Thursday, 7 March 2019

Vol. 12, no. 27

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Government of Canada - Directive on Automated Decision-Making

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada - Tips for Using Privacy Settings 

State Archives of North Carolina - General Schedule for Local Government Agencies

De la communauté / From the community
Dutch Digital Heritage Network - Controlling the Cost of Digital Preservation

Society of American Archivists - Guidelines for Accessible Archives for People with Disabilities

IFLA - Gifts for the Collections: Guidelines for Libraries (2019 Extended Edition)

IFLA - Open Educational Resources and Libraries Brief

Orcid - Annual Report for 2018 

What to Keep: a Jisc Research Data Study

Ithaka S+R Issue Brief - Restructuring Library Collaboration

Article - Close-reading of Linked Data: a Case Study in Regards to the Quality of Online Authority Files

Journal of Digital Media Management, vol. 7, no. 2 (2019)

Libri: International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies, vol. 69, no. 1 (2019)

Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, vol. 2, no. 3-4 (2018)

Library Management, vol. 40, no. 3-4 (2019)

IFLA Journal, vol. 45, no. 1 (2019)

Unesco Memory of the World Programme - Sub-Committee on Education and Research Newsletter (2018)

Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia Chronicle, vol. 25, no. 1 (2019)

The Burlington Historical Society (Ontario) Gazette, vol. 15, no. 3 (2019)

Report - Profiles of Academic Library Efforts to Develop & Publicize Special & Digital Collections

Book - Community Archives, Community Spaces: Heritage, Memory and Identity

Book - Heritage, Photography and the Affective Past

Book - Images of the National Archives: Suffragettes

Book - Curatorial Challenges: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Curating

Book - The Book in Britain: a Historical Introduction

Book - Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies and Practical Solutions (Fourth Edition)

Book - Memory in Transatlantic Relations: from the Cold War to the Global War on Terror 

Book - Transforming Health Sciences Library Spaces

Book - 3D Printing in Medical Libraries: a Crash Course in Supporting Innovation in Healthcare

Book - Truth, Morality, and Meaning in History

Livre - Qu'est-ce qu'une archive du web ?

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Dangers of Digitizing Due Process
March 27, 2019, Montreal

GLAMsGetSocial: How Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Use Social Media
April 4, 2019, Toronto

Intelligence artificielle
7 mai 2019, Montréal

Webinar - The Ethics of Born-Digital Collecting
March 22, 2019

Archiving 2019
May 14-17, 2019, Lisbon (Portugal)

DLM Forum Annual General Meeting 
May 21-22, 2019, Bern (Switzerland)

Online Mini-Conference - Open Data 
June 5, 2019

Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities 
November 11-13, 2019, Birmingham (UK)

Sur le web / On the web
National Film Board of Canada App – East of the Rockies: Augmented-reality Story of Japanese Internment  

Library and Archives Canada Podcast - The Battlefield Art of Mary Riter Hamilton

Video - McGill University Manuscript 73: Digitization and Details

Podcast - French-Canadian and Acadian DNA Projects

Slides - Digital History and the Digital Modern

Slides - Three Perspectives on a Collaborative Attempt to Use Computer Vision Techniques to Automatically Classify Historical Newspaper Images

Slides - DSpace Docker for Repository Managers: Running any Version of DSpace from your Desktop

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Hundreds gather to inspire the design of the new Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada joint facility

Closing and Hidden at Library and Archives Canada

Library and Archives Canada - Last days of AMICUS and upcoming changes

Province digitizing centuries-old trading post records to mark Manitoba 150 

Alberta invests $1-million in library program to preserve Indigenous languages

Glenbow Museum - Hundreds of century-old photos of Inuit travelling the North

Cursive Conundrum: New exhibit at New Brunswick Museum asks about the relevance of cursive writing

Police hunted for secret church archives during probe of abuse allegations at St. Anne's residential school

La classification commune des archives judiciaires à BAnQ

Est-ce que l'histoire n'intéresse plus personne?

Radio-Canada fait le don d'une collection d'archives au Musée national de la photographie 

Ontario Council of University Libraries - Dataverse-Archivematica Integration Now Available for Testing

Dalhousie University Launches Partnership with the National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation

Press passes and prime ministers: inside Peter Mansbridge's archives at University of Toronto

University of Toronto - New acquisition: 15th-century illuminated manuscript from an important voice in the history of women’s literature

Lakehead University - CTKL Finding Aid Online

University of British Columbia iSchool ranks first in the world for library and information management

University of Victoria - Century-old maps are helping track B.C.'s kelp forests and their discovery was kind of an accident

Université McGill - Investir dans le passé pour préparer l'avenir

McGill University Library - Boat stories

McGill University Library - Women in the Driver's Seat

Rassembler la francophonie : les bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal ont annoncé un partenariat avec Bibliothèque et Archives Canada

Centre d'archives de la grande zone argileuse - Des documents archivistiques reliés à la tragédie de Reesor Siding

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - O Blessed Joseph

Toronto - New exhibit shares how the city's hip-hop scene evolved through the decades

Archives de la ville de Québec - L'affaire Chaloner - Whittaker

Maps and data freedom: how one man wants to put historic maps of Ottawa… on the map

Vancouver Archives - BC Gay and Lesbian Archives Posters Now Available Online

Rough draft of history: London Free Press donates archives to London public library

Compte rendu de l'activité d'appel à la participation du public à l'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants

La Société du Patrimoine des Beaucerons repart sur de bonnes bases

Centre d'archives régional des Îles-de-la-Madeleine - Donation récente de diapositives qui couvrent 30 ans d'histoire

La Société d'histoire de la Haute-Yamaska préservera les archives de France Arbour

