Thursday 24 May 2018

Vol. 11, no. 38

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada - Guidelines for Obtaining Meaningful Consent + Guidance on Inappropriate Data Practices

Library and Archives Canada - Progress Report Q4 (January to March 2018)

Archives New Zealand - Appraisal Report & Disposal Schedule: New Zealand Tourism Board (for Comments)

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Revised Local Schedule: Records of Public School Districts 

De la communauté / From the community
Portage Network - Research Data Preservation in Canada 

Society of American Archivists - Guidelines for Standardized Holdings Counts and Measures for Archival Repositories and Special Collections Libraries

Association of Research Libraries - The General Data Protection Regulation: what Does it Mean for Libraries Worldwide?

Sedona Conference - International Principles for Addressing Data Protection in Cross-Border Government & Internal Investigations

Article - Moving Toward a Reparative Archive: a Roadmap for a Holistic Approach to Disrupting Homogenous Histories in Academic Repositories and Creating Inclusive Spaces for Marginalized Voices

Fontes Artis Musicae: the Journal of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, vol. 65, no. 1 (2018)

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 33, no. 2 (2018)

Cri du Portail international archivistique francophone, no 17 (2018)

Thèse de doctorat (Université de Montréal) - Émergence de normes dans les systèmes économiques et sociaux d'oeuvres numériques protégées par droit d’auteur

Book - Music Preservation and Archiving Today

Book - Exploring Research Data Management

Book - Re-Envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education

Book - Venice Illuminated: Power and Painting in Renaissance Manuscripts

Book - Alexander Hamilton: Documents Decoded

Book - Pests in Houses Great and Small: Identification, Prevention, Eradication

Book - Participatory Archaeology and Heritage Studies: Perspectives from Africa

Book - Shadow Libraries: Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education

Book - Information Management and Big Data: Fourth Annual International Symposium

Book - Interpreting Immigration at Museums and Historic Sites

Livre - Noms de lieux, noms de personnes : la question des sources

Livre - Bibliothécaires, documentalistes : tous entrepreneurs ? 

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
University of British Columbia - Launch of the Habitat Conferences Digital Archive
May 31, 2018, Vancouver

Vancouver Impressions (the Early 1960s): a Programme of Archival Films 
June 2, 2018, Vancouver

Repenser les humanités numériques
25 au 27 octobre 2018, Montréal

Online Conference - Blockchain Applied: Impact on the Information Profession
June 7, 2018

Access to Digital Collections that Take Bitstreams Seriously: Hands-on with BitCurator, BitCurator Access and BitCurator NLP Software
June 7-8, 2018, London (UK)

Working with Digital Records: Studies in Archival Theory and Practice 
June 29, 2018, Jerusalem

Passive Aggressive? Changing the Climate in Archival and Museum Storage
July 9, 2018, Kew (UK)

Fake news : ce qu'en disent la philosophie, la sociologie, l'informatique, l'économie et le droit (présentations disponibles)
22 mai 2018, Paris

Sur le web / On the web
InterPARES Trust - Terminology Database

Video - Handle with Care at the Canada Science and Technology Museum

Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française - Exposition virtuelle : Vie française 

Video - Thought Leaders in Privacy: Eloïse Gratton

Historical Reminiscents Podcast - Representation and Making Space in Public History

Society of American Archivists - Archival History Timeline 

Video - Treasured Items from the Boots UK Archive Help to Rekindle Memories in People with Dementia

Software Preservation Network Video - Software in Scholarly Communications

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Canadian Copyright, Fair Dealing and Education, Part One: Making Sense of the Spending 

Canadian Copyright, Fair Dealing and Education, Part Two: the Declining Value of the Access Copyright Licence 

Canadian Copyright, Fair Dealing and Education, Part Three: Exploring the Impact of Site Licensing at Canadian Universities 

Preliminary Thoughts on Canada's Copyright Review

Europe's tough new data privacy laws will benefit Canadians, too

16% of Canada's physical artefacts and records converted to digital

The Supreme Court is being unjustifiably secretive about its internal deliberations

Library and Archives Canada Access to Information Request Response January-March 2018

Library and Archives Canada - St. Eugene Indian Residential School: Repurposing an Indian Residential School

Library and Archives Canada - My darling dearest Jeanie: the Joseph Gaetz fonds

Library and Archives Canada - Found in translation: discovering Canadian literary translations

France - Un partenariat autour des archives en arts visuels du Centre culturel canadien 

Yukon government reveals proposed access to information changes

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation tabled in Prince Edward Island legislature

