Thursday 3 December 2015

Vol. 9, no. 14

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Librarian and Archivist of Canada Speech - Digital humanities

Library and Archives Canada - Digital Curation Platform Tender Notice

Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada - Observations on the Health of the Access System 2013-2014

National Archives of Australia - Legislation, Policies, Standards, Advice and your Agency's Accountability (Revised Edition)

U.S. Copyright Office Strategic Plan 2016-2020

De la communauté / From the community
Canadian Association of Professionnal Academic Librarians - Letter to Minister Joly on LAC Funding

Canadiana - Our Vision: Describing and Linking Canadiana Resources with Linked Open Data

Europeana - User Requirements Analysis and Case Studies Report: Content Strategy Report

Europeana - Publishing Framework

Long Term Preservation of Earth Observation Space Data: Preservation Guidelines

Authors Alliance - Understanding Open Access: when, why, & how to Make your Work Openly Accessible

European Digital Forum - Government of the Future: how Digital Technology will Change the Way we Live, Work and Govern

Article - Disembodied Archives: the Disconnectedness of Records and Archives Management Practices within the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Restaurator: International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material, vol. 36, no. 4 (December 2015)

IFLA Journal, vol. 41, no. 4 (December 2015)

National Archives of Australia - Government Agencies Information Network Newsletter, no. 10 (2015)

Outside the Box: Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 3 (2015)

Saskatchewan History, vol. 67, no. 2 (Fall-Winter 2015)

Telling our Stories: Newsletter of the South Peace Regional Archives (Alb.), vol. 7, no. 1 (December 2015)

Bulletin du Centre d'histoire et d'archives du travail, vol. 2, no 4 (Automne 2015)

Provenance: Online Journal of Public Record Office Victoria, no. 14 (2015)

Revue Archives, no. 105-108 (2015)

Book - Nazi Persecution and Postwar Repercussions: the International Tracing Service Archive and Holocaust Research

Book - Membership Marketing in the Digital Age: a Handbook for Museums and Libraries

Book - Privacy, Security and Accountability: Ethics, Law and Policy

Book - Digital Humanities and the Lost Drama of Early Modern England

Book - Shakespeare and Manuscript Drama: Canon, Collaboration and Text

Book - Memory, Subjectivities, and Representation: Approaches to Oral History in Latin America, Portugal, and Spain

Book - Photo Mosaic Switzerland: the Archive of the Image Agency Comet Photo AG

Book - Access to Scientific Research: Challenges Facing Communications in STM

Book - Stolen Lives: the Indigenous Peoples of Canada and the Indian Residential Schools

Livre - Retrouver ses ancêtres corses

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Decolonize or Indigenize?: Transitionising for the Information Profession
December 8, 2015, Vancouver

Webinar - Preserving Digital Collections: an Overview
March 16, 2016

Open Source Preservation Workshop: Serving the Cultural Heritage
April 7, 2016, Stockholm (Sweden)

Digital Print Preservation Workshop 2016
October 25-27, 2016, Rochester (New York)

Toronto Public Library Open Data Hackathon (Project Presentations Available)
November 14-15, 2015

Workshop: Cataloguing Antiquarian & Early Printed Collections (Presentations Available)
September 30, 2015, Oxford

Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada - Launch of War of 1812 Database

The Queen's own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum and Archives now on Flickr

Video - The Digital Cavemen of Linked Lascaux: Promises

Video - Black Involvement in the Anglo-Boer War Documented

Vidéo - Enjeux des métadonnées dans l'économie du document

Crowdfunding - Digital Preservation of Immaterial Island Culture in the Face of Climate Change

Slidecast - Crowdsourcing in the Cultural Sector: Approaches, Challenges and Issues

Slidecast - The Environmental Impact of Digital Preservation

Slidecast - An Introduction to SIP Challenges

Slidecast - The E-ARK Maturity Model: an Introduction

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Liberal transparency reforms subject to review next year

What Canadian Heritage Officials didn't Tell Minister Mélanie Joly about Copyright

Loi sur l'accès à l'information: un frein pour les chercheurs

National Gallery of Canada to launch Canadian Photography Institute

LAC marginalized in Canadian Heritage Ministerial Briefing Books

Canadian Heritage Funding Programs - Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage

Library and Archives Canada announces launch of 2016-2017 funding cycle for Documentary Heritage Communities Program

Library and Archives Canada - Subscribe to the Society of Young Artists' 1815-1816 theatre season

Ontario Moves to Open Data by Default

Archives Society of Alberta - Access to Holdings grant application is now available

Bientôt à BAnQ : l’actualité du 20e siècle racontée à travers les photographies du journal La Presse

Simon Fraser University library gets film collection worth nearly $2 million

Librarians and archivists ratify collective deal with Western university

Registry of Government Information Digitization Projects, University of Toronto: Update

Calgary researcher scours old ship logbooks for climate change clues

The archives of Canada's most history-rich companies maintain a physical connection to everything from the Franklin expedition to the Canadarm 

Bell Canada's archives offer link to old-school telephone era

Association for Manitoba Archives, Archives of the Month: Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg Archives

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - Incidentally Archived: Newspaper Ads

Vancouver Archives - The 2015 Vancity Theatre Screenings are now on YouTube

Vancouver city council considering officially opposing Trans-Pacific Partnership deal

Montréal sous l'oeil artiste de nos photographes (1961-1992)

Montreal's archives provide look at city’s history

New Sudbury history book plumbs archives, land title records for window into past

Lanark County Archives (Ont.) seeks new home for growing service

Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies (Alb.) - Newspapers to be saved on microfilm

Des Septiliens à la recherche de leurs ancêtres

Une journée portes ouvertes réussie au centre d'archives de la Société historique de la Côte-du-Sud

Association des archivistes du Québec - Quels sont les facteurs à prendre en considération dans l’analyse des besoins de formation?