Cumberland Museum and Archives (British Columbia) explores expansion

Digitizing the past at Yarmouth County Museum (Nova Scotia)

The Life of an Artifact at the Western Development Museum

Museums and Community Partnerships

An Introduction to Oral History Transcripts and Transcription

Campbell House Museum (Ontario) - They weren't just ordinary tenants: exhibition shines light on Japanese-Canadian couple

Guelph - Couple's story of finding 68-year-long love from a message in a bottle goes viral

Mysterious note left by ghost at Fredericton library sparks a lot of chatter

Library Journal - Movers & Shakers 2019: Jenn Carson, Director, L.P. Fisher Public Library, Woodstock, New Brunswick 

Afrique / Africa
Maroc - Un centre d'archives et de documentation verra bientôt le jour au Théâtre national Mohammed V

Amériques / Americas
Mexico's president opens archives on dirty war period

The CIA's View of Venezuela: what we Learn from the Archives

Opinion - Access to the Barack Obama Presidential Records

How to Boost Federal Email Security

NARA - Update on the Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative

NARA - Improving the Public Comment Process for Records Schedules

NARA - Family Ties: Family Members in Service During World War II

NARA - Jackie Robinson's 100th

NARA - An Uncensored Digital History of the Black GI in World War II

NARA - Vietnam Negotiations, 1968: the Problem of Leaks

NARA - The Department of State Reacts to Public Revelations of Intelligence Activities, 1964

Library of Congress - LGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive is a welcome act of Congress

Library of Congress - In the Library's Web Archives: Sorting through a Set of US Government PDFs

Inquiring Minds: Researching Women's History at the Library of Congress

A New Digital Strategy for America's Library

National Library of Medicine - It Takes a Village

The Council of State Archivists Supports Universal Broadband Access for All

National Security Archive Sues Defense Information Agency for Able Archer 83 Document

Nuclear explosions: Preserving images of terrifying, swift power

Is a new copyright law a colonization of knowledge? Indigenous oral histories have often been recorded and sold without permission

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - FAQ: Are we authorized to store records electronically and can we shred the paper originals?

University of California terminates subscriptions with world's largest scientific publisher in push for open access to publicly funded research

Arizona State University - By and for the people: Ensuring long-term access to public information

University of Illinois - Rare Book and Manuscript Library acquires celebrated 18th-century Mount Vesuvius book

University of Washington anthropologist connects communities to archive of Khmer Rouge-era Cambodia

Iowa State University - Lost history: Q&A with Special Collections and University Archives on lack of representation 

Combining Artificial Intelligence and Human Judgment to Build Knowledge about Art on a Global Scale

CityStream: Digitizing Seattle's History

Municipal Archives offer a glimpse into New York City's history

In Downtown New York City, YIVO's Archive Uncovers a Lost Jewish World

The Obsidian Collection: a Chicagoan's mission to preserve historic black images

I'm Still Surviving: Exploring HIV/AIDS through Feminist Oral History

FBI finds thousands of Indigenous bones in raid on elderly missionary's home 

What Do Only you Know?: a Conversation with Davia Nelson of the Kitchen Sisters (Part 3)

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
The Killing Times: a Map of Sites where Violence Occurred on the Australian Frontier

The South Sea Islanders who shaped Australia in pictures

Fears Maori history will be used in overseas ads after Television New Zealand's Getty deal

India - Photo studio and library to revive archival images dating back to the 1920s

India - How a Mumbai scientist helped bring together India's obsessive record collectors

Europe / Europa
Historical Archives of the European Union - Fabrizia Baduel Glorioso photographic collection now available online

European Holocaust Research Infrastructure - Pecunia Olet: Aryanizing Jewish Shops in Gödöllo, Hungary

Unleashing Big Data of the Past: Europe builds a Time Machine

Georgia's historians fight against censorship of Soviet archives

A Partial Freedom: what Latvia Found in the KGB Archives

Audio archive of Public Radio of Armenia goes online

Cyprus - Funds to digitise newspaper archive dating back to 1878

These Pioneers Created the First Reliable Record of the Holocaust

Vatican to unseal archives on controversial WWII pope

Treasured manuscript with da Vinci drawings unveiled in Geneva

Archives de l'État en Belgique - Registres paroissiaux et de l'état civil : près de 35 millions de pages consultables en ligne 

Les Archives Nationales de France espèrent accueillir un wikipédien en résidence

Le renseignement militaire français se lance dans le Big Data 

Ireland - Records of institutional child abuse transferred to National Archives and sealed

Ireland - Peacemaker Maurice Hayes' archive donated to University of Galway

15th-century manuscript reveals links between Gaelic Ireland and Muslim world

UK National Archives - Delivering our first researcher development programme

UK National Archives - What's life like as a Bridging the Digital Gap trainee?

UK National Archives - Archaeology and the Second World War in Iraq

UK National Archives - Hacking the past: an Archives Game Jam

British Library - Archive of Tony Benn acquired for the nation

British Library - The largest Javanese manuscript in the world? Menak Amir Hamza

Cambridge University archives unlock landscape histories from the air

London's lost film history restored online

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Newton manuscripts among Israel archive relics made available for Google project

Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Einstein manuscripts: more than 110 new documents released

Turkish historians to conduct research in archives of Vatican

Economic Models of Long-Term Storage

Digital Preservation Coalition - It's all about the money

Blockchain Reaction: how library professionals are approaching blockchain technology and its potential impact

Is DNA Left on Envelopes Fair Game for Testing?

How to Build a Successful Archival Project Team

Delete Never: the Digital Hoarders Who Collect Tumblrs, Medieval Manuscripts, and Terabytes of Text Files

Un historique du libre accès aux publications et aux données

Why vinyl records survive in the digital age

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