Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Government of Canada Survey of Heritage Institutions 2015
Library and Archives Canada - Acquisition Strategy for 2016-2019
NARA - Criteria for Managing Email Records in Compliance with the Managing Government Records Directive
National Archives of Australia - General Records Authority 37: Research & Development
De la communauté / From the community
Les familles pionnières de la Nouvelle-France dans les archives du Minutier central des notaires de Paris
Conservation Science: Papers Arising from the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property Forum
OCLC - Building Blocks: Laying the Foundation for a Research Data Management Program
Pew Research - Libraries and Learning
Paper - Wisdom of the Crowd or Wisdom of a Few? an Analysis of Users' Content Generation
Paper - Interoperation Among Web Archiving Technologies
Article - Archive and Collective Memories: Searching for African Women in the Pan-African Imaginary
La Gazette des Archives, no. 240 (2015)
The Reading Room: a Journal of Special Collections, vol. 1, no. 2 (2016)
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, vol. 28, no. 1 (2016)
Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 3 (March 2016)
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Bulletin bibliographique de la conservation (janvier-mars 2016)
Friends of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto) Archives Newsletter, vol. 24, no. 1 (Spring 2016)
ISO 15489-1:2016: Information and Documentation: Records Management: Part 1: Concepts and Principles
Book - Alva Ixtlilxochitl's Native Archive and the Circulation of Knowledge in Colonial Mexico
Book - Start with the Future and Work Back: a Heritage Management Manifesto
Book - Museums in the Arabian Peninsula: Globalisation and the Politics of Representation
Book - Mastering Subject Specialties: Practical Advice from the Field
Book - Old Records Never Die: One Man's Quest for his Vinyl and his Past
Book - The Co-Creation Edge: Harnessing Big Data to Transform Sales and Procurement for Business Innovation
Book - Enforcing Privacy: Regulatory, Legal and Technological Approaches
Book - Shared Collections: Collaborative Stewardship
Book - Roberto Busa, S. J., and the Emergence of Humanities Computing: the Priest and the Punched Cards
Book - Emily Dickinson's Poems: as she Preserved them
Book - Conservation of Photographs: Thirty Years of Science
Book - Crowdsourced Health: how what you Do on the Internet will Improve Medicine
Livre - L'Histoire en mutation : l'École nationale des chartes aujourd'hui et demain
Livre - Les archives en Suisse: conserver la mémoire à l'ère numérique
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Tour of the University of Toronto's Map and Data Library
April 25, 2016, Toronto
Colloque Big Data
11 mai 2016, Montréal
Library and Archives Canada - Signatures Series: Interview with Jean Chrétien
May 18, 2016, Ottawa
The Battle Against Forgetting: Human Rights and the Unfinished Business of the South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission
April 9 - May 5, 2016, South Africa
Contemporary Art Exhibition: Changing the Landscape
April 12 - September 17, 2016, UK National Archives
Shakespeare in Ten Acts
Until September 6, 2016, British Library
La philosophie et l'archive
21 et 22 avril 2016, Paris
Archives et justice transitionnelle: la Commission de la vérité (Brésil) en perspective
24 mai 2016, Paris
Fragile Memories: Doing Oral History with Vulnerable Narrators
November 24-25, 2016, Helsinki (Finland)
Libraries and Archives in the Anthropocene: a Colloquium
May 13-14, 2017, New York
Treasuries of Knowledge: Collecting and Transmitting Information in the Early Modern World (Recordings Available)
April 8, 2016, Univertsity of Cambridge
Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada - Make a Donation
Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan Video - From the Prairies to the Trenches Part III: Women's Suffrage to the Somme
McMaster University Archives & Research Collections - New Database
Israel State Archives - New Website
Digital Public Library of America and Europeana -
CSV Validator 1.1.3
Vidéo - Une journée aux Archives départementales du Loiret (France)
Podcast - How Archives Work
Podcast - Digital Strategy: Understanding the Economics of Disruption
Slidecast - Web 2.0 et archives
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
An innovative Canada needs an innovative information policy
Canadian Police Obtained BlackBerry's Global Decryption Key
Privacy watchdog to investigate RCMP over alleged stingray cellphone surveillance
Library and Archives Canada - Tips for aviation accident research
OpenText powering Canada's Open Government: CEO on the importance of getting data to flow to the public
B.C. - Delays and interference plague ministerial email records
B.C. Archives - New genealogy database
Early B.C. letters tell alluring stories
Restrict online access to court cases not resulting in conviction, B.C. judge says
BAnQ - Marc-André Gagné : profession photographe
BAnQ : les négos achoppent à cause de la conciliation travail-famille
Multicultural History Society of Ontario Receives Government of Canada Funding (for Digital Archives Project)
Archives Alberta - Resources for Archivists
Northern researcher digs into history of Inuit special constables
Documentary chases fragile trail of pass system that once controlled movement of First Nations
Clearing the digital backlog at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library (University of Toronto)
Creating the Historical Record in Literary and Personal Archives (by Krista McCracken, Archives Supervisor at Algoma Unviersity)
McMaster University Archives and Research collection - A look at history
Celebrating 50 Years: Bermuda Shorts Day at the University of Calgary
Des kilomètres d'archives à Québec
Scènes de crime à Montréal dans les années 1940
Jewish Public Library Archives - From Women's Organizations to Montreal Show Biz
Unbelievable archival footage of passenger ship sailing out of 1940s Vancouver
Longueuil - Les trésors cachés de la bibliothèque Claude-Henri-Grignon
Windsor Public Library Opens New Local History Centre
Oshawa - Archives Awareness Week
Large online photo database available from Arrow Lakes Historical Society (B.C.)
Woman flies in from Canada to donate photo album of her great-grandfathers who both held the prestigious post (mayor of Peterborough, Ont.)
Archival images immerse the viewer in B.C. history: rare Langmann collection on view at Presentation House Gallery
Meet the Law Librarian: Ciara Ward, Northumberland Law Association
Vie d'archiviste : Sandra Lacroix, Commission de la santé et des services sociaux des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador
Hommage à Michel Roberge
Afrique / Africa
Congo - Makélékélé : Maurice Maurel Kihounzou sollicite l'apport de la population pour reconstituer les archives
The information professional's role in the Right to Information Bill in Ghana
Algérie - Lancement de formations sur la préservation du patrimoine audiovisuel
Archives de la guerre de libération, disparus, essais nucléaires : les exigences de l'Algérie demeurent constantes
Editorial - United Nation should transfer International Committee of the Red Cross archives to their natural home: Rwanda
South Africa - Nelson Mandela Foundation's Video Archive Preserved by DAMsmart
Amériques / Americas
Bill would make National Security Council subject to Freedom of Information Act again
Law Library of Congress Implements Solution for Link and Reference Rot
Project Performance Company to Operate, Maintain National Archives Big Data Systems
Hillary Clinton campaign chair: the American people can handle the truth on UFOs
Digital Public Library of America - 100 Primary Source Sets for Education Now Available
Society of American Archivists - Documenting Records Destruction in a Decentralized World
Indie Alaska: : Archiving Alaska's History
Texas - Officials' Personal Email Addresses Open to Public, Court Says
Controversy Over Pre-1972 Sound Recordings Certified to New York Appeals Court
Open-source collaborative platform to collect content from over 350 institutions' archives
Transition Q & A: Paige Morgan, digital humanities librarian (University of Miami)
University of Kansas Acquires 1,000 Zines from a Defunct Radical Library
Howard University's Renowned Historic Library Named a National Treasure
University of Louisiana Students Strive to Preserve Louisiana's French History
University of Rochester's William Henry Seward archive is now online
Online database of Holocaust victims hits 1 million records
Chicago organization brings oral histories of African-Americans to colleges
What did Americans know as the Holocaust unfolded? Quite a lot, it turns out
1917 astronomical plate has first-ever evidence of exoplanetary system
The Museum of Modern Art Is Shuttering its Architecture and Design Galleries (along with the other medium specific galleries including photography and drawing)
New York - Precious Maritime Archives Available Soon to the Public
Spectra Logic Has Been Selected by NBC to Archive the 2016 Olympic Games
Lawyers who won "Happy Birthday" copyright case sue over "We Shall Overcome"
Expanding National Digital Stewardship Alliance Levels of Preservation
Iconic Andy Warhol Works Stolen From Missouri Museum
Boris Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago Notes Sell for $77,500 in New York Auction
Getting the Public to Archive
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia's top public servants call for Freedom of information reform to hide advice from public
Australia - Federal police admit seeking access to reporter's metadata without warrant
Australian Society of Archivists - Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Out-of-Home Care
