Thursday 28 December 2017

Vol. 11, no. 17

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Records Retention Schedule of Substantive Functions of National Archives of India (now Online)

Archives de France - Service hébergé pour la rédaction de profils d'archivage 

De la communauté / From the community
Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Records Managers - Position Paper: the Migrated Archives

Article - Provenance and Probabilities in Relational Databases: from Theory to Practice

Article - La psychiatrie en ses archives, entre histoire et épistémologie

Archivaria, no. 84 (2017)

Fontes Artis Musicae: the Journal of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, vol. 64, no. 4 (2017)

Review of the National Center for Digitization, no. 31 (2017)

Library Management, vol. 39, no. 1-2 (2018)

Libellarium: Journal for the Research of Writing, Books, and Cultural Heritage Institutions, vol. 10, no. 1 (2017)

Document numérique, vol. 20, no. 1 (2017)

Les Cahiers du numérique, vol. 13, no. 3-4, 2017 (numéro spécial : enjeux et apports des recherches en humanités numériques)

Information Technology and Libraries, vol. 36, no. 4 (2017)

Research Library Issues, no. 292 (2017)

BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 39 (2017) 

La Pomme : bulletin périodique de la Fondation archives vivantes (Suisse), no 23 (2017)

Memoria: Memory, History, Education, no. 3 (2017)

Mémoire d'avenir : le journal des Archives nationales de France, no 29 (Janvier-Mars 2018)

Book - The Emerald Handbook of Modern Information Management

Book - Planning Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery for Digital Assets: the Innovative Librarian's Guide

Book - Helping Patrons Find their Roots: a Genealogy Handbook for Librarians 

Book - Ghosts of Wales: Accounts from the Victorian Archives

Book - Exploring Context in Information Behavior: Seeker, Situation, Surroundings, and Shared Identities

Book - London Rock: the Unseen Archive

Book - Copyright and Information Privacy: Conflicting Rights in Balance

Book - Decoding the Social World: Data Science and the Unintended Consequences of Communication

Book - Forensic Memory: Literature after Testimony

Book - Fashion Curating: Critical Practice in the Museum and Beyond 

Book - Demotic Literary Texts from Tebtunis and Beyond

Book - Asian American Librarians and Library Services: Activism, Collaborations, and Strategies

Livre - Des tweets et des likes en bibliothèque : enquête sur la présence de quatre bibliothèques de lecture publique sur les réseaux sociaux numériques

Livre - Apports de Paul Otlet et de Robert Estivals à l'épistémologie des sciences de l'information et de la communication

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Historical Fictions and the Art of Literary Translation: Tales from the Old, Strange Canada
February 6, 2018, Ottawa

Figures de l'étranger, archives et actualité
7 février 2018, Dijon

Sur le web / On the web
Vidéo - Infoman (Entrevue avec Guy Berthiaume à propos de la Constitution à partir de 3:45)

Canadian International History Committee - Blog Launch: Canadian Eyes Only

Audiovisual Preservation Training

Video - Digital Blackness in the Archive: Collecting for the Culture

Video - Céline Ruivo, Director of Film Collections at la Cinémathèque française 

Video - What is the Future of Digital Art?

Baladodiffusion - Arseny Roginsky, combattant des archives

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Know your limit: the Canadian copyright review in the age of technological disruption

Are Indigenous acknowledgements a step forward or an empty gesture?

Military emails reveal turmoil after Harper's team released 2015 images from battlefield

Que doit faire une organisation quand des renseignements personnels disparaissent?

Lawyers need to get comfortable with digital evidence

Who says government can't innovate? In fact, we'd be lost without it

Library and Archives Canada - A diplomat, a Prime Minister, and a scholar: remembering Lester B. Pearson

Library and Archives Canada - Guest Curator: Nicoletta Michienzi

Library and Archives Canada Explores Canadian History and Identity

Farewell to the CBC museum, a faded gem that will be missed

Five things to do at Royal B.C. Museum: all of British Columbia in one place

Saskatchewan History magazine publishes its final edition

Saskatchewan Enacts Major Data Protection Amendment

Archives of Manitoba - Russian Revolution and the HBC: Christmas amidst Chaos

BAnQ - Vitrine exceptionnelle sur Sorel à la fin du XIXe siècle : le cahier de notes du médecin Jean-François-Régis Latraverse

Michel Prévost tourne une page de l'Université d’Ottawa

University of Waterloo digitizing many of its archives

University of Waterloo's rare book collection includes centuries-old treasures

Historical artifacts organized into digital catalogue by University of Toronto researchers

Eleven more Toronto directories digitized, from 1951-1969

Archives de la ville de Québec - Joyeuses fêtes

In the region of Waterloo's archives, a faded royal seal has a story to tell

Appointments to the Clarington Museums and Archives Board (Ontario)

Historically Happy Holiday Wishes from the Barrie Historical Archive (Ontario)

South Peace Regional Archives (Alberta) - Christmas Past

Afrique / Africa
Return of stolen artefacts, last stage of Africa's decolonization 

