Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Library and Archives Canada - Lingua Franca: a Common Language for Conservators of Photographic Materials
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario - 2016 Annual Report: Facing Challenges Together
Digital Cataloguing Practices at the UK National Archives
NARA - Department of Commerce Records Management Program Inspection Report
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Observatoire du dépôt légal 2016 : un état des lieux de l’édition contemporaine
Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne (France) - Petit guide d'archivage à l'usage des collèges et des lycées
De la communauté / From the community
Records Management in Charities: a Toolkit for Improvement
Association des archivistes français - Référentiel de gestion des archives de la recherche
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure - Portal Manual
Enssib - Guide de droit d'auteur (troisième édition)
National Information Standards Organization - Issues in Vocabulary Management (Draft Technical Report)
Paper - Observing Web Archives: the Case for an Ethnographic Study of Web Archiving
The American Archivist, vol. 80, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2017)
Fontes Artis Musicae: the Journal of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, vol. 64, no. 2 (April-June 2017)
Program, vol. 51, no. 2 (2017)
Sonorités : bulletin de l'Association française des archives orales sonores et audiovisuelles, no 43 (2017)
La Pomme : bulletin périodique de la Fondation archives vivantes (Suisse), no 20 (2017)
California Originals: a Quarterly Newsletter of the California State Archives, vol. 5, no. 4 (2017)
San Jose State University School of Information Student Research Journal, vol. 7, no. 1 (2017)
La mémoire du travail : bulletin du Centre d'histoire et d'archives du travail, vol. 4, no 2 (printemps 2017)
Master's Thesis (Archival Studies, University of Manitoba) - The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and the Pursuit of Archival Decolonization
Book - Communism's Jewish Question: Jewish Issues in Communist Archives
Book - U.S. National Library of Medicine
Book - Documents that Changed the Way we Live
Book - Memories of Asaph: Mnemohistory and the Psalms of Asaph
Book - Mobile Technology and Academic Libraries: Innovative Services for Research and Learning
Book - The Rise of New Media 1750-1850: Transatlantic Discourse and American Memory
Book - Writing African Women: Gender, Popular Culture and Literature in West Africa
Book - Expert Internet Searching (Fifth Edition)
Book - The Poverty of Privacy Rights
Livre - Coups de foudre à la Belle Époque : quatre histoires d'amour contées à partir de correspondances
Livre - Promenade dans le passé de Montréal : plus de 275 photos tirées des archives de La Presse
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exposition - Un souvenir, une découverte, votre histoire
À partir du 21 juin 2017, Gatineau
Celebrating the Canadian Jewish Experience
June 25, 2017, Calgary
Provincial Archives of Alberta - 150 Firsts: how Alberta Changed Canada… Forever
July 1, 2017 - August 1, 2018, Edmonton
Webcast - Preserving Complex Digital Objects to Support Research
June 28, 2017
Webcast - Managing Federal and Presidential Records
July 6, 2017
Introduction to Metadata and Linked Data eCourse
Starting August 14, 2017
The Management of Audio and Video Collections
September 4-5, 2017, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Scribes and the Presentation of Texts (from Antiquity to c. 1550)
September 6-8, 2017, Yale University
Massive Open Online Course - Europeana Space: Creative with Digital Heritage
Starting October 10, 2017
Exploring the United Nations War Crimes Commission Archive at the Wiener Library
October 11, 2017, London (UK)
e-Records 2017
November 17, 2017, Austin (Texas)
Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities 2017
November 27-29, 2017, Manchester (UK)
Sur le web / On the web
Steering Committee on Canada's Archives - Website
Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre - Digital Exhibition Featuring Set and Costume Designs by Brian Perchaluk
Baladodiffusion - Quand les archives permettent d'imaginer les débuts de Montréal
Association of College & Research Libraries Video - Collections as Data
UK Information Commissioner's Office Video - General Data Protection Regulation for the Boardroom
Baladodiffusion - Comment conservez-vous vos archives ? (Congo)
UK National Archives Podcast - Medieval Treason and Magic
British Library - The Copyright Cortex
Slidecast - From Primary Source to Data
Slidecast - Understanding Legal Use Cases for Web Archives
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Government of Canada tables the most comprehensive reform of Access to Information in a generation
Access to Information law changes won't open up PMO, cabinet offices
Reviewing Canadian Copyright Policy
Information commissioner strangely silent on muzzled scientists
Heritage Minister has confidence despite stall on library project
Library and Archives Canada is officially open in Halifax
Guy Berthiaume presentation at Ontario Genealogical Society Conference 2017
Library and Archives Canada - New additions to the Virtual Gramophone
Library and Archives Canada - Crown land patents: Indian land sales
Library and Archives Canada - Guest curator: Sarah Hurford
Even with a photo on the five-dollar bill, you probably don't know one of Canada's most active photographers
Indigenous communities in Canada finally on Google Maps
Steering their own canoes: First Nations curate their heritage, history
For National Aboriginal Day, Canadian Federation of Library Associations Acting on Recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee Report
Yukon - Printing presses from 1900s need to be restored to stay relevant, say archivists
Archives of Manitoba - Russian Revolution and the HBC
Council of Nova Scotia Archives Community Albums Project Launches June 27th
Québec - Les personnes adoptées auront accès à plus d'informations sur leurs origines
