Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
European Commission - Cultural Heritage: Digitisation, Online Accessibility and Digital Preservation
United States Federal Records Management Council - Digitization Cost Benefit Analysis Tools
Queensland (Australia) Government Recordkeeping - Guideline for Building Information Modelling Records
Gouvernement suisse - La participation culturelle : un manuel
Institut national du patrimoine (France) - Signalétique culturelle dans les établissements patrimoniaux : quel équilibre entre accessibilité et esthétisme ? Orientation bibliographique
De la communauté / From the community
Repository Options in Canada: a Portage Guide
Canadian Association of Research Libraries - 2018 Annual Report
Society of American Archivists - Tragedy Response Toolkit (Draft for Comments)
Enjeux en droit d'auteur de la diffusion ouverte de métadonnées culturelles
Parthenos - Share, Publish, Store, Preserve: Methodologies, Tools and Challenges for 3D Use in Social Sciences and Humanities
Article - What Happens when Books Enter the Public Domain? Testing Copyright's Underuse Hypothesis across Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Canada
Article - Archives, Archivists and Internet: New Devices within Old Sciences
Texte - Technologies numériques et principe du dossier : un oxymore? (par Daniel J. Caron)
Archival Science, vol. 19, no. 2 (2019)
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 70, no. 6 (2019)
International Journal of Information Management, vol. 47 (2019)
San Jose State University School of Information Student Research Journal, vol. 9, no. 1 (2019)
Discover: the National Library of Scotland Magazine, no. 41 (2019)
Society of American Archivists - Congressional Papers Section Newsletter (2019)
Mémoire de maîtrise (Enssib) - L'open data au prisme des Communs : enjeux éthiques et professionnels en bibliothèque
Mémoire de maîtrise (Université de Montréal) - Exploration de l'inclusion des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté d'adaptation ou d'apprentissage en classe ordinaire : quelles perspectives pour la bibliothéconomie jeunesse au Québec?
Book - Diversity Counts: Gender, Race, and Representation in Canadian Art Galleries
Book - Indigenous Persistence in the Colonized Americas: Material and Documentary Perspectives on Entanglement
Book - Treasuring the Tradition: the Story of the Military Museums
Book - Provenance Research in Book History: a Handbook (New Edition)
Book - Image on the Edge: the Margins of Medieval Art
Book - Human Memory and Material Memory
Book - Greek Medical Papyri: Text, Context, Hypertext
Book - Tracing your Ancestors Using DNA
Book - Blockchain (Library Futures Series)
Book - Digital Echoes: Spaces for Intangible and Performance-based Cultural Heritage
Book - Rage Inside the Machine: the Prejudice of Algorithms, and how to Stop the Internet Making Bigots of us All
Book - Applying Machine Learning for Automated Classification of Biomedical Data in Subject-Independent Settings
Book - Copyright in the Information Society: a Guide to National Implementation of the European Directive (Second Edition)
Livre - Bibliodyssées: 50 histoires de livres sauvés
Livre - Archives rêvées, mémoires de peintres
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Journées d'étude sur les archives judiciaires
1-2 mai 2020, Montréal
Life Stories in a Changing World: at the Crossroads of Research, Education and Intervention
May 19-22, 2020, Montreal
Webinar - Photographs in the New South Wales State Archives Collection
November 19, 2019
From the Ruins of Preservation: a Symposium on Rethinking Heritage through Counter-archives
July 11-12, 2019, London (UK)
The New Museum Paradigm: Shifting Representations of Empire at Museums and Art Galleries in the UK
September 16-17, 2019, University of Sussex
35th ISO/TC 46/SC 11 Archives/Records Management Meeting (Resolutions Available)
May 6-9, 2019, Ottawa
Library Publishing Forum (Videos and Presentations Available)
May 6-8, 2019, Vancouver
Sur le web / On the web
LawBytes Podcast - The Copyright Review Report: Carys Craig on the Roadmap for the Future of Canadian Copyright Law
Vidéo - Tribune des Ebadiens: concevoir les archives en Afrique
Partie 1:
Partie 2:
Queensland (Australia) Government Recordkeeping - Video: Using the Recordkeeping Maturity Assessment Tool
Podcast - Research Data, Suitcase Terms and Tacit Knowledge: an Interview with Jennifer Edmond
Slides - Stop the Presses: Advocating for Ontario's Community Newspapers (Presented at Archives Association of Ontario 2019 Annual Conference)
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Sole Responsibility for the Copyright Review: Industry Committee Issues Unprecedented News Release Confirming it Was Right to Ignore the Canadian Heritage Committee Study
Process Failure: Why the Copyright Review Was Right To Ignore the Canadian Heritage Committee Study, Part One