19th century weather data is helping climate scientists predict the future
Rare footage of real-life crocodile hunters of the 1940's discovered in Australian film archive
Disposal in the digital world: case study from the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority
Queensland fashion archives opened to public at State Library
Archives New Zealand looking at board's record-keeping
Archives New Zealand - The Appraisal Process: Part Two: Guidance and Templates
Japan - Yokohama Archives of History
Tahiti - Le service du patrimoine archivistique audiovisuel fait peau neuve
South Korea Justice ministry to set up North Korea human rights archive
TMD to supply new Mediaflex Guardian to Asian Film Archive
Over 100 Filipino classic films restored
Singapore - Reliving history: 250 volunteers transcribed Straits Settlements Records as part of Citizen Archivist Project
Preserving the past, China's future priority
Federal Archive Agency provides Kyrgyzstan with program to transform central fund's catalog in electronic form
Europe / Europa
Data protection reform: European Parliament approves new rules fit for the digital era
Privacy Shield Concerns Raised at European Parliament Hearing
Linking to Pirated Content Is not Copyright Infringement, Says EU Court Adviser
Spain publishes file archive tool as open source
Greenland - Inuit Cartography
Ukraine prepares to make Soviet KGB archives available online
Italy - World War II soldier's inscription found in castle more than 70 years later
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia steps up its efforts to safeguard Intangible Cultural Heritage
Archives de l'État en Belgique - Des statistiques uniques sur la population belge sont consultables en ligne
Association des archivistes français - Petite Loi pour une république numérique : oui à l'ouverture des données publiques mais sans freiner les programmes de numérisation des archives
France - Les Archives nationales lèvent le voile sur les grands explorateurs français
Mobilisation pour garder les Archives nationales à Fontainebleau
L'ancienne ministre de la Famille Dominique Bertinotti : François Mitterrand a souhaité des dérogations sur ses archives, mais…
Acquisition par l'État du registre des comptes du Château d’Amboise, grâce au mécénat de la société AXA
Henry Rousso: le surinvestissement dans la mémoire est une forme d'impuissance
Archive footage documents the struggles, violence and victories of Ireland's long journey to Independence
Ireland - How centuries of census records were destroyed
Ireland - Personal letters give 'warts and all' picture of key events in history
National Library of Scotland to become founder member of prestigious digital image consortium
Jimmy Savile's clunk click safety ads ejected from National Archives
UK National Archives - Uncovering a sad tale of murder and suicide
British Library - Building Tools to Archive the Modern Web
British Library - Update on the digital Spare Rib: important information for researchers and contributors
Born-digital data and methods for history: new research network
Better than Sherlock Holmes: Detective Alphonse Bertillon's Crime Scene Photographs
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Bible may have been written earlier than believed
The end of history at Israel's state archives
Israel's state archivist opens up about censorship, digitization
Records of Israeli arms sales during Rwandan genocide to remain sealed
National Library of Israel - After Centuries: a Rare Bible of the Jews of Ethiopia Reaches Jerusalem
United Arab Emirates - The National Archives has received 2250 documentaries about Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan from Abu Dhabi Media Company
The United Arab Emirates Art Archive is first online facility dedicated to preserving the country’s visual arts history
Sultanat of Oman National Records & Archive Authority celebrates Arab Manuscript Day
Turkey - Great benefactors of libraries and archives: Ottoman sultanas
The assad files: capturing the top-secret documents that tie the Syrian regime to mass torture and killings.
IFLA - Libraries are fighting for public, not commercial interests: a response to comments at the International Publishers' Congress 2016
Implications of Archival Labor
Decentralized Autonomous Collections
The Architecture of Emulation on the Web
Brewster Kahle's Distributed Web proposal
Why there are so many sea monsters in early world maps
How the role of the information management professional is being reinvented for the digital age
Librarians at large: advice for transitioning
Using Copyright to Shut Down the Pirate Bay of Scientific Research Is 100% Against the Purpose of Copyright
Quand une exigence de Blizzard remet sur le tapis la question des archives dans le MMO
How Early Computer Games Influenced Internet Culture
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