Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Librarian and Archivist of Canada Speech - The Past Becomes the Future
Archives New Zealand - Archives Council Annual Report 2016-2018
U.S. National Digital Stewardship Alliance - Web Archiving in the United States: a 2017 Survey
France - Décret no 2018-1117 relatif aux catégories de documents administratifs pouvant être rendus publics sans faire l'objet d'un processus d'anonymisation
Institut national du patrimoine (France) - Quand l'objet patrimonial devient numérique : des clés pour définir et piloter une stratégie de conservation numérique : orientations bibliographiques
Archives de l'État en Belgique - Moisissures : prévention et lutte
De la communauté / From the community
Software Preservation Network - A Preservationist's Guide to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Exemption for Software Preservation
IFLA - Annual Report 2017-2018 and Action Plan 2018-2019
University of Maryland - Geneva Historical Society Digital Preservation Plan
Royal Irish Academy of Music - Records Management and Retention Policy (Revised)
Open source : une alternative aux grands fournisseurs du numérique
Paper - Blockchain: what's Not to Like?
The Library, vol. 19, no. 4 (2018)
Information Research: an International Electronic Journal, vol. 23, no. 4 (2018)
Document numérique, vol. 21, no. 2 (2018)
Public : Art, Culture, Ideas, no. 57, 2018 (Special Issue : Archive/Counter-archives)
Digital Journalism, vol. 6, no. 9, 2018 (Special Issue on: Journalism History and Digital Archives)
19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, no. 27, 2018 (Special Issue: Silence in the Archives: Censorship and Suppression in Women's Life Writing)
Cri du Portail international archivistique francophone, no 18 (2018)
Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 8, no. 11 (2018)
Master Thesis (University of California) - Strangers from a Different Shore: Examining Archival Representations and Descriptions of the Chinese in America Before and During the Chinese Exclusion Act (1860-1943)
Mémoire de maîtrise (Enssib) - L'Afrique du Nord à travers l'objectif des missionnaires (1893-1955) : d'après l'étude du fonds photographique des O.P.M.
Master's Thesis (Archival Studies, University of Manitoba) - Accessing Manitoba's Archives: Exploring the Status and Response to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Rights at the Archives of Manitoba
Book - Partners for Preservation: Advancing Digital Preservation through Cross-Community Collaboration
Book - Sex in the Archives: Writing American Sexual Histories
Book - Parallel Existences: the Notarial Archives: a Photographer's Inspiration
Book - Reckoning with the Past: Family Historiographies in Postcolonial Australian Literature
Book - Digital Imaging of Artefacts: Developments in Methods and Aims
Book - The Handmade Silver Gelatin Emulsion Print: Creating your Own Liquid Emulsions for Black & White Paper
Book - Traumatic Storytelling and Memory in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Performing Signs of Injury
Book - Writing Sounds in Carolingian Europe: the Invention of Musical Notation
Book - English and Empire: Literary History, Dialect, and the Digital Archive
Livre - Habiller en latin : la traduction de vernaculaire en latin entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance
Livre - L'art médiéval du registre : chancelleries royales et princières
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta - Lethbridge's Jewish Community
January 16, 2018, Calgary
Friends of the British Columbia Archives - Events
January 20, February 17, March 17, May 26, 2019, Victoria
Sorting Libraries Out: Decolonizing Classification and Indigenizing Description 2019
March 11-13, 2019, Vancouver
Raiders of the lost archives : penser la culture médiatique à l'aune des archives et des collections
27 au 31 mai 2019, Gatineau
UK National Archives Webinar - Festival of Britain 1951
January 9, 2019
Performing Romarchive
January 24-27, 2019, Berlin
eCourse - Digital Humanities for All Librarians
Starting February 4, 2019
From Text to Data: New Ways of Reading
February 7-8, 2019, National Library of Sweden
Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections: an International LGBTIQ+ Conference
June 27-29, 2019, Berlin
Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations Joint Technical Symposium
October 3-5, 2019, Hilversum (Netherlands)
Sur le web / On the web
Aurora: New Library and Archives Canada Online Public Access Catalogue
Library and Archives Canada Podcast - Songs of the Season
Vidéo de l'Association des archivistes du Québec - Conseil d'administration 2018-2019 : Louis Germain, directeur général
Southern African Legacy Project - Honouring and Exploring Ontario's Southern African Jewish Community
Australian Society of Archivists Video - Life Story Work with Aboriginal Children
Australian Society of Archivists Video - Sir Joseph Banks Online
Australian Society of Archivists Video - The Noongarpedia Project
Video - Digital Preservation: what & why Leads to who & how
Video - Fair Use in South Africa
Podcast - Making the Government Talk: U.S. Covert Operations and Freedom of Information with Peter Kornbluh
Slides - First Steps in Research Data Management Under Constraints of a National Security Laboratory
Slides - The Impact of Decentralization on APIs and Clients
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Ottawa reaches agreement in principle to settle Indian Day School class-action lawsuit
Remember the internet of the '90s? That's what Canada's outdated data protection laws were meant to handle
Canada and France plan an international panel to assess artificial intelligence's dangers
The British are axing the fax. Will Canada follow suit?
