Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Library and Archives Canada - Final Report: Summit on the Value of Libraries, Archives and Museums
Alberta - Information Management Standards for Digital Government Plan
UK Government - Better Information for Better Government
Conseil d'orientation de l'édition publique et de l'information administrative (France) - Innover pour simplifier l'accès à l'information publique
European Commission - Guidelines on the Right to Data Portability
U.S. Department of Commerce - Fostering the Advancement of the Internet of Things
De la communauté / From the community
Society of American Archivists - Standardized Statistical Measures and Metrics for Public Services in Archival Repositories and Special Collections Libraries (for Comments)
IFLA - Wikipedia Opportunities Papers
Educopia Institute - Self-Identified Library, Archives and Museum Professional Development Needs 2016 Edition
National Information Standards Organization - Understanding Metadata: what Is Metadata, and what Is it for?
Pericles - Final Version of Test Bed Implementation
Free eBook - What if we Could Reimagine Copyright?
Livre et numérique : enjeux, innovations
Fiche pratique - Comprendre la différence entre cotation et indexation
Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 44, no. 3 (2016)
Practical Technology for Archives, no. 7 (2017)
D-Lib Magazine, vol. 23, no. 1/2 (January/February 2017)
Journal of Documentation, vol. 73, no. 2 (March 2017)
Revue électronique suisse de science de l'information, no. 17 (2016)
Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, vol. 8, no. 1 (2017)
UNESCO - World Heritage, no. 82 (2016)
La Pomme : bulletin périodique de la Fondation archives vivantes (Suisse), no. 18 (2017)
Doctoral Thesis - The Transferability of Trusted Digital Repository Standards to an East African Context
Book - A History of Archival Practice
Book - Archival Theory, Chronology and Interpretation of Rock Art in the Western Cape, South Africa
Book - Architecture in Archives: the Collection of the Akademie der Künste
Book - Curating Research Data
Book - Early Modern Women's Writing: Domesticity, Privacy, and the Public Sphere in England and the Dutch Republic
Book - The Aisles Have Eyes: how Retailers Track your Shopping, Strip your Privacy, and Define your Power
Book - Intrapreneurship Handbook for Librarians: how to Be a Change Agent in your Library
Book - Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (Fourth Edition)
Livre - Empêcher que le monde se défasse : péril dans la bibliothèque ?
Livre - Droit du patrimoine culturel et naturel (deuxième édition)
Livre - Reconnaître les décorations : de 1790 à nos jours
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Brewster Kahle, Founder of the Internet Archives, Visiting University of Alberta
January 25, 2017, Edmonton
Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta - Sunday Genealogy Workshop
Starting January 29, 2017, Calgary
UBC Rare Books and Special Collections - A Season for Friendly Meetings: Exploring Jane Austen's Influences and Legacy
February 3, 2017, Vancouver
Webinar - An Overview of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries Portage Network Services and Resources
February 8, 2017
La gestion de l'information judiciaire en vue de son indexation par les éditeurs juridiques
21 février 2017, Montréal
Canadian Copyright Law eCourses
Starting March 1, 2017
Truth Before Reconciliation: Reframing/Resisting/Refusing Reconciliation
March 10, 2017, Vancouver
Hack-a-thon de Radio-Canada
24-26 mars 2017, Montréal
Digital Social Memory: Privacy, Ethics, and Representation in Digital Preservation
February 4, 2017, New York
Archives Unleashed 3.0: Web Archive Datathon
February 23-25, 2017, San Francisco
Association for Manuscripts and Archives in Research Collections - Treasures of the Brotherton and Beyond
March 29, 2017, University of Leeds
The Art Historical Image in the Digital Age
June 19-23, 2017, Rome
Digital History Summer School
June 20-23, 2017, Lausanne (Switzerland)
Book History and Digital Humanities
September 22-24, 2017, Madison (Wisconsin)
Webinar - Where to Begin: Basics of Project Planning for GLAM Organizations (Recordings Available)
January 11, 2017
What should Be in your Digital Toolbox? (Videos Available)
October 10, 2016, London (UK)
Sur le web / On the web
Genealogy Gems Podcast: Interview with Claire Banton from Library and Archives Canada
Archives of Ontario Video - Opening Doors: Art in the Art Vault
McMaster University - History of Medicine and Medical Humanities Research Portal
Residential School Reading List
Vidéo - Chanson des Archives départementales du Nord (France)
Videos - End of Term Web Archive & Social Media Preservation
