Thursday 23 January 2020

Vol. 13, no. 21


En date d’hier, cela fait dix ans que j'ai commencé à compiler les Nouvelles du patrimoine documentaire. 



As of yesterday, it has been ten years since I started compiling Documentary Heritage News. 

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Canadian Conservation Institute Notes - Longevity of Recordable CDs, DVDs and Blu-rays (Revised)

UK National Archives - Plugged in, Powered up Digital Strategy

Conseil culturel de Bretagne (France) - Archives privées d'intérêt patrimonial : sauvegarder et valoriser les sources de l'histoire et la mémoire en Bretagne

De la communauté / From the community
National Heritage Digitization Strategy - Digital Preservation File Format Recommendations

Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan - 2019 Report

Joint Letter on Transparency in Preparing Guidelines on Article 17 of the European Union Copyright Directive

Copyright Education in Libraries, Archives and Museums: a 21st Century Approach

"Do Better" -Love(,) us: Guidelines for Developing and Supporting Grant-Funded Positions in Digital Libraries, Archives, and Museums

Levels of Born-Digital Access

Article - Issues of Ownership: Leveraging Accession Documentation and Provenance Research to Improve Collection Access

Paper - Empowering Data Consumers to Work with Data: Data Documentation for the Enterprise Context

New Review of Academic Librarianship, vol. 25, no. 2-4 (2019)

Library Trends, vol. 68, no. 2 (2019)

Mennonite Historian: a Publication of the Mennonite Heritage Archives (Manitoba), vol. 45, no. 4 (2019)

Master Thesis (University of Manitoba) - Building Bridges: Dismantling Eurocentrism in Archives and Respecting Indigenous Ways of Doing it Right

Master Thesis (University of British Columbia) - Alternative Becomings, Alternative Belongings: Cordillera Case Studies of Records in Context

ISO 15836-2:2019 - Information and Documentation: the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set - Part 2: DCMI Properties and Classes

Book - Documenting Rebellions: a Study of Four Lesbian and Gay Archives

Book - Paper, Materiality and the Archived Page

Book - The Insubordination of Photography: Documentary Practices under Chile's Dictatorship

Book - The Intimacy of Paper in Early and Nineteenth-Century American Literature

Book - Audacious Missions of World War II: Daring Acts of Bravery Revealed through Letters and Documents from the Time

Book - Data Protection in the Internet

Book - Data Visualisation with R: 111 Examples

Book - Historical Studies in Computing, Information, and Society: Insights from the Flatiron Lectures

Book - Perceived Privacy in Location-Based Mobile System

Book - Applied Approach to Privacy and Security for the Internet of Things

Book - Bestowing Beauty: Masterpieces from Persian Lands: Selections from the Hossein Afshar Collection

Book - A Bookshop in Berlin: the Rediscovered Memoir of One Woman's Harrowing Escape from the Nazis

Book - The Handbook of Photography Studies

Livre - Le secret ministériel : théorie et pratique

Livre - Archives sonores de la poésie

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
(De)colonial Spaces of Memory Activism
February 6, 2020, Vancouver

Archives Society of Alberta - Archives Institute
May 4-9, 2020, Edmonton

28th Polar Libraries Colloquy
June 7-13, 2020, Quebec City

Researching Intelligence Records
February 6, 2020, National Archives of Australia

After-Life: the Digital Future of Visual History Archives
March 9, 2020, University of Melbourne 

For your Eyes Only: Scalable Approaches to Identifying, Managing, and Securing Sensitive or Restricted Information
April 2, 2020, Salford (UK)

Australian Society of Archivists - 2019 Designing the Archive (Videos Available)
October 21-25, 2019, Adelaide

Sur le web / On the web
University of Alberta Virtual Exhibit - Canadian Women Artists' Books

Historical Reminiscents Podcast - Archival Cookbooks

National Library of Medicine - New and Improved PubMed

Video - Open a GLAM Lab

Video - Microsoft Unboxed: Microsoft Archive

Présentation - Regard statistique sur les membres actuels et potentiels du Réseau des services d'archives du Québec (RAQ) et des services d'archives privés agréés: séance de réflexion sur le milieu archivistique et le positionnement du RAQ

Slides - The Turing Way: Reproducible, Inclusive, Collaborative Data Science

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

The "M" Word in Canadian Copyright Law: the "Mandatory" Matter
Library and Archives Canada - The Death of Albert "Ginger" Goodwin

Library and Archives Canada Co-Lab update

BAnQ - La mémoire qui resurgit

University of British Columbia - Oldest Books in Open Collections

Healing and Education through Digital Access: Residential School Digitization Project

Universities must open their archives and share their oppressive pasts

Mountain Legacy Project - Heeding Mountain Hazards

Jewish Public Library's Rare Judaica Book Collection Has a Road Show

City of Toronto updates its open data portal, adds new datasets

Les archives des bâtiments de l'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants : témoins de la vie communautaire dans les soins de santé

L'Association historique francophone de Victoria veut vos archives

Whistler Museum & Archives Society - The Snow (or not) of 1976-77

Orillia (Ontario) - Trust vital as digital age re-shapes history: Expert

Help the Cochrane Historical & Archival Preservation Society (Alberta) put names to faces in old class photos

Radio show highlights Mennonite archives

Texas woman whose family was separated by slavery traces roots to Nova Scotia

Les Archives nationales entre censure et prudence ?