A really dysfunctional culture: questions raised as public directory of Veterans Affairs staff made secret for safety reasons
Library and Archives Canada - Preservation Centre in Gatineau Named Outstanding Building of the Year in Canada
Library and Archives - In their own words: Inmate publications of the British Columbia Penitentiary
Library and Archives Canada News: the cost of First World War service files digitization
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 - Reflections on Oral History Interviews from Prague Spring Refugees
Academics push back against decision to close provincial archives office in Saskatoon
It's very upsetting: Saint John officials disappointed with new New Brunswick Museum in jeopardy
Rare sketches depict New Brunswick before photography
Archives of Manitoba - Hudson's Bay Company and the re-instatement of discharged service men into the workforce
BAnQ - Une collaboration renouvelée avec la British Library et le ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie
De nouvelles technologies développées à Montréal pour préserver les langues autochtones
University of Waterloo Special Collections and Archives - Mysterious Wand Work
McGill University Library - Seventy candles for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Concordia University launches an open data platform
Université de Montréal - Participez au concours la preuve par l'image
Acquisition par le Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la littérature et la culture québécoises du fonds Gaëtan Dostie
Algonquin College creates a space to promote truth and reconciliation
Teaching: Dismantling White Supremacy in Archives
Canadian Jewish Archives - News 2018
Naissance de la Fondation Archives et patrimoine religieux du Grand Montréal
Vancouver archdiocese archives share photos of intrepid French-speaking Oblate
Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - A Singular Grace and Privilege Granted by Almighty God
Something special about libraries: hopes high for Ottawa Public Library fundraising campaign
Historian tries to save fragments of Calgary's LGBTQ past from being forgotten or destroyed
Times Colonist - History available at your fingertips in online archive
City of Kelowna, B.C., takes steps to preserve 147-year-old log house
Waterloo - Local bookbinders, papermakers brings time-honoured traditions back to life
Financial Health of Canadian Genealogical Societies: Update
Chronique d'Alma, l'improbable best-seller
Ontario - Clarendon & Miller Community Archives Honoured with Provincial Heritage Award
How an art exhibit in Prince Edward Island is helping to rebuild a library in Iraq
La Société du Patrimoine des Beaucerons renaît de ses cendres
Rivière-du-Nord : la Société d’histoire obtient un soutien financier
Chacun cherche son livre: vente d'une partie de l'inventaire de la librarie Le chercheur de trésor
Plongée intimiste dans mon rapport à la recherche en archives
L'archive retrouvée: des sources premières dans l'enseignement de l'histoire
Sarah Horrocks, Dalhousie University, Master of Information Management, 2011: Opportunities and Lasting Friendships
Dalhousie University - MLIS Student Profile: Laurelle LeVert
École nationale des chartes - À la découverte de l'art documentaire canadien: Hombeline Aubigny effectue son stage de 4e année à Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Afrique / Africa
L'Afrique de l'Ouest sauve ses archives audiovisuelles
Conservation et protection des manuscrits de Djenné : un disque dur contenant 150 000 images remis aux Archives nationales du Mali
Côte d'Ivoire - Deuxième édition du prix d'excellence de la meilleure administration de gestion des archives
Burkina Faso - 10 000 photos d'archives dévoilées
Mort de Thomas Sankara: la France transmet un premier lot d'archives au Burkina
Amériques / Americas
Indigenous Knowledge Misappropriation: the Case of the Zia Sun Symbol Explained at World Intellectual Property Organization
NARA - Forty Years Ago, 12.6 Million Feet of History Went up in Smoke
NARA - Next Steps with Department of Interior Records Schedule
NARA - Film Preservation 101: Is Nitrate Film Really Dangerous?
NARA - Aftermath of War: a World War I Hero Lost at Sea: the Death of Charles Whittlesey, 1921
NARA - Recalling the Devastating Patent Office Fire of 1836
Digitization at the National Archives at Riverside
Library of Congress - Born to Be 3D: Born-Digital Data Stewardship
U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center to digitize military history collection
Is US military cloud safe from Russia? Fears over sensitive data
Society of American Archivists - Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70th anniversary: statement by the Human Rights Working Group
Yale University - Beinecke Library Acquires David Sedaris Papers
Princeton University, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections - Navigating the Mediterranean World
A rare music manuscript by Auschwitz prisoners brought to life by University of Michigan professor, students
Punk is alive and well, thanks to Emory University class and Rose archives
University of Arkansas at Little Rock Completes Digitization of History of Segregation, Integration of Arkansas Schools
University of Pennsylvania library will return 9th-century documents found to have been stolen from Italian archive
Rice University Archive Shines a Light on South Texas' Jewish History
Art crime expert speaks on potential, ethical challenges of digital preservation
Internet Archive - Archiving as Activism: Environmental Justice in the Trump Era
Internet Archive - This is the Library of Alexandria 2.0
A tour of the Met's archives and treasures
Philadelphia - City Archives Opens New Headquarter in Northern Liberties
A history of social movements, mapped in Philadelphia's City Archives
Preservation of Kauai's hula history about to go digital
Archivists on the News: the Archivist in an Accountable World
Historical French American Newspapers Online
Trained in Classification, without Classification
Marina Georgieva on the liaison between digital collections and digital preservation
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (Australia) - The conservators protecting some of our most valuable Indigenous art from tropical troubles
Oldest European map of Southern Cross acquired by State Library providing explorers with a navigational guide south
Queensland Government Recordkeeping (Australia) - Watch that disposal trigger… when sentencing
State Archives and Records of New South Wales (Australia) - Future proof: the sun is setting on this blog
State Library of New South Wales - Underground albums: the optimism of a city imagining its future is captured in photographs, plans and sketches
Disappearing movies and games: how safe is your digital collection?
