Thursday, 27 October 2011

Vol. 5, no. 8

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing

Afnor - Introduction à la série de normes ISO 30300, système de gestion des documents d'activité (2e version)

De la communauté / From the community
Australian Society of Archivists and Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia - Joint comment on the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Bill 2011

ARMA Draft for public review - Policy Design for Managing Electronic Messages

PDF/A-2 Overview

Guide du RDAQ: comment saisir des descriptions de fonds et collections dans le Réseau de diffusion des archives du Québec

Library Linked Data Incubator Group (W3C) - Final Report + Datasets, Value Vocabularies, and Metadata Element Sets
Final report:
Datasets, Value Vocabularies, and Metadata Element Sets:

The ODE Project - Ten Tales of Drivers & Barriers in Data Sharing

The ODE Project - Report on Integration of Data and Publications

Digital Curation Center - How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications

National Archives of Australia - Your Memento, no. 4 (October 2011)

Association of Research Libraries Spec Kit - Digital Preservation

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Digital Preservation Summit 2011 (presentations available)
19-20 October 2011, Hamburg

Video - Digital Public Library of America Plenary Meeting
October 21 2011, Washington D.C.

Disposal in a digital environment Workshop (summary available)
11 September 2011, Darwin (Australia)  

French Theory in Translation: The Question of the Archive
3-5 November 2011, Chicago

Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada - Canadian Feature Film Database

EUscreen: Discover Europe's television heritage

Flying Reporters at CITRA 2011

Swiss National Library - Bibliography on Swiss History now online

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Information commish likely to review legislation proposing the destruction of long gun records

Newfoundland and Labrador - Justice Watchdog fights for powers under Access to Information law

Research for the masses: Concordia's librarian prioritizes open access

Le Centre régional d’archives de Lanaudière accueille L'Action

Take a stroll through literary Ottawa (with a Library and Archives Canada employee)

Amériques / Americas
Protection of Access to the National Police Historical Archive in Guatemala

U.S. Archive Advances Records Management

U.S. National archivist: International Action On the Open Government Front

NARA electronic archive has fundamental flaw in search, IG says

'Snapshots' cannot accurately archive gov 2.0 content, says Navy official

Art investigators: Saving the country's cultural heritage, one recovered work at a time

Presidential "historian’s" assistant pleads guilty in Maryland document theft conspiracy

109 Years of American Jewish History Goes Digital

The National Baseball Hall of Fame's research center keeps the records of our national pastime

North Carolina - Open Source Tool Speeds Up Web Archive Scoping

Nextpoint to Preserve New York City's Social Media Efforts

Modern Algorithms Crack 18th Century Secret Code

Philippines - Finally, a national film archive

India - Vice-president: Change in rules to make archival records

India - Digitisation of Mathilakom documents to resume

Canterbury quake to be with us forever (an archive of New Zealand earthquake related digital content)

Europe / Europa
Changes to EU freedom of information laws backed

Russians open secret files to refute claims Hitler escaped from bunker

Russian ship cancels U.S. visit over Judaic book collection

The Language Archive opens in Berlin

Spain adopts 'Open By Default' per Royal Decree

BBC Studios And Post Production Transfers Historic Archive

Archive discovery brings colourful life of Shakespeare's rival Ben Johnson into focus

New Wimbledon heritage archive launched

Diagrams from Titanic inquest to be auctioned

Il y a 70 ans aux Archives nationales de France

Communiqué : Dématérialisation des instruments de recherche aux Archives nationales de France

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Israel - Holiday greetings from WWI troops

Archive Offers Glimpse Inside the Mind of Saddam Hussein

Digital Public Library of America and Europeana Announce Collaboration

Big data and archival will drive $22 billion in cloud storage spending, says International Data Corporation 

Open Planets Foundation - Archiving Complete Environments for Complex Objects

How Will Astronomy Archives Survive the Data Tsunami? 

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Vol. 5, no. 7

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
L'État français publie une licence pour la libre réutilisation des données publiques

De la communauté / From the community
PREMIS OWL (Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies, Web Ontology Language) ontology available for public review

Research Information Network and Digital Curation Center - The role of data management for various professions

Report to the Australian National Data Service: Costs and Benefits of Data Provision
The Global eBook Market: Current Conditions & Future Projections 

Journal of Documentation, vol. 67, no. 6 (2011)
La Gazette des archives n°222, 2011 (Numéro spécial sur L’archiviste dans la cité) 

Lettre d’information de l’Association des Archivistes Francophones de Belgique, no. 13 (Octobre 2011)

Book - Records Management and Knowledge Mobilisation: A handbook for regulation, innovation and transformation

Book - Information Consulting: Guide to good practice

Book - Building Your Library Career with Web 2.0

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
7th International Digital Curation Conference 
5-7 December 2011, Bristol

Call for Abstracts - High-tech Heritage: How Are Digital Technologies Changing Our Views of the Past?
May 2-4, 2012, University of Massachusetts

Call for papers : Archives of Post-Independence Africa and its Diaspora
June 20-23, 2012, Dakar, Senegal

Sur le web / On the web
International Council on Archives - Open Knowledge Exchanges

British Library Apps for smartphones and tablet computers: Royal Manuscripts

Open Online Research Data Management Course

National Archives of Australia and Museum of Australian Democracy - Discovering Mildenhall’s Canberra: photographs from the birth of our Capital

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Access to information commission in legal battle with government departments

CBC Access To Information Battle: CRTC Chairman Konrad Von Finckenstein Says Unclear Laws To Blame

Halifax - Council must stand by assurances on Calderdale Central Library and Archives

Le futur centre d'archives dans le Vieux-Lévis?

Ottawa can learn Halifax library lesson: Consultation sets standard

Afrique / Africa

Archivist notes importance of South African history

Les archives de la révolution algérienne de Mohammed Harbi : un éclairage historique inédit

Amériques / America
Society of American Archivists Council Endorses ICA Universal Declaration on Archives

Library of Congress - Information or Artifact: Digitizing a Book 
Part 1:
Part 2:

National Archives Digitization Tools Now on GitHub

Archives of American Art contributes photo collection to Wikimedia commons

Lost and found: 5,000 court files found in staffers’ homes

Washington State Archives releases names on anti-gay rights petition after judge rules harassment unlikely
Australia - Government proposes update to copyright laws

Archives New Zealand - New display for Treaty of Waitangi under consideration

The National Library of New Zealand Beta is open
Japan - About 340,000 digitized materials will be added to the digital archives of the National Diet Library
Japanese Prime Minister to transfer 5 volumes of ancient Korean archives during visit

The UK National Archives launches online exhibition of personal stories of British India Partition

Europe / Europa

Suisse - Genève met ses trésors du passé sur le web

France - Gallimard dévoile ses archives et les états d’âme de ses écrivains

British Library attacked for Amazon link

British Library and the Open Innovation Project: working with others to make new ideas fly

Parliament Week Curator's Choice: The Magna Carta at the British Library

British Film Institute launches searchable archive of ancient film clips

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Israel - Computers Piece Together Scattered Medieval Scrolls

Iran's National Library and Archives Organization: "Participating in Int'l assemblies; our main goal"

Iraqi Official Urges U.S. To Return Archives

Turkey - ‘Military archives should be opened to shed light on Dersim massacre’

Can computers solve mystery of bible’s ‘ghostwriters’?

Dithering Digitally on Preservation

Reorganize Your Past, Online: A Web service developed by Microