Thursday, 5 December 2019

Vol. 13, no. 14

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Library and Archives Canada - 2019-2022 Three-Year Plan Progess Report: Second Quarter 2019-2020

National Library of Scotland - Draft 2020-2025 Strategy

Archives New Zealand - Regulatory Statement (Revised and Reissued)

Public Record Office Victoria (Australia) - Retention and Disposal Authority for Records of Major Infrastructure and Development Projects

De la communauté / From the community
Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Final Report of the Survey on Digital Preservation Capacity and Needs at Canadian Memory Institutions, 2017-2018

Université de Montréal - Chantier pour une archivistique depuis l'exploitation : notes de recherche 2

Rapport annuel 2019 du Portail international archivistique francophone

Unesco - Steering Artificial Intelligence and Advanced ICTs for Knowledge Societies: a Rights, Openness, Access, and Multi-Stakeholder Perspective

Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities - Sustainable Digital File Formats (Draft)

Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities - Information Management Requirements for Software as a Service (Draft)

Society of American Archivists Case Study - Seeing Through Risk in the Special Collections Classroom: a Case for Flexibility

AIIM - Accessible and Secure: Best Practices for Automating Information Governance

Communia - Guidelines for the Implementation of the Directive on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Market

Draft Chapter - The Peril and Promise of Historians as Data Creators: Perspective, Structure, and the Problem of Representation

Information & Culture: a Journal of History, vol. 41, no. 2 (2019)

Libres: Library and Information Science Research e-Journal, vol. 29, no. 1 (2019)

Society of American Archivists - Archivists and Archives of Color Section Newsletter, vol. 34, no. 1 (2019)

Archives Society of Alberta Newsletter, vol. 39, no. 1 (2019)

Telling our Stories: Newsletter of the South Peace Regional Archives (Alberta), vol. 11, no. 1 (2019)

Ph. D. Thesis (Royal College of Arts) - Timeline Design for Visualising Cultural Heritage Data

Book - Digital Asset Management in Theory and Practice

Book - Ethnopornography: Sexuality, Colonialism, and Archival Knowledge

Book - Television History, the Peabody Archive, and Cultural Memory

Book - The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright in Street Art and Graffiti

Book - Development of Linguistic Linked Open Data Resources for Collaborative Data-Intensive Research in the Language Sciences

Book - Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book

Book - Humans at Work in the Digital Age: Forms of Digital Textual Labor

Book - Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage: Past, Present and Future

Book - Daniel Gookin, the Praying Indians, and King Philip's War: a Short History in Documents

Book - Julia Quick Syntax Reference: a Pocket Guide for Data Science Programming

Book - Creating Heritage: Unrecognised Pasts and Rejected Futures

Livre - 1979, genèse d'une loi sur les archives

Livre - Le juge et l'algorithme : juges augmentés ou justice diminuée ?

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Online Course - Cultural Analytics: Interactive Learning Environment in R

Provoke: the 17th LGBTQ+ History and Archives Conference
December 7, 2019, London (UK)

Using Emulators to Resurrect Recovered Data
January 27, 2020, New York

Cours en ligne massif et ouvert - Intelligence artificielle : mode d'emploi
15 janvier au 15 juin 2020

Stage technique international d'archives STIA2020
25 mai au 26 juin 2020, Paris

Sur le web / On the web
Original Voices: Experience Indigenous Languages in Canada

Myseum Connects: Documenting Diverse Histories

Historical Reminiscents Podcast - Too Much Resilience

New Core Discovery Browser Extension

Society of American Archivists Native American Section - Protocols Webinar Series: Building Relationships of Mutual Respect

D'archive Podcast - Young Scholars Senior Summit and Social Justice

Cyberlaw Podcast - The Right to be Forgotten Shoots the Shark

Podcast - The Collector and the Dealer

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Highlights of interest to the Canadian library and information management community in the Speech from the Throne

From a Shield to a Sword: how a Federal Court Decision Transformed the Privacy Act into an Instrument Endangering Privacy

Australia, Canada, Copyright, New Zealand, USA - What happens when books enter the public domain?

Some Thoughts While the Suspense Builds re Court & Copyright Board's Rulings re Access Copyright

Library and Archives Canada - John Colin Forbes and Kenneth Keith Forbes, a lineage of official portraitists

Increasing collaboration: Memorial University, Library and Archives Canada sign agreement

Des livres anciens en langues autochtones (1556-1900) dans les collections de BAnQ

Archives nationales du Québec: au coeur de notre histoire

Bas-Saint-Laurent: 170 ans d'archives judiciaires

Michel Roberge - Don de mes archives à Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Collaborating to Support Greater Visibility and Discoverability of Open Scholarship: DSpace 5 & 6 Extension Will Soon Enable Support for new OpenAIRE Guidelines

Head of University of Manitoba Archives leaves a rich legacy

The Grand Reveal: a behind-the-scenes peek at the University of Manitoba Archives

University of British Columbia - Explore Illustrations of Plants in Open Collections

L'Université du Québec à Montréal fait la part belle aux livres anciens

McGill Library - A Mirror of Jane Austen's Reading Library

McGill University - Out of Harm’s Way : Second World War scrapbooks shine a light on the experience of evacuee children brought to Quebec

Experiments in Decolonizing and Indigenizing a University History Department (University of Victoria)

Dalhousie University - Cassandra Larose Chosen as the 2019 Recipient of the Dalhousie-Horrocks National Leadership Fund

Accio Archives: Unleashing BitCurator

The Imperial Oil Files: New Collection Adds to Climate and Energy Research Archives on Science and Denial

Univers culturel de Saint-Sulpice reçoit le prix Faire connaître

Calgary Bar Association to Fund Legal Archives Society of Alberta Project

Durham Region Area Archives Group (Ontario) - Christmas Wishes From Overseas

First Nations traditional songs an untapped and dwindling source of sustainability knowledge

