Thursday 20 May 2021

Vol. 14, no. 33


Like many people recently, I have chosen to move my blog to a new platform. Google announced changes to Feedburner, which have negative impacts on its blogging system (Blogger/Blogspot). Therefore, I won't be using this system from now on.

The new version is available here: . I have been able to import all issues of the newsletter I have sent over the years. I could have done the same with all emails that follow me, but several addresses seem fake. Those who wish to receive the newsletter via an automatic notification sent by the blog must therefore re-subscribe. There is a space to do this in the sidebar of the new site.


Comme plusieurs personnes dernièrement, j’ai choisi de déplacer mon blogue vers une nouvelle plateforme. Google a annoncé des changements à Feedburner, ce qui a des impacts négatifs sur son système de blogue (Blogger/Blogspot). Je n’utiliserai donc plus ce système à partir de maintenant. 

La nouvelle version est disponible ici : . J’ai été en mesure d’importer l’ensemble de numéros du bulletin que j’ai envoyés au fil des années. J’aurais pu faire la même chose avec tous les courriels qui me suivent, mais plusieurs adresses semblent fausses. Ceux qui souhaitent recevoir le bulletin de nouvelles par une notification automatique envoyée par le blogue doivent donc se réinscrire. Il y a un espace pour ce faire dans la barre de droite du nouveau site.  

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Archives New Zealand - Appraisal Report and Disposal Schedule for Ministry of Defence

Archives nationales de Luxembourg - Tableau de tri de l'Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture

Institut national du patrimoine - Initiation à la conservation préventive : orientation bibliographique

Institut national du patrimoine - Metigo MAP: documenter, analyser, mesurer et quantifier avec aisance en 2 et 3 dimensions : orientation bibliographique

De la communauté / From the community
Association des archivistes du Québec - Rapport annuel 2020

Society of American Archivists Case Study - A Collaborative, Proactive Approach for the Electronic Records Lifecycle: the Alabama State Electronic Records Project (ASERP) 

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals - The Impact of AI, Machine Learning, Automation and Robotics on the Information Professions

Papering-Out: a Property Records Industry Association Position Paper

Software Sustainability Institute - How Reproducible should Research Software Be?

Texte - Cartographie de l'impact des ateliers wikipédiens en bibliothèque publique

Article - The Suffrage Postcard Project: Feminist Digital Archiving and Transatlantic Suffrage History


Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 49, no. 1-2 (2021)

Records Management Journal, vol. 31, no. 1 (2021)

New Review of Information Networking, vol. 25, no. 2 (2020)

Up the Gatineau: Journal of the Gatineau Valley Historical Sociey, vol. 47 (2021)

Book - Archival Silences: Missing, Lost and, Uncreated Archives

Book - Sephardic Trajectories: Archives, Objects, and the Ottoman Jewish Past in the United States

Book - The Palace Letters: the Queen, the Governor-General, and the Plot to Dismiss Gough Whitlam

Book - Engaging your Community through Active Strategic Marketing: a Practical Guide for Librarians and Information Professionals

Book - State Secrecy and Security: Refiguring the Covert Imaginary

Book - Access and Control in Digital Humanities

Book - LIS Interrupted: Intersections of Mental Illness and Library Work

Book - Art and Copyright

Book - Living in Data: a Citizen's Guide to a Better Information Future

Book - The Peking Gazette in Late Imperial China: State News and Political Authority 

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events

Imagine this: a Walkthrough of Edmonton Public Library's Stanley A. Milner Library
May 26, 2021

54th Annual Conference of Carto the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives 
June 14-16, 2021

ListenOK and its Project Management: Challenges, Success and Best Practices
June 15, 2021

Gilles Hocquart et les origines des Archives nationales du Québec
17 juin 2021

The Unsustainable Cost of Streaming Videos: Creating Openly Accessible Alternatives
May 20, 2021

Implementing Reparative Description for Indigenous Collections
May 26, 2021

Memoriav - Échange sur le conditionnement et le stockage des phototypes
2 juin 2021

Society of American Archivists Webinar - Quo Vadis, EAD? Current Use Cases of EAD
June 2 and 4, 2021

