Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Canadian Conservation Institute - Preventive Conservation Guidelines for Collections
Government of Alberta - Information Handling when Decommissioning Systems and Applications
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec - Transfert de compétences : fiche informative
Archives de l'État en Belgique - Rapport annuel 2017 sur la surveillance archivistique
Council of State Archivists (U.S.) - State Archiving in the Digital Era: a Playbook for the Preservation of Electronic Records : a Report for the National Library of Sweden
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision - Preserving Interactives White Paper
De la communauté / From the community
Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Annual Statistics for 2016-2017
Educopia Institute - Community Cultivation Model (Beta Release)
The Challenges Facing the Records and Information Manager
Best Practices Guide: Records Management for the Digital Era
OCLC - University Futures, Library Futures: Aligning Library Strategies with Institutional Directions
Article - La numérisation des archives des arts de la scène
Article - The History, Advocacy and Efficacy of Data Management Plans
Paper - Hyperlocal Histories and Digital Collections
International Journal on Digital Libraries, vol. 19, no. 4 (2018)
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 33, no. 4 (2018)
Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 8, no. 9 (2018)
Online Window into the Vatican Library Newsletter, no. 7 (2018)
Canadian Association of Music Libraries Archives and Document Centre Review, vol. 46, no. 2 (2018)
ISO 28560-2:2018 - Information and Documentation - RFID in Libraries - Part 2: Encoding of RFID Data Elements
Free eBook - Archives in the Ancient World
Book - Practical Knowledge and Information Management
Book - Where Are the Women? Why Expanding the Archive Makes Philosophy Better
Book - W. E. B. Du Bois's Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America
Book - Marilyn: Lost and Forgotten: Images from Hollywood Photo Archive
Book - The Library Book
Book - Mobile Big Data
Book - Culture and Perspective at Times of Crisis: State Structures, Private Initiative and the Public Character of Heritage
Book - Transforming Academic Library Instruction: Shifting Teaching Practices to Reflect Changed Perspectives
Book - Inside the Message Passing Interface: Creating Fast Communication Libraries
Book - The National Museum, Sultanate of Oman: History and Collections
Book - Shakespeare and the Eighteenth-Century Miscellany
Livre - La gestion intégrée des documents (GID) technologiques et en format papier (version pour la Belgique)
Livre - Réveiller l'archive d'une guerre coloniale
Livre - L'homme à la recherche de son passé : l'épopée des civilisations, filmée au premier plan
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Labrador Boundary Case Presentation
October 25, 2018, St. John's
Des propriétés émergentes des archives de correspondances littéraires
25 octobre 2018, Sherbrooke
Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the City of Ottawa Archives
October 28, 2018, Ottawa
Library and Archives Canada hosts director, screenwriter, actor and film producer Denys Arcand
October 30, 2018, Ottawa
Dedication of the Dundas County Archives
November 4, 2019, Dundas (Ontario)
Indigenous Stories from Queen University's Archives:the Daniel MacMartin Diary and the Original Oral Promises of Treaty 9
November 8, 2018, Kingston
Blockchain for Records: Transforming our Digital World
November 19, 2018, Victoria
Regroupement des archivistes religieux - Accueillir les chercheurs : pratiques et astuces
30 novembre 2018, Sherbrooke
Workshop for Instruction in Library Use
May 22-24, 2019, Winnipeg
Revisiting Archive in the Aftermath of Revolution
October 26-28, 2018, Berlin
Collecting Photography/Photography as Collecting
November 16-17, 2018, London (UK)
Open data et archives
19 novembre 2018, Genève (Suisse)
From the Past to the Future of Film Archives
April 8-9, 2018, Lausanne (Switzerland)
Digital Humanities 2019
July 9-12, 2019, Utrecht (Netherlands)
Society of American Archivists 2019 Annual Meeting
July 29 - August 8, 2019, Austin (Texas)
Sur le web / On the web
New Art360 Archiving App
Video - Managing Digital Cultural Heritage Collections
New Resource Description and Access YouTube channel
Recordkeeping Roundcasts Episode 5: Personal Data, Privacy and Looking Ahead
Baladodiffusion - Histoire des mouvements LGBT : archives = vie ?
