Thursday, 16 May 2019

Vol. 12, no. 37

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
House of Commons - Shifting Paradigms : Report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage

Library and Archives Canada - Three-year Plan 2019-2022

Archives New Zealand - Chief Archivist's Annual Report on the State of Government Recordkeeping 2017-2018

Archives de l'État en Belgique -  Tableau de gestion des documents établis par les organes temporaires des élections

Library of Congress - Digital Strategy v1.1.2

De la communauté / From the community
Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Canadian Author Addendum to Publication Agreement (Revised)

Demand for Diversity: a Survey of Canadian Readers

Australian Museums and Galleries Association - First Peoples: a Roadmap for Enhancing Indigenous Engagement in Museums and Galleries 

All European Academies - Recommendations for Sustainable and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Data Sharing in the Humanities (for Comments)

Article - What Does the Web Remember of its Deleted Past? An Archival Reconstruction of the Former Yugoslav Top-level Domain

The iJournal: Graduate Student Journal of the University of Toronto's Faculty of Information, vol. 4, no. 2 (2019) 

Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, vol. 10, no. 2 (2019) 

The Electronic Library, vol. 37, no. 1 (2019)

Library Management, vol. 40, no. 5 (2019)

The Ampersand: University of Victoria Libraries Newsletter (2019)

Friends of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto) Archives Newsletter, vol. 27, no. 1 (2019)

The Rocky Mountain Archivist Newsletter, vol. 36, no. 1 (2019)

Report - Product Information Management

Book - Archival Basics: a Practical Manual for Working with Historical Collections

Book - Collection Management Basics (Seventh Edition)

Book - Comics and Critical Librarianship: Reframing the Narrative in Academic Libraries

Book - Creativity and Copyright: Legal Essentials for Screenwriters and Creative Artists

Book - Art of Memories: Curating at the Hermitage

Book - Resonant Histories: Pacific Artefacts and the Voyages of HMS Royalist 1890-1893

Book - Purdue at 150: a Visual History of Student Life 

Book - Pride: Fifty Years of Parades and Protests from the Photo Archives of the New York Times  

Book - Teaching First-Year College Students: a Practical Guide for Librarians

Livre - Le Bureau des archives populaires 

Livre - L'enjeu des métadonnées dans les corpus textuels : un défi pour les sciences humaines
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Archives physiques et archives numériques en histoire culturelle et en histoire du livre
28 mai 2019, Ottawa

Legal Archives Society of Alberta - Annual General Meeting 2019
June 12, 2019, Edmonton

Webinar - NARA: the Public's Role in Records Schedules 
May 30, 2019

Introduction to Python and ArchivesSnake for Archivists
May 30, 2019, New York

Digital Preservation Futures: Community Forum 2019
July 2, 2019, Dublin (Ireland)

Sur le web / On the web
Podcast - UFOs at Library and Archives Canada: the Falcon Lake Incident: Part 1 of 2

The LawBytes Podcast - Reinterpreting Canadian Privacy Law 

Podcast - Data for Social Good

Baladodiffusion - Lettres de soldats alliés?: Leonard ne perdra jamais foi en l'amour

Slides - Healing and Reconciliation through Digital Access (Presented at Archives Association of Ontario 2019 Conference)

Présentation - Visite guidée au pays de la donnée : traitement automatique des données

Présentation - Visite guidée au pays de la donnée : du modèle conceptuel au modèle physique

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

The Canadian House of Commons Copyright Shifting Paradigms Report: Let's Just Call it the Values Gap Report

New Record-Keeping Requirements for Private Corporations Under the Canada Business Corporations Act

Government of Canada creates Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence

Conservative Leader offers to save National Archives Program if elected Prime Minister

Library and Archives Canada - Women in the War: the Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRCNS)

Nouvelle expovitrine sur la communauté juive du Canada au Musée canadien de l'histoire

National Arts Centre puts National Geographic Live on its map

Veterans Affairs bungles VE-Day video by showing Nazis

Extended Embargo Period for Ontario Birth Records

60s Scoop apology made by Saskatchewan NDP, requests for records continue

BAnQ permet la libre utilisation de plus de  100 000 documents patrimoniaux du domaine public

University of British Columbia - Explore Open Collections: Charles Darwin Letters

Ryerson University Archives & Special Collections - Thinking inside the box: photography

Les 60 ans du Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française dans le magazine Découvrir

Centre d'archives de la grande zone argileuse - L'Observateur du Nouvel Ontario : hebdomadaire dédié à la survivance de la langue française en Ontario-Nord

Les 30 ans du Centre canadien d'architecture : entre patrimoine et modernité

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - Cartooning Around

The City of Richmond (British Columbia) Archives: Inside the Box

Renaming the Past, Reclaiming their Stories: Indigenous Records at the South Peace Regional Archives (Alberta)

Grimsby (Ontario) history preserved in newspapers now online

New name for Delta Museum and Archives Society (British Columbia)

North Battleford (Saskatchewan) - Changes happening with the city archives

Centre d'archives régionales de Nicolet : 200 ans d'histoire à la portée de tous

Société d'histoire de la Rivière-du-Nord : le mouvement d'appui aux services d'archives a porté fruits

Les demandes d'accès à l'information explosent et coûtent cher à la Ville de Magog

