Thursday 10 September 2020

Vol. 14, no. 2

                                                             Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Ministère de la Culture (France) - Archives : un guide numérique sur les disparus de la Guerre d'Algérie

National Library of Scotland - Annual Review 2019-2020

UK National Archives - Act Now Don't Lose your Digital Information

De la communauté / From the community
Centre canadien d'architecture - Manuel de traitement des archives numériques

Booknet - State of Publishing in Canada 2019

Society of American Archivists - Encoded Archival Standards 2019-2020 Section Survey Results

Lyrasis - Collecting Archival Materials During the Covid-19 Pandemic

STM Association - Achieving an Equitable Transition to Open Access for Researchers in Lower and Middle Income Countries

Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems - Lossless Data Compression: Recommended Standard

Article - Identifying Documents In-Scope of a Collection from Web Archives

Article - Archival Description in Polish Community Archives: Three Examples from a Multiple Case Study

Digital Library Perspectives, vol. 36, no. 3 (2020)

Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, vol. 32, no. 3 (2020)

DttP: Documents to the People, vol. 48, no. 3 (2020)

Le Fonds de l'archive, no 2 (2020)

Library of Congress of Magazine, vol. 9, no. 4 (2020)

Library and Archives Canada - Governance and Recordkeeping around the World Newsletter, vol. 6, no. 6 (2020)

Performance: Newsletter of the Society of American Archivists (2020)

Bulletin Memoriav : association pour la sauvegarde et de la mise en valeur du patrimoine audiovisuel suisse, no 26 (2020)

Burlington Historical Society (Ontario) Gazette, vol. 16, no. 7 (2020)

Mémoire de maîtrise (Enssib) - Le patrimoine musical sonore : enjeux de conservation et de communication

Mémoire de maîtrise (Enssib) - Des bibliothèques dans leurs territoires : quelle place pour le patrimoine oenologique

Book - Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age

Book - Electronically Stored Information: the Complete Guide to Management, Understanding, Acquisition, Storage, Search, and Retrieval (Second Edition)

Book - Saskatchewan Book: Photographs by George Webber

Book - Battleships and Battle Cruisers: Selected Photos from the Archives of the Kure Maritime Museum, the Best from the Collection of Shizuo Fukui's Photos of Japanese Warships

Book - Merton College Library

Book - The Vinyl Frontier : the Story of NASA's Interstellar Mixtape

Book - Blockchain Data Analytics for Dummies

Book - Kastellorizian Jewellery: a Dispersed Archive of a Past Culture

Book - From Building Information Modelling to Mixed Reality

Livre - L'École nationale des chartes : deux cents ans au service de l'histoire

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Archiving Indigenous History through Photographic Social Media
September 17, 2020

Association of Canadian Archivists - Creating Online Exhibits for Digital Collections
September 24, 2020

Access 2020 Online
October 19-23, 2020

De l'édition imprimée à la numérisation : enjeux patrimoniaux et perspectives archivistiques dans le champ éditorial
29 mai - 1er juin 2021, Edmonton

Which Digital Policies Work for Cultural Heritage in 2020s?
September 17, 2020

Heritage Conservation Learning in the COVID World: Challenges and Opportunities
September 22, 2020

IFLA - Local History and Genealogy Section Webinar
September 24, 2020

Society of North Carolina Archivists - Raising Archival Awareness in a Regional Studies Organization: the Appalachian Studies Case
September 24, 2020

2020 International Federation of Film Archives Online International Symposium
September 28 - October 1st, 2020

Webinar - Archives and Records Association Scotland: Records Management at Historic Environment Scotland
September 29, 2020

Massive Open Online Course - Digital Investigations for Journalists: how to Follow the Digital Trail of People and Entities
October 5 - November 1, 2020

Europeana Webinar - Clearing Rights in Collections: Part 1
October 11, 2020

Europeana 2020: Crisis, Change and Culture
November 11-13, 2020

DCDC21 Conference
June 28 - July 2, 2021

Sur le web / On the web
Podcast - Gouzenko Deciphered: Warm Memories of a Cold War Family with Evy Wilson

Podcast Interview with Indigitizations New Program Manager Kayla Lar-Son

Living Heritage Podcast - The Great War Spy Panic

Records Search and Rescue Podcast - Let Go my Lego

Vidéo - Entrevue avec Mme Ghaouti, directrice de la bibliothèque de l’Université Laval

Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America Free Online Course - Archiving for the Future: Simple Steps for Archiving Language Documentation Collections

Digital Public Library of America - Black Women's Suffrage

Video - Archiving Realtime Archaeological (Para)data or Archiving Archaeological (Para)data Realtime?

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Access Copyright and York University File Responses in Supreme Court of Canada

Library and Archives Canada - Igor Gouzenko and the Start of the Cold War

Library and Archives Canada - How the death of one prime minister inspired Canadian art on an unusually grand scale

Bibliothèque et Archives Canada - René Lévesque: la GRC documentait sa sexualité

Chinese Immigration Act Case Files: Finding Aids at LAC

Ancestry - New Records from the Canadian Expeditionary Force

Arts and culture centres, libraries in Newfoundland and Labrador set to reopen

BAnQ - Les quatre évasions d'Henri Cloutier de Saint-Félicien

Indigitization - Archival Appraisal and Deaccessioning

Three University of Manitoba professors (including Tom Nesmith) elected to Royal Society

University of Victoria - Learning many languages guides Librarian Tad Suzuki in his practice

University of Victoria - The many passions of Librarian John Durno

Ukrainian Canadian Congress - What is documentary heritage and why keep archives?

