Thursday, 9 June 2016

Vol. 9, no. 41

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Building a Canadian National Heritage Digitization Strategy

Trésors en héritage: parcours au coeur des collections de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec

Archives de France - Note d'information relative à l'informatique en nuage

U.S. Copyright Office - Draft Revision of the Library and Archives Exceptions in U.S. Copyright Law

UK - Guidance: Method Validation in Digital Forensics

De la communauté / From the community
Archives Association of Ontario - Response to Ontario's Draft Culture Strategy

Society of American Archivists - Guidelines for a Graduate Program in Archival Studies (for Comments)

Society of American Archivists - Archival Continuing Education Guidelines (for Comments)

IFLA - Strategic Plan 2016-2021

Bouclier bleu - Sauver le patrimoine familial suite à une inondation

Conférence des directeurs d'Archives suisses - Statistiques d'Archives suisses 

Open Planet Foundation - Annual Report 2014-2016

Paper - A Case Study of Metadata Creation in the University of North Texas Libraries' Digital Collections

Article - Ontology-based Representation of Context of Use in Digital Preservation

La Gazette des archives, no. 241, 2016 (numéro spécial : les associations professionnelles d'archivistes : panorama international)
Note: Félicitations à Didier Grange pour ce livre enfin publié.

Records Management Journal, vol. 26, no. 2 (2016)

European History Quarterly, vol. 46, no. 3, July 2016 (Special Issue: Archival Transformations in Early Modern European History)

Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 11, no. 1 (2016) 

Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, vol. 28, no. 2 (2016)

Digital Literary Studies, vol. 1, no. 1 (2016)

Journal of Documentation, vol. 72, no. 4 (2016)

Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 42, no. 5 (June/July 2016)

BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, no. 36 (June 2016)

ISO/IEC 20919:2016 - Information Technology: Linear Tape File System (LTFS) Format Specification

Book - Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Archive

Book - Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, Discovery and Retrieval 

Book - Cultural Property and Contested Ownership: the Trafficking of Artefacts and the Quest for Restitution 

Book - Looking for Information: a Survey of Research on Information Seeking, Needs, and Behavior (Fourth Edition)

Book - African Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management: Theory and Practice from Southern Africa

Book - Excavating the Power of Memory in Japan 

Book - Windows into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology

Book - Threat Forecasting: Leveraging Big Data for Predictive Analysis

Livre - Être médiateur au musée

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice - Librarians as Researchers
October 12, 2016, University of Saskatchewan

Webinar -  Real-World Digital Preservation & Program Round-Up
June 21, 2016

National Library of New Zealand: Reading the Maps
June 21, 2016, Wellington

Stage d'initiation au manuscrit médiéval et au livre humaniste (domaines latin et roman)
17 au 21 octobre 2016, Paris

e-Records Conference 2016
November 4, 2016, Austin (Texas)

International Conference of Photography and Theory 
December 2-4, 2016, Nicosia (Cyprus)

Finding New Knowledge: Archival Records in the Age of Big Data (Videos and Presentations Available)
April 26-28, 2016, College Park (Maryland)

Troublesome Pictures: Representing the Colonial Past (Video Available)
June 2, 2016, Gentofte (Denmark)

Sur le web / On the web
Vidéo - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada à l'ère numérique

Video - ACA 2016: Archives, Technology, and Innovation 

Slidecast - Technologie Proche: Imagining the Archival Systems of Tomorrow with the Tools of Today (Given at ACA 2016)

Video - Dancing Phil: Reference Library, Toronto Public Library

Vidéo - France: Échange avec le président François Hollande sur le gouvernement ouvert

Vidéo - Bibliothèque nationale suisse : l'architecture

Emulation as a Service Ubuntu Packages (14.04 LTS) Beta

veraPDF 0.16

App - OpenArchive: Free & Secure Mobile Media Sharing 

Podcast - Digital Memory in the Age of Social Media

Slidecast - Walking the Walk: Facilitating Interdisciplinary Web Archive Collaboration

Slidecast - Mix it Up! Old Collections Inspiring New Creativity and Learning

Slidecast - Wikicite

Slidecast - B2find (Find Research Data): User Training

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Privacy czar expresses worries about Canada's spy agency invasiveness

Information Commissioner of Canada - The Access to Information Act is ripe for amendments

