Thursday 13 October 2016

Vol. 10, no. 7

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Librarian and Archivist of Canada Speech - Witnesses to the Truth: Managing the Records of Difficult Times

France - Arrêté portant agrément pour la conservation d'archives publiques courantes et intermédiaires 

Archives New Zealand - New Set of Resources and Guides

UK National Archives - Strategic Vision for the Archives Sector (for Consultation)

UK - Transfer of Ministry of Defense Records to the National Archives

Her Majesty Revenue & Customs (UK) - Records Management and Retention and Disposal Policy

De la communauté / From the community
National, Provincial and Territorial Archivists' Conference (NPTAC) Annual Report for 2015-2016

Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Statistics 2014-2015

Educopia Institute - Preserving & Curating ETD Research Data & Complex Digital Objects

International Association of Privacy Professionals - Annual Privacy Governance Report 2015

Revue Archives du Maroc, no. 1 (2016)

Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 43, no. 1 (October-November 2016)

Scandinavian Library Quaterly, vol. 49, no. 3 (2016)

Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 9 (2016)

Quarterly Newsletter on Grey Literature, vol. 8, no. 4 (2016)

The Burlington Historical Society (Ontario) Gazette, vol. 12, no. 8 (2016)

La Pomme : bulletin périodique de la Fondation archives vivantes (Suisse), no. 16 (2016)

Book - Media Archaeologies, Micro-Archives and Storytelling: Re-Presencing the Past

Book - Appraisal and Acquisition Strategies 

Book - Exhibiting Nation: Multicultural Nationalism (and its Limits) in Canada's Museums

Book - The History Thieves: Secret, Lies and the Shaping of a Modern Nation

Book - The Print Before Photography: an Introduction to European Printmaking 1550-1820

Book - Museums in a Digital Culture: how Art and Heritage Became Meaningful

Book - Integrating LibGuides into Library Websites

Book - A Tommy's Life in the Trenches: a Soldier Artist on the Western Front

Book - How to Protect (or Destroy) your Reputation Online: the Essential Guide to Avoid Digital Damage, Lock Down your Brand, and Defend your Business

Book - Contesting Medical Confidentiality: Origins of the Debate in the United States, Britain, and Germany 

Book - Bodies of Truth: Law, Memory, and Emancipation in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Book - Deep Text: Using Text Analytics to Conquer Information Overload, Get Real Value from Social Media, and Add Big(ger) Text to Big Data

Book - Look Who's Watching: Surveillance, Treachery and Trust Online

Book - The Holocaust in the Twenty-First Century: Contesting/Contested Memories

Book - The Intersection of Copyright Law and Internet Policy: Select Issues and Perspectives

Livre - Voyage dans le temps : le patrimoine français reconstitué en 3D 

Livre - Gouraud photographe : trésors des archives du Quai d'Orsay

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exhibit - Vancouver in the Seventies
October 13, 2016 - February 26, 2017, Vancouver

Home Movie Day Vancouver 2016
October 15, 2016, Vancouver

Association for Manitoba Archives 2016 Annual General Meeting
October 20, 2016, Winnipeg

Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling Extended Workshop: Listening with Heart
October 22-23, 2016, Montreal

One Year Later: the Liberal Government's Record on Transparency
October 25, 2016, Ottawa

Tête première dans l'ère du numérique
25 octobre 2016, Montréal

The Experience of Nova Scotian Soldiers During the Great War
October 27, 2016, Truro

Journée de réflexion sur la gestion des données de la recherche
21 novembre 2016, Sherbrooke

NARA - Revolutionary Movements Then and Now: Black Power and Black Lives Matter
October 19, 2016, Washington D.C.

