Thursday, 2 August 2018

Vol. 11, no. 48

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Government of Canada - Model Science Integrity Policy

Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan - Annual Report 2017-2018

BAnQ - Recueil des délais communs des ministères et des organismes gouvernementaux (nouvelle version)

Archives de France - Synthèse de la consultation "Archives pour demain"

Assessing Freedom of Information Act Compliance through the 2017 NARA's Records Management Self-Assessment 

UK House of Commons - Disinformation and Fake News: Interim Report

UK Copyright Office - Copyright Guidance: Orphan Works (Updated Version)

De la communauté / From the community
Digital Preservation Coalition - Prospectus 2018-2019

Text Encoding Initiative - Guidelines (Version 3.4.0)

Open Government Partnership - The Skeptic's Guide to Open Government

International Council on Monuments and sites - Conservation of Intagible Heritage: a Bibliography

Paper - Doing Difficult Research 2018

Paper - Archivists as Peers in Digital Public History

Article - Informal Archives: Historical Narratives and the Preservation of Paper in India's Urban Slums

RBM: a Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, vol. 19, no. 1 (2018)

Disclosure: a Journal of Social Theory, vol. 27, 2018 (Special Issue: Archives)

Online Audiovisual Catalogers Newsletter, vol. 38, no. 2 (2018)

Society of American Archivists - Archivists and Archives of Color Newsletter, vol. 32, no. 4 (2018)

Book - The International Directory of National Archives

Book - Heritage Preservation: a Computational Approach

Book - After Heritage: Critical Perspectives on Heritage from Below

Book - Handling and Exchanging Electronic Evidence across Europe

Book - Hands-on Incident Response and Digital Forensics

Book - American Little Magazines of the Fin de Siecle: Art, Protest, and Cultural Transformation

Book - The Transported Imagination: Australian Interwar Magazines and the Geographical Imaginaries of Colonial Modernity

Book - The Art of Curating: Paul J. Sachs and the Museum Course at Harvard 

Book - Tourism and Indigenous Heritage in Latin America

Livre - Écrire la biographie d'un soldat de 1914-1918: l'exemple de Jehan de la Croix

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
University of Waterloo Special Collections and Archives - Exhibit : Pulp Fiction

75e anniversaire de l'Association pour l'avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation (ASTED)
12 novembre 2018, Montréal

Decolonizing Technologies, Reprogramming Education
May 16-18, 2019, Vancouver

Black Lesbian Archives Workshop
August 4, 2018, Chicago

Preserving the Evidence: the Trials of an Early Modern Map
August 16, 2018, Kew (UK)

Les archives en partage : fusions, associations, mutualisations, gestion mixte
12 octobre 2018, Strasbourg (France)

Taxonomy Boot Camp
October 16-17, 2018, London (UK)

Sur le web / On the web
Podcast - University of Toronto Exhibit Documents Women's Role in Canadian Food

Historical Reminiscents Podcast: Pay People for their Work

UK National Archives Podcast - Big Ideas Series: Entity Disambiguation in Digital Cultural Heritage

UK National Archives Podcast - Big Ideas Series: the Role of Archives in Addressing Refugee Crisis

National Library of New Zealand Podcast - Dr Lydia Wevers: Books and their Readers

Recordkeeping Roundcasts Episode 1: Scale and Complexity, with John Sheridan

Slides - Linked Open Data for Historians: Enriching Narratives with Structured Data

Slides - Invisible in the Archive: Librarians, Archivists, and the Caswell Test

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Some Notes About Recent Developments at the Copyright Board of Canada

Smile, you're probably on facial recognition software

Canada is Using Ancestry DNA Websites to Help it Deport People

Library and Archives Canada - Designing a Program for Digital Preservation: Building the Momentum for Change

Canada's Newspaper Heritage at Library and Archives Canada

Showing Library and Archives Canada the way

Library and Archives Canada - Louis St-Laurent, Canada's foreign policy pioneer

Library and Archives Canada - The mystery of the Franklin expedition

British Library - Canada and its Literature: a Tale of More than Two Cultures 1/2

Big News on #SaveCBCArchive

Canadian War Museum - Map of significant Canadian battle held secret to keep it safe

Courage and passion: twenty female scientists profiled in new Canadian Museum of Nature exhibit