British Columbia premier apologizes for government's deletion of email records

New Brunswick - Why you may not have to throw out your flood-damaged documents

Nova Scotia Museum Celebrates 150 Years of Telling Nova Scotians' Stories

Ontario lawyers receive guide to Indigenous legal rights, history and culture

What we've Learned about Ontario's Multicultural History

Archives of Manitoba - The S.S. Nascopie: Wartime Supply Vessel in the Arctic

Québec a imposé Jean-Louis Roy au conseil d'administration de BAnQ 

BAnQ - Le testament politique de Chevalier De Lorimier ou l'histoire d'un document clandestin

La plus ancienne copie connue du testament politique du patriote de Lorimier est à Rimouski

BAnQ - Sommet historique tenu au Manoir Richelieu en mai 1977

Le Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec propose de revivre le séjour du journaliste Jules Fournier dans l'ancienne prison de Québec avec une immersion sonore en 360 degrés

Mali delegation taps Canadian expertise documenting human rights abuses

Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives - What's in the Archives? Supporting our Youth

Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives - Dis/patches from the Foreign Office: Part 3

Ontario Council of University Libraries - Permafrost Digital Preservation Service: Call for Subscribers

McGill University - Mapping 375 years of progress: rare Montreal maps from 1556-1946

University of Ottawa - New: the Graduate Diploma in Information Management

Université du Québec à Montréal - Recréer un monde intellectuel : un site web propose de reconstruire la bibliothèque du Collège royal de La Flèche, l'un des centres intellectuels de la modernité

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - Missionaries on Wheels

Ottawa - More than a museum: LGBTQI2+ space coming to LeBreton Flats in 2021

100th anniversary of Winnipeg's 1919 General Strike will be marked with monument, movie, books

Winnipeg - City archive building deemed 'endangered': national heritage advocates

Saskatoon - City Archives digitizes colour film of 1939 royal visit

Our Missing Heritage: Vancouver Police HQ

Twelve gorgeous photos of what Toronto hip hop looked like before Drake

City of Nanaimo pursues leaker of confidential report

Why Kelowna won't release information about surveillance camera privacy concerns

300 ans d'histoire à l'abri dans les voûtes du Centre du patrimoine de Saint-Boniface

Stratford Festival Archives Trust receives over $80 thousand in funding

Dundas Museum & Archives (Ontario) closing June 10 for six week project

Digitization project preserves local history: Grimsby (Ontario) Independent papers will soon be available online

Letter in Whitby (Ontario) archives raises more questions than answers

Grande restructuration pour relancer les archives de la Beauce

Archives Lanaudière - Plus de 100 000 photos historiques à numériser

Don d'archives à la Société historique de la Côte-Nord

Le centre d'archives de la région de Rivière-du-Loup a maintenant son certificat d'agrément

86 mille $ pour le Centre d'archives régional des Îles-de-la-Madeleine

New Brunswick man reunited with family photos that washed away in flood

Her father pretended he could use a thimble to get into Canada. His father stitched together the scheme. Now a project has brought them together

Témoignage : des archives qui changent une vie

Singing the heavenly music of 18th century Quebec nuns

Canadian soldiers ID'd a century after they fell in WWI Battle of Hill 70

More controversy over Stern exhibit in Germany as Canadian curators withdraw

Seattle man arrested in connection with 1987 slayings of British Columbia high school sweethearts: DNA genealogy match leads to arrest 

Afrique / Africa
Djibouti - Le ministre des affaires musulmanes, de la culture et des biens waqfs : pour une meilleure conservation des archives nationales

Why the debate continues over repatriating looted Ethiopian treasures

Nigeria - Kano State Government is in the process of adopting the Freedom of Information Act 

South Africa - Judges' access to Juta archive restored as justice minister apologises 

Amériques / Americas
Saint Kitts and Nevis - National Archives completes conservation of Cleghorn Journals

NARA's Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative: an Overview

NARA - Email System Features and Records Management

Citizen scientists are unearthing climate data from old ships' logs 

In Defense of Presidential Libraries: why the Failure to Build an Obama Library Is Bad for Democracy

Getting records from a presidential library can take longer than their term in office

From 14 million photos in the Library of Congress, she chose 440 to tell the story of America

National Library of Medicine - Public Libraries: Partners in Health

Society of American Archivists Praises Introduction of ACCESS to Recordings Act

Library Copyright Alliance applauds new ACCESS to Recordings Act

Society of American Archivists - Welcome to the World of Tomorrow: Technology that should Give Archivists Nightmares (or at Least Indigestion)