Online Course - Photographic Chemistry for Preservation
October 20, 2016 - March 20, 2017

Access 2016 (Videos Available)
October 4-7, 2016, Fredericton 

Archives and Records Professionals for Research Data Plenary (Minutes Available)
September 16, 2016, Denver

Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada Video - Michael Smith: a Case for the Constitution 

Library and Archives Canada Video - Signatures Series: Interview with Jacques Godbout

Presbyterian Church in Canada Archives - New Website

Video - The Canadian Stamp Collection at the Canadian Museum of History

Vidéo des Archives de l'État en Belgique - HECTOR: Hybrid Electronic Curation, Transformation and Organization of Records

Vidéo - La médiation de la connaissance à l'ère du numérique

SIARDexcerpt (an Application that Searches and Extracts Individual Records of SIARD files)

UK National Archives Podcast - Never Forget: the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution

Cours en ligne massif et ouvert Bien Archiver - Tous les vidéos sont en ligne

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

The 150th Anniversary of Confederation in 2017: Communities at the Heart of the Celebrations

Opinion - CSIS, Bill C-51 and Canada's growing metadata collection mess

Why Copyright Reform won't Solve the Troubles Faced by the Newspaper Industry

Access to Knowledge in Canada

On the Road to 2017 with Library and Archives Canada: Canada on Screen

Library and Archives Canada - Accessing our history: a project about prime ministers

Library and Archives Canada - An ancient text gets a new life

Library and Archives Canada - Canadian Weather Registers

British Library - Dorothy Livesay: Canada, the Spanish Civil War and the 1930s

BAnQ collabore avec Ancestry pour donner un accès Web élargi à plus de 7,3 millions de pages de documents notariés québécois du XVIIe au XXe siècle

BAnQ reçoit le prix Audiovisuel et multimédia Télé-Québec de la Société des musées du Québec pour l'exposition La bibliothèque, la nuit

BAnQ - Le mystérieux MacLean Show

Ontario Archives Features Paintings by Moma Malkovich Including St. Joseph Islander Ferry

Chief Shingwauk and Shingwauk Residential School Centre Included in Special 150th Anniversary Exhibition at Archives of Ontario

Newfoundland - Government's library review implodes in spectacular fashion

Nova Scotia's Freedom of Information laws are dangerously toothless

Hand-written recipes featured in Nova Scotia Archives online exhibit

Archives of Manitoba - One Manitoba soldier: a whiz bang to mother

Archives provide a glimpse of Southern Alberta Institute of Technology's formative years

Toronto Archives showcases the rise of playgrounds in the city 

Does Toronto need a neon sign museum?

The 1910 aviation meet and Count Jacques de Lesseps’ flight over Toronto

Inside Toronto's new cassette store

Are cassettes coming back like vinyl? Doesn't really sound like it

Saskatoon library to offer help with viewing old home movies

Les archives photos du Nouvelliste cédées à Appartenance Mauricie

Archives de la ville de Québec - En 1972, la vague des bleus déferlait sur Québec

Le Conservatoire culinaire du Québec ouvre ses portes à l'École des métiers de la restauration et du tourisme de Montréal

Centre du patrimoine du Saint-Boniface - Sur le long sentier des droits linguistiques

Kingston - Interest grows in family trees

Archivist Interview: Meet Krista McCracken, Algoma University

Sur les traces de Louis de Lentaigne : un étudiant réussit à identifier une épave datant de 1754 en remontant la piste de son ancêtre

Author Jack Kerouac's truest language was the French of his boyhood

Afrique / Africa
Nigeria - National Library Gets Eviction Notice Over N508 Million Debt

Burkina Faso wants France to release Thomas Sankara archives

Algérie - Dans les coulisses des Archives nationales: plongée dans notre mémoire

Cameroun - Liberté de la presse : les journalistes à l'épreuve du secret-défense

Belt and braces approach: South African History Archive assists with obtaining records on restraining prisoners

Amériques / Americas
White House unveils open data tools to empower communities

What the Trump tapes can teach us about news archives

NARA - A Pioneer in Electronic Records

NARA - The Challenges of Electronic Records

Library of Congress - New Website on Martin Waldseemüller and his 1507 Map, the Birth Certificate of America

The Library of Congress Has an Underground Bunker Full of Movies

Digital demands paradigm shift in film archiving

Century-old negatives in local photographer's collection find home in new national African American museum

Reclaim the records: a major new resource for genealogical research in the USA

State Archives of North Carolina - Newly added World War I material

University of Texas - Ransom Center's Goldbeck photo collection now online

University of Texas at Arlington's new 38-degree vault will preserve film negatives 500 years