My internship in the Collections department at Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute, 2018

Prince Edward Island - Wonderful memories of the past: St. Peter's Cathedral completes archive project

White Rock (British Columbia) offers apology to Semiahmoo First Nation for lost artifacts

Afrique / Africa
Maroc - Université de Rabat: pleins gaz sur la numérisation des archives

Congo - Le trésor public se dote d'un bâtiment pour ses archives

Tears with truth: the Gambia's Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission

South Africa - Importance of preserving the archive

Amériques / Americas
Guyana - Artifacts and records at National Archives in need of urgent attention

United States National Archives Awards $2.6 Million for Historical Records Projects

NARA - Spotlight: Photographs Documenting the Civilian Conservation Corps

Library of Congress - Copyright on the Internet

Library of Congress - Thomas Jefferson: a Man of the Pasta

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library director fired for improper loan of priceless handwritten Gettysburg Address to Glenn Beck’s nonprofit

National Library of Medicine - The Pursuit and Power of Alignment

The genealogy boom has hit a roadblock. The Trump administration plans huge fee hikes for immigration records.

Trapped in the Archives: the U.S. Government's System for Declassifying Historical Documents Is in Crisis

Illinois State Archives - Processing and Preserving Governor's Office Emails using Predictive Coding Tools

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - From "Unplayable" to Searchable Online: the House Recordings Recovery Project

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - e-Records 2019: Slay the Public Records Request Dragons

University of California at Los Angeles Film & Television Archive Joins UCLA Library

University of California at Los Angeles - Ethnomusicology Archive publishes 58 historical field collections online

University of Texas - Playwright Arthur Miller's archive opens to researchers

Binghamton University adds centuries-old religious manuscript to their special collections

Greek-Americans look to preserve historic archive

New App Helps Capture Jewish Women's Daily Lives

Historic New Orleans Collection archives the evolution of its 300-year-old city

Helping Artists and Arts Organizations Preserve and Utilize their Materials

The Lost & Found Archives

The Post-Custodial Method and Community Archives

Responses & Retrospectives: not Just your Problem: Metadata Shame, Imposter Syndrome, and Archivists by Jodi Allison-Bunnell

Influencers: Arthur Jafa, the Archivist of Black Visual Culture

Floppy disk with Steve Jobs' signature valued at $7,500

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Future of jobs unclear under major restructure for National Library of Australia

Queensland Government Recordkeeping (Australia) - Halt! Stop that disaster and save those vital records

Japan - National Diet Library: approximately 1,000 sound recordings of the Historical Recordings Collection (Rekion) are newly available online

Viet Nam, Laos to co-operate in Indochinese archival preservation

There's a growing appetite for online archives from South Asia

Cambodia - Preserving the ancient craft of making palm leaf manuscripts

Rare Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts from Rural Kathmandu and the Hill Areas of Nepal

Singapore launches digital archive of Tamil dance

India - Jammur and Kashmir: declared unsafe heritage building is home to 10 lakh (1 million) historic files

Europe / Europa
Implementing the new European Union exceptions for text and data mining

Vienna's National Library: the Hidden Gem of Austria

Cyprus - Ministry of Justice to spend €7.7m in 2020 to house National Archives

Amsterdam's new circular archives building sustainably generates all of its own energy

The Strange Emptiness of Egypt in 19th-Century European Photographs

Archives nationales de Luxembourg - Signature du premier tableau de tri avec le Service information et presse

Suisse - Sion Time Machine: les enjeux éthiques de la numérisation du patrimoine culturel valaisan

Aux Archives nationales de France, des trésors de reliefs et de couleurs à la carte

French playwright Molière did indeed write his own masterpieces, computer science suggests

La vocation des archives privées est-elle de le rester ?

Qu'est-ce que le Patrimoine numérique? Entretien avec Matteo Treleani

The life of an American library in Paris

Ireland - State archives system creaking under pressure of staff and skills shortages

Scientists hunt for descendants of 48 people who signed 1320 Scottish independence declaration

When thousands of Scotland’s historic records were destroyed in a storm

Scotland - Appeal to preserve Robert the Bruce letter

Rare medieval manuscript fragments discovered in Scotland

UK National Archives - Needs tactful and sympathetic treatment: mental health during the First World War

UK National Archives - Living with leprosy in late medieval England

What is left behind? Exploring the Olympic Games legacies through the UK Web Archive

Victoria & Albert Museum launches world's largest and most accessible cultural heritage preservation database

Black wall of redacted pages as UK fracking report finally released

University of Oxford - A new project in Archives and Modern Manuscripts: the conversion of the Bodleian Library's Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts

University of Oxford - Bodleain Library: the Archives and Records of Humanitarian Organisations

Elizabeth I unmasked as author of mysterious manuscript

Thousands of film reels destroyed in Southampton fire

A random box of photographs bought on eBay reveals the fascinating story of a Merseyside family

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
IFLA - Supporting Documentary Heritage Preservation in the Arab Region

National Library of Israel - The Two Pages that Survived the Nazi Book Burnings

National Library of Israel - The Return of the Lost Siddur of the Jews of Catalonia

National Library of Israel - A Murder in Mandatory Tel Aviv: the Orientalist as an Advocate

National Library of Israel, Google to digitize 120k books

Archivists: Neutral or Active?

Archivists Are Trying to Make Sure a Pirate Bay of Science Never Goes Down

Twelve characteristics of a great data and analytics maturity model 

OCR for PDFs: old news?

Rare recovered mega cd game and the challenges of preservation

What Is the Cost of a Data Breach?

Three ways you can stay compliant when it comes to data governance

How blockchain will kill fake news (and four other predictions for 2020)

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