10 Myths About Canadian Copyright Law

Canada Post Might Own the Copyright to your Postal Code

Library and Archives Canada - Doors Open Ottawa: an impressive turnout

Undergraduate vs Library and Archives Canada, part II

There's a Good Reason Canadians won't Give up their Libraries

Ontario government staff BBMs, email open to public: privacy commissioner

Archives of Ontario releases Vital Statistics records through

Archives Association of Ontario - Welcome to our new Archeion Coordinator, Lisa Snider

Provincial Archives of New Brunswick - New Brunswick Great War Project

Quebec - Liberals under fire after Transport Ministry investigators testify their documents were altered

What's getting cut, what's getting money in the Northwest Territories budget (one archivist position is eliminated)

Archives Alberta - Risk-Based Business

Archives of Manitoba - One Manitoba Soldier: Somewhere in France

Snapshots give rare glimpse of daily life at Canadian WWII Internment camp for Japanese

Viola Desmond family documents donated to Beaton Institute (Cape Breton University) 

University of Toronto - New Acquisition: First World War Notebook

University of Toronto Archivist wins national and provincial awards

New digitization project captures 50 years of McMaster University on film

University of Waterloo Special Collections & Archives - New exhibit : Trips, tours, and voyages

University of Calgary pays ransom after attack on computer systems 

Quebec City - Shuttering Archives: a UNESCO Recognized Collection to Close its Doors to the Public

Les Musées de la civilisation bouclent leurs archives

Les Musées de la civilisation : institution publique ou entrepôt numérique ?

Archives et recherche aux Musées de la civilisation : des inquiétudes du milieu

Jewish Museum and Archives of B.C. - Announcing… Feeding Community

Canada's home child descendants much less than 10% of the population

Vancouver - Early City heritage program records now available

Tweeting the Great War: Winnipeg Free Press retraces steps of Winnipeg soldier

Toronto - Once upon a city: women who were unsung heroes of war effort

Volunteers gathering Barrie's (Ont.) history into an online archive for all

New Niagara Open Data Portal provides wealth of data at the click of a mouse 

Archives Lanaudière - L'Histoire à l'ère du numérique

Corner Brook Museum and Archives (Newfoundland) board aims to grow local use

Squamish (B.C.) - Train service would face obstacles, says archivist

City of Vaughan (Ont.) - Celebrating International Archives Day with a grand throwback

Ontario journalist first made the census cool

Archivist Interview: Meet Heather Beattie, Hudson's Bay Company Archives

Career Spotlight: what I Do as a Game Design and Development Liaison Librarian (Michelle Goodridge, Wilfrid Laurier University)

Brèves archivistiques - Penzu, l'intimité archivable

Afrique / Africa
DJs worldwide give new life to an archive of 35,000 African songs

Congo - Le professeur Bob Bobutaka explique l’importance des archives dans la gestion d'un pays

Le film Omar Bongo déposé aux archives nationales du Gabon

Sénégal - Les archives nationales dans leurs nouveaux locaux de 2500m² au central park

Côte d'Ivoire : la Bibliothèque nationale reçoit 20 000 livres jeunesse de la Bibliothèque nationale de France

Liban - Inauguration de la photothèque de la Bibliothèque orientale

Tunisie - Veut-on faire disparaître les archives de la Banque franco-tunisienne ?

Namibia - Access to Information Bill consultations underway

South Africa - Access to Information campaigners appeal against downgrading of World Bank's Freedom of Information Programme

Amériques / Americas
Barbados - Government Still Committed to Making the Freedom of Information Act a Reality

Uruguay Politicians Give Unanimous Preliminary Approval to Copyright Reform, Publishers Fight it Anyway

U.S. - Henry Kissinger's lessons in Freedom of Information Act evasion

Investigating Hillary Clinton: which secretaries of state violated the Federal Records Act?

State Department can't find phone, email records in video edit probe

Were Roswell files destroyed? Hillary Clinton stonewalled over missing UFO top secret documents

Digital Forensics and the FBI: how Today's Tech will Help Solve Hillary's Email Investigation

FBI's Art Crime Team Recovers Thousands of Missing Pieces of Art, Artifacts

FBI seeks expanded National Security Letter to include browser history and more

Copyright Office's Proposed Notice and Staydown System Would Force the Internet Archive and Other Platforms to Censor the Web

NARA - First Approvals to Use Capstone General Records Schedule

Library of Congress - The Workflow of the American Folklife Center Digital Collections

Library of Congress - An Interview with Kevin Sitarski, Remote Metadata Intern

Mecha-Archivists Revisited: an Interview with Trevor Owens and Emily Reynolds, Institute of Museum and Library Services