Association des archivistes du Québec - Prise de position : suppressions de postes et réorganisation à BAnQ
Coupures à BAnQ : lettre de Carol Couture au ministre Luc Fortin
Les coupes à BAnQ continuent à faire des remous
BAnQ - Jouer un tour avec des fils barbelés
BAnQ - Patof à Blue Bonnets
Compute Canada and Canadian Association of Research Library-Portage Announce Start of Beta Testing Stage in Federated Research Data Repository Development
Dalhousie University - Archivist Michael Moosberger
Canada's History Archive launched in celebration of Canada Day 2017
Globe and Mail launches News Photo Archive
Canada 150: the City of Toronto through the ages
Hundreds of rare and obscure films now streaming on new Ottawa Public Library service
Edmonton nightlife marketing business to close after 38 years: all the posters and brochures are being donated to the City archives
South Peace Regional Archives (Alberta) - Spring Cleaning at the Archives
Metchosin (B.C.) - Privacy team investigates dumping of documents
Dans les coulisses du déménagement de la Bibliothèque Côme-Saint-Germain de Drummondville
Windsor man returns stolen archives to Jack Miner Sanctuary
How students in Smith Falls, Ontario, are bringing First World War soldiers' stories to life
150 list of memorable Manitobans - Shelley Sweeney, Head of University of Manitoba's Archives & Special Collections
Brian Hallett Receives the First Council of Archives New Brunswick Volunteer Award
Catherine Dugas - Histoire de parler des archives
North York hockey historian solves Bill Barilko Stanley Cup puck mystery
It's great to have it back, photo forgotten at London Public library returned to owner
Afrique / Africa
Expert urges Nigerians to imbibe record keeping culture
Understanding Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission Dilemma
Gambia: United Nations backs plans for truth commission
Sénégal - Conservation et modernisation de la gestion des archives nationales: Macky Sall veut accélérer la cadence
Côte d'Ivoire - Les greffiers en chef réfléchissent sur les outils et mécanismes de gestion des archives judiciaires
Mali - Archives nationales, une politique de numérisation en cours
Archives : le Maroc et le Danemark annoncent un méga accord
South Africa - R341m on empty shell for Gauteng provincial archives in Kagiso
Amériques / Americas
Community-based inventorying to safeguard intangible cultural heritage in western Guatemala
Chile publishes details of Nazi spy rings in World War Two
Hidden Bookshelf Passageway Reveals Disturbing Nazi Collection in Argentina
Donald Trump's Tweeting and Government Records in the Digital Era
From Norfolk to NARA: the Unexpected Journey of the Navy Shipyard Glass Plate Negatives
NARA - Improving Customer Experience with Digital Personas
NARA - Defining a Spy: the Espionage Act
Society of American Archivists - Federal Funding Impact Story #6: St. Joseph County Public Library
Library of Congress - International Tribunals Web Archive Launched
The Onion - Embarrassed Library of Congress Can't Believe Some of the Albums it Used to Be Into
New Digital National Security Archive Set Publishes Thousands of Declassified Iraq War Docs
Indiana University, Memnon launch film phase of digitization, preservation project as an IU Bicentennial initiative
Long-silenced songs of Holocaust survivors are rediscovered
US court grants Elsevier millions in damages from Sci-Hub
Visit 1911 New York City with help from Museum of Modern Art's archives
Brooklyn Academy of Music Puts 70,000 Archive Materials Online
Orange County Regional History Center Launches One Orlando Collection Digital Gallery
Society of American Archivists Remembers Mark A. Greene (Best known for "More Product, Less Process")
Resourceful Records Managers: Alex Toner, University of Pittsburgh
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - New laws right wrongs on copyright
Archives New Zealand - The Importance of Checksums
Island Culture Archival Support - The Preservation of the Niuean Language
Samoa - Why those archives matter
Across China: Archives help Chinese families preserve everyday treasures
National Archives of Portugal hands over Lisbon to Goa Correspondence to India
India - Rajasthan: More Than 75 Lakh Historical and Administrative Records of Rajputana Princely States Online Now
Europe / Europa
Europeana 1914-1918 thematic collection launches
Germany tongue-lashes Google for abusing people's right to be forgotten
Multiple German Courts Rule Photos of Public Domain Works Are Not in the Public Domain
Looted Stasi Files Reappear in Denmark After Over 60 Years
Strange tale of the anti-Nazi bestseller, the Stasi spies and the missing Gestapo files
Allemagne - Foire d'empoigne pour les archives d'Helmut Kohl
Thngs: the digital archive celebrating 200 years of Russian science
Estonia to set up world's first data embassy in Luxembourg
Institute of National Remembrance would like to exhume Polish victims of the Communist regime in former Czechoslovakia
Italy - The time machine reconstructing ancient Venice's social networks
Pays-Bas : les archives de la banque de sperme au centre du scandale de la filiation vont être ouvertes
France - Quand le web devient une archive : la construction du cadre légal
National Archives of Ireland - Request for Tenders: 1901 and 1911 Census Corrections
UK National Archives - Mers-el-Kébir: the prequel?
UK National Archives - The Medway Raid and 17th century maritime warfare
British Library - Archiving the general election on TV
Old Occitan at the British Library
Lest We Forget campaign seeks to archive mementos from the Great War
Archive of the enfant terrible of the underground press bought by the Victoria & Albert Museum
Holocaust compensation records reveal thousands of stories of Nazi persecution
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Lebanon - Walid Gholmieh's Rich Archive Donated to American University of Beirut Libraries
Planning for a digital preservation ecosystem: small steps and culture change
La gestion de l'information, passage obligé pour une bonne gouvernance
Facebook and Twitter are being used to manipulate public opinion
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