University of Oklahoma - Ballets Russes archive provides glimpse into world-famous dance company 

Kent State University - Professor preserves cultural heritage manuscripts to combat radicalism in Middle East

University of Chicago - Pozen Center Launches Chicago Torture Archive

University of California - New digital archives provide historical access to Punjabi Americans

University of California San Francisco Archivist Preserving University's Storied Past for a Dynamic Future

University of Alaska - A day in the life of an archivist

Getty - Saving Electronic Records from Rot and Decay

Racist Objects: a Painful Past Still Present

New York Public Library Digitizes 137 Years of New York City Directories

The Oldest Map of New York Is Drawn on Goat Skin, Costs $10 Million 

Remembering Robert Goldstein, National Public Radio's Music Librarian

Meet a Coca-Cola Archivist

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
The truth is (not) out there: how the Australian government stopped investigating UFOs

Australia - Love vinyl? So does the Victoria State Library

New Zealand - Kiwi films brought out of archive to celebrate first ever movie screening

Malaysia Records Management Society - Understanding your organization for good record keeping practices 

Thailand - Huge official headache: backlog of 4.25m Sor Khor 1 deeds

India - The Right to be Forgotten: Balancing Personal Privacy with the Public's Right to Access Information

Europe / Europa
Lost movie by silent film pioneer unearthed at Czech film archive

Volunteers Index Thousands of Digitized Documents from Danish National Archives 

Sweden - ​Nationalmuseum releases 3,000 images on Wikimedia Commons

Early biography comparing Hitler to Jesus was likely written by Fuhrer himself

How Virtual Reality Is Helping Prosecute Nazi War Criminals

Malta - Electoral Office passes collection of old files to the National Archives

Belgique - Mise en ligne des manuscrits détruits de la Bibliothèque universitaire de Louvain

France - Grande Collecte : élargir les sources de notre histoire

France - La liste des prisonniers de guerre 39-45 accessible gratuitement

Archives de France - Amnistie et communicabilité

France adds source code to list of documents covered by freedom of information laws

Peut-on publier les éléments de la vie privée d'un défunt ?

How France's TV5 was almost destroyed by Russian hackers

British Library and Bibliothèque nationale de France announce joint project to digitise medieval manuscript treasures

National Library of Ireland welcomes budget increase for 2017

National University of Ireland - Launch of Digital Archive relating to Northern Ireland Peace Proces 

A knit in time: a look through the pringle of Scotland archives

National Library of Scotland to Recruit Gaelic Wikipedian

Government plans to make the UK one of the most digitally-skilled nations

Alien cover-up claim: UK's top-secret UFO X-Files release delayed by a year

What Really Happens when you Freedom of Information Act UK Police

New Dawn and the UK Parliamentary Archives

UK National Archives - Seals, my miniature window into the past 

UK National Archives - Somme Tales 

Twelve awesome things you probably didn't know about the British Library

Victorian conjuror's collection goes on show at British Library 

British Library - The Archive of Yogyakarta digitised

This brilliant archive celebrating live gigs at Manchester University is a must-see for music fans

Unseen documents revealed on new website dedicated to TS Eliot

A 19th-century astronomy expedition brought to life

The Man who Invented Bookselling As we Know it 

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
National Library of Israel - Hundreds of Thousands of Photos Chronicling Israeli History and Life to Go Online

Secrets of New Dead Sea Scrolls Come to Light

Inventorying undisclosed archives: the Italian consulate in Jerusalem

Syrian Experts trained to safeguard their manuscripts and archives

United Arab Emirates - Sheikh Khalifa issues Abu Dhabi's cultural heritage law

Lebanese activists fight to save Beirut's architectural heritage

What's the Deal? Trade, Copyright and Libraries Discussed at World Trade Organization Public Forum

Archival Activism

How to extract images from any file

Forty creepy starting sentences for stories about librarians

Uncovering the Secret History of Street Signs

Digital Preservation of Photo Books

Why is taking photographs banned in many museums and historic places?

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