Thursday 14 January 2016

Vol. 9, no. 20

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
2016 at the National Library of Ireland

British Library - WAV Format Preservation Assessment

U.S. House of Representatives - Freedom of Information Act Is Broken: a Report

European Audiovisual Observatory - Online Copyright Enforcement: Policies and Mechanisms

Service interministériel des archives de France - Étude sur les sites Internet des services d'archives
Fiche stratégie web et organisation :
Fiche fonctionnalités et services aux internautes :

De la communauté / From the community
Canadian Historical Association - Letter Regarding Access to Information

Society of American Archivists - Issue Brief: Archivists and the Term of Copyright

Introduction to the Common Specification for Information Packages in the E-Ark Project (for Comment)

Communia - Leveraging Copyright in Support of Education

OCLC - If you Build it, will they Fund? Making Research Data Management Sustainable

Article - Time for a Single Global Copyright Framework for Libraries and Archives

The Archive as Dumpster

La Gazette des archives, no. 239 (2015)

Information Management, vol. 50, no. 1 (January-February 2016)

Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture, vol. 44, no. 4 (2015)

View: Journal of European Television History and Culture, vol. 4, no. 8, 2015 (Special Issue: Archive-Based Productions)

Tijdschrift voor tijdschrift­studies/Journal for the Study of Periodical Media, no. 38, 2015 (Special issue on the Dutch Digital Newspaper Archive Delpher and Historical Research)

San Jose State University School of Information Student Research Journal, vol. 5, no. 2 (2015)

Library and Archives Canada - Governance and Recordkeeping Around the World, vol. 5, no. 4 (January 2016)

Chroniques de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, no. 75 (Janvier-Mars 2016)

Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 5, no. 11 (December 2015)

Actes du congrès 2015 de l'Association des archivistes du Québec

Actes du congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec 2015

Saanich Archives (B.C.) News & Events (January 2016)

Association des archivistes français - Mes archives et moi (nouvelle version)

Mémoire - Guide de gestion des documents et des archives pour les personnes privées

Book - Digital Photo Magic: Easy Image Retouching and Restoration for Librarians, Archivists, and Teachers

Book - A New Companion to Digital Humanities

Book - Balkan Heritages: Negotiating History and Culture

Book - Data Protection on the Move: Current Developments in ICT and Privacy/Data Protection

Book - Digital Information Strategies: from Applications and Content to Libraries and People

Book - The Digital Revolution: how Connected Digital Innovations Are Transforming your Industry, Company & Career

Book - Digital Libraries: Providing Quality Information

Book - Big Data Fundamentals: Concepts, Drivers, and Techniques 

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exhibit - Conchies Speak: Ontario Mennonites in Alternative Service
January 4, 2016 - December 16, 2016, Waterloo (Mennonite Archives of Ontario)

Canadian Museum of History - How-to Webinar on Submitting Proposal for Community Memories Projects
January 20, 2015

Convergence: Information Professionals in Libraries and Archives
January 20, 2015, Vancouver

Signatures Series: Secrets of Canada's Archives
January 25, 2015, Ottawa

Les données ouvertes : qu’est-ce que l’entreprise y gagne ?
27 janvier 2016, Montréal

The 2016 Dalhousie Horrocks Lecture & Award Presentation (School of Information Management)
February 4, 2016, Halifax

Association of Canadian Archivists McGill Student Chapter Winter Colloquium
February 12, 2016, Montréal

Second Annual Big Data & Analytics Summit Canada
February 17-18, 2016, Toronto

Research Day 2016: Perspectives on Access to Information
March 11, 2016, Vancouver

Documents et ressources pour leur traitement : un couplage crucial
9 et 10 mai 2016, Montréal

2016 ARMA Canada Conference
June 13-15, 2016, Halifax

Online Course - Personal Digital Preservation

Webinar - Creating Content Intelligence: Harmonized Taxonomy & Metadata in the Enterprise Context
January 27, 2016

International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
October 13-16, 2016, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Archival Seminar: Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust
August 21-31, 2016, Berlin

Sur le web / On the web
Vidéo - Richard Provencher de la Bibliothèque et Archives Canada : le hockey en temps de guerre 

