Thursday 20 July 2017

Vol. 10, no. 47

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Principles Respecting the Government of Canada's Relationship with Indigenous Peoples

Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan - 2016-2017 Annual Report

City of Toronto Archives - Annual Report 2016

UK National Archives - Annual Report and Accounts 2016-2017

NARA - The General Records Schedules: Transmittal 28

U.S. Information Security Oversight Office - 2016 Annual Report to the President

Government of Ireland - Open Data Strategy: 2017-2022

De la communauté / From the community
U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities - Statement on Sustainable Publishing 

A Proposal for Action on African Archives in Europe

Society of American Archivists, Women Archivists Section - Salary Survey

IFLA - Development and Access to Information 

Copyright the Card Game v2.0 

Practical Technology for Archives, no. 8 (2017)

The Reading Room: a Journal of Special Collections, vol. 2, no. 2 (2017) 

Records Management Journal, vol. 27, no. 2 (2017)

D-Lib Magazine, vol. 23, no. 7-8, (July-August 2017)
Note: See editorial. The Magazine cease routine publication.

Information Management, vol. 51, no. 4 (July-August 2017)

Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, vol. 1, no. 3, 2017 (Special Issue: Critical Archival Studies)

Code4lib Journal, no. 37 (2017)

Discover: the National Library of Scotland Magazine, no. 35 (Summer 2017)

The Archival Spirit: Archivists of Religious Collections Section, of the Society of American Archivists Newsletter (July 2017)

ARMA International TR30-201X - Implementing the Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles

Book - Valuing your Collection: a Practical Guide for Museums, Libraries and Archives

Book - Same Sex Love, 1700-1957: a History and Research Guide

Book - Classics from Papyrus to the Internet: an Introduction to Transmission and Reception

Book - Walter Mittelholzer Revisited: from the Walter Mittelholzer Photo Archive

Book - False Allegations: Investigative and Forensic Issues in Fraudulent Reports of Crime

Book - Privacy: what Everyone Needs to Know

Book - The Digital Modern: Humanities and New Media

Book - Information and Innovation: a Natural Combination for Health Sciences Libraries

Book - The Museum Manager's Compendium: 101 Essential Tools and Resources

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Centuries of Silence: the Discovery of the Salzinnes Antiphonal
Until October 29, 2017, Halifax

Lambton County Archives Reopening
July 21, 2017, Wyoming (Ontario)

Webinar - What is Research Data Alliance and why Should I attend the 10th Plenary in Montreal?
July 25 and August 16, 2017

Two-Spirit Archives and Imaginaries: Indigenous Video from 1994 to 2017
August 7, 2017, Montreal

Wikimania 2017
9-13 août 2017, Montréal

Center Stage: African American Women in Silent Race Films
Until October 15, 2017, Los Angeles

Live-Streamed Event - Collections as Data
July 25, 2017, Washington D.C.

Webinar - Digitizing Photo Archives
July 26, 2017

After the Digital Revolution: how Can we Improve the Preservation and Access to Born-digital Records in Literary and Publishers' Archives? 
September 14-15, 2017, Manchester (UK)

European Connections in Literary Collections
October 6, 2017, Hull (UK)

Dodging the Memory Hole 2017: Saving Online News
November 15-16, 2017, San Francisco

Cultural Heritage and Data: the Role of Research Infrastructures (Videos Available)
December 5, 2016, Washington D.C.

Sur le web / On the web
Archives provinciales de l'Alberta - Ressources en français

Video - Wikithon Roundtable 

Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents - DocScan and ScanTent

Video - Mapping the Great War

UK National Archives Podcast - Sexuality Under Scrutiny in 1930s Soho

UK National Archives Podcast - Oscar Wilde's Trial and Imprisonment: a Short Play

Baladodiffusion - Pour une poignée de celluloïd : collectionner le cinéma

Poster - Identifying & Dismantling White Supremacy in Archives

Présentation - Eman: construction d'une plateforme d'édition numérique de manuscrits et de fonds d'archives modernes

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Governement of Canada - Launch of the Canadian Digital Service

Government kills its push to collect all departments under single domain

Access to information law requires big reforms

Balancing privacy and security in the digital age

Library and Archives Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission Web Archive collection is now available

Library and Archives opens vaults to public tours

Library and Archives Canada: DHCP for genealogy

Library and Archives Canada - Guest curator: Adam Gaudry

Alberta - Personal information possibly missing in theft of government mail

So what brings you to the Provincial Archives of Alberta?

Walk on history at the Provincial Archive of New Brunswick

Newfoundland - Cultural Heritage Office goes on road to collect local stories

Now you can really crunch the numbers on Nova Scotia

Archives of Manitoba - Exploring London While on Leave

BAnQ - Les quatre jours marquants de la visite du général de Gaulle au Québec

BAnQ - Le luxe, c'est très relatif

The Inuit Were Right: Shipwreck Find Confirms 168-Year-Old Oral History

Les Archives de l'État en Belgique collaborent à une exposition au Canada (avec l'Université Saint Mary's et la Art Gallery of Nova Scotia)

Ontario - The Permafrost Digital Preservation Project 

118-year-old original copy of Treaty 8 among historical treasures at First Nations University

University of British Columbia Library brings its rare Harry Potter collection to Vancouver Symphony Orchestra concerts 