Des archives de plus en plus secrètes
7 juin 2021

Memoriav - Projet de sauvegarde des jeux vidéo suisses
7 juin 2021

#EmpoweringArchives! International Archives Week 2021 Webinars
June 7-11, 2021

National Archives of Australia - Red Flag Riots
June 15, 2021

Committing to Documentation: Git Started
June 17, 2021

Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Historical Image and Visual Cultural Artefacts Enrichment
September 1, 2021

Linked Archives: International Workshop
September 13, 2021

Fantastic Futures: Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Librairies, Archives and Museums
December 9-10, 2021, Paris and Online

Sur le web / On the web
Video - Researching Indigenous Ancestors in Northern Ontario: an Introduction to Genealogical Research

From the Vaults: Audio from Edmonton's Past - An Interview with George Cooper

German National Library of Science and Technology - Conservation Metadata (to Record and Store the Finding of an Inspection of an Analogue Film)

Video - Using Vocabularies and Linked data: #ConnectingArchaeology

Vidéos - Assises des archives en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Quel futur pour la mémoire ?

Baladodiffusion - Les archives, le secret défense et l'histoire

Baladodiffusion - Arlette Farge, historienne : personne ne reste indemne d'une entrée dans les Archives

Memobase: portail du patrimoine audiovisuel suisse (nouvelle version)

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Over 4,000 access-to-information complaints still backlogged

Information watchdog investigates handling of archival spy files amid chronic delays
Recovering and reimagining Canada's museums: how museums are evolving beyond Covid

Canadian museums asked to return First Nation ancestral remains and burial items

Québec - La révision de la Loi sur les archives: entretien avec Carol Couture (1)

How Indigenous people are promoting and learning their languages

University of Toronto Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library - Robert S. Kenny Oral History Project Now Online

University of British Columbia - Archiving Hurts: Hospital Adventures

Concordia University - Researcher to collect oral history on Quebec abstractionist Jean Paul Riopelle

University of Waterloo, Lakehead University, and Trent University - First member of ill-fated 1845 Franklin expedition is identified by DNA analysis

Ottawa Public Library-Library and Archives Canada Joint Facility - Release of main tender for the construction and final design drawings

Centre du patrimoine de Saint-Boniface - Passionate about preserving history: archive acquisitions growing during the pandemic

Toronto Public Library - Creased Receipts: Historical Receipts from Digital Archive Ontario

Red Deer history buff plumbs digital archives to share old memories, make new ones

Saskatchewan - Cultural project preserves francophone history through local newspaper

South Peace Regional Archives (Alberta) - Cooking with Betty: Expenses and (More) Pickles

Oxford County Archives (Ontario) - Oxford Rifles and the Boer War

Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies (Banff) - Archival Highlights: Malcolm Geddes

Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies - Harnessing the Power of Digitization

Whistler Museum and Archives Society - Why Is that Named Horstman?

Whistler Museum and Archives Society - Whistler's Answers: May 20, 1982

The past and the present: Greater Vernon Museum and Archives (British Columbia) video looks at Vernon Then and Now

Heritage Abbotsford (British Columbia) - The Punjabi Patrika

Galt Museum and Archives (Alberta) awarded for capturing the stories behind the collection

City of Brampton (Ontario) once again violates freedom of information legislation

Okotoks Museum and Archives (Alberta) pays respects to Spanish flu, celebrates front-line workers

ACA 2021 Conference: an Interview with Annaëlle Winand

Afrique / Africa
Archives nationales du Congo : les Congolais s'approprient les pans de leur histoire centenaire à travers une exposition

Maroc - Accès à l'information : l'Agence nationale de réglementation des télécommunications dresse son bilan préliminaire

Amériques / Americas
Stolen manuscripts of Hernán Cortés put auction houses back on the pillory

Herencia, the Library of Congress Spanish-Language Crowdsourcing Project, Has Banner First Year

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and 84 other groups urge Department of Homeland Security to withdraw records destruction plans

Historical Society digitizes three decades of Minnesota's longest-running Black-owned newspaper

Covid-19 memories to be showcased in new Wyoming archives and museum website

University of Texas - Dylan Thomas Digital Collection Launched Online

University of California, Berkeley - A long journey: richly detailed, fully searchable Chinese treasures will be made available for free online

Asian American Archive tells Vietnamese refugee stories at Rice University

Beyond the Archives: how Remote Projects Benefit Ohio University Libraries Collections and Staff

Web Archiving Many Voices: Documenting Covid-19 and Marginalized Communities at Arizona State University

Dotson Donates Historical Company Archives to Minnesota State University

Brown University - With new special collections policy, John Hay Library aims to diversify the historical canon

Provenance: how an object's origin can facilitate authentic, inclusive storytelling

The digital archives of Black life are transforming how we document our history

At Reebok's Archive, Erin Narloch Keeps Sneaker History Alive

Detroit Historical Society is collecting stories from metro Detroiters for massive oral history archives

The Digital Museum of the History of Japanese in New York

Houston - Preserving history for those who should not be forgotten

Inventor of Post-it Note adhesive made something people didn't know they needed, says wife

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
National Archives of Australia passes the hat in desperate bid to save Australia's history

National Archives of Australia fight to preserve the old, and the new

Australian Museum gears up for most important show in its history

Digitised Australian Jewish News archives now available

Promoting National Library of Indonesia's Rare Collection During the Pandemic Era

India - Proposed Demolition of National Archives Raises Concerns of Grave Risk to Heritage and History

India - Government is responsible for records, no change proposed at National Archives building: Minister Prahlad Singh Patel

Europe / Europa
Netherland - Dozens come forward as Rotterdam City Archive searches for 1940 Nazi bombardment victims

Freedom of Information: the Austrian proposal is very retro

The Belgian professor in search for Armenian manuscripts

Suisse - Phonothèque nationale: nouvel outil en ligne

France - Histoire : découverte d'un film tourné en 1941 dans le camp de Beaune-la-Rolande

France - Réaction des associations à l'origine des recours devant le Conseil d'état à l'article 19 consacré aux archives dans le projet de loi relatif à la prévention d'actes de terrorisme et au renseignement

France - Guerre d'Algérie: un historien militaire poursuivi pour violation du secret-défense

Ireland - No one to be denied access to birth data under new law

Church of Ireland Gazette Digital Archive Complete (1856-2010)

Irish Women at Work Archive

UK - Cabinet Office blocks publication of Lord Mountbatten's diaries

National Data Strategy Forum launched to help UK become the world's number one data destination

UK Parliamentary Archives - The Origin of the House of Lords' Standing Orders

UK Parliamentary Archives - Flaming Renee! How Renee Short MP Blazed a Trail

UK National Archives - Connecting through Collections: Dementia activists meet the new generation

UK National Archives - High morals and low lifes: British cinema and the government after World War Two

British Library - Reflections on a virtual placement with endagered archives program

British Library - Personal Reflections on the Indian Political Service: Part One: an Overview

British Library - Thomas Becket: manuscripts showing the making of a saint

British Library - Digital resources on the 17th, 18th and 19th century Caribbean

British Library - Introducing Elizabeth Blackwell to Hans Sloane

BBC making 1,000-strong Shakespeare archive available to students

Information and Records Management Society - ISO and Disposition: from our Professional Standards Director

The Passenger: Lost German novel makes UK bestseller list 83 years on

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
National Library of Israel - The Story of the Star of David

National Library of Israel - In Photos: Jewish Africa

Iran - 90 manuscripts donated to National Library last year

Introduction to Yazd Central Library, Iran

The Council on Library and Information Resources Becomes Administrative Home for the International Internet Preservation Consortium

Lessons from cultural institutions and libraries that went open access in 2020-2021

Archivists Want to Make Sci-Hub Un-Censorable

Creative Commons - The Future of Museums Is Open

Digital Preservation Futures: your questions answered

How to Use Tech to Capture your Family History

We Are Losing the Global War on Records Management… This is what you Can Do to Change that

Using Archival Standards to Make Data Exportable

Leadership and your Organization's History

It's a Crazy Issue: the Bizarre World of Scam Audiobooks

Clarivate to Acquire ProQuest

Microsoft is (finally) killing off Internet Explorer entirely

The Charlie bit my finger video is being auctioned as an NFT, then deleted forever

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