Téléphones intelligents et archives personnelles: les défis liés à la démocratisation de l'information

Cree filmmaker showcases the importance of preserving home movies

Career Spotlight: what I do as Senior Manager of the Toronto International Film Festival Film Reference Library

Five Questions with Marnie Bailey, Knowledge Services Librarian, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP

Afrique / Africa
Cameroun - Documentation et archives : les responsables du Ministère des Domaines, du cadastre et des affaires foncières révisent leurs leçons

Amériques / Americas
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Minister Brantley explores cooperation in Culinary Arts and Digitalization of Archives

Brazil national museum recovers 200 Egypt pieces after fire

Truth, justice and declassification: secret archives show US helped Argentine military wage dirty war that killed 30,000

NARA - Animatics and Anti-Communism: Payut Ngaokrachang Animates Hanuman for the United States Information Agency 

Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library to Be Built in North Dakota

Conservation photodocumentation at the Library of Congress

Library of Congress - Copyrighting Leaves of Grass

Library of Congress - Bug Story: The Secret of Pre-Modern Colors

National Library of Medicine - Can Nudging Help?: Improving Clinical Trial Access Using Artificial Intelligence for Standardization

American Archive of Public Broadcasting - Twenty-Three Years of In Black America will be Restored, Digitized and Archived for Research and Future Generations

Declassified CIA Clandestine Service Emails Fret Over UBL/Devil dolls Story

How to explore MuckRock's public archive of Freedom of Information Act requests and releases

How a Michigan state archivist decides what Flint water crisis artifacts to preserve for posterity 

Alexander Hamilton letter stolen from the Massachusetts Archives decades ago by former employee is found; government now wants it back

Preserving Pennsylvania's oldest historical documents

Agreement between Stanford University and Bibliothèque nationale de France

Harvard University - Digital Giza Project lets scholars virtually visit sites in Egypt and beyond, and even print them in 3D

Undergraduate mines Yale archives for insight into journalist Janet Malcolm

George Romero's archives acquired by University of Pittsburgh 

Indiana State University - Library will digitize St. Theodore Guerin’s works

An Interview with Elise Tanner, Director of Digital Projects and Initiatives at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Center for Arkansas History and Culture

Western Museums Have a Surplus of Art by White Men. Now Some Are Selling it off to Correct their Historical Biases

Powerful pics reveal emotional US reunions after the Holocaust

The Los Angeles Public Library Pamphlet & Manuscript Collection

Steering Share: Reflections on the Archival Profession

Amazing Grace: why Aretha Franklin movie lay hidden for 50 years

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
New Zealand - Our Treasures: Florence Nightingale letter in Whangarei Museum archives 

Japan - Reiwa calligraphy to be stored at National Archives, made available for commercial use

Taiwan National Archives Administration - Introduction to the Key Features of National Archives Information System

Malaysia - 50 years on, it's time to declassify the secrets of May 13

Indonesia - Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta philologist saves dozens of manuscripts

Europe / Europa
The European Commission to launch a new a tender for an open access publishing platform

European Holocaust Research Infrastructure - Files of the Austrian Concentration Camp Association

Latvia to publish additional KGB filing system and other documents

Ukraine intelligence declassifies hundreds of documents on Ukrainian National Republic

Preservation of manuscripts for the Hungarian National Library

A little miracle: Dutch statesman's diary found 200 years after it was lost 

Capturing Luxembourg Elections

National Library of Wales - A forty year old mystery solved

UK National Archives - On the Record: Lawrence and Bell

UK National Archives - How to teach a computer to read

British Library - From Colombo to London: Encounters with the Endangered Archives Programme

British Library - Cataloguing the Harley manuscripts

University of Bristol - 15th century Voynich manuscript decoded in a major linguistic breakthrough 

King's WWI letter found in discarded carrier bag

UK risks losing classic rock archives, warns ex-Oasis photographer

Would you like to keep a one-day diary for Mass Observation?

How Peter Jackson's "They Shall Not Grow Old" Breathed Life into 100-year-old Archival Footage

Judge's copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover temporarily barred from leaving UK

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Unesco launches survey to identify needs of documentary heritage institutions and collectors in the Arab region

Egypt's ambassador to Germany lauds efforts to digitize Egyptian heritage

Egyptians, Germans cooperate to digitalize Egyptian heritage

Diocese of Egypt teams up with British university to open new archive research centre

National Library of Israel - How to Buy a Jewish Manuscript in Four (Not So) Easy Steps

National Library of Israel - Burn them, as my world and everything I loved burned in Auschwitz's crematorium

Did Israel Destroy the Palestine National Library, the Azhar Library, and the National Cultural Center?

Contribute to International Internet Preservation Consortium Content Development Group's Artificial Intelligence Collection 

Natasha Zwarich rejoint le Comité de Pilotage du Portail international archivistique francophone

Bénédicte Grailles rejoint le Comité de pilotage du Portail international archivistique francophone

Data Overload: Web Archives and the Challenges of Scale

How the data we archive (and we delete) shapes our history

How Digital Forensics Software Is Bringing CSI-Type Work to Real Life

Blockchain's Distributed Ledger Technology Looks to Be the Answer to Modern Privacy Concerns

Dungeons & Dragons Revises Artificer with Two New Subclasses (one is Archivist)

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