This Digital Library Contains 1000 National Park Maps

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Cleaning up your Shared Drive

Vermont archivist searching for missing photos of Vietnam service members

Man keeps tabs on North Dakota's oil archives

University California at Los Angeles Library to offer digital images of rare ancient manuscripts in Egypt

Princeton University - Toni Morrison Papers Open for Research

Public to get access to Corcoran Gallery of Art archives for first time in nearly a decade

Getty Research Institute - Digitized Images by Wim Swaan Available as Open Content

Online database of Philadelphia abolitionist's diary to spur links to Underground Railroad 

Chicago opens online archive to release video of police shootings

Detroit Sound Conservancy

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Bureau of Meteorology public servants face 1000 years of data entry

Australia - DNA database: scientists want a piece of you to help solve a mystery or two

Nouvelle-Calédonie - La mémoire de l'Union calédonienne sera sauvée

Nouvelle-Calédonie - La mémoire des Indonésiens aux Archives

Vietnam - Préservation et valorisation du patrimoine châu ban de la dynastie des Nguyên

Digitised Samoan village files available online

The Meaning of Culture in Samoa

Nepal - Conflict victims say they did not lodge complaints at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission due to threats

Singapore public servants' computers to have no Internet access from May next year

History of Chinese Communist Party on display at Shanghai Municipal Archives 

Europe / Europa
Researchers Uncover a Flaw in Europe's Tough Privacy Rules

Copyfail: chaotic system of freedoms to use copyrighted works in the European Union

Copyfail: Google and Facebook becoming the Internet police force

Best Case Scenarios for Copyright

German Data Retention Law Threatens Privacy of Internet Users

Re-Mixing Protected by Freedom of Arts Fundamental Right, German Court Rules

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Russian Service Audio Archives Now Online

New version of, the Portuguese Web Archive

Netherlands - X-rays reveal 1,300-year-old writings inside later bookbindings¸

The oldest existing Danish sound records

Denmark museum removes colonial terminology from collection

Visite exceptionnelle dans le data center de Facebook, en Suède

Cyprus - United Nations archives to be handed to Committee for the missing

Vatican to Digitalize Manuscripts Relating to Persian Gulf

Association des archivistes francophones de Belgique - Les archivistes vous parlent

Archives de France - Cloud computing et archives publiques

Albert Kahn: les Archives de la planète en accès libre

Ireland - Boston tapes: police may seek immunity over interviews

Archive picture of children on Belfast street in 1971 paints a thousand words about the Troubles

Revealing the dark secrets of the National Library of Wales

Chief Information Officer interview: Lee Edwards, chief technology officer, the British Library

Imperial Vietnamese scrolls in the British Library

British Library - I was a teenaged guitarist for the Clash

Linked data and structured journalism at the BBC

The Unknown Hero who Saved Monty Python's Flying Circus from Being Erased

Crowdfunding: British Journal of Photography

University of York - Research data: what does it really look like?

Ushaw College - Rare Renaissance musical treasures discovered

New website for the History of Advertising Trust

Birmingham Hippodrome launches heritage digital archive

Library of Birmingham - Friendship, abolition and archives

Developments in digital preservation and digitisation at the Norfolk Record Office: an update from Transforming Archives Trainee Pawel Jaskulski

Transforming Archives: digital preservation and computer science 

Shame, memory, and the politics of the archive

Taken from life: the unsettling art of death photography

A new dawn: 19th-century photography awakens: in pictures 

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
United Arab Emirates - Personal archives "Watheq" boxes get positive response

United Arab Emirates - The National Archives have been awarded the International Certificate in Asset Management

Israel - 49 years after Six Day War, archives reveal generals' frank testimonies 

Why Israel is blocking access to its archives

Iran's national library, China's state archives sign MOU

Syrian and international experts agree on emergency measures to safeguard Syria's heritage

Message from David Fricker, President of International Council on Archives, on International Archives Day

International Internet Preservation Consortium Chair Address

Discovering the World Bank's Archives: Conversation with a researcher

Libraries and Archives Are Embracing Digital: it's Time the Law Did the Same

Be Open to Open Science: Libraries Call on All Stakeholders to Play a Constructive Role

God forgives, would Google?

Gouvernance de l'information et gouvernance de l'«information»

Humanités numériques, architecture de l'information : des réponses à un changement de paradigme documentaire

In Defense of Outreach

Why Society Needs Historians

Songs on Trial: 10 Landmark Music Copyright Cases

Scientists discover that coral can record history

Newsprint is not on its final reel. At least, not yet

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