Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Library and Archives Canada - 2016-2017 Annual Report
Library and Archives Canada - Progress Report Q4 2016-2017
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada - Annual Report 2016-2017
Ministre de la Culture et de la communication (France) - Une stratégie nationale pour la collecte et l'accès aux archives à l'ère numérique
Ministère de la Culture et de la communication (France) - L'artothèque comme média
De la communauté / From the community
International Council on Archives - Message from David Fricker about the International Archives Day 2017
The State of Digital Publishing in Canada
Performance Evaluation: a Framework for Performance Analysis of OCR methods
Sparc Europe - An Analysis of Open Data and Open Science policies across Europe
University of Wisconsin - Campus Libraries Facilities Masterplan: User Research Report
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 32, no. 2 (June 2017)
IFLA Journal, vol. 43, no. 2 (2017)
Information Research: an International Electronic Journal, vol. 22, no. 2 (2017)
Passim : bulletin des Archives littéraires suisses, no. 19 (2017)
Historic Libraries Forum, no. 37 (2017)
Norme Afnor - NF Z42-026: Définition et spécifications des prestations de numérisation fidèle de documents sur support papier
Master's Thesis (Archival Studies, University of Manitoba) - Canada Lives Here: Situating the CBC Digital Archives within the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's Archival Landscape
Book - Research in the Archival Multiverse (Now in Open Access)
Book - Records Classification: Concepts, Principles and Methods
Book - Houghton Library at 75: a Celebration of its Collections
Book - Digital Libraries and Multimedia Archives: 12th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries
Book - Nordic Latin Manuscript Fragments: the Destruction and Reconstruction of Medieval Books
Book - The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory
Book - Librarian as Communicator: Case Studies and International Perspectives
Book - Transitional Justice and Memory in Cambodia: Beyond the Extraordinary Chambers
Book - Rethinking Dance History: Issues and Methodologies (Second Edition)
Book - Heritage and Interpretation
Livre - Communs du savoir et bibliothèques
Livre - Les métiers des bibliothèques
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Building on History: Fifty Years of Preserving Memory at 395 Wellington Street
Until September 2017, Ottawa
Zoom sur Montréal : la ville en photographies d'hier à aujourd'hui
7 juin - 5 novembre 2017, Montréal
Library and Archives Canada Signatures Series in Halifax: Interview with Bruce MacKinnon
June 19, 2017, Halifax
Family Focus: Early Portrait Photography at the Archives of Ontario
June 27 - July 21, Toronto
Archives à voix haute : l'héritage d'hier vivant aujourd'hui
14 octobre 2017, Montréal
Webinar - PRONOM in practice
June 13, 2017
Massive Open Online Course - Introduction to a Web of Linked Data
Starting September 25, 2017
Gestion et numérisation des archives audiovisuelles : particularités et bonnes pratiques (présentations disponibles)
16 novembre 2016, Montréal
Quels usages aujourd'hui des bibliothèques numériques ? Enseignements et perspectives à partir de Gallica (actes-vidéos disponibles)
3 mai 2017, Paris
Comprendre, utiliser et contribuer aux communs de la connaissance sur les territoires (présentations disponibles)
30 et 31 mai 2017, Villeurbane (France)
Sur le web / On the web
Association des archivistes du Québec - D'hier à demain : série de témoignages pour les 50 ans
Association des archivistes du Québec - Vidéo du Congrès 2017 : Bibliothèque et Archives Canada vous informe
Baladodiffusion - L'héritage des Augustines (avec l'historienne-archiviste Geneviève Piché)
Images from the Archives: 50 Years of Seneca College (Toronto)
US Holocaust Museum - First Two Volumes of Encyclopedia of Nazi Camps, Ghettos now Online
UK National Archives - Our New Classroom Resource: Medieval Castles
Kickstarter - Archives-moi : un réseau social dédié à la diffusion d'archives
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Trudeau must do more to promote openness, information czar says
Opinion: Government belongs to the people; so should its documents
Canada's Access to Information Act has never been in worse shape, CBC's Dean Beeby says
Military faces intensive archival search to pinpoint gay purge numbers
Library and Archives Canada announces financial assistance of $1.5 million to support the preservation of documentary heritage
Le fédéral verse plus de 170 000 $ pour les archives religieuses
Library and Archives Canada aims to provide some answers to our eternal question Who do we think we are?
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada - L'exposition Qui nous sommes ?
