Thursday, 12 November 2020

Vol. 14, no. 11

                                                                Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State

Public Record Office Victoria (Australia) - Stage 2 Email Appraisal, Disposal and Preservation Project 2019-2020: Summary Report

De la communauté / From the community
Society of American Archivists Case Study - Access Policies for Native American Archival Materials in the National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution

Guide to Using Special Collections at Yale University: Statement on Harmful Language in Archival Description

Association of Research Libraries - Mapping the Current Landscape of Research Library Engagement with Emerging Technologies in Research and Learning

American Academy of Arts and Sciences - The Humanities in American Life

Article - Challenges in Providing Reference Services in Small Archival Institutions

Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, vol. 43, no. 2 (2020)

Emerging Library & Information Perspectives, vol. 3, no. 1 (2020)

Data Technologies and Applications, vol. 54, no. 5 (2020)

Library of Congress Magazine, vol. 9, no. 5 (2020) 

Wikimedia Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums Newsletter, vol. 10, no. 10 (2020)

British Columbia Regional Digitized History Newsletter (Fall 2020)

Book - Crafting History: Archiving and the Quest for Architectural Legacy

Book - Library and Information Studies for Arctic Social Sciences and Humanities

Book - Heard Amid the Guns: True Stories from the Western Front, 1914-1918

Book - A Brief History of the Bodleian Library (Revised Edition)

Book - The Ghettos of Nazi-Occupied Poland: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives

Book - Disaster Planning for Special Libraries

Book - Forensic Handwriting Identification: Fundamental Concepts and Principles (Second Edition)

Book - Time in Maps: from the Age of Discovery to our Digital Era 

Book - Reuse, Misuse, Abuse: the Ethics of Audiovisual Appropriation in the Digital Era

Book - Fashion and Family History: Interpreting how your Ancestors Dressed

Book - Cyber Privacy: who Has your Data and why you Should Care

Book - Ideology and Libraries: California, Diplomacy, and Occupied Japan, 1945-1952

Book - The Routledge Companion to Copyright and Creativity in the 21st Century

Livre - La généalogie pas à pas : comment retrouver ses racines aujourd'hui ?

Livre - Les valises de Jean Genet

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
To Look with Love: Emerging Themes on Records and Grief Work
November 13, 2020

Developing a Culturally Appropriate Digital Archive for Métis Archaeological Heritage
November 13, 2020

Quarantine Qapsule: Archiving Asian-Canadian Stories
November 18, 2020

The Vatican, the Archive and the Holocaust: on Power and Truth-Seeking in the Catholic Church
November 18, 2020

New York State-Ontario Chapter of the Music Library Association Annual Meeting
November 19, 2020

Webinaire - Partage d'expérience sur les services en gestion des données de recherche aux bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal
24 novembre 2020

ArQuives: Canada's LGBTQ2+ Archives - Historical Inequities Community Consultation
November 25, 2020

Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives - Annual General Meeting
November 26, 2020

38th Annual Queen's University Archives Lecture
November 27, 2020

What's in a Data Story?  Understanding the Basics of Data Storytelling
November 30, 2020

The Art of Forgetting: Memory, Loss, and Revision
March 5-7, 2021, Ottawa

Cours en ligne massif et ouvert - Gestion documentaire en cas de crise

The Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge with Richard Ovenden, Bodley's Librarian
November 16, 2020

Web Archiving in Times of Rapid Change
November 17, 2020

Managing Compliance Throughout the Document Lifecycle in Office 365
November 18, 2020

GIS Day 2020 at the Library of Congress: Mapping a Pandemic
November 18, 2020

Information and Records Management Society - Improving Healthcare through Data Linkage Programmes 
November 19, 2020

Rescuing Australia's Lost Literary Treasures
November 24, 2020

Empowering Archives and the Profession Webinar: International Council on Archives Strategic Plan and Constitutional Reforms
November 27, 2020

Beginner's Web Archiving Training
December 2-3, 2020

Digital preservation goes nuclear: project highlights and future directions
December 3, 2020

Archival Management of Oral History Collections
December 7-8, 2020

Archives : laboratoire de méthodes
8 décembre 2020 au 15 juin 2021

DAM and Museums
February 10, 2021

Fourth Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials Conference
June 17-18, 2021

Sur le web / On the web
Vidéo - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada : entrevue avec Marcelle Cinq-Mars, archiviste militaire (à partir de 5:30)

McMaster University Video - First and Second World War Propaganda

Video - Galt Museum and Archives (Alberta) Presents: Dr. Julie Young on the Refuge Canada Exhibit

Australian Society of Archivists Video - Supporting and Activating the Adelaide Tandanya Declaration on Indigenous Archives

Vidéo - Présentation des Archives fédérales suisses

Vidéo - Tutoriel Wikidata

Council on Library and Information Resources - Season Two of Material Memory Podcast, Cultural Memory and the Climate Crisis

Archives départementales du Gard - Jeu de l'oie

Archives départementales des Yvelines - Application mobile : La paix ? sentiers sonores

Rare Books / Book History Discord Group

Slides - Archiving Interactive Narratives at the British Library

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Public's Right to Know More Important than Ever During Pandemic

Library and Archives Canada - It made you intensely proud to see it standing there: how the Vimy Memorial survived the Second World War

Library and Archives Canada - Dressing the Troops: Knitting During the Wars

Preserving the bits : Library and Archives Canada's Pre-Ingest workflow

Guy Berthiaume awarded the IFLA Medal

19th-century gospel written in Inuktitut syllabics added to Unesco world register

Dear Canadians postcard project aims to capture the pandemic moment

Province launches Manitoba Remembers to bring online celebrations to Remembrance Day

BAnQ - Consultation du milieu archivistique québécois sur la révision de la Loi sur les archives

BAnQ - Roger Varin et l'Ordre de Bon Temps

How to search newspaper articles (and more) at BAnQ

Fédération des milieux documentaires - Lettre pour la protection des archives de St-Sulpice

Ontario - In search of missing and forgotten Indigenous children

University of Manitoba - In Perpetual Motion: Web Archiving Ongoing Social Phenomena

Preserving Digits for Good: Turning Strategy into Practice at Concordia University

University of British Columbia - Processing Emotions

University of Waterloo Special Collections and Archives - We are all Treaty People

McMaster University - Soldiers' letters home now available digitally, thanks to lockdown transcription project

McGill University - Wartime correspondence in the Madeleine Parent Fonds

Remembrance with McGill Library collections

Western University Library - Banting, Before Insulin

Ryerson University Archives & Special Collections - Remembrance Day: Student Voices from 2000

University of Victoria - Librarian Justin Harrison pauses to imagine a library tour with John Lennon

University of Victoria - A love of music guides Librarian Bill Blair's librarianship

Black soldiers from Guelph honoured in digital project

Centre d'histoire et d'archives du travail - Nouveau fonds d'archives (P39)

Ontario Jewish Archives - Researching the Contributions of Jewish Servicewomen through Archival Resources

Toronto Public Library - Merril Collection at 50: Stories from the Spaced Out Library

Saskatoon StarPhoenix - Wartime letters

Sault Star (Ontario) archives get a new home

Musée d'histoire de Sherbrooke - Des décennies d'archives du journal The Record sauvées

Dundas Museum and Archives (Ontario) receives Covid-19 emergency support grant

Remembrance at the South Peace Regional Archives (Alberta)

Snowmageddon memories sought for Lambton (Ontario) archives

Strathcona County Museum and Archives (Alberta) - Local WWII soldier carried the spirit of the Canadian army in their fight for freedom

New Strathcona County Museum and Archives mural captures sense of community

Cumberland Museum and Archives (British Columbia) planning renovations

Whistler Museum and Archives Society - Blackcomb's First Season

Museum of Dufferin (Ontario) launches new online climate exhibit

Vie d'archiviste : René St-Pierre

Military Resources: Digitized Yearbooks 1943-1995 Victoria, B.C. Naval College

Curator tells young Winnipeg soldiers' Second World War stories

Wartime diary of early Greater Victoria resident depicts life during First World War

Long lost Bible with Fort Saskatchewan family history discovered in British Columbia motel

The comfort of strangers: how a British family kept a slain Canadian airman's memory alive

Afrique / Africa
Maroc - Accès à l'information : le gouvernement renforce le dispositif

Amériques / Americas
International Council on Archives (ICA) and Association of Latin-American Archivists (ALA) are pleased to announce they have signed a cooperation agreement

NARA - National Archives Launches Voting Rights Records Portal

NARA - Civil War Veterans Remembered in the Records of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers

Using NARA's Index to Naturalizations of World War I Soldiers

NARA - A Framework Enabling the Preservation of Government Electronic Records

NARA - Posters of Early 20th Century Passenger Ships

Library of Congress - Generating STEAM with Copyright

Library of Congress - Lynd Ward's Eerie, Early Graphic Novel, “Gods' Man”

National Library of Medicine - Making Connections and Enabling Discoverability: Celebrating 30 Years of Unified Medical Language System

House Committee Chairs Tell Federal Agencies and White House to Preserve Records

Destroying Federal Documents During a Presidential Transition Is a Federal Crime

Supreme Court weighs public records law as Sierra Club challenges Freedom of Information Act exemptions

US rights group lawsuit seeks COVID-19 records for Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention

Judge orders return of Alexander Hamilton letter to Massachusetts archives; says family that owned it for 75 years is owed nothing because it was stolen

Texas State Library and Archives Commission - Records Managers vs. Archivists: what's the Difference?

OCLC Research and the National Finding Aid Network project

University of Texas - Archival Fever offers a collaborative model for humanities research

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Artificial intelligence model detects asymptomatic Covid-19 infections through cellphone-recorded coughs

New York University Special Collections Library by CannonDesign

The Paper Chase: how W.E.B Du Bois' Papers came to University of Massachusetts  

A temple of sound awaits in the University of California Santa Barbara's collection of early music and sound recordings

Ball State University Libraries open COVID-19 Pandemic Archive

City College of New York Libraries completes digitization of Hatch-Billops Oral History collection

Simmons College - Can you Fit an Archivist in a Backpack?

Elizabethtown College - Archival work during the Covid-19 pandemic

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research's COVID-19 Data Repository

Getty Institute - To Hold Nature in the Hand: Revealing the Wonders of the Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta

Repatriating the Archives: Lumbee Scholars find their People and Bring them Home

George Eastman Museum is hard at work restoring a large and unusual collection of films from South Asia

Poor mummies: pandemic sidelines conservators and their care of such museum artifacts

Archives as Community-Building Spaces: an Interview with Sophie Glidden-Lyon

Dispatches from a Distance: the New Normal is Not Normal

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Parliamentary committee calls for overhaul of Australia’s data-retention regime

National Archives of Australia signs $4.4m contract to digitise World War II service records

Preserving the bits: a salutary tale from the National Archives of Australia

National Archives of Australia - An engineer at war: William Veale

Australian Defence Force turns a page on its paper archives with mammoth digitisation project

Australia - Looks like a conspiracy: department emails tried to discourage evidence from staffer who shredded documents

Queensland Government Recordkeeping (Australia) - A stinker of a problem: film and vinegar syndrome

New South Wales (Australia) state archives investigates shredding of documents related to $252m grants scheme

New South Wales government forced to recover deleted docs

Minecraft and augmented reality helping Indigenous elders keep stories alive for the next generation

How the 50 Words project is using technology to bring language to the world

US embassy supports collaboration between Turkmen and American organizations to preserve historical manuscripts

Europe / Europa
Openness of State Archives in Post-Soviet Republics and Eastern Bloc States During the Coronavirus Pandemic

National Library of Russia - Exhibition Marking the 200th Anniversary of the Discovery of Antarctica

Norway digitally freezes national treasures and stores them in Arctic archive

Finland - Artificial intelligence dives into thousands of WW2 photographs

Poland seizes communist-era security files headed for US

Comprehensive van Gogh Database Launched by Dutch Museums

Vatican enlists bots to protect library from onslaught of hackers

Italie - 30.000 documents et photos inédites : découvrez les archives de Charlie Chaplin

Luxembourg - The memory of a country

France - Ouvrir en grand les archives : ces camps avec vue sur mer que la France a longtemps refusé de regarder

Le manuscrit de Ceux de 14, de Maurice Genevoix, entre à la Bibliothèque nationale de France

Super rare 100-year-old carrier pigeon message found in France

Belfast - Woman who lost both parents to Covid-19 launches online archive of grief

National Library of Scotland - Three Copy Nirvana? A Climb into the Clouds

University of Glasgow - Doing First World War research in a pandemic

Visit old Edinburgh with striking pictures unveiled by new online archive tool

The UK National Archives joins the Climate Heritage Network

UK National Archives - Many adventures! British archivists in Italy during the Second World War

UK National Archives - LGBTQ+ visibility and archives: History between the lines

The British Library teams up with Yorkshire artists to create digital activity and encourage cultural engagement

British Library - The UK Web Archive website over time: 15 Years of UKWA

British Library - A tale of two web archives: challenges of engaging web archival infrastructures research

British Library - Data Debates: Bots in the Polling Booth

Imperial War Museum approximate the end of WWI

Royal College of Physicians mulls sale of rare books despite protest

Owners' joy as rare £2.5m books stolen in London heist returned

Historical detectives discover more first editions of Isaac Newton's Principia

UK Digital Forensics Report

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
National Library of Israel - A Sufi Journey to Jerusalem

National Library of Israel - In Memoriam: Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks and “The Home of the Book”

Turkey saved Palestinian archive during Arafat era

Digital Preservation at the United Nations

Unesco - Our Common Digital Future: Digital Preservation and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

International Collaboration to Digitize Archive of Dylan Thomas

From Starchives to RED Files: the Depiction of Archives in Film

10,000 Rare Vintage Cookbooks Now Available for Free Online

How to help an organisation understand that it has problems that records management can solve

Archival Program Management

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