Canadian Association of Research Libraries Digital Preservation Working Group Administers Survey on Building Capacity for Digital Preservation in Canada

10,000 pages of Yukon Indigenous language material published online

Archives Association of Ontario - Two New features in Archeion

The infamous 1980 paper fight in the Manitoba legislature

Archives of Manitoba - Women supporting the war effort with the Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire

L'accès à l'information: n'importe quoi, selon la Fédération professionnelle des journalistes du Québec

Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives - What's in the Archives? Gay Bell

York, Ryerson Universities Host Summit on Decolonizing Description in Libraries, Archives

York University researchers launch Syrian refugee archive for scholarly use

Ryerson University Archives and Special Collections - Camera Trends: Seeing in 3D

Ryerson University Archives and Special Collections - Ryerson 7025: Student Government

University of Toronto project brings parliamentary records into the 21st century

Dans les coulisses du nouveau centre d'archives de l'Université de l'Alberta

Reclaiming Shingwauk Hall Exhibition

The Manitoba Food History Project takes a road less travelled

Mountain Legacy Project - Landscape Change in Cadomin, Alberta: 1922 to 2018

Un ambitieux projet de recherche intelligence artificielle et justice est lancé

Plateformes, archives et bibliothèques numériques en libre accès

Indigenous family finds ancestors in spirit in General Anglican Synod archives

Ontario Jewish Archives Exhibit Celebrates the Jewish Wedding

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - Record of the Week: Vincere Vel Mori

Toronto Public Library - Maps: Representing Land, People and Activity

Vancouver Pride Parade marshal chronicled LGBT movement for over 40 years

Islandora Show & Tell: Story City by Vancouver Public Library

Expanded Colonist archive offers 1960s history at your fingertips

It's ridiculous. It's Picasso: Facebook reviewing anti-nudity policy after blocking Montreal museum ad

Mapping ancient First Nations settlements around Edmonton

Calgary's Olympic bid won't be subject to freedom of information laws

Nanaimo councillor broke privacy rules, commissioner says

Whistler Museum - Working in the Archives

Chilliwack Museum and Archives (B.C.) - Facial Recognition: Archives Style

From Barrie (Ontario) with Love Part II: Wartime Letters from a Briton in Barrie

Hundreds of newly digitized Oakville Beaver (Ontario) issues offer window to the past

Digging through Quidi Vidi (Newfoundland) history taught me a lot about hidden treasures in our archives

Brampton's (Ontario) police chief was a legend in his time

LG Joins Growing List of Tech Firms Entering Toronto's Artificial Intelligence Scene

Wounds that won't heal, cars for the Kaiser and more reader stories from WWI

Call solved mystery of grandfather and a Canadian orphanage

Naming and Renaming: Confronting Canada's Past

Afrique / Africa
Beijing's Big Brother Tech Needs African Faces: Zimbabwe is Signing up for China's Surveillance State, but its Citizens will Pay the Price

Amériques / Americas
Denmark, U.S. National Archives, U.S. Virgin Islands Collaborate to Recover Virgin Islands Legislative Records

British Guiana - When will our history and literature be properly documented and archived?

Sint Maarten - Prime minister: preserving cultural heritage essential to protecting identity

Judge won't order disclosure of Trump White House visitor logs

Disappeared U.S. Records on Detained Migrant Kids Sparks Probe

Historians Ask National Archives to Preserve Records on Treatment of Immigrants

Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer asks national archivist for sensitive Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh records 

National Archives Records Related to Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh

National Archives Recalls Fire that Claimed Millions of Military Personnel Files

NARA - New Entries Released by the National Declassification Center

NARA - Preventing Freedom of Information Act Disputes

My Internship at the National Archives

Library of Congress - Inquiring Minds: Olmsted Holdings Offer Blueprint for Preserving Historical Landscapes

Library of Congress - New Online: Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted

National Library of Medicine - Pearls of Wisdom: Building a Career as a Woman in Biomedicine

Smithsonian - New World's Fairs Collection in our Digital Library

See thousands of orchids in incredible detail in the Smithsonian's newly digitized collection

Private world of Franklin D. Roosevelt unveiled in newly found film footage

Friends of Lincoln Collection Launches New Website

Declassified records show extent of CIA's involvement in efforts to discredit Daniel Ellsberg

