Thursday, 6 June 2013

Vol. 6, no. 40

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Information and Privacy Commissionner of Ontario - Deleting Accountability: Record Management Practices of Political Staff: A Special Investigation Report

National Library of Scotland - Strategic Vision for the Scottish Sound Archive

Economic Valuation of the British Library

Bibliothèque nationale suisse - Rapport annuel 2012

Australian Law Reform Commission - Copyright and the Digital Economy Discussion Paper

De la communauté / From the community
New York 3Rs Association, Inc. - Envisioning an Information Infrastructure for New York State

Charte éthique et Big Data: faciliter la création, l'échange et la diffusion de données

National Information Standards Organization - Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics (IOTA): Recommendations for Link Resolver Providers

Article - Exploring Curation as a Core Competency in Digital and Media Literacy Education

Article - Rethinking the Web as a Personal Archive 

Library Management, vol. 34, no. 4-5 (2013)

Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, vol. 25, no. 2 (2013)

First Monday, vol. 18, no. 6 (June 2013)
Telling Our Stories: South Peace (Alb.) Regional Archives Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 3 (2013)

Off the Record: E-magazine of the Archives & Records Asssociation Section for New Professionals, no. 6 (Summer 2013)

The Newsletter of the Academy of Certified Archivists, no. 81 (Spring 2013)

Book - Import of the Archive: U.S. Colonial Rule of the Philippines and the Making of American Archival History

Book - Performing Archives/Archives of Performance

Book - Management Basics for Information Professionals (3rd edition) 

Livre - Numérisation du patrimoine: quels accès ? quelles médiations ? quelles cultures ?

Book - The No-nonsense Guide to Training in Libraries 

Livre - Infobésité: comprendre et maîtriser la déferlante d'informations

Book - Archiving 2013

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exhibit - Spanning a Century: Edmonton’s High Level Bridge through Photographs
June 1 - September 14, 2013, Edmonton

Exhibit - Life on the Grid: 100 years of street photography in Toronto 
June 27, 2013 - May 2014, Toronto

Webinar: Strengthening the Demand for and Use of Open Government Data Initiatives 
June 18, 2013

Archives audiovisuelles et mémoire à l’ère numérique
5-6 décembre 2013, Tunis
Webinar - Using Collections Images in Online Exhibits (Recording Available)
June 3, 2013

Sur le web / On the web
Instantanés: le blogue des archivistes de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Full Program of Music from the Concordia Archival Project (a Project to Restore and Digitize a Large Number of Electroacoustic Music)

Baladodiffusion - Curiosité et inspection: une plongée au coeur du métier d'archiviste

App - Europeana Open Culture
Slidecast - An Open Source Infrastructure for Preserving Large Collections of Digital Objects: the SCAPE Project at the Austrian National Library

National Records of Scotland Website Now Up and Running

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Federal watchdog laments having to ‘mop up’ after privacy violations

Save Library and Archives Canada: May 2013 Campaign Update

Contempt for values: The controversey over Library and Archives Canada’s Code of Conduct

Puzzling choice: Interim head of Library and Archives Canada 

Library and Archives Canada - Census of Canada, 1921: Available to Researchers in the Next Few Weeks
1921 Census of Canada Count-up: Day 3

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec - Revues et journaux québécois, des milliers de pages en format numérique

Is Alberta’s open data catalogue the most useless open data catalogue in the history of open data catalogues?

Vancouver’s Archives marks 80 years of City history

Vancouver Vanishes archives the destruction of character homes

Lost Ottawa: Facebook page with images of Bytown’s past captivating readers

Folklore numérique : un défi pour les gardiens de la mémoire

Controversial history of New Brunswick park tackled in new project

UBC - Think twice about your data: a new grant will explore how much trust we should give to organizations who hold our data (about InterPARES)

L'avenir du web se loge dans le nuage (à propos du projet InterPARES)

Trent Radio building song archive of Peterborough music history

Law Society of Upper Canada Archives Joins The Commons on Flickr

Sur l’humanisme numérique: une analyse de Milad Doueihi, Université Laval au Canada

Milad Doueihi: Autour de l'humanisme numérique

Afrique / Africa
How Timbuktu's manuscripts were smuggled to safety

Algeria Receives Documents On 1955 Bandung Conference From Indonesia's National Archives

Des films documentaires d’archives liés à la Révolution bientôt remis à l’Algérie

Amériques / Americas
U.S. intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

ALA calls for accountability and transparency in nation’s surveillance laws

National Security Agency Building $860 Million Data Center in Maryland

National Archives' treasures targeted by thieves

Alaska - Highlighting the state's collections: Designing the State Library Archives and Museum exhibit floor

Disclosure of Boston College interviews reversed in part

Police Service of Northern Ireland preparing to seek possession of some Boston College tapes

Virgina - Lancaster County Records Uncovered in Courthouse

Notorious gangster Al Capone's letters, records on block

A war photographer's rediscovered images from Vietnam

Can you decipher Darwin's handwriting? Museum calls for help in deciphering handwritten labels on priceless collection

Kansas - Inmate case files for Clutter murderers online

Lost WW II Love Letter Turns Up After Nearly 70 Years

Content Matters Interview: An Interview with David McClure of the Neatline Project

Australia - National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra evacuated after fire alarm

The National Archives of Australia has created its own SODA stream to alert people to recently digitised records 

Australia - Email messages have corporate value to organisations but are still tricky to manage: latest New South Wales State Records survey results

Tahiti - Le service des Archives s’expose

Japan - Mall specializing in rare books opens in Jimbocho

Europe / Europa
Nazi war criminals got away with atrocities because of evidence hidden in UK and US archives

World: We Have Lost the First Webpage. Professor: Oh, I Have a Copy of It Right Here

Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - Information technologies to speed up work of archive services

Rare Russian Literature on Offer at Bonhams New York

Georgia to scrap Soviet style archive of compromising secrets

Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum Does Digital Archives Right - Hi-Res Downloads And A Suite Of Online Editing Tools

La Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés autorise les Mormons à indexer l'état civil français

France - Les 800 lettres d'un paysan Poilu entre les mains

Rare lantern slides and an appeal to identify a 19th century Irish photographer

An update on situation following the fire at the National Library of Wales

UK - G-Cloud folded into Government Digital Service

BBC’s digital media fiasco: would the cloud have been a safer bet?

How Queen Elizabeth II Coronation footage was re-mastered

Robert the Bruce Letter Found at British Library

Rudyard Kipling letter admits plagiarising parts of the Law of the Jungle

Secrets, sex and retribution... the archive of a whistle blower who won’t be silenced

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Egypt's culture minister opts for Islamist to head National Library and Archives

Ottoman archives gathered in Istanbul site

UNESCO: First Steps towards a Model Curriculum for Digital Preservation

Googledoodle for International Archives Day 2013?

International Archives Day dedicated to archives in need

Film to digital: Seeing movies in a new light

Summer Tips for Visiting Archives

Scholars and web archives: a report on the International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly, Slovenia

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