Thursday, 23 May 2019

Vol. 12, no. 38

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
BAnQ - Petit guide de l'autoédition au Québec

Public Record Office Victoria (Australia) - New Professional Registration and Accreditation Retention and Disposal Authority

Archives de l'État en Belgique - Rapport annuel 2018

Institut national du patrimoine (France) - Lutte contre le trafic illicite, la circulation et les restitutions des biens culturels : orientation bibliographique

Institut national du patrimoine (France) - Biens culturels spoliés pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : recherche de provenance et valorisation : orientation bibliographique

De la communauté / From the community
Canadian Archival Accession Information Standard

OCLC - Maple Leaves: Discovering Canada through the Published Record

Unesco - Legacies of Slavery: a Resource Book for Managers of Sites and Itineraries of Memory

Memoriav : association pour la sauvegarde et de la mise en valeur du patrimoine audiovisuel suisse  - Rapport d'activité 2018

Always Already Computational: Collections as Data

Behind the Scenes of Web Archiving: Metadata of Harvested Websites

Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 47, no. 2 (2019)

RBM: a Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage, vol. 20, no. 1 (2019)

The Reading Room: a Journal of Special Collections, vol. 4, no. 1 (2019)

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 34, no. 2 (2019)

Zine - The Adventures of Audio Reformatting and Digitization  

The Cathedral Archives, Libraries and Collections Association Newsletter (Summer 2019)

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec - À rayons ouverts, no 104 (2019)

Mémoire de maîtrise (Université de Montréal) - Archivage et transmission des films de famille dans l'environnement numérique

Book - Trevor Paglen: from the Archives of Peter Merlin, Aviation Archaelogist

Book - Jangarh Singh Shyam: a Conjuror's Archive

Book - The Sea Journal: Seafarers' Sketchbooks

Book - The Politics of the Book: a Study on the Materiality of Ideas

Book - Putting Library Assessment Data to Work

Book - Knowledge Management, Arts, and Humanities: Interdisciplinary Approaches and the Benefits of Collaboration

Book - Doing Memory Research: New Methods and Approaches

Book - Transitional Justice: Contending with the Past

Book - Global Forensic Cultures: Making Fact and Justice in the Modern Era

Book - Handbook for Folklore and Ethnomusicology Fieldwork

Livre - Dans les dédales du web : historiens en territoires numériques

Livre - Où sont les bibliothèques françaises spoliées par les nazis

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Canadian Web Archiving Coalition Webinar: First Nations Principles of OCAP(R)
May 30, 2019

Association for Manitoba Archives - Main Training
June 14, 2019, Winnipeg

International Police Museums Conference
June 25-27, 2019, Calgary

Soft Launch of Truth and Reconciliation Victims' Database and Panel Discussion
May 30, 2019, Johannesburg (South Africa)

Digital Engagement in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums
June 3, 2019, Sydney (Australia)

Building Access: Mass Digitization and the Politics of Infrastructure
June 26, 2019, London (UK)

Sur le web / On the web
Vidéo de BAnQ - L'histoire de… Joanne Burgess 

Video - Research Innovation Trends and Priorities in Canadian Research Libraries 

LawBytes Podcast - The Past, Present and Future of Free and Open Access to Law

Baladodiffusion - Entrevue avec Maryse Trudeau : les nouveaux rôles des bibliothécaires 

Video - Scaling Software Emulation Services: an Introduction to the EaaSI Program of Work 

Video -  How Europeana's Impact Playbook Can Help Measure Impact in your Library

Video - Decolonial Futures for Colonial Metadata: 1838-present

Video - Design Thinking for Library Services: Library as Research Lab

Video - A Research Agenda for Historical and Multilingual OCR

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Canadian Association of University Teachers condemns Heritage report on copyright

Shifting Paradigms: the Heritage Committee study on copyright

Accès à l'information: une réforme inutile?

Another instalment in Canada's freedom of information follies

Canada's digital charter represents a sea change in privacy law, but several unaddressed issues remain

Invitation to Contribute to the GLAM Value Study

Library and Archives Canada Co-Lab Update

Comments on the Library and Archives Canada 3-Year Plan

Library and Archives Canada celebrates its founding in 2004

Not your grandmother's museum: how Canada's major art galleries are chasing youth

2019 Archives Association of Ontario Award Winners

Ontario - Inter-library loans to be revived in north after outcry

New British Columbia museum policy highlights return of Indigenous remains, artifacts

Historical sites, museums and archives open in Alberta

BAnQ - Une nouvelle carrière dans une nouvelle ville : la vie culturelle en Abitibi-Témiscamingue vue par François Ruph

Association des archivistes du Québec - Philipe-Napoléon Pacaud, un patriote inspirant

What's New in the ArQuives: Canada's LGBTQ2+ Archives? Canada's Seminal Queer Media Festival: Inside out Filme Video Festival

Who's New at the ArQuives: Canada's LGBTQ2+ Archives? A Spotlight on our Interns

University of Regina loses bid to have freedom of information case heard in closed courtroom

University of Alberta - Augmented reality app reveals meaning behind Indigenous bear sculpture

Hidden Indigenous history of the University of Alberta revealed in student mapping project

University of Calgary unveils digital archive of 300 bee species

McGill University - Montreal Mansions: Spaces in Time

University of British Columbia - Dual iSchool student Emily Larson Receives Theodore Calvin Pease Award Given by the Society of American Archivists 