Intelligence Community Releases: Newly Declassified Tet Offensive Documents

Society of American Archivists - Update from the Tragedy Response Initiative Task Force

Alaska state archive digitizes Wyatt Earp papers

Digital Library of Georgia - Preserving and Sharing Spelman Archival Treasures

Interview With Mark Myers on the Texas Digital Archive

Harvard University - Born-Digital Blog Post #6: Accessioning Workflow part 1

Princeton University Library partners with historically black colleges and universities in inaugural archiving program

University of Michigan - Digital Preservation Lab: Equipment

New York University - A New Online Project Rethinks how we Learn about Artists and Archive their Life and Work

Vanderbilt University archive founded to hold media accountable turns 50

Vast Rowan University archives are open for exploration

Lost Neil Young and Joni Mitchell concert recordings uncovered by Michigan archivists

Partnering in the Research and Learning Ecosystem: an Interview with Mary Lee Kennedy (executive director of the Association of Research Libraries)

Unpublished chapter of Malcolm X's autobiography acquired by New York library

Alaska Town dusts off typewriters after cyber-attack

He found 15 books in a Sierra dumpster. Then he found out they belonged to Thomas Jefferson.

The Delicate Art of Dealing with your Archivist

The Delicate Art of Being an Archivist: an Open Letter to Alice Dreger

Seven Additional Types of Archivists: Answer to Alice Dreger

Allies in the Stacks: Answer to Alice Dreger

Archivists on the Issues: Archives as Art, Part 2

De-Mystifying the Archive

Hemingway story from 1956 published for first time

Jehovah's Witness leader urges elders to destroy sex abuse records

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Evidence of 250 massacres of Indigenous Australians mapped

Queensland Government (Australia) - Unpacking policy requirement 5: agencies must make records discoverable and accessible for use and re-use

Australia - My health record: deleting personal information from databases is harder than it sounds

National Library of New Zealand - Small-Scale Scripts for Large-Scale Analysis: Python at the Alexander Turnbull Library

Vietnam - Chairwoman visits National Archives Centre

Taiwan - Justice commission drafts record-management rules

India - Surprise: Nehru library also has the best collection of RSS's Hedgewar, Savarkar papers

India - Film archivist Bhagwan Das Garga's work is now online

India - Get a glimpse of the world's longest palm-leaf manuscript

Europe / Europa
The European Commission's Historical Archives Service celebrates its first 35 years

European Commission - A day in the life of an archivist

Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents - Working with tables in Transkribus? Help has arrived

Sensational archaeological find is likely Germany's oldest library

Fire Destroys Late Greek Director Theo Angelopoulos' Archives: Widow

National Library of Spain: my Experience as an Intern at Digital Library Service

Spain - Audiovisual about Camera Lucida from Museu del Cinema Girona

A wartime diary of two Dutch Jews in hiding

Expatriate Archive Centre - Examining History through Travelers' Memories

Belarus, Oman to discuss cooperation in culture, art, archive keeping

Service interministériel des archives de France - La tarification des recherches dans les services publics d'archives

Ireland - Digital archive of Conradh na Gaeilge's weekly newspaper goes online

UK National Archives - Using the Discovery API to analyse catalogue data

UK National Archives - The materialities of digitisation

UK National Archives - Cataloguing the Middle East mandates in the 1920s

National Archives Embroiled in Controversy over Bond Commission Scam Report

British Library - Visualising the Endangered Archives Programme project data on Africa, Part 1. The project

Digital transformation at Wellcome Collection

Digital Preservation at Oxford and Cambridge - Electronic lab notebooks and digital preservation: part I

Digital Archiving at the University of York - Checksum or Fixity? Which tool is for me?

Understanding archives from the inside: what books about archives should historians read?

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Israel to Check Mossad Archives for Material on Missing Children

Efforts Underway to Digitalize Afghan Film Archive's Archive

International Council on Archives - Call for Volunteer Trainers

International Tracing Service - Stigmatized as a Gypsy from an Early Age

International Tracing Service - Overview of Inmate Identification Badges

Modern Retention Using Sharepoint Metadata

Do not Read: Restricted Collections in Remarkable Libraries

Librarian photographs all the beautiful libraries he visits

Online Photo Analysis Tools

Tsundoku: the art of buying books and never reading them

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