UK National Archives - Record Transfer Report Visual Display
Isolyzer (Detecting Broken ISO Images)
Slidecast - Data Analysis, Automation and Integration
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Suspended vice-admiral being investigated for alleged leak of classified shipbuilding data
Copyright Reform in Canada: the 2017 Section 92 Review
Secret order authorizing RCMP's covert Cold War wiretapping program released after 65 years
Feds launch networking site for academics, students and public servants
Canadian Conservation Institute - Call for expressions of interest: Conservation of Contemporary Art and Modern Materials
Canadian Museum of History Acquires Artifacts from the "Canadian Caper"
Past inventions filed with patent office walk the line between being ludicrous or brilliant
The Archives Society of Alberta is pleased to announce the launch of Fonds d'Archives, an online, open access, scholarly journal
Yukon government vows privacy not at risk after commissioner raises concerns
Prince Edward Island - 19th-century painter Caroline Louisa Daly finally gets credit for paintings
New Brunswick and Confederation
Québec - Conditions d'admissibilité d'une preuve issue de Google Street View
BAnQ - Gérard Morisset : protecteur du patrimoine
Archives of Manitoba - One Manitoba Soldier: I am Quite Well
McMaster University maps and archives help shed light on pivotal point in Hamilton's history
Western University - Professor bridges gap in elite collection
University of Toronto - Protecting treasured books: CityTV went behind the scenes of the Fisher Library condensation control project
University of New Brunswick opens Canadian Institute for Cyber Security
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Digital Archive Project website is launched
Memorial University students say new Newfoundland book tax hitting them hard
Nova Scotia Community College houses a collection of maps all the way from the year 1545
Public can track precious ice core samples as they travel to new home in Edmonton from Ottawa
The Historical is Personal: Learning and Teaching Traumatic Histories
Ottawa - Centretown residents turn out in force to oppose LeBreton Flats central library
Centre du patrimoine de Saint-Boniface - Les Vendéens au Canada
Belleville (Ontario) - Archives making history
Galt Museum & Archives (Alberta) - The Prairies' seedy history
Hurontario Street exhibit at Peel Art Gallery Museum and Archvives paved with historical nuggets
Le Patriote de Sainte-Agathe en appelle à la population pour des archives
Prince Edward Island - Rustico priest had first automobile in Canada 150 years ago
How libraries became the locus of creative building design in Canada
New book aims to teach children about painful history of residential schools
Bibliothécaire juridique : plus sexy qu'on le croit
Freshly Minted: Lorisia MacLeod, MLIS Candidate, University of Alberta
Afrique / Africa
Maroc - La réhabilitation du patrimoine juif fait-elle l'unanimité ?
Amériques / Americas
Academics work to preserve millions of colonial documents in Cuba
The Barack Obama Administration Digital Transition: Moving Forward
Moving out, Moving in: the National Archives' Important Role when the Presidency Changes Hands
Jackie Kennedy's pink wool suit and the dark side of first lady fashion
An Interview with the Lead Authors of Recommendations on Federal Archives and Records Management Issues for the Trump Transition Team
NARA - Eyewitness Accounts of Anti-Jewish Persecution in Russia in the Early 20th Century: the Cowen Report
The CIA's declassified database is now online
CIA Torture Detailed in Newly Disclosed Documents
Closing the Book on bin Laden: Intelligence Community Releases Final Abbottabad Documents
Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden Thinks Libraries Are a Key to Freedom
FBI quietly decides all Freedom of Information Act requests over 50 pages are complex
National Library of Medicine Announces Two New Digital Collections: Incunabula & World War II U.S. Government Documents
Before Internet Cats: Feline Finds from the Archives of American Art
Digital Public Library of America to Expand Access to Ebooks with Support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
United States of America Frees Oral History
Booksellers Consider Constraints of New California Autograph Law; Others Push for Repeal
New Mexico government calls for legislative meetings to be archived
Tennessee State Library and Archives helps fire victims replace records
Harvard Is Putting a Thirteen Module Photography Course Online for Free
Yale University - Freedom to Marry archives offer insight into a modern civil rights movement
Catholic University of America - Ethiopia's Most Important Religious Manuscripts Now in Washington, D.C.