City of Vancouver Archives - Tetris in the Vault: Using storage space efficiently

Twenty-five Archives in Toronto

Archives de la ville de Québec - La cale du port : histoire du Bassin Louise 

District of Squamish (British Columbia) changes record-keeping procedures

La Société d'histoire et de généalogie des Hautes-Laurentides a un nouveau site Web

Les 50 ans du Cégep de Thetford en images

I cried when I read it: Postcard connects Charlottetown home to D-Day

Will there be a virtual afterlife? The race is on to save our digital selves from oblivion

Chronique de source : le trafic de drogue, un enjeu transnational, 1920-1946 : visite et revisite du Fond RG 29 et RG 18

Afrique / Africa
Kenya - Urgently review legal framework on public records management

Nigeria - Preserving and Promoting the Igbo Language in Libraries

Amériques / Americas
Massive Digitization Effort Is the Latest Plot Twist for Cuban Radio Soap Operas

NARA - Upcoming Changes in Records Management Training

NARA - The Great Archival Cooking Challenge

NARA - The First Woman to Fly in an Aeroplane in the United States, October 27, 1909

NARA - What is Suffrage?

Library of Congress - Visualizing Chronicling America Data: 15 million pages of digitized historical newspapers

Integrating Wikidata at the Library of Congress

Library of Congress Acquires Papers of Classical Soprano Jessye Norman 

Library of Congress - Crowdsourcing Invitation: Help Tell a Civil War Soldier,s Story

Library of Congress - Fragments of History

National Library of Medicine - Paying It Forward: on the Importance of Honors and Awards

The Massachusetts Governor's Office is exempt from state records law, but still accepts requests on a case-by-case basis

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Federal Paperless Directive: the Clock is Ticking: How are You Doing?

North Carolina State program has volunteers transcribing documents of old letters and documents

What Do You Do with 11,000 Blogs? Preserving, Archiving, and Maintaining University of Mary Washington Blogs: a Case Study

A Conversation with Wendy Hagenmaier, Digital Collections Archivist at Georgia Tech

Oplontis: a Digital Humanities Success Story from the University of Texas

So you Want to Build a Digital Archive? A Dialogue on Critical Digital Humanities Graduate Pedagogy

Radhika Jones Introduces Vanity Fair's Full Digital Archive

Death of a Sentencer: a Records Manager's Lament

How Archivists Saved Damaged WWII Film for "The Cold Blue"

Archives + Audiences: Dan Lindsay and Ben Piner on "L.A. 92" (Part 2)

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia to digitized Second World War Service Files

New Zealand - Our Treasures: Visitor cards in Whangarei Museum archives historical counterpart to modern business card

New Zealand - Rip it up memories: an oral history of our greatest music mag

New Zealand - 3-D virtual mapping of Otago University's library space

Japan - Replica of Reiwa calligraphy to be shown at National Archives

Le Japon récompense l'ancien archiviste du Vatican

India - Archives seeks 5.4 cr. aid for digitisation of Telangana State records 

Rediscovering forgotten Indo-Persian works on Hindu-Muslim encounters

Europe / Europa
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure - Files of the Austrian Concentration Camp Association

Anne Frank of Budapest: Newly Discovered Diary Chronicles Jewish Girl's Life in Nazi-occupied Hungary

How Finland and Norway have copied Scotland's way of preserving heritage 

Italian version of Copyright Directive says non-infringing material must be blocked

Italian high schoolers are helping bring secret Vatican archives to the masses

Archives fédérales suisses - StrucTool: créer et gérer des structures

La science belge risque la faillite

Paul Otlet, un héritier des lumières au tournant du XXe siècle, à l'aube de la société de l'information

France - L'archivage est un enjeu majeur de la transformation numérique de l'État

Ireland - Dublin-Monaghan bombing: Taoiseach urged to release secret files

Ireland - Archives can give voice to victims of past violence

Author Ian Rankin gifts archive to National Library of Scotland

Foinsí Ghaeilge (Irish sources) at the UK National Archives

UK National Archives - On the Record: Double agents and double standards

UK National Archives - Thumbs up to railway accidents

British Library - A Complete Digitization of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Codex Atlanticus, the Largest Existing Collection of His Drawings & Writings

British Library - Music notetaking and composers' thematic catalogues in the 18th century

British Film Institute acquires three never-before-seen Christopher Lee scrapbooks

University of Cambridge - From the casebooks of the most notorious astrologer doctors in all England

Voynich manuscript: University of Bristol backtracks on code cracked claim

How the Voynich manuscript hit the headlines

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's forgotten Chaucer archive is uncovered at Oxford University Press

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Germany hands Israel thousands of Kafka confidant's papers

National Library of Israel - Are King Solomon's Magical Powers Concealed Inside this Book?

Daraya: a Library Under Bombs in Syria

Arolsen Archives: International Center on Nazi Persecution - More than 13 million documents online

Numérisation de la Société des Nations: des dizaines de milliers de documents sont scannés.

Creative Commons Officially Launches a Search Engine that Indexes 300+ Million Public Domain Images

For a fair, free and open future: celebrating 15 years of the Open Knowledge Foundation

Overcoming the barriers of storing archive footage

Yes, your internet data is rotting

Comment Instagram est devenu le royaume du fake généralisé

Hearthstone is nerfing Rogue and Archivist Elysiana

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