Thursday, 13 June 2013

Vol. 6, no. 41

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Privacy Commissioner of Canada - Annual Report to Parliament 2012
Raw Documents: Canada's 'Top Secret' Data Mining Program

National Library of the Netherlands - Annual report 2012

De la communauté / From the community
Discours d'André Gareau, président de l’AAQ, lors du 42e congrès de l'Association

Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Strategic Directions May 2013 to May 2016

Imago Mundi: the International Journal for the History of Cartography, vol. 65, no. 2 (June 2013)

Archifacts (April 2013)

Society of Alberta Archives News, vol. 32, no. 3 (Spring 2013)

Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 39, no. 5 (June-July 2013)

Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter (June 2013)

Service interministériel des Archives de France: Bulletin sur les ressources archivistiques numériques, no 46 (juin 2013)

Book - Measuring the Return on Investment of Knowledge Management

Book - Web-Age Information Management

Book - Natural Language Processing and Information Systems

Book - What is the Impact of Digitizing Books?

Book - Contemporary Collecting: Objects, Practices, and the Fate of Things

Livre - Le Pouvoir en Actes: fonder, dire, montrer, contrefaire l'autorité

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
8th Annual MDM & Data Governance Summit Canada
June 26-27, 2013, Toronto

5e congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec (programme préliminaire disponible)
25-27 novembre 2013, Montréal

Webinar - Content Archiving in a Mobile World: the Old Models Don’t Work
July 17, 2013

1st International Workshop on Archiving Community Memories
September 6, 2013, Lisbon

Dealing With Data Workshop (Videos & Presentations Available)
May 28, 2013, Ghent (Belgium)

Sur le web / On the web
ArchivesCanada Demo Site running AtoM 2.0-Interim 1

Video - Dan Cohen Founding Executive Director of the Digital Public Library of America

Slidecast - La diffusion des archives à l'aide du Web 2.0

A Citizen’s Guide to Open Government, E-Government, and Government 2.0

PREMIS OWL ontology 2.2 now available
ARCOMEM (ARchive COmunities MEMories) - Web Crawler Cockpit Demo

A Guardian Guide to Your Metadata

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Canada chastised for secret metadata surveillance

Under new policy Treasury Board will be required to report every data breach to privacy commissioner

Harper follows in King's footsteps: diary sheds light on historic PM's mindset before addressing British Parliament

Library and Archives Canada and National Music Centre Collaborate to Promote Canada's Musical History

Library and Archives Canada - Census of Lower Canada, 1825 now available online

Former Library and Archives Canada boss criticizes private digitizing deal

Good-new Canadiana & LAC project spun into bad news?

Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Letter to minister Moore about the Heritage Project partnership of LAC and

The Next Librarian and Archivist of Canada?
Appel des historiens - Rapatriement de la constitution: l’accès aux archives est essentiel
Review of Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Privacy laws goes public

How Ontario civil servants put a stop to practice of deleting e-mails

De la Belle Époque au prêt-à-porter: 60 Years of Québec Women’s Fashion at the Centre d'archives, de généalogie et d'histoire de l'Outaouais
Dominique Michel fait don de ses archives à Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Le riche patrimoine chorégraphique à BAnQ

Yukon - A different sort of Klondike treasure

There is a large archive of recorded interviews with Holocaust survivors in Montreal

Courtney Milne collection makes history at University of Saskatchewan: original images, prints, texts, audio donated

Algoma University's Wishart Library wins prestigious archival award

International Ocean Institute visits the Dalhousie University Archives

Archival Photo Of Vancouver, From Australia With Love

Mennonite Archives of Ontario receives $150,000 in federal funding

New Westminster Museum and Archives (B.C.) - Archives offer answers

British Army records from Canada join Ancestry

Afrique / Africa
Damage to Timbuktu’s cultural heritage worse than first estimated reports UNESCO mission

Mali - Mémoire d’un pays : Les archives nationales en questions

To Rwanda, UN's International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda Won't Return Archives, No Answer on Borello

