Thursday 13 April 2017

Vol. 10, no. 33

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec - Guide des archives judiciaires (édition révisée)

National Archives of Australia - Report on Australian Government Progress Towards Digital Information Management 

Ministère de l'éducation (France) - Les enjeux du numérique concernant les ressources documentaires en sciences humaines et sociales

De la communauté / From the community
Archives Society of Alberta - Report on Use of Flood Recovery Funding 

Society of American Archivists - Guide to Implementing Rights Statements 

American Library Association - State of America's Libraries Report 2017

Article - Organizational Resilience in Data Archives: Three Case Studies in Social Science Data Archives

Paper - Records in Contexts: Towards a New Level in Archival Description? 

Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 45, no. 1 (2017)

Topics in Canadian Librarianship, vol. 1, no. 2 (2017)

Library Trends, vol. 65, no. 3 (2017)

The Electronic Library, vol. 35, no. 2 (2017)

Weave: Journal of Library User Experience, vol. 1, no. 6 (2017)

Bibliothèque nationale de France - Bulletin bibliographique de la conservation (Janvier-Mars 2017)

Broadsheet: Magazine of the Scottish Council on Archives, no. 41 (2017)

Quarterly Newsletter on Grey Literature, vol. 9, no. 2 (2017)

Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 7, no. 3 (2017)

Master's Thesis (Archival Studies, University of Manitoba) - The Advocate's Archive: Walter Rudnicki and the Fight for Indigenous Rights in Canada, 1955-2010

Book - Indigenous Archives: the Making and Unmaking of Aboriginal Art

Book - The Best of New York Archives: Selections from the Magazine, 2001-2011

Book - The Card Catalog: Books, Cards, and Literary Treasures

Book - War Memories: Commemoration, Recollections, and Writings on War

Book - The Politics of Online Copyright Enforcement in the European Union: Access and Control

Book - Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Teaching the Jury through Effective Use of Visuals

Book - Interpreting Maritime History at Museums and Historic Sites

Book - Manual of Digital Museum Planning

Book - Printer's Error: Irreverent Stories from Book History

Book - Tracing your Glasgow Ancestors: a Guide for Family and Local Historians

Book - The One-Cent Magenta: Inside the Quest to Own the Most Valuable Stamp in the World

Livre - L'oeil et l'archive : une histoire de l'histoire de l'art

Livre - Lorand Gaspar, archives et genèse de l'oeuvre

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Workshop: Planning Digitization Projects
April 27-28, 2017, St. John (Newfoundland)

Association for Manitoba Archives - Manitoba Day Awards
May 23, 2017, Winnipeg

Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Decolonization and Research Innovation in Canada
May 30, 2017, Toronto

Catholic Archives Group Annual Conference 2017
September 18-21, 2017, Mississauga (Ontario)

Research Data Alliance Tenth Plenary Meeting
September 19-21, 2017, Montreal

Webinar - Reading Old documents: Introduction to Medieval and Tudor 
April 26, 2017

Ruining Preservation and Preserving the Ruins: Challenges in Archiving Sound Recordings 
April 27, 2017, London (UK)

Novel Analytics from James Joyce to the Bestseller Code
May 10, 2017, London (UK)

2017 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Metadata Summit 
May 24, 2017, Reston (Virginia)

Digital Archives in the Commonwealth Summit
October 13, 2017, University of Virginia

The Future of the Archive: Performing the Jewish Archive and Beyond
January 14-16, 2018, London (UK)

Archives and Records Professionals for Research Data Interest Group Plenary (Notes and Slides Available)
April 5-7, 2017, Barcelona (Spain)

Sur le web / On the web
Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island Video - Eight Reasons you Should Consider Joining a Local Genealogical Society

HumaReC: a New Model for Humanities Research

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

New National Gallery exhibitions celebrate diversity of Canadian photography from 1960 to 2000

Stories of Children, War, and Family Separation in the Oral History Collection at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

Library and Archives Canada - Guest Curator: Arlene Gehmacher

Library and Archives Canada - The battle of Vimy ridge: the assault

Library and Archives Canada - Captain Thain Wendell MacDowell, Private William Johnstone Milne and Lance-Sergeant Ellis Wellwood Sifton

Library and Archives Canada - Private John George Pattison, VC

Highlights from Manitoba Budget 2017: Cuts to Public Library Services and the Archives of Manitoba

Archives of Manitoba - 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge: a Soldier's Diary

Provincial Archives of Alberta keep history alive for 50 years

Provincial Archives of Alberta - Marguerite Sigur fonds

Granddaughters of Alberta pioneer and feminist model grateful for Provincial Archives

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec veut mieux diffuser ses vidéos

BAnQ - L'affaire Delorme 1922 : un procès qui souleva les passions

Newfoundland - Where's the report? Months after consultations, libraries waiting for plan

Newfoundlanders serving with the Canadian Corps and at Vimy Ridge

New York Times photos donated to Ryerson University Image Centre

Western librarians publish first-ever online privacy guide by a Canadian university

Coming up and Happening Now at Blockchain@UBC

University of Toronto Fisher Library Shakespeare catalogue wins prestigious Leab Award

AMIA @ University of Toronto Lends a Helping Hand at the 2017 Toronto Silent Film Festival

University and the Military Museums of Calgary commemorate 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge

University of Waterloo Special Collections and Archives - New collection open for research: Robert Dorney fonds 

Historic Negro Community Centre given new life at Concordia University archives

Ancient Arctic ice cores damaged in University of Alberta freezer failure

Historic Negro Community Centre given new life at Concordia University archives

You simply have to stand and take artillery fire: soldiers' letters in virtual University of Victoria to Vimy collection

York University professor donates documentary collection to Canadian Lesbian & Gay Archives

Jesse Thistle (York University) - The healing power of public archives 

Archives As Activism

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - Archives Awareness Week 2017: the Results Are in 

Dazzling colour photographs of 1950s and 60s Toronto at night

Toronto in photos from the 1920s

Toronto Public Library - The Battle of Vimy Ridge, April 1917: One Hundred Years of Memory and Myth

Ottawa - Will the new central library be an open book or a closed one?