Library and Archives Canada - Cylinders: our earliest audio recordings
Library and Archives Canada - Air Marshal William Avery Bishop, VC
Library and Archives Canada - Guest curator J. Andrew Ross
Department of National Defence - Canadian First World War soldier found in France and identified
Caught in payroll purgatory: MLIS student works for feds for one month, receives one day's pay
Royal Ontario Museum - What Family Photos Reveal About National Identity
Newfoundland - Looking for an aerial view of your town? The Rooms might have it
Newfoundland - Clock ticking on historical prison documents, former correctional officer fears
Le Québec à la traîne quant au nombre de bibliothécaires
Abolition de postes et réorganisation à BAnQ
Corporation des bibliothècaires professionnels du Québec - Lettre au ministre concernant l'abolition de postes à BAnQ
BAnQ Abitibi-Témiscamingue - 100 ans d'histoire à quelques pas de chez vous
BAnQ intéressée par la Cathédrale de Rimouski
BAnQ - Les conditions de vie dans les champs de canons
Cinémathèque québécoise - Un film des funérailles de Sir Wilfrid Laurier par le pionnier Léo-Ernest Ouimet retrouvé
Inside the subterranean vault that holds the secrets of Canada's oldest bank
The University of New Brunswick Archives go online with Eloquent Archives
Relaunch of book, new exhibit set for Archives Day at Cape Breton University
Re-designed website for University of British Columbia Archives
Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - The Pen is Mightier than the Sword: Letters from Kingston Penitentiary
Archives de Montréal - Expo 67 au jour le jour : du 1er au 4 juin
Montréal - Un important centre d'archives au coeur du site des Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph
Ottawa doctor who sounded alarm on residential schools remembered with exhibit
Perdu depuis 70 ans, un portrait du premier maire de Bytown est retrouvé
Smart City director weighs in on Edmonton's open data
Richmond Archives (B.C.) Adds Name Origins Resource to Online Search
Windsor - 14 000 $ pour une demande d’accès à l’information
Delisle (Saskatchewan) student's heritage project wins Archives Award
Le patrimoine de la communauté mohawk d'Akwesasne préservé et mis en valeur
How a First Nations First World War hero from Alberta helped Eugene Brave Rock find his character in blockbuster, Wonder Woman
Freshly Minted: Krisandra Ivings, MLIS Candidate, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University
Afrique / Africa
Lost early photographs shed light on Sudan's Nuba and Latuka tribes
Amériques / Americas
Secret Mexican diary sheds light on Spanish Inquisition
People Are Sending Trump Art to Guarantee their Opinions Are Archived
Barack Obama consults Cirque du Soleil to design presidential library
Department of Homeland Security Provides New Insight into Freedom of Information Act Processing
Why Is Access to Public Records Still So Frustratingly Complicated?
Now is the Time for Archivist of the US to Call the Torture Report a Federal Record
Library of Congress - Copyright Office Launches Online Database of Review Board Decisions
National Library of Medicine - Big Shoes to Fill: Joe Leiter and the lecture that bears his name
Maryland State Archives - For the voiceless, pictures were worth more than a thousand words
Oregon Historical Society launches online archives
Yale Center for British Art Adds Online Collection Images into Groundbreaking International Cooperative System for Research
Stanford University - Allen Ginsberg's Howl goes online
Marine Corps film archive at University of South Carolina documents daily life of major wars, and is going online
University of Notre Dame researchers collaborate internationally to recreate one of the world's first full-length animated films
30,000 Getty Museum Images Published Online as IIIF
Videotapes Are Becoming Unwatchable As Archivists Work to Save Them
Needles in the Film Stock: how the Co-Directors of Letters from Baghdad Scored Rare Archival Footage for their Doc
New York Academy of Medicine Library Launches New Digital Collections
New Map Reveals Ships Buried Below San Francisco
Archivists on the Issues: Podcasts as Oral Histories
Internet Archives - Dreaming of Semantic Audio Restoration at a Massive Scale
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation spy case file on Labor MP Albert James reveals KGB meetings
Australia - Sidney city council releases hundreds of 19th century complaint letters written by Sydney’s most irked residents and ratepayers
Island Culture Archival Support - Conservation Outreach to be Conducted by Traditional Samoan Canoe
Japan - 277 images of prewar life in Okinawa found in Asahi archives
India - Assam government launches Northeast first digital archive
India - e-Library in Odisha State Archives to ensure easy access to books, old records
Pakistan - Sindh archives department allocates funds for retrieval of rare documents
Europe / Europa
The wandering saga of the text and data mining exception in the European Union copyright reform
Reflections on Europeana Photography
Norway - The National Archives celebrates 200 years
New Open Data Act in Germany
Poland Reorganises Polish National Film Archive and National Audiovisual Institute into New Institution
Central European University (Hungary) - Chronology of Blinken Open Society Archives' 22-Year History Launched
Photographer goes inside eerie abandoned-looking East German Secret Police archives
The Audiovisual Archives of Monaco Tell their Story
France Archives - Littérature grise : préservation des documents d'archives, risques et préconisations
France - Ouverture des bases de données d'archives publiques : une collectivité ne peut pas se prévaloir du droit sui generis du producteur de bases de données
D-Day landings: powerful photos of Allied troops storming Normandy beaches in June 1944
Ireland - Information Commissioner criticises pace of Freedom of Information decisions
Historic Irish library could make more than £1.8m at auction
National Library of Wales Launches New Welsh Journals Website
Fear of catastrophic loss to Scotland's digital records
Scotland - Restored antique map returns home to Aberdeenshire
University of Edinburgh - Volunteering in the Digital Archives
UK Parliamentary Archives - Before the passing of the 1967 Sexual Offences Act
UK National Archives - The hocus pocus of witchcraft
British Library - What can the Archived Web tell us about politics and society in the 21st century?
British Library - Revitalising the UK Web Archive
British Library - Methods of making Insular manuscripts
British Library - Pem nem: a 16th-century Urdu romance goes on-line
British Film Institute - Big data and how it revolutionised our film archive
Primary Trustworthy Digital Repository Authorisation Body first in the world to be accredited for ISO 16363 audit and certification
Oxford University - New project will put personal WW1 accounts online
Anthony Burgess's lost dictionary of slang discovered
Printer celebrates 35 years archiving war photographs
Newly Discovered 17th-Century Secret Sea Chart Leads Bonhams' Fine Book Sale
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Opening of 1967 Israeli archives disturbs old Arab wounds
Erasing history: why Islamic State is blowing up ancient artefacts
Why car manufacturers turn to archives for new ideas
How to Call B.S. on Big Data: a Practical Guide
It's the end of an era, as Pinboard buys and shutters
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