National Archives of the Netherland - Further research cultural heritage Ghana

Angola - Minister highlights national archives role

République démocratique du Congo : le bureau des Archives du Congo n’est pas toujours numérisé

Maroc - Les premières archives à Rabat

Algérie - Les archives des institutions administratives en débat à Oran

Amériques / Americas
Bermuda - Govt advertises for a new Director of Archives

Brazil's 'lost report' into genocide surfaces after 40 years

U.S. - Expansion at the National Archives Means More Focus on Human Right

National Archives puts Founding Fathers’ papers online; tyranny, slaves, smallpox speak volumes

The Era of Metadata

What is metadata mining and why is the government doing it?

How Google Transfers Data To National Security Agency

Every Library and Museum in America, Mapped

Why the Boston College Oral History Ruling Isn't a Victory

Wisconsin Historical Society has 3,000 maps online

Colorado State University Water Resources Archive Digitizes More Than 43,000 Water History Documents
Oscars archive preserves movies for future film fans

When Artworks Crash: Restorers Face Digital Test

You're so vain: University of Michigan study links social media and narcissism

Dirty secrets of Hollywood’s golden age revealed as Private Investigator’s archive is released

Pages from Nazi’s diary found at Lewiston publishing house

Abe Lincoln's maths homework found in Harvard University archives

Another lost President Lincoln document found, this time on a closet shelf - the second in a week
Faulkner, Beckett and Conrad's works up at auction
Bible Inscribed by Einstein Up for Auction at Bonhams New York

Smarsh, an archivist for the information age

Australia - Hackers produce application to help Nationale Archives track cultural journeys

Mass metadata retention: Australia as an early adopter

Australia - New South Wales Government: ancient advice on email management

Digital New Zealand - Metadata now available for commercial use

New Zealand - The first release of a collection of stories from the Canterbury earthquakes is now available

South Asia online archive launched

Shanghai Municipal Archives - Archives from halcyon days go public for first time

Fiji - Work begins on digitalisation of archival material

India - Odisha State Archives: Digitisation of rare books, records underway

India - Fire destroys records at government office

Europe / Europa
Europeana funding cut #AllezCulture

Stalin's personal archives exposed
Putin Hopes Dispute Over Jewish Archives Resolved

Tarkovsky's Archives Opened at Film Festival

Eva Braun's letters discovered, charting her fall from hope

The Only Surviving Film Footage of Anne Frank

Netherlands - The world’s first 3D-printed house

Georgia - Destruction of dirty archive delayed

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Proposed Freedom of Information Law reforms would limit access to much information of public importance

Hungary under Orban moves to restrict freedom of information

What belongs to Macedonia as archives and monuments should be created after 1994: historian

Belgique - Les archives de la Ville de Bruxelles en cours de numérisation

Prism: comment les Français sont écoutés par la NSA, et par des services bien de chez nous

France - La ville de Lyon veut dématérialiser la totalité de ses documents

Census lost: Historic 1926 Northern Ireland records may be destroyed

Ancient Irish texts show volcanic link to cold weather

UK - Freedom of information laws set to be extended

UK National Archives - Armed forces birth, marriage and death records

UK - Plans to mark 100 years since the beginning of the First World War in 2014 announced

'Top Secret' D-Day orders emerge - 69 years after they should have been destroyed

The British Library releases Virginia Woolf’s last unpublished work
With construction finally underway, Black Cultural Archives could open in 2014

Your family tree is just a click away as Surrey launches digital archive

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Egypt culture minister sacks National Archives chief, 3 senior officials

I follow Brotherhood's Hassan El-Banna: Egypt's new national archives head

Egyptian artists call on army to protect national archives from minister's 'plot' 

Kuwait parliament launches web archive of legislative decisions

Ambassador: Iranian archives about Armenian Genocide are open for historians

E-Mail: Not Dead, Evolving

Social media analytics: are we nearly there yet?
Has Technology Killed Cursive Handwriting?

Most enterprises have no information strategy

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