Photos of lost Halifax start social media hunt for clues

Clue in: Halifax theatre group combines mystery, technology in unique library performance Archive of Missing Things

Secrets of the night: former Winnipegger digs lost film out of his basement after 30 years

First Elder in Residence appointed to Edmonton Public Library

Regina project building virtual timeline of Indigenous oral history

Help wanted: Diocese of Hamilton seeking $200K Bible handler

Waterloo - The role of archives in our communities

Soldier's letters from Battle of Vimy Ridge front lines found in North York basement

Vimy Ridge remembered in clippings inside 100-year-old scrapbook in Clementsport (Nova Scotia)

Weyburn (Saskatchewan) Remembers: the Battle of Vimy Ridge

Commander's journals capture momentous day for Canadians on Vimy Ridge 

Le Centre d'interprétation de Maniwaki poursuivra le traitement des archives

Colourized photos put First World War battlefield in a new light

Saskatchewan author's novella views Vimy Ridge era through the eyes of his grandfather

A century later, Canada still identifying its WWI dead

How facial recognition software is slowly eroding privacy

Catherine Dugas - Un blogue, ça peut être utile

Afrique / Africa
Eritrea launches inventorying of intangible cultural heritage

Namibia - New legislation to facilitate access to information

Gabon - Les administrations provinciales à l'école de l’archivage

Amériques / Americas
Jamaica - National Library receives Anthony Winkler archives

Top Bolivian NGO facing eviction: given just days to move archive

White House says it is keeping deleted presidential tweets

NARA - Accessing World War I Photos in the Digital Age

NARA - World War I Foreign Policy Records

Rarely Seen Literary Treasures from the Library of Congress Archives

National Library of Medicine - The Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades

National Library of Medicine - Digitizing Material Culture: Handwritten Recipe Books, 1600–1900

Society of American Archives - Federal Funding Impact Story #2

Louisiana's archives in state of emergency, historians say

A deep dive into the Maine State Archives

Tennessee State Library and Archives - Andrew Jackson Collection Now Available Online

San Jose State University - iSchool Professors and Students Create First International Directory of National Archives

Mapping Early American Elections Launches

Historyit partners with leading map library to launch cutting-edge digital collection

Non-governmental Military Libraries: a Look at San Diego's Midway Library

Masters in crime, killers of slime: Chicago gang business cards in pictures

Unseen Sylvia Plath letters claim domestic abuse by Ted Hughes

James Baldwin's Archive, Long Hidden, Comes (Mostly) Into View

David Letterman's Unlikely Archivist

Investor wins $42M judgment against former North Little Rock photo archivist John Rogers

Rare Alcoholics Anonymous manuscript expected to fetch millions at auction

Resourceful Records Managers #1: Laurence Brewer

Tabitha Soren, the unlikely baseball archivist

End of Year Steering Share: Tales of an Engaged Archivist

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - ACT government moves to delay start date for new freedom of information laws

Archivist: Research Support or Researcher?

A crime against local history: Cambodia's lost manuscripts

Philippines - Is film archiving important?

Malaysia - National Archives wants public to use documents as reference on history

India - Centuries old genealogical records of Bihar's Mithila region to be digitised

Pakistan - Lok Virsa joins hands with US institute for strengthening its archives

Pakistan - Sindh governor approves Right to Information bill

Europe / Europa
Why Humanities Need a Research Infrastructure

Millions Spent on Dutch Police's Problematic Digital Archive

Poland - University of Warsaw Selects Avere to Deliver Seamless Access to Active Archive Object Storage

Spain - Appearing in Stock Photos Was the Biggest Mistake of my Life

Netherlands - Biblioteca ets haim: the world's oldest Jewish library was founded by Sephardic Jews in 17th century Amsterdam

France - Le casse-tête des archives d'État

Original Tintin drawing fetches 753,000 euros at Paris auction

Ireland - Diary of Dubliner who lived through 1916 and World War One online

Major funding boost enables National Library of Scotland to partner with the British Library in a new national network to preserve our sound heritage

UK National Archives - Latest MI5 files released

UK National Archives - Paddy Costello: soviet spy or political intellectual?

UK National Archives - 17th century Japan through English eyes 

UK National Archives - Anatomy of a disaster: the Bombay Docks Explosion

UK National Archives - Peter Vannes, Henry VIII and early modern marriage

British Library announces partnership to extend its iconic London building 

British Library - The man who found the straight banana

The Domesday Book: Lessons in Digital Preservation

Not Your Usual Oral History: the Listening Project One Thousand

Archivematica camp York: some thoughts from the lake

Can you judge a book by its odour?

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
How was Emperor Humayun received by Shah Tahmasp of Iran? Manuscripts offer contrasting views

A Jordan Bookseller's 24-Hour Emergency Room for the Mind

La gestion électronique des documents, c'est fini

Forgotten audio formats: the flexi disc

Records Management: the Future of the Profession

Différence entre numérisation et dématérialisation

What's the Issue with Nitrate Film Stock? It's Combustible

How Google Book Search Got Lost

Images d'archives, un avenir prometteur

The Quest to Better Describe the Scent of Old Books

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