museum preserves military academy's history

Blurred Lines, Shapes, and Polygons, Part 1: a National Digital Stewardship Resident-New York Project Update

Blurred Lines, Shapes, and Polygons, Part 2: an Interview with Frank Donnelly, Geospatial Data Librarian

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Staff cuts loom in Canberra as cultural institutions slash expenses

National Archives of Australia - Funds to explore women in radio, immigrant doctors

Letter flown by balloon out of besieged Paris in 1870 discovered in National Archives of Australia

Nouvelle-Calédonie - Lydia Bodmer archive la mémoire du vieux village de Tiébaghi

India - Second set of 25 files on Subhas Chandra Bose to be released this month

India - New Method to Conserve Rare Mysore Palace Records

India - Sangeet Natak Academy to produce audio-visual archive on Kuchipudi classical dance

Europe / Europa
European Commission Undecided on Inclusion of Ancillary Copyright for Press Publishers in Harmonization Initiative

Google Right to Be Forgotten to Be Applied More Widely

Orphan Works Directive does not work for mass digitisation

Polish Institute: Files Show Lech Walesa Worked With Communist-Era Secret Police

Spain loses major 20th-century historical archive

Mozart and Salieri song discovered in archives

La cantate signée par Mozart et Salieri jouée pour la première fois à Prague

The Revelations of a Nazi Art Catalogue

Ce que racontent les rouleaux d'Auschwitz

Italy Cracks Open Fascist-Era Cabinet of Shame Archives

Italy creates a UNESCO Emergency Task Force for Culture

Mgr Jean-Louis Bruguès, bibliothécaire du Vatican

Armenian National Archives to Publish Documents on Armenian Monasteries in Turkey

Belgique - Des documents du Père Pire, Prix Nobel de la Paix, versés aux Archives de l'État à Namur

Suisse - Hommage à Jean-Daniel Zeller

France - Après les députés, les sénateurs valident le caractère numérique et mutualisable des archives

France - SciencesPo: 50 ans d’archives électorales en ligne 

France - L'Open Data au cœur de la transformation numérique du Groupe La Poste

Les archives de Pasteur inscrites au Registre Mémoire du monde de l'Unesco

France - Jeu de rôle en cours d'élaboration: Archivistes

Modèle conceptuel et organisation des descriptions archivistiques

The National Library of Ireland launches Easter 1916 podcast series

Original copy of Irish independence proclamation goes on show in Dublin

Ireland - Gandhi, an expelled future president and first aid crews: the Indians of 1916 Rising

The National Library of Scotland's new 3D map viewer

Rare 14th century manuscript snapped up by National Library of Scotland

Weather archive could predict heavy snowfalls in Scotland

New President appointed to the National Library of Wales

UK reverses decision to stop printing laws on animal skin

UK National Archives - From digital dark age to digital enlightenment 

UK National Archives - Researchers of the future 

UK National Archives - First World War related baby names revealed

British Library - From print to digital: how do we archive the news when newspapers start to disappear?

Revealed: Damien Hirst's only portrait of the Queen found in government archives

Royal Institute of British Architects - World's biggest visual archive for architecture features 85,000-plus digital images

Imperial War Museum - These love letters uncovered from the First World War will melt your heart

Victoria & Albert Museum Amasses World's Largest Photography Collection at Regional Museum's Expense

Vinegar Valentines: the Nasty Anonymous Letters of the Victorian Age

Sutton Archives - Understanding the Basics of Glass Plate Negative Photography

Bizarre map of Aberdeenshire drawn by "conman craftsman" on display

Feminist Library facing eviction on first day of Women's History Month

The biggest challenge facing UK business: how to deal with too much data 

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Open Jerusalem project achieves the classification of the French consular archives (1843-1914)

Ouverture de l'interface de consultation en ligne des Archives du Centre Franco-Égyptien d'Étude des Temples de Karnak

Iran - Majlis library to seek UNESCO status for rare books

United Arab Emirates launches Phase 1 of Dubai Digital Library

South Korea opens digital forensic lab in Oman

Saudi Arabia - The library of Makkah Grand Mosque .. rare peek into history

Five-dimensional glass discs can store data for up to 13.8 billion years

At 1.125 terabytes per second, researchers achieve fastest Internet data transfer rate 

The State of Parliamentary Papers Online

How the Humble Index Card Foresaw the Internet

Music can't last forever, not even on the Internet

The Hard Disk as the new Paper Archive

Researcher illegally shares millions of science papers free online to spread knowledge 

Sci-Hub : la première bibliothèque scientifique mondiale ? Un site pirate

The dark side of big data

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