Limited Views: Why the Copyright Review Was Right To Ignore the Canadian Heritage Committee Study, Part Two
Countries with longer copyright terms have access to fewer books (pay attention, Canada)
Three Trudeau ministers among those stalling access to information requests
The Canadian Security Intelligence Service destroyed secret file on Pierre Trudeau, stunning historians
The Canadian Historical Association deplores the destruction of historical files on Pierre Trudeau
Library and Archives Canada's new preservation centre: a unique Canadian environmental project
Library and Archives Canada - The founding of New Brunswick
Library and Archives Canada Planning a Newspaper Summit
Library and Archives Canada Co-Lab Update
What I Found in a WWII Canadian Service File
Canadian Library Associations React to Copyright Act Review Committee Report
Important News about Early Canadiana Online
Should Acadian expulsion be considered genocide? New committee will decide
La déperdition du patrimoine documentaire québécois
Québec - Implantation d'un guichet de services pour faciliter l'accès aux données aux fins de recherche
BAnQ - Quand un cadavre provoque une chicane
Pride Spotlight: the ArQuives: Canada's LGBTQ2+ Archives
University of British Columbia Digitizer Blog - Streetcars before Buses: British Columbia Electric Railway
University of Lethbridge students create new tools for kids to learn Alberta history at Galt Museum
New History of Acadians website celebrates untold stories of Acadian students at Mount Allison University
Algoma University Receives Ontario Historical Society Indigenous History Award
Dalhousie University - Dr. Bertrum MacDonald: Taking Academic Research into the Workplace Because it Matters
Table ronde sur les enjeux et les défis du numérique en milieu universitaire : implantation de la gestion documentaire
Digital archive of Irish Famine records launched
Mountain Legacy Project - View Mt. Robson and Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Parks: examining 100 years of landscape change
Jewish Museum & Archives of British Columbia - Preserving the History of Canadian Jewish Congress
Bishop Farrell Library & Archives (Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton) - Staff Picks: Director's Cut
Le Plan d'études des Soeurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et de Marie
Ten big ideas from around the world to inspire Ottawa's new super library
A summer of Pride with the City of Vancouver Archives
Toronto Public Library - Photos from Our Archives: Summer in Ontario
Kamloops Museum explores area's history through Geographical Survey photographs
North Battleford (Saskatchewan) - City administration to meet with historic archives volunteer committee to assess needs
Stellarton Museum of industry set to launch online database naming 2500 men who died in Nova Scotia coal mines
Canadian Heritage Photography Foundation - Project Update: Digitizing the George Hunter Archive
180 years since First Known Photograph made in North America produced in Halifax
The map that guided Canada's D-Day clash
Saskatchewan family gets WW II recording of their father years after his death
Will add more Canadian titles in 2019 as promised?
Penser les archives éditoriales et la complémentarité de deux outils de gestion de données
Krista McKracken - All The Project Updates
Le libraire qui dit toujours oui
Afrique / Africa
Unesco, Africa and China agree on projects to safeguard World Heritage in Africa
Algérie - Archives nationales : risque de détérioration
Île Maurice - Archives nationales: le parent pauvre des service publics
Website for the Kaduna branch of the National Archives of Nigeria
You Need to Hear this Mixtape of Vintage, Golden Era Sudanese Music
Potentially South Africa's largest copyright infringement case gets a court date
Mentorship and Inclusion: a solution for Continuity and vibrancy for the profession
Amériques / Americas
Haïti - Wilfrid Bertrand propose le numérique pour une meilleure sauvegarde des archives culturelles
Meet the Man on a Quest to Document Every Apple in North America
NARA - The Lost Documentary Film of the Commission for Relief in Belgium
NARA - The Adventures of CORTDIV 11
The National Archives has billions of handwritten documents. With cursive skills declining, how will we read them?
John F. Kennedy Library Launches Augmented Reality Recreation of Apollo 11 Mission in Celebration of 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum - Investigating the Holocaust
Removal of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Speeches Collection Demonstrates Weaknesses in Federal Agencies’ Archiving Practices
Take an exclusive look inside NASA's colossal, unseen archives
Smithsonian Institution Archives - Email Preservation: Collaborative Electronic Records Project
Newly recovered Ground Zero photos show why you should back up your CD-Rs now
Why Is America so Far Behind Europe on Digital Privacy?