Afrique / Africa
Tunisia: Battle over Truth Commission Archives

Algérie - M. Abdelmadjid Chikhi, directeur général des Archives nationales : accompagner les chercheurs

South Africa - Apartheid Heritages: the Ethical Dilemmas of Metadata

Amériques / Americas
National Archives Apologizes for Alteration of Women's March Image

NARA - Accepting Responsibility, Working to Rebuild your Trust

National Archives Foundation Statement: Rightfully Hers

Society of American Archivists Statement: NARA Exhibit on 2017 Women's March in Washington, DC

NARA's Alteration of Women's March Images is Unethical

National Coalition for History Criticizes National Archives for Altering Photo in Exhibit on Women’s Rights

American Library Association responds to National Archive efforts to alter materials

Archival arrangement, archival learning

NARA - Researching Aerial Photography of the United States : RG 145 Aerial Indexes Now Digitized

Federal panel recommends closure and sale of Seattle National Archives facility

The Person who Changes the Constitution: Archivist of the United States

Researching the U.S. Supreme Court at the Library of Congress

Library of Congress - Frederick Douglass Newspapers, 1847-1874: Now Online

New in National Library of Medicine Digital Collections: Fully-Digitized Manuscript Collections

Historic Television Broadcasts Documenting the Conservative Movement in the 1960s Released by the American Archive of Public Broadcasting

US cyber war against ISIS faced bureaucratic hurdles, newly declassified documents reveal

Parsing the State of State Records Report: Summary of Collections Part 1

A Missouri bill would cut off aid to libraries that allow kids to access age-inappropriate sexual materials

Princeton University - Face to Face: Emily Hale on her Letters from T.S. Eliot

What's your Set-Up? Born-Digital Processing at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Heritage Hall: a Holistic Effort to Examine East Carolina University's Past and Present

University of Nebraska-led project digitizes 1960s activism artifacts

University of the Arts - Digital tools for raising awareness of work to decolonise collections and promote inclusion

Georgia Tech Research Institute - $25 Million Project Will Advance DNA-Based Archival Data Storage

YIVO, world's biggest Yiddish research center, lays off all its librarians

New online maps documents Native American ancestral territory at Fowler Museum

Urban Archive Opens a New Door for Digital Architectural Archives

Here's what you Can Learn from the Unofficial Apple Archive

There's an Archivist for that: Interview with Krü Maekdo, Founder of the Black Lesbian Archives

600 Computers Taken Down After Florida Library Cyberattack

The Secretive Company that Might End Privacy as we Know it

A facial recognition company dug up billions of photos from Facebook and beyond

What I Learned from Making Dozens of Public Records Requests for Police Data

How Do People Decide Whether to Trust a Photo on Social Media?

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Buckingham Palace backtracks on Governors General letters deal with National Archives

Australia - How a first edition of Principia with Isaac Newton's notes got to University of Sydney

Western Australia Digitizes Indigenous Languages

The National Library of New Zealand cull of 600,000 books could be a disaster for researchers

India - Accessing documents tough at National Archives

India - Satyajit Ray's film manuscripts digitised

India - Digital preservation of Indian heritage

India - How crowdsourced archives are making Indian history personal and accessible

Europe / Europa
Keeping digitised works in the public domain: how the copyright directive makes it a reality

Moscou déclassifie des archives de 1945 au nom de la vérité historique

Russia open for publication of WWII archives: top diplomat

Affaire Gabriel Matzneff : des livres difficilement accessibles, des archives non communicables

La visualisation appliquée aux archives avec Elasticsearch et Kibana

National Library of Scotland - The Ian Rankin Files

What do British Defense Ministry Archives reveal about Srebrenica Genocide?

UK National Archives - Reform: Violence and the struggle for suffrage

Novice to Ninja: the UK National Archives and Digital Preservation Coalition to deliver online digital preservation training

British Library - Upgrading the Georeferencer

British Library - Using Transkribus for Arabic Handwritten Text Recognition

British Library - Happy birthday, Francis Bacon

British Library - William Wordsworth: the Poetry of Place

Guildford pub bombings police seize files

Bodleian Library - Newly Available: Records of the Conservatives in the European Parliament

Archives, Access & Artificial Intelligence: Nothing about us without us

Radiohead Public Library: archive of band's work goes live

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Kuwait opens archive museum to introduce heritage

Scholar pores over Syrian archives for glimpses of heritage preservation

The Way we Write History Has Changed: a Deep Dive into an Archive will Never Be the Same

The Effect of Technology on Archival Activities

Burning the paper trail on the road to digital documents

Making Copyright Determinations for Open Access in GLAMs

Une bibliothèque numérique autonome avec Omeka-S

The visual language of comic books can improve brain function

Phishing Today, Deepfakes Tomorrow: Training Employees to Spot this Emerging Threat

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