U.S. Public Schools Have Lost Nearly 20% of their Librarians Since 2000

Alabama - Arrest records of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King to be preserved 

Spending habits of South Carolina Chambers of Commerce not subject to Freedom of Information Act

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Electronic Records Resources Now Available

University of Texas - Discover the world of writers' computer files, newly made available

Marquette University home to original J.R.R. Tolkien manuscripts

Q&A: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center's archivist closes a chapter

Computer History Museum - The Eudora Email Client Source Code

Digital journalism's disappearing public record, and what to do about it

Natives Photograph Wants to Help you Tell Authentic Indigenous Stories

American Film Institute Founder George Stevens Jr. Donates Archive to Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

The long-lost Laws of Base Ball, and one fan's outsize bid to get them

World Trade Center blueprints found in pile of trash on Denver street

Repatriating the American Archive in the Antebellum U.S.

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
National Archives of Australia confirms 10 jobs to go, admits to decline in access to records

Queensland State Archives (Australia) - The Prickly Pear problem

Public Records Office Victoria (Australia) - What is appraisal?

New Zealand - Play gives historic archive modern look

New Zealand - Patea archivist Cameron Curd wins international research scholarship

Papua New Guinea -  Website for War Memories Launched

Japan - The National Diet Library Digital Collections is now compliant with Image Interoperability Framework

Taiwan - Le gouvernement approuve le projet de loi sur les archives politiques

Frame by frame, China's film restorers revive classics

Bangladesh Film Archive celebrates 40th anniversary

India - Digitise drive for Odisha state archives

India - Oral Testimonies Help Partition Survivors Break Taboos and Heal Old Wounds

Pakistan - Prime Minister calls for formation of Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Europe / Europa
Time Machine Takes One Step Closer to FET Flagship Success

Auschwitz trial files designated UNESCO heritage

Poland asks Germany to return archival documents about war crimes and saving Jews

Germany presents code of conduct on handling colonial-era artefacts

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Hague Tribunal Archive Centre Opens in Sarajevo

Munch Museum in Oslo Creates Online Archive of Artist's Drawings

University of Vienna - How the Right Governance Can Strengthen Audiovisual Broadcast Archives 

Hidden treasure discovered from a Russian photographer: Masha Ivashintsova

Italy - Damaged Verdi letters seized from descendants

An Interactive Map Shows Just How Many Roads Actually Lead to Rome

University of Florence - How gel and X-rays are helping us fix art and read thousand-year-old manuscripts

Suisse - Après la disparition de documents, Berne veut revoir la gestion de ses archives

France-Rwanda: l'amiral Jacques Lanxade pour l'ouverture des archives militaires

Hungarian map-robbing gang face jail time in France

Second tranche of Aristophil's manuscripts collection to be sold in Paris, but will it flood the market?

Marcel Proust's love letters to composer go on display before Paris auction

Exhibition offers rare glimpse of early medieval Ireland

Epric the Irish Emigration Museum launches campaign to collect emigrant stories with Europeana

General Data Protection Regulations, the British Records Association and the Future of Archives

UK National Archives - St George's Chapel: history of a royal wedding venue

UK National Archives - Using archives to improve mental wellbeing

UK National Archives - 1618 and the Great Confessional War

Sounds from beyond the Iron Curtain: Soviet classical recordings at the British Library Sound Archive

Secret history: uncovering stories that never officially happened

Digital Preservation at Oxford and Cambridge - Digital preservation with limited resources

Cambridge University - Dirt, Dust and Dodgy Joists, or, Memoirs of a Determined Archivist

Bristol Museum and Art Gallery - Preserving the digital

Rare handwritten volume of Ted Hughes poems bought by Huddersfield University for almost £12,000

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
What's New in Ancient Archives? Part I: the Ancient Near East

Mapping Palestine Before Israel

Message from David Fricker, International Council on Archives President, for International Archives Day 2018

International Committee of the Red Cross - Prosecuting War Crimes after the Second World War: the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials

The internet's collective memory has no backup: the Wayback Machine depends on good will and ignorance

Collaboration in Digital Preservation

Libraries that speak loudly: you can learn a lot about countries' priorities from their national libraries, as demonstrated in Athens, Riga and Doha

3D Scans Help Preserve History, but who Should Own them?

The Ultimate Analog Music Is Back: Reel-to-reel Tape Deck

Tech firms can't keep our data forever: we need a Digital Expiry Date

Numérique : le grand gâchis énergétique

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