Texas State Library and Archives Commission - The Personnel File: Retention & Best Practices
Experts give high marks to new law that will add teeth to Nevada's public records statute
Arkansas State Archives - Archives Project Opens Access to Historical Newspapers
Middle English Manuscripts in the Princeton University Library
Harvard professor in 1800s had photos taken of slaves. Now his family wants the school to give the images to their descendants
University of Southern California -Donor Enables Indexing of Lithuanian Testimonies, Unlocking History of one of the Hardest-hit Countries in the Holocaust
University of North Carolina - Saving Shooting Memorials
Rare George Orwell collection donated to University of New Mexico Libraries
Augustana University Partners with Flandreau Indian School for Archival Re-Presentations
Preacher Archives Add New Element to Baylor University's Black Gospel Music Restoration Project
Bowling Green State University digitizes WWII oral history project
Augmented-Reality App Highlights Pittsburgh History at Carnegie Library
An Interview with Erin Barsan, Archives & Collections Information Consultant at Small Data Industries
Universal Music Group Archivist: Vault Fire Damage Surprisingly Overstated, but any Loss Is Painful for Us
Lesbian Herstory Archives - The First Lesbian Porn and 10 Other Revealing Artifacts from Lesbian History
How One Man's Innocent Photo Snapping Became a Massive Archive of New York Gay Life
What are Archives of Survival?
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Theatre scrapbooks in the National Library of Australia collection
Decades of history could be erased from Australia's memory as tape machines disappear, archivists warn
Australia - Aboriginal flag: Indigenous affairs minister Ken Wyatt rules out government buying copyright from designer
World's largest database uncovers Australia's secret reading passions
Australia - Dried fruit history project to preserve historic materials
Indonésie - Le bâtiment des Archives nationales, dernier témoin du passé colonial
Europe / Europa
European Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market: what it is about and why libraries should care
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure - Document Blog: First Call for Resistance to the Nazis in the Vilna Ghetto: Let us Not Go Like Sheep to the Slaughter
Comment Napoléon a volé les archives de l'Europe
Union of European Football Associations launches streaming service of archive footage
Netherlands - Homosaurus and Digital Transgender Archive
Belgique - Archives de l'État: un besoin pressant de place
Belgique - Archives de l'État: 350.000 mètres de dossiers à numériser
Irish Film Institute launch archival treasure trove on IFI Player and June Dark Skies Festival
Joe Barrett's 100-year-old Irish Republican Army archive found in attic
The National Library in Edinburgh is on the hunt for a Rebus fan to curate Ian Rankin's archive
Wales' national broadcast archive gets £4.7m grant
UK National Archives - It's a long, long way to Amphipolis: Archaeology in Macedonia (part 2)
UK National Archives - Chertsey Abbey reimagined
UK National Archives- One Whole Lemon' and a visit from the Rainbow Club
Findings from the Bindings: Nazi Era Spoliation Research at the British Library III: The Collection of Lucien Graux
British Library - Islamic Painted Page: Growing a Database
British Library shares conservation experts with Palestinian Museum
University College London - How can practitioners change records for the better?
Bodleain Library - Old Ideas, New Technologies: Historical and Vintage Festivals in the UK Web Archive
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
National Library of Israel - Hitler vs. Einstein: the Ignominy of the Twentieth Century
Israeli library offers glimpse of old Jewish life in Europe
Arab Image Foundation stuns audiences with online archives from Egypt and Middle East
Lebanon - Rare Photos: Beirut Has a Digital Archive that Goes to 1860
These 18th-century Ottoman manuscripts feature poems, images celebrating same-sex love
Turkey unable to deny the fact of the Armenian Genocide, no matter Ottoman archives are open or closed
Digital preservation in a nuclear context: the first six months
A new maturity model for digital preservation
Archives, Library, and Museum Leadership: Collaboration and Coalescence
How Do I Digitize and Share a Ton of Old Family Photos?
Scientists found these old photographs contain metallic nanoparticles
Square Enix Doesn't Know where Some of its Old Games Are
Lost source code is holding up Square Enix's preservation plans
The war to free science: how librarians, pirates, and funders are liberating the world’s academic research from paywalls
Sci-Hub: the Librarian's Response
The hidden dangers of blockchain: an essential guide for enterprise use
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