New University of Minnesota search tool makes black history more accessible
The University of Pennsylvania Libraries Acquire Only Known Copy of Legendary Benjamin Franklin Broadside, the Elegy on the Death of Aquila Rose
Terri Schiavo Archives: a Permanent Place at Ave Maria University for Learning Terri Schiavo's Historic Story
A Day in the Life of University of North Carolina Archivist: Giving Value to Ignored Voices
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Scientists create 3D-printed objects that can change shape after they're printed
Previously Unreleased Interviews with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Preserving video game history is about more than nostalgia
Behind the Screens: American Genre Film Archive Focuses on Restoration; Preservation
Why the Coca-Cola Archives is Digitizing More than 6,000 Analog Tapes website reveals scary amount of personal address, family information
The telegram that brought America into the First World War
Never-Before-Seen Footage of Marilyn Monroe Uncovered
Alexander Hamilton's letters sell for $2.6 million at auction
Bizarre photographic freak show archive shows how the 19th century was obsessed with physical deformities
Texas A&M archivist honored by President Obama
Archivist at National Naval Aviation Museum is history keeper
Faces of National Public Radio: Julie Rogers, historian
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities
Children recreate retro recipes at National Archives of Australia
National Archives of Australia - Sex education, Chinese Anzacs … and more
Australia - With Secrecy and Despatch: making sense of a massacre
State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wale (Australia) - Six steps to eApprovals: the PSC & DPC interagency collaboration project experience
Review of Queensland (Australia) Privacy and Right to Information Legislation
Queensland State Archives - Royal Visits to Queensland: an historical essay
2016: the Pact that Proves the Value of New Professionals
Korea - Cyber Security Center for Safeguarding National Archives Established
Website: Historical Photographs of China relaunched
Papua New Guinea - Morobe government urged to upgrade archives, library building
The National Archives of India
India - We want to build an archive on Bengali cinema at Suchitra Sen's Pabna house
Europe / Europa
European Union - Brussels hears further arguments in support of e-lending
European science groups call for changes to proposed copyright laws
And the quest for better metadata quality goes on: an update from the Europeana Data Quality Committee
E-ARK Partners Sign Long-Term Licenses
Our Story: DLM Forum Foundation
Auschwitz museum asks Germans, Austrians to donate items
New census records dating back to 18th century added to Gibraltar National Archives
Cyprus - New bill to allow instant access to public documents
Albania - Germany supports preservation of Museum of Photography Marubi's treasure
In 2017, Flemish Institute for Archiving will Also Store Digital Native Material
France - La Commission d'accès aux documents administratifs retoque Filae sur son offre état civil du 19e siècle
Pourquoi le numérique n'a pas fait fermer les bibliothèques?
Des archives orales pour documenter l'enseignement de la création artistique
National Archives of Ireland - What's new in the online catalogue
National Library of Ireland - Winner of Flickr caption competition is announced
Ireland - Mother Teresa letter features in hospice archive
How the keepers of the royals' secrets tried to stop a very saucy exchange between Queen Victoria and her servant John Brown being published
UK National Archives - We are participating in OUTing the Past 2017
UK National Archives - Chinese Labour Corps on the Western Front
British Library - Major new digital resource for the India Office Records
British Library - A New Acquisition: Celebrating 50 years of the Graphic Studio Dublin
The British Safety Council launches a digital archive
Crowdsourcing for Shakespeare
Lowering the tone: doing social media at Bodleian Libraries
University of London - Introducing the Humanities Digital Library
Photographs from Robert Scott's doomed polar expedition to be sold
Denied truth for 100 years: daughter of Durham Light Infantry soldier learns her father was wrongly shot at dawn as a coward
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
World's Finest Private Collection of Prints Posters and Manuscripts Has Been Acquired by the National Library of Israel
Lybia - Civil Registry Authority discovers more than 4,000 forged documents in its Beida paper archives
Le Parlement libanais adopte la loi sur l'accès à l'information
Turkish researchers interested in documents of Armenia's national archive
UNESCO Director-General calls for stronger sanctions against trafficking and destruction of heritage
The NATO Archives marks the 60th Anniversary of the Report on Non-Military Cooperation
IFLA - Libraries, Copyright and Innovation
Wikipedia is built on the public domain
Thinking about Digital Curation
Why Aren't we Doing More with our Web Archives?
Digital Humanities: the Most Exciting Field you've Never Heard of
Librarians are the greatest weapons against fake news
Wear a nanoscale archive of all the world's languages on a necklace
Créer des référentiels SKOS/RDF à partir d'Excel
Les images sont-elles encore produites pour être regardées par les humains ?
How yesterday's industrial workplaces are becoming today's data centers
Army of 350,000 Star Wars bots found lurking on Twitter
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