Thursday 30 June 2016

Vol. 9, no. 44

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Librarian and Archivist of Canada Speech - Library Leadership in a Sea of Change

Government of Canada - Information Technology Strategic Plan (for Consultation)

National Archives of Australia - Draft Information Management Standard

Archives New Zealand - Disposal Schedule and Appraisal Report: New Zealand Police (for Comments)

European Commission - High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud

De la communauté / From the community
Association des archivistes du Québec - Rapport annuel 2015-2016

World Bank - Public Access to Information for Development : a Guide to Effective Implementation of Right to Information Laws

Europeana - Progress of the Search Improvement Plan & Search Strategy White Paper

Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents - Transkribus How to Guides

South Centre - Innovation and Global Intellectual Property Regulatory Regimes: the Tension between Protection and Access

Paper - Expanding #ArchivesForBlackLives to Traditional Archival Repositories

Paper - Detecting US Federal Documents to Expand Access

Article - Rediscovering the Lost Photographs of the Exhibitions of the Royal Photographic Society

Document numérique, vol. 19, no. 1 (2016)

Scandinavian Library Quarterly, vol. 49, no. 1-2 (2016)

National Archives of Australia - Government Agencies Information Network e-Bulletin, no. 6 (2016) 

Surrey's (B.C.) Stories: Sharing Community Stories of Surrey's Past, Present and Future (Summer/Fall 2016)

Book - The Memory of Sound: Preserving the Sonic Past

Book - Project Management in Electronic Discovery: an Introduction to Core Principles of Legal Project Management and Leadership in eDiscovery

Book - The Accidental Taxonomist (Second Edition)

Book - Copyright and E-learning: a Guide for Practitioners (Second Edition)

Book - Debugging Game History: a Critical Lexicon

Book - Figures of Memory: the Rhetoric of Displacement at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Book - Photography in and out of Africa: Iterations with Difference

Book - An Eyckian Crucifixion Explored: Ten Essays on a Drawing

Book - Why Engagement Matters: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of User Engagement in Digital Media

Book - The Arts Dividend: why Investment in Culture Pays 

Livre - D'archives et de mémoire... faits politiques et socio-sanitaires au Congo-Brazzaville de 1957 à 2003

Livre - La numérisation des oeuvres littéraires par Google: enjeux et conséquences pour la France

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Portage: a Collaborative Research Data Management Network
July 14, 2016, Ottawa

Greek Manuscripts in the British Library
September 19, 2016, London (UK)

Business Archives Council 2016 Conference
November 21, 2016, London (UK)

VIIe Colloque des archivistes de l'arc occidental (actes disponibles)
2-3 juillet 2015, Chavannes-près-Renens (Suisse)

Information Architecture Summit 2016 (Recordings Available)
May 4-8, 2016, Atlanta

Webinar - Big Data: New Roles and Opportunities for New Librarians (Recording Available)
June 15, 2016

Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada Podcast - Peter Rindisbacher: Beauty by Commission

Slidecast - Government of Canada Enterprise Information Management Strategy

Provincial Archives of Alberta - Updated Website

Archives of Ontario - New Online Exhibit: Meet the Browns!

Pemberton & District Museum & Archives Society (B.C.) - May Walker Interview

Software Heritage: the Universal Software Archive

Fiji National Archives - New Website

UK National Archives Podcast - Writer of the Month: Richard Barnett on Crucial Interventions

Lesson - The Evolution of the Book

Slidecast - The New Role of Public Libraries in Local Communities 

Slidecast - OCLC Research Update

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Canada's privacy law ill-suited to 21st century, watchdog warns Trudeau

How a file-sharing lawsuit against Rogers threatens your Internet privacy

B.C. advocacy group decries document redactions in federal spying case

Federal government prepares biggest refresh of its web offerings ever

Canadian Content in a Digital World: Expert Advisory Group Announced

National Research Council: a century of invention inside the Temple of Science

Virtual Museum of Canada announces approval of 11 new projects

Library and Archives Canada - Newfoundland and the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme

Newfoundland - Ensuring a Long-Term and Sustainable Library System (Library Closure Suspended)

New Brunswick - Stories from now-deceased Maliseet elders published despite copyright issue

Ontario - Information and Privacy Commissioner Calls for Modernization of Access and Privacy Legislation

Archives Association of Ontario Student Membership Update

A brief guide to Nova Scotia's freedom of information law

Nova Scotia - Province Announces Fund to Celebrate Canada 150

Archives Alberta - The start line business continuity planning

Archives of Manitoba - One Manitoba soldier: nine days in the trenches

You can help add to the newly created archive of Jewish physicians in Manitoba

Québec, centre mondial du big data : des mesures concrètes sont déjà en place

BAnQ - Les origines d'une légende irlandaise… montréalaise

Japanese-Canadians' stolen history brought to light 

Opening doors, gathering communities: Making archives active through events

University of Alberta - Bruce Peel Special Collections library reopens after renovations, students can now read rarest books on campus

Ryerson University helps LGBTQ history come out of the closet

University of Toronto - Inaugural Marshall McLuhan Centenary Fellowship in Digital Sustainability awarded to Prof. Ian Milligan

Summer in the City of Light: University of Toronto students interning in Paris

University of Toronto's Citizen Lab and Open Effect develop privacy watchdog tool for Canadian consumers

Adventures in the Archive - From Earnscliffe to St. Alban's

Canadian veteran's WWII love letters give his daughter insight towards the father she never knew

Memorialized as lost at sea, but he lived to tell the tale: a WWI survivor's incredible story

Nanaimo (B.C.) city hall adds employee to deal with freedom of information requests

Old documents will be ditched on Brock (Ont.) Township's new site

Flooding damages Barrie Historical Archive (Ont.)

Une exposition qui témoigne de l'histoire maritime du Bic

Oliver and District Heritage Society (B.C.) - New funding for shelves

Archival Research Tips

Bibliocracy - Impostor Syndrome

Selfies and the Social Media Culture: how Museums are Responding?

Afrique / Africa
Cameroun - La déclassification et le rapatriement des archives coloniales pour la réécriture de l'histoire

Au Liban, la mémoire de la guerre civile refait surface sur Internet

Mali : Tombouctou : Plus de 60 000 manuscrits sauvés de la crise au Nord

Morocco - The oldest library in the world just opened to the public: here's a look inside

South Africa - Apartheid's Urban Legacy, in Striking Aerial Photographs

Amériques / Americas
Jamaica - Falmouth Pier Documents Could Be Released After Major Court Ruling

Ecuador making progress towards consolidating its public policies to help safeguard living heritage

Chile to preserve Colonia Dignidad cult archive

When Did Clinton Destroy this Email?

Digitization spurs future at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

President Obama Signs Freedom of Information Act Improvement Act

The 50th Anniversary of the Freedom of Information Act?

Nine of the most surreal UFO documents from the CIA archive

Archaeologists Are Spotting Ancient Ruins in Cold War Spy Photos

Smithsonian - I Read Dead People's Mail: Mysteries of the Darwin Letter

How the Smithsonian is preparing to stage a national conversation on race

US Customs wants to collect social media account names at the border

Researchers Sue the Government Over Computer Hacking Law

American Historical Association - Archiving the Internet: How Historians can Help #SaveTheWeb

California - State archives accessible online with new Google partnership

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - What Records should Be Considered for Back-up Tapes?

In Wisconsin, a Backlash Against Using Data to Foretell Defendants' Futures

Yale University - Introducing the Digital Accessioning Service

Hidden in Plain Sight: the University of Virginia scours the stacks for valuable marked books

How to Write a History of Writing Software

The Digital in the Humanities: an Interview with Pamela Fletcher, professor of art history at Bowdoin College

Politics, Transparency, and Email: Lessons Learned from Trying to Preserve the Historical Record

Jewish Museum of Maryland - Oral History: Connecting through time

Daughters of the Republic of Texas settle archives suit with General Land Office

The American Genre Film Archivists on the War for Exploitation Preservation and Against so Bad, it's Good