Japan to extend copyright period on works including novels and paintings to 70 years
South Korea - Archives related to investigations of democracy movement activists made public after 45 years
Civil group slams lacklustre consultation paper on Hong Kong archives law
Chinese Internet Court Uses Blockchain to Protect Copyright Online
Island Culture Archival Support - Should the British Museum Keep the Moai?
Government of India undermines transparency in appointing information commissioners
India - Preserving Sanchipaat: how Assam's centuries-old manuscripts will be protected
Europe / Europa
Only 29% of European Union organizations are General Data Protection Regulation compliant
Blockchain General Data Protection Regulation solution supports right to be forgotten
YouTube, Twitch speak out against European Union Copyright Directive
German band Kraftwerk gets boost on sampling copyright case
European Union negotiators agree on strengthening Europe's cybersecurity
Latvia - A couple of problems with the KGB files
Latvia - Access to KGB documents will require personal code
Nazis with puppies? Russian WWII film shows war through sympathetic German lens
Putin's Stasi ID card found in Dresden archive
Portugal: National Archive willing to take Mário Soares foundation artefacts
International Tracing Service - #StolenMemory Has Arrived in Spain
Antarctic diary records horror at finding Captain Scott's body
Belgium's Africa Museum Had a Racist Image. Can it Change that?
État de Vaud (Suisse) - Une nouvelle gouvernance documentaire et un système d’archivage électronique pour répondre aux défis de la dématérialisation
Classer l'écrit : explorer les données du catalogue de la Bibliothèque nationale de France
Des lettres de Karl Marx aux enchères
Les fonds iconographiques et photographiques de la ville de Paris en accès libre
NeuroChain, un projet open source français qui veut défier Ethereum
L'archiviste entre droit, déontologie et éthique : l'exemple de la diffusion des archives
Ireland - Record-keeping concerns spark civil service review
Ireland - Director of Public Prosecutions employee accused of breaking Official Secrets Act
Ireland - Inquiry refuses mother access to adoption files
National Library of Scotland - First edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica available to all
UK - Copyright law does not protect the taste of cheese
UK National Archives - Bridging the Digital Gap: technical trainees in archives
UK National Archives - When the kids took over
Newly discovered plans in UK archives shed light on China's heroic warship sunk in First Sino-Japanese War
British Library - Introducing an experimental format for learning about content mining for digital scholarship
Hidden Histories: the US-UK Fulbright Commission Archive at the British Library
Digital Preservation at Oxford and Cambridge - Memory Makers: Digital preservation skills and how to get them
Kingston University launches online archive of Leveson Inquiry
University of Canterbury - Illuminating and commemorating WWI for the modern era
Nearly 130 public libraries closed across Britain in the last year
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Au Liban, 42 ans après, la Bibliothèque nationale rouvre ses portes dans un certain chaos
Israel - Can we handle the uncomfortable truths unearthed in WWII's Oneg Shabbat archive?
Ouverture de la plateforme Open Jerusalem avec son catalogue répertoriant les archives privées et institutionnelles de la ville pour une période allant de 1840 à 1940
Iran - Tehran museum to exhibit rare Quran manuscript
Egypt - Discovering the Lost Manuscripts of Naguib Mahfouz
Partnerships in the Public Interest: IFLA Submits Initial Comments to United Nations High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation
International Council of Archives - Records in Contexts-Ontology: Call for reviewers
Why Is the Digital Preservation Network Disbanding?
Greetings from Metadata Management Tools
Introduction to Wikidata as a platform and data source
Why document management needs an upgrade
Is the cloud the next thing for long-term data retention? Looking at the key vendors in the space
The Wired Guide to Data Breaches
Digital museum brings millions of fossils out of the dark
Don't Shut Down the Internet's Biggest Jihadist Archive
How Digital Scanners Enabled a New Era of Document Management
Memory Institutions Redux: Pluralizing Memories and a Stay against Forgetting
Yes, Librarians Sometimes Stamp Books … Always Have Done (a Historical Note)
Law Librarian Identity: Crisis or Opportunity?
How to recognize fake artificial intelligence-generated images
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