Videos - 100 Years of Women's Suffrage in Manitoba (Archives of Manitoba)

Baladodiffusion - Denyse Beaugrand-Champagne (BAnQ) : ces histoires fascinantes trouvées dans les archives

Collaborative European Digital Archives Infrastructure (CENDARI) Launched

Legislative Openness Data Explorer

Exactly: a New Tool for Digital File Acquisitions

Baladodiffusion - Silencieusement… dans les pas de Nicolas Frize aux Archives nationales de France

Video - Utah Open Records Portal Overview

Vidéo - À quoi rêvent les algorithmes: nos vies à l'heure des big data

Slidecast - Linked Data on the Ground

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Canadian military investigating after hard drive found at recycling depot

Morale very poor at Shared Services Canada, say sources

Hardware issues stall effort to move federal workers to new email system

Five Things: Ideas for a Merged Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada

Interview with Guy Berthiaume - Should Library and Archives Canada and the Ottawa Public Library find a home together?

At least one – maybe both – LeBreton Flats proposals include library: sources

Library and Archives Canada - Unraveling a life: the power of private records

Opinion - Happy birthday Canada, here's a portrait gallery

Federal Court Hears Copyright Case about Holocaust Story

The Pass System explores dark chapter in Canadian history

National Jewish Archives Renamed

Alberta environment department to remain under document shredding ban

100-year history of women's voting rights put on display in Winnipeg

Crime organisé: des rapports d'enquête gardés secrets jusqu'en... 2092

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec et l'UQAM renouvellent leur entente de partenariat

Letters from Stalin's daughter arrive at University of Toronto library

Les 50 ans de la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l’Université de Montréal 

McMaster University - Freeze frames of Hamilton winters past 

Oral History Provides Glimpse into Mind of Simon Fraser University's First Chancellor Gordon Shrum

Dalhousie University - SSHRC Five‑Year Insight Grant Awarded to the EIUI (Environmental Information: Use and Influence) Research Team

University of British Columbia - Behind the Scenes: Digitizing the RCMP

The Top 8 Odd and Outstanding Artist's Books in Ryerson University's Special Collections

Dramatically Reducing an Archive's Carbon Footprint by Working with the City (Toronto)

Vancouver Archives - New in the public domain 2016

Windsor Public Library's automotive archives to open this month

Société d'histoire du Lac-Saint-Jean - Départ à la retraite pour l'historien et archiviste Gaston Martel

Centre d'archives du Musée de la Gaspésie - Numérisation des archives de la Compagnie Robin

Brandon (Manitoba) marks 100 years since deadly train crash

Association des archivistes du Québec - Vie d’archiviste : Linda Rivest, Société d’histoire de la Rivière-du-Nord

Colonial History in the Age of Digital Humanities

Getting into Gephi (with Canadian Letters and Images Project)

How does one decide where to belong? (on professional associations)

Afrique / Africa
Howard University Returns Ancient Manuscript to Ethiopia's Debre Libanos Monastery

Amériques / Americas
Rescuing an Obscure Photographic Archive of Early 20th-Century Argentina

Peru - Untangling an Accounting Tool and an Ancient Incan Mystery

The Obama administration is quietly trying to make it harder to study public officials

House passes Freedom of Information Act reforms seeking to speed up, broaden process

Roberta I. Shaffer Named Law Librarian of Congress

Locating Congressional Documents: a Beginner's Guide

Library of Congress - Papers of Virtuoso Violinist Roman Totenberg Now Online

NARA - The Search for Hitler's Political Testament, Personal Will, and Marriage Certificate, Part II

NARA - Film Preservation 101: why are old films sometimes pink?

Inventorying Software Developed at the National Library of Medicine: a National Digital Stewardship Resident Project Update

Society of American Archivists - Letter to Wisconsin Governor

Wisconsin's Public Records Board scraps transitory records changes

Harvard - A playful turn for libraries: crowd of gamers helps expand access to handwritten documents

Harvard - Digitizing Native American petitions

Columbia University - A medical pop-up book from the 17th century

Université du Texas - Les célèbres hymnes du couronnement de 1727 par Handel pour le roi et la reine d’Angleterre reçoivent un traitement royal

Viewing Email through a New Lens: Screening, Managing, and Providing Access to Historical Email using ePADD

Digitization Stories #1: Historic State Codes at the University of Georgia

Penn Libraries' OPenn Manuscript Portal to Host the Country's Largest Regional Collections of Digitized Medieval Manuscripts

LGBT history project inspires new online archive

The Internet Archive's new project preserves political TV ads so journalists can see who's lying

Why Rhizome’s $600,000 Mellon Grant is a Big Deal for Digital Preservation

Film preservationists are scrambling to save our analog past

The Custodians: how the Whitney is transforming the art of museum conservation

How Museums Are Helping People with Memory Loss

Inside the secretive subterranean facility where a $5 billion business stores the files of Fortune 1000 companies

Court Libraries Adapt to Deep Cuts, Changing Technology

Popularity of Netflix series overwhelms records custodian

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Government mulls expanded copyright safe harbour

Records management standards in Republic of Korea

South Korea opens presidential archives

Amendments to Taiwan's Copyright Act; Playing CDs in Public might be Charged

Thousands of Hong Kong protesters gather to demand release of booksellers

WWII Tokyo Trials Database Launched for Chinese, International Researchers

India - National Archives gets rare edition of Shakespearean plays

India - Jammu and Kashmir archives denied record for past 6 decades

Pakistan - Ensuring transparency: civil society urges government pass Right to Information Bill

Europe / Europa
First concrete results on a Digitising European Industry action plan 

Historical Archives of the European Union - The historical archives of European Spatial Data Research available for research

Building an open layer over all knowledge: Europeana joins Annotation Coalition 

New edition of Mein Kampf set to land on German bestseller lists

What the diary of Anne Frank can tell us about Text and Data mining

Uploading of Anne Frank's diary ruffles legal feathers

National Library of the Netherlands - From keyword search to concept mining: Keyword Generator as a tool for the study of historical news media

Czech Open Data Forum launches the Open Data Manifesto 

La Roumanie créé le premier musée uniquement numérique

Georgia - Thousands of historical volumes restored by National Archives

Belgique - Un permis de conduire pour la conservation numérique des documents

Belgique - Numérisation du patrimoine scientifique de l’Université libre de Bruxelles

Suisse - La Phonothèque nationale rejoint la Bibliothèque nationale

France - Les archives policières et judicaires du Régime de Vichy se dévoilent

France - Mémoire des Hommes : je, tu… ils indexent

France - Archives de Rennes : mémoire des attentats : le fonds Charlie est en ligne

Ireland - Why has it taken so long to recognise role of women in 1916?

The Victorian farmer who saw fairies, the clerk who thought he was being poisoned: archives from a Scottish asylum just released

UK Information Commissioner repeats call for stronger sentences for data thieves

UK National Archives - Help us improve the UK Government web archive 

UK National Archives - Curation, collaboration and location: tracing Shakespeare through London 

Museum of Army Chaplaincy archive digitised & published online

Three million historic baptism, marriage and burial records for Northamptonshire go live online

Turner painting saved for the nation by property millionaire's gift

Warwickshire - Archive of an Archivist

Big name writers join fight for legal right to libraries as campaign petitioning Government tops 7,000 signatures

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Egypt's President Sisi Launches Biggest Digital Library in the World, Declares 2016 Year of Youth

Armenian National Archives to publish documents on estates of Armenian monasteries in Turkey

Turkey - Iconic library in Istanbul a treasure trove for history buffs with its Ottoman archival database

INA and UNESCO conclude agreement to safeguard, digitize and make accessible 70 hours of audiovisual programming

Reconstituer les objets anciens grâce à de nouvaux outils numériques

Historians as Futurists

Digitisation and the Question of Retouching

Four challenges to realistic records management

Librarians as Data Scientists, really?

Can voice recognition technology really identify a masked jihadi?

E-Discovery is not a Spectator Sport: New Survey Results for the Top 5 Most Controversial E-Discovery Issues

La grande illusion de l'ère numérique

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