Bibliothèque nationale du royaume du Maroc - Don japonais pour la numérisation

Amériques / Americas
Game preservationists ask for Digital Millennium Copyright Act exemption to Massively Multiplayer Online Games

Freedom of Information Act Researchers Are Targeting a Shadowy FBI Program Called Gravestone

Update on the Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress

NARA - Cartographic's Favorites of 2017

Reflections of Two American Archivists on the Soviet Union's Archives

Rhode Island Loses Access to State Email Archives

Historic photos trace Alabama's past

Information Disparity: Local Governments Show Wide Variety in Access to Information

Yale University students come up with plug-in to combat fake news

Duke University - New Acquisition about The Most Famous Reindeer of All

Virginia Tech class helps tell Holocaust stories by combing through Nazi documents

James Farnham Edwards Interview about the Catholic Archives of America at Notre Dame University

The Internet Archive's OpenLibrary project violates copyright, the Authors Guild warns

Internet Archive gets $1 million Bitcoin donation from philanthropic Pineapple Fund

National Geographic - From our Archive: a Look Inside with Senior Archivist, Sara Manco

Ukrainian American Archives and Museum of Detroit celebrates grand opening

After the Fire: HP Archivist Pledges to Rebuild what she Can

Mapping New York City's historic landmarks

Metropolitan Museum of Art - An Illuminated Hebrew Bible Has a New Home

San Francisco Silent Film Fest expands into preservation

Former Arkansas sport archivist gets 12 years for selling fake collectibles

From here to Timbuktu: a globe-trotting monk with the Benedictine survival gene seeks out treasured manuscripts

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Archival Decolonist: Collaboration or Exploitation

Japan - National Diet Library: Approximately 300 sound recordings of the Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion) are newly available online

La Bibliothèque nationale du Vietnam, une histoire centenaire

Cambodge: une application gratuite pour apprendre l'histoire des Khmers rouges

Archives shed light on North Korea's startling increases in ocean based rocket innovation

India - Digital archive on poet Kazi Nazrul Islam opens in Nazrul Tirtha

Dans les archives nationales de l'Inde

Europe / Europa
Lithuania - Jewish trove hidden from Nazis, Soviets gives up its secrets

Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie : des archives qui seront utiles pour l'éducation 

A German cinematographer's love affair with Indian cinema

Le stockage et le partage des données pendant la phase active de la recherche : les solutions suisses

Qui veut la peau des Archives de France ?

France - Assassinat de Sankara : Macron promet de déclassifier tous les documents

Collecter des livres numériques sur Internet à la Bibliothèque nationale de France

La Bibliothèque Nationale de France conserve l'histoire du père Noël dans des livres pour enfants

France - Un album de photographies d'Émile Zola acquis par les musées d'Orsay et de l'Orangerie

Vinci, Rodin, Soulages... les temps forts du marché de l'art en 2017

New collection quite literally maps the colonisation of Ireland 500 years ago

Ireland - Ulster Volunteer Force told Charlie Haughey that MI5 ordered his assassination, state papers show

UK - Government admits losing thousands of papers from National Archives

Ministers face inquiry calls as Troubles files vanish from archives

UK: lost archives, Amnesty International concern at possible loss of evidence of human rights violations in Northern Ireland

Why do archive files on Britain's colonial past keep going missing?

Why does Britain hate its past? Politically correct National Archives is accused of rewriting history after displaying an exhibit which presented a distorted view

UK National Archives - A strange story of spirits, and worth reading indeed

UK National Archives - Rosa May Billinghurst: suffragette, campaigner, cripple

British Library - Illuminating the medieval Nativity

British Library - Marking the centenary year of the death of the poet Edward Thomas

The loss of Britain's libraries could be a huge blow to the economy

School of Oriental and African Studies University of London launches Digital Filipinana collection

An 18th-Century Compendium of Magic Revels in the Dark Arts

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Israel - Archive of pre-state Jewish population offers glimpse of founding generation

United Arab Emirates - National Archives to introduce Emirates Library platform at Sheikh Zayed Heritage Festival

United Arab Emirates - New photographs reveal the feat of engineering behind the Louvre Abu Dhabi's dome

Rare Christian manuscripts showcased at Iran's national library 

Egypt court acquits founder of new Library of Alexandria

Saudi Arabia - King Abdulaziz archives reveal film about Saudi Army in Palestine

Turquie - La défense de Médine par Fahreddin Pasha, attestée par les archives ottomanes

Iraq - Remembering the Jewish community of Baghdad

The defense of education at the World Intellectual Property Organization

Gestion documentaire : tendances clés & perspectives 2018

The Role of Archives in Digital Preservation

Data aggregators: a solution to open data issues

What is the public benefit of sharing personal data?

Reshaping the Experience of Art: Digitization and 3D Archives

Our film and video history is threatened by the rise of streaming video

15 Librarians to Follow on Instagram +5 More

AbeBooks' Most Expensive Sales of 2017

How Much Mathematics Does an IT Engineer Need to Learn to Get Into Data Science?

A doomed-but-revolutionary operating system spearheaded by Steve Jobs will be free to download in 2018

Christmas Carols, generated by a neural network

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