Afrique / Africa
Mali manuscripts: Nations treasure trove of ancient books saved from jihadists are once again at risk

Mali - Trois Bibliothèques de manuscrits anciens réhabilitées à Tombouctou 

Democratic Republic of the Congo poised to rejoin International Council on Archives

Gambia - National Record Service launches digital archives system

Clôture officielle du Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda : Kigali réclame les archives du tribunal

Congo - Destruction des archives de l'ex district du Kasaï à Luebo

Archives au Maroc, une composante stratégique extirpée de l’agonie

Les Archives du Maroc vont-elles enfin renaître de leurs cendres ? 

Algérie - M. Henni, DG de la modernisation, de la documentation et des archives au ministère de l’Intérieur : objectif : parvenir à une administration sans papier

Amériques / Americas
Salvador - Les archives du Père Ellacuría reconnues par l'UNESCO comme patrimoine documentaire 

Taiwan donates US$145,000 to St. Lucian government for EDRMS projects 

U.S. Open Data Grows (But not Enough)

Preservation at NARA: microfilm degradation

Library of Congress Acquires the Ernie Kovacs and Edie Adams Collection

How did the FBI manage to lose Sharyl Attkisson's file?

Smithsonian launches crowdsourced rock 'n' roll photo archive

University of Texas at Arlington - De-Archival Collaborative Project Records Non-Western Education

University of Texas at San Antonio - Two LGBTQ collections now available online

A scandal in the euthanasia archives

Where Are the Archives of AIDS- and HIV-Related Art in the US?

Meet the World's First 3-D Interactive Holocaust Survivor

Providence City Archivist Paul Campbell Fired

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Uncovering Australia's Indigenous past: forgotten 1920s photos reveal insight into coastal Aboriginal people

Archives New Zealand - The Register of Persons Naturalised in New Zealand before 1949

Inside Indonesia digitizes archive

Japan - Librarians in uproar after borrowing record of Haruki Murakami is leaked

30 ancient manuscripts found in Tibet

India - President to open world's largest Bapu (Mahatma Gandhi) archive

Archaeological Survey of India Agra working on compiling visual archives on Taj Mahal

India - It's all about saving vintage films for posterity

Europe / Europa
Right to be forgotten: Google deletes links to more than 500,000 websites

Catalonia's photographic patrimony now available online

Czech Republic - Prague to join digitisation of Europe's cultural heritage

Bulgarian National Film Archive Joins Cultural Protests over Funding

Hungary - The Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at Central European University

Mapping the Icelandic sagas

France - Fontainebleau : ils manifestent contre la fermeture des Archives nationales

France - La Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure déclassifie les fonds d'archives Enigma et Indochine

Attentats du 13 novembre : Paris va archiver les messages d'hommage aux victimes

France - Rennes : les hommages aux victimes des attentats rejoignent les archives

Bibliothèque municipale de Belfort - Collection échiquéenne

Une deuxième vie pour les photographies

Ireland - Mary Robinson to open State’s first presidential archive and research centre in 2017

Poetry for posterity: the Irish Poetry Reading Archive launches

Guinness' Archives Offer a Glimpse Into Beer History

Irish Independent's historic archive available online

Historic archive of restored Scots Italians documents revealed

UK - Tory MPs will oppose watering down Freedom of Information Act

Simplifying copyright through digital technology

UK National Archives - Traces through Time project: what's in a name?

2016 at the British Library: major exhibitions on Shakespeare and 20th century maps, and Kenneth Williams’ archive joins the collections

Winston Churchill archives join UNESCO register of pivotal documents in world history

Rarely seen WWI diaries reveal agony of ignominious British defeat

Forgotten history of black artists to be uncovered in £700,000 curation project

Recipes to Entertain in an Exeter Cathedral Library Manuscript

Behind the scenes in the stores of Tyne and Wear Archives

Pensioner wins £2,000 payout from Apple after 'genius' worker wiped honeymoon snaps and 15 years of contacts from his iPhone when he took it in for repair

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Is the Gospel of Jesus's Wife a revelation or a hoax?

Turkey - Ara Guler cancels agreement to transfer his archive to Turkish pro-government company

International team of bioarchaeologists get under the skin of a Medieval mystery: the tissue-thin parchment used to produce the first pocket Bibles

UNESCO - New inscriptions on the lists of intangible cultural heritage

The Future is Digital: an Information Revolution

The Future of Libraries Is Collaborative, Robotic, and Participatory

Infographie : le big data en mots et en chiffres

Linked Data Caution

Why open data doesn't mean open government

Gestion documentaire dans l'entreprise : sans ordre pas de rigueur

The Age of Information Architecture

Wikipedia launches edit-checking artificial intelligence

Can computers be racist? Big data, inequality, and discrimination

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