The Washington Post is launching a crowdsourced Black history project on Tumblr

Old New York Police Surveillance Is Found, Forcing Big Brother Out of Hiding

Meet the Preservationists who Are Cataloging New York City's LGBT History

San Antonio - Solving a Neighborhood Mystery Reveals Forgotten African-American History

A Wonderful Archive of Historic Transit Maps: Expressive Art Meets Precise Graphic Design

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia donates rare 1920 film to the Irish Film Institute Irish Film Archive

University of Queensland - Creating the digital for the Centre for Digital Scholarship 

Sri Lankan Lawmakers Approve Freedom of Information Law

India - Prime Minister Narendra Modi's foreign visits spark interest in India's past: National Archives gets more foreign visitors

India - Top diplomat bowled over by French institute of Pondicherry

Pakistan - Lawyers vow to resist abolishing of data centre, archive project

Europe / Europa
Does your records management and retention policy comply with the General Data Protection Regulation 

Are you in Europeana? How I found out about my relative who fought in the WWI

Greek foundation unveils new opera, national library

Nazi-looted art rescued by US monuments men was sold for profit by Bavarian government

Netherlands - 200,000 Rijksmuseum Works of Art to See via Google 

Luxembourg - Littérature 2.0 à la Bibliothèque nationale: (re)découvrez les 450 ouvrages luxembourgeois numérisés et gratuitement accessibles en ligne

Suisse - Un nombre record de requêtes en matière de transparence en 2015

Projet de loi pour une République numérique : l'Association des Archivistes français a écrit aux membres de la commission mixte paritaire

France - Pour un nouvel élan des Archives nationales

L'Institut national de l'audiovisuel renforce sa contribution à l'exploitation suivie des oeuvres audiovisuelles en signant l'accord interprofessionnel droits échus

The Service Historique de la Défense at Rochefort

Pourquoi Wikipédia entre en campagne contre le gouvernement français

Strasbourg - Des enquêteurs allemands dans les archives des Malgré-nous

French police hit by security breach as data put online

Tout le monde n'a pas la chance d'avoir eu des ancêtres communistes

Ireland - Commission examines law to allow reporters protect sources

National Library of Ireland - Exhibition Evaluation Project: Survey

Gaelic Athletic Association - 1913-1923 Online Digital Archive

A small Belfast house is home to treasured war memories

Jersey - Archiving work to be hit by States cuts

UNESCO recognition for one of the National Library of Wale's treasures

UK Brexit Leaves Intellectual Property Community with Many Questions

Press Statement from the Information and Records Management Society on the outcome of the European Union Referendum

Statement on collaboration and the European Union from the Digital Preservation Coalition

British Library - Capturing and Preserving the European Union Referendum Debate (Brexit)

British Library partners with Google to help small businesses make an impact online

UK National Archives - Prisoner of war records now available online

UK National Archives - 1716: the year of the MacGregor 

UK National Archives - Saxhorns and serpentcleides: a history of musical instruments

Museums, galleries and archives join forces at Pride 2016

Hi-tech imaging reveals the secrets of the Bodleian Library's treasures

New app brings to life the sights and sounds of 19th century Jewish East London

Transforming Archives: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre 

How Deleted Yahoo Emails Led to a 20-Year Drug Trafficking Conviction

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
National Library of Israel - Celebrating the Digitization of the Palatina Library's Hebrew Manuscript Collection

The world's oldest paycheck was cashed in beer

Actually, Yes, it Is a Discovery if you Find Something in an Archive that no one Knew Was there

Displaced Voices, Forgotten Narratives? How can archives document, preserve and make accessible the material culture and first-hand testimonies of refugees through civic engagement?

Getting stakeholder buy-in for your digitisation project

How managing business archives can help business to grow

Internet Archive Is a Beautiful Storage Bin for our Online Memories

New Storage Networking Industry Association SFF Technology Affiliate Technical Work Group is Launched

Movie written by algorithm turns out to be hilarious and intense

How WASD became the standard PC control scheme

Is Blockchain a world-changing technology?

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