New project to showcase Punjabi Canadian history in British Columbia

From Coptic Canadian History Project to Egypt Migrations

Ottawa Jewish Archives - An Affair to Remember: the Edelson/Horwitz Murder

Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (Ontario) - An archivist's night at the movies, part IV: science fiction edition

Centre d'archives régionales du Séminaire de Nicolet - Une photo inédite de Nicolet au car Séminaire de Nicolet

Centre d'archives régionales du Séminaire de Nicolet - Au conseil municipal de Drummondville au 19e siècle
Reflections: Donations and the Stratford-Perth Archives (Ontario)

Whistler Museum and Archives Society - Teaching at Alta Lake

Valley Museum and Archives (British Columbia) Reopens

Lambton County Archives (Ontario) looking to record personal pandemic experiences

Bellechasse: l'idée d'un centre d'archives chemine

Oxford County Archives - The Woodstock Sentinel-Review: a brief history of the Woodstock Sentinel-Review newspaper

La bibliothèque d'Alberto Manguel quittera le Québec

Advice for Planning and Conducting Archival Research

International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies names Montrealer volunteer of the year

Can anyone help?: Toronto woman searches for owner of mysterious photos

Vie d'archiviste : nouveaux diplômés spécial rentrée : Youri Chartrand

L'archiviste franco-ontarienne Pierrette Madore est décédée

Afrique / Africa
Zimbabwe - Looking Back: new law to guard archives records

Malawi - Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation Welcomes Truth-and Reconciliation Commission: Cautions against Selective Justice

Mali - Conservation des archives : une mission exploratoire à Kayes

Amériques / Americas

NARA - A Life Well Lived: Amelia Tyler of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute and the United States Patent Office, 1832-1908

Library of Congress - Historic Court Cases That Helped Shape Scope of Copyright Protections

Library of Congress Seeks Pictures of Pandemic Experiences

A 21st-Century Approach to Health Services Research: National Library of Medicine Moves Forward with you in Mind

National Library of Medicine - Why Testing is the Key to Getting Back to Normal

Did Melania Trump Use Personal Email for Government Business?

The moving target of electronic records management

Council of State Archivists - The biennial Archives and Records Management Survey is live

Harvard - Crowd-sourcing the story of a people

Oakland University conducting COVID-19 archive project, asking for submissions

Student Newspapers' History Digitized by Yeshiva University Libraries

Stanford Special Collections and University Archives Statement on Potentially Harmful Language in Cataloging and Archival Description

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Coronavirus Archives Has Accumulated Hundreds of Submissions

Major League Baseball rolls out expanded digital video archive

Georgia Tech - Covid-19 archives collection seeks donations

First Release of Getty's New Research Collections Viewer Offers Digital Access to Vast Archives

Archivists Are Collecting your Stories of Life During the Pandemic

Archival Instagram Accounts Are Teaching Forgotten Histories

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Citizen scientists called on to fill the gap in Australia's longest daily weather record

University of South Australia says blockchain at odds with privacy obligations

Queensland State Archives (Australia) - How the koala became Queensland's faunal emblem

Cambodia - Tuol Sleng gets Unesco award for preservation of historical archives

The Oldest Cookbook in Korean Was Written by a Genius Noblewoman

Singapore - Revamp of National Archives ran S$1.72 million over budget, Auditor-General flags lapses by National Library Board

Malaysia - Digitising the nation's history

Ancient Chinese Silk Text could Be Oldest Surviving Anatomical Atlas in the World

India - Covid plays villain with film preservation efforts, rare material ruined

Europe / Europa
Europeana - Perspective Views in the baroque era: early versions of 3D virtual reality

Europeana - Einar Bager: the story of a Swedish artist behind a viral photograph

National Library of Finland - Finding Old Maps Fascinating: Cooperation Project to Improve Findability of Finnish Maps

IKEA publishes 70-year catalog archive

Portuguese Web Archives - Cross-lingual collection about the 2019 European Elections is available

Unknown in his lifetime, this Italian photographer's archive is a snapshot of 20th-century life

Archives de l'État en Belgique - Un anniversaire important pour la surveillance archivistique

L'orignal de la Constitution belge malmené ? : réaction du Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief & Documentatie et de l'Association des archivistes francophones de Belgique

France - Archivage électronique : ce qu'il faut savoir sur la nouvelle norme NF Z42-013 version 2020

Patrimoine culturel et risques majeurs (inondations, incendies) : les approches du Bouclier bleu France

Irish Film Institute release treasure trove of Gaelic Athletic Association archive

History in the making as Church of Ireland Gazette archive goes online

University of the Highlands and Islands - New online oral history archive launched

UK National Archives - The British POWs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945

UK National Archives - Artwork to commemorate heroes of the Blitz commissioned by Ancestry

What is The National Archives History Toolkit for Primary Schools?

British Library Joins Share-VDE Linked Data Community

British Library - When is a persistent identifier not persistent? Or an identifier?

British Library - Launching the UK Web Archive 2020 Annual Domain Crawl

British Library - The Political Lives of Postwar British MPs: an Oral History of Parliament

Chernobyl: two new acquisitions at the British Library

University of Birmingham - Recovering the text of the earliest Greek New Testament Commentary manuscript

University of Birmigham - Comic strips and seaside holidays: unexpected stories from the save the children archive

Pioneering Guardian and Observer women journalists: archive teaching resources

Moyen-Orient / Middle East

National Library of Israel - Dodging the Draft in the Old Country

National Library of Israel - The Story of Daniel Hagège: Judeo-Arabic Author and Documenter of Tunisian Jewry

The National Archives of United Arab Emirates organized a national educational program to support and encourage talented students

Arolsen Archives: International Center on Nazi Persecution - History goes online: easier access to historical documents with OCR

OCLC - How your library will benefit from linked data

Dozens of scientific journals have vanished from the Internet, and no one preserved them

Reference for Archives

Cleaning and Mapping Data for Collections Management Systems

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