Open Data Platform of the National Library of Luxembourg
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Government of Canada launches Digital Academy
Gouvernment fédéral - Mystère autour d'un projet de... transparence
Want to Keep Canadian Artificial Intelligence Thriving?: Create a Copyright Exception for Informational Analysis
National Heritage Digitization Strategy: 21 projects approved for funding across Canada
Library and Archives Canada offers financial assistance to preserve and share your histories and documentary heritage
Brian Mulroney felt snubbed by Library and Archives Canada deal with Paul Martin: documents
Library and Archives Canada signs a collaborative agreement with the University of Victoria
Learning from our past: recent digital preservation initiatives at Library and Archives Canada
Library and Archives Canada - The George Ayoub fonds: a passion for ships
Library and Archives Canada - From the Lowy Room: Rebecca's Bible
Library and Archives Canada - Private Thomas Ricketts, VC
Library Services in the Department of Justice: then and Now
À la découverte des archives photo de Radio-Canada
Cryptocurrency recognized as legal property by British Columbia court
Behind the Scenes at the Royal BC Museum
Harrington Harbour, featured in new photograph album at the Rooms (Newfoundland)
Saskatchewan - Celebrating Library Week Across the Province
Société historique de la Saskatchewan - Préserver les archives et sensibiliser les jeunes
Archives of Manitoba - Spanish Influenza in Labrador: One Fur Trade Post's Story
Québec - Droit d'accès à des documents et valeur légale de ceux-ci
Pour de meilleures ressources à BAnQ et aux archives privées
BAnQ - Le patrimoine s'invite chez soi
BAnQ - Émissions d'humour à la radio : À la semaine prochaine dans l'esprit et la continuité de Chez Miville
Mémoire d'un musée : le Musée de la civilisation célèbre ses 30 ans en 2018
Canadian Association of University Teachers - Copyright balance needed in wake of United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
Lakehead University Archives Making Strides
University of British Columbia - Importance of web archiving for government information
Giant Vancouver poster collection goes to Simon Fraser University archives
McGill Library - Book annotations as witness to the Dutch influence in Japan during the Edo period
Making Concordia University more digital-friendly
Racontez-moi ce qui est survenu : un congrès international fait le point à Montréal sur l'histoire orale
Montreal - Doctors to prescribe museum visits to help patients escape from their own pain
New Toronto film project aims to preserve the pasts of Indigenous and visible minority communities
Tarontos Lac: geographer finds oldest known reference to Toronto on 340-year-old French map
This Week in History: 1961, RCMP raid the Vancouver Public Library over a notorious novel
Véronique Rivest, Nycole Turmel et Michel Prévost (ancien archiviste de l'Université d'Ottawa) décorés de l'Ordre de Gatineau
The map that helped preserve Gatineau Park
Durham Region Area Archives Group (Ontario) - The Tale of Two Brothers
Treasures of Glengarry (Ontario) exhibit to celebrate and highlight archives
Women's History Month at the Cumberland Museum and Archives (British Columbia)
Chronique d'archives : des fonds à préserver : l'engagement de l' pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine archivistique
La généalogie génétique permet de traquer les criminels
Can an artist sue an artificial intelligence over copyright infringement?
Bien planifier sa transformation numérique
My First Research Visit to an Archive
My stomach dropped: Half-sisters find each other through ancestry search
Hamilton history had no better patron than Margaret Houghton
Dématique et système d'archivage électronique (21) : la fonction conservation sécurisée des données (1)
Simply put, libraries are incredible
Le musée : cet outil colonialiste
Afrique / Africa
Ghana losing public records: archival facilities in deplorable state
Liberia - Treasure Trove of 100-Year-Old Archival Documents Risk Being Destroyed
Burundi Truth and Reconciliation Commission presented an interim report to Parliament
First Visual History Archive Site in Africa Opens in Rwanda Along with the Launch of the World's First Iwitness Classroom
Les défis de la gestion electronique des documents en Afrique
Guinée: visite au coeur des Archives nationales
Burkina Faso : la levée en France du secret-défense sur les archives du dossier de l'ancien président burkinabè Thomas Sankara saluée par sa veuve
À quand un inventaire franco-algérien des archives de l'Algérie à la période coloniale ?
Amériques / Americas
Restored Dutch Collection returned to Guyana
Americans are now copying Russia and making hundreds of fake Facebook accounts to influence politics
Tag it! Introducing the National Archives Facebook Chatbot
NARA - Home Movie Day 2018: Henry Ford’s Home Movies
Library of Congress - Papers of President Theodore Roosevelt Now Online
Library of Congress - New strategy! New crowd! New team!
My Job at the Library of Congress: Engaging Spanish Speakers with the Collections
The Library of Congress Launches the National Screening Room, Putting Online Hundreds of Historic Films
National Library of Medicine - Data in the Scholarly Communications Solar System
CIA, NSA and the Pentagon still aren't using a basic email security feature
The CIA had a policy of ignoring declassification requirements
Gina Haspel CIA Torture Cables' Dates and Times Declassified
Long-Secret Watergate Road Map May Soon Be Public. Could it Guide Mueller's Team?