University of British Columbia - What's Old is New Again

University of Toronto student app takes you back in time in Kensington Market

University of Toronto students dig into library archives, team up with Toronto Ward Museum for exhibit on Canadian migration

Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives - Lucie Handley-Girard hired as Archivist

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - The Decree Against Communism 

How the Toronto Star seeks access to information 

Archives de Montréal - Expo 67 au jour le jour : du 1er au 23 juillet

Ottawa archivists find portrait of city's first mayor

Eva Brook Donly Museum and Archives (Ontario) gets a reprieve 

Delta Museum and Archives Society (B.C.) collecting stories to mark Canada's 105th birthday

Prince Edward Island - War historian wants to speak with Cyprus veterans

A virtual tour of Niagara Falls through the years 

Dedicated Duo Helps To Preserve Ross Memorial Hospital (Ontario) History and the steps of Odessa

Boîte à outils portables : créer un bordereau de versement pour Bagger

First World War code talkers 

Afrique / Africa
Ethnomusicologist's Congo archive released on his 101st birthday

Tunisie - Une copie originale de la Constitution de 1959 remise aux archives nationales

South Africa - Photographers and their archives #1: Interview with Omar Badsha

Amériques / Americas
CIA Plans to Destroy Some of its Old Leak Files

CIA Overclassification Jeopardizes Hmong Veterans' Fight for Military Burial

$350,000 Freedom of Information Act Loss to National Security Archive Spurred CIA Inspector General Investigation

Sorry, that's classified: what you need to know about how government secrets are made

Discovering my family history: Genealogy at the National Archives

National Archives and Herbert Hoover

The Library of Congress opened its catalogs to the world. Here's why it matters

National Library of Medicine - There Is an Internet in Space

NASA Destroyed Hundreds of Mystery Tapes Found in a Dead Man's Basement

International African American Museum launches genealogy center, research initiative

Harvard's Special Collections Library Marks its 75th Anniversary with the Question: who Cares?

Texas A&M library home to Game of thrones archive

Hundreds of new Vivian Maier prints donated to University of Chicago

Digital database captures voices from inside America's prisons

Internet Archive TV News Lab: Introducing Face-O-Matic, experimental Slack alert system tracking Trump & congressional leaders on TV news

International Center for the History of Electronic Games - Preserving Carol Shaw's Trailblazing Video Game Career

Jewish Women's Archive Looks through the Lens of Jewish Women of Color

Buried history: unearthing the influence of Native Americans on rock'n'roll

Antiquities Dealer Sues Wall Street Journal Over Article on ISIS Link

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
National Archives of Australia - Return of company records to Japan

How an Aussie became the most decorated British soldier in WWI

How a Santa Monica Art Dealer Came to Control Much of Australia's Photographic History

Western Australia secretary defends State Records merger but archivists unconvinced

Victorian State Archives - Melbourne street photographers wanted

Unreleased UFO Files Held by New Zealand Government

New Zealand - Mysterious manuscripts discovered in Tauranga filing cabinet turns out to be lost work of world famous composer

Taiwan museum makes exhibit images free to download

Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy releases massive 13,000-song archive of folk music

Davao City (Philippine) - Proposed archives department creation approved on first reading

India - Subhas Chandra Bose didn't die in air crash, was alive in 1947: French report 

India - Regional archives office lies in disrepair

Europe / Europa
Historical Archives of the European Union - Digital Preservation System

Photoconsortium improves metadata in Europeana

Is copyright turning into a weapon of mass destruction?

Estonia is trying to convert the European Union to its digital creed

Cyprus - Greek coup and invasion archives delivered

French court refers right to be forgotten dispute to top European Union court

Alignement de wikidata avec le catalogue de la Bibliothèque nationale de France

Des milliers de photos du Débarquement de Normandie sourcées et légendées par des bénévoles

France - Affiches, tracts, programmes : 50 ans d'archives électorales en accès libre

Ireland's digital content in danger of disappearing, specialist warns

UK National Archives - Files released: Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Cabinet Office

UK National Archives - Rudolf Hess, hot dogs and haute cuisine 

UK National Archives - An end to conflict: Napoleon’s surrender to HMS Bellerophon 

UK National Archives - Emmeline Pankhurst Day: our records on women's suffrage 

UK National Archives - Wettin to Windsor: changing the royal name 

UK National Archives - 1967 Sexual Offences Act: 50 years on 

UK National Archives - The long road to reform: the Wolfenden report 

UK National Archives - See Jane Austen's original will

A Wonderland of Knowledge: Behind the Scenes of the British Library

British Library - A Treasure Ship in the Patent Office Library

The British Museum publishes the first 3D scan of the Rosetta Stone online

What the Victoria and Albert Museum's director actually said about digitisation

Archiving the BBC's website and social media output

Hidden story of 2,000 African-Caribbean prisoners of war in a medieval castle

Photographer Broke Due to Copyright Lawsuit by Monkey

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Jerusalem Cinematheque to restore 30,000 Israeli films

Palestinians warn over manuscripts, rare artifacts in Al-Aqsa

Weird things I found in Albert Einstein's archives

Correspondence Archives in the Age of Email: Technology, Privacy, and Policy Challenges

A Team of Volunteers Is Archiving SoundCloud in Case it Dies

Why we need to archive the web in order to preserve Twitter

Ce que l'analyse des recherches sur Google nous apprend sur la psyché humaine

Decolonizing technology: a reading list

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