Justice Department - Office of Legal Counsel Publishes New Secret Law Opinions
Texas State Library and Archives Commission - FAQ: Is Metadata a Part of an Electronic Record or Not?
Hawaii - The state Archives is moving into the digital age
Cantor Arts Center and Stanford University Libraries collaborate to make Andy Warhol photography archives publicly available
Princeton University - Archives of Harold Ober Associates
Records Transfer from the State Archives of Florida: Florida State University Presidential Files
Improving Workflows at University of North Carolina Libraries' Wilson Special Collections Library
University of Michigan - Understanding thorny file formats: the netCDF Data Curation Format Profile (DCFP)
University of Michigan - Bentley digitizes records for Afroamerican and African studies
Meet the Manuscript Collective: a group of undergrads who explore Pennsylvia University's collection of rare texts
University of North Carolina Greensboro Archivist Explores Role of Women in Brewing
How Archivists could Stop Deepfakes from Rewriting History
The decolonization of the American museum
Librarian, bookseller created alibis for missing Carnegie Library rare books in theft scheme, prosecutors say
Regional Archival Organizations: History in the Making
Reflections on Being an Acquisitions & Appraisal Section Intern
Kodak's New Digitizing Box is a Simple Way to Bulk Digitize Film and Prints
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - 30 years on the Aboriginal Memorial as powerful as ever
Australia - Security of Publications Deposited through the National eDeposit Service
National Library Australia - Navigating Government Gazettes
A treasure trove for ancestors in Australia
New South Wales (Australia) - Case Study: Digital Signatures at Lismore City Council
National Library of New Zealand - Lifting the lid on New Zealand literary treasure
Introducing Papers Past and Digital New Zealand
Japan - More images of Hiroshima after war found in foreign archives
India - Importance of Manuscripts should be Taught to Younger Generation: Hampa Nagarajaiah
India - Old Films Need to Be Preserved for Future Generations, Says Film Archivist Dungarpur
India - 90% of old films not preserved
Europe / Europa
Coalition submits proposed amendments to Directive on the reuse of public sector information
Archive documents to highlight postwar Belarusian economy restoration effort
Espagne : Premier membre de l'ETA arrêté grâce aux archives françaises
Belgique - Archivistes, documentalistes, information ou record managers: le Réglement général pour la protection des données est votre opportunité
France - La perte du dossier médical inverse la charge de la preuve
Une lettre inédite de Rimbaud aurait été retrouvée
Using Medical Imaging to Digitize Cultural Heritage
UK National Archives - Modelling archival data: an outsider's perspective
UK National Archives - Computational archival science: automating the archive
UK National Archives - The end of the Bruce Invasion of Ireland, 1318
Researching malware at the British Library
Oscar Wilde, the web and the world: the British Library comes to Hong Kong
British Library - Manuscripts from the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms online
Not everything was looted: British Museum to fight critics
British Red Cross launches internationally important online archives database
Strangest never before seen objects discovered in British Red Cross archives
Please don't wake the hippo! The Victoria and Albert Museum unpacks its glorious photography archive
There's no plan B: academics race to safeguard research against Brexit
Searching Jeremy Bentham's manuscripts with Keyword Spotting
University of London - A book from Sir Isaac Newton’s library discovered at the Warburg Institute
Student discovers rare comics in University of Dundee archive
Daily Mirror Photographers and the Great War
New 150-year digital archive captures growth of London
The peculiar history of the Ordnance Survey
The Rolling Stones unlock private archive for the first time in history
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Signature au Caire d'un mémorandum d'entente entre Archives du Maroc et la Ligue arabe
Egypt confiscates historic manuscript in Cairo International Airport
London auction of medieval Qur'an manuscript raises Egyptian objections
Un papyrus égyptien adjugé pour 1.350.000 € à Monaco
Iraq - Muslims defied the Islamic State to save two ancient Christian manuscripts in Mosul
Jerusalem artist explores city's evolution by combining archival, new photos
Do you use OpenGLAM? Help review shared #OpenGLAM principles for Open Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums
Sharing digital collections: a guide for galleries, libraries, archives and museums
Digital Preservation Coalition - A valediction for validation?
Software Heritage - Identifying billions of digital objects
The Current State of Description for Archives
How Fan-based Projects Are Helping Preserve Video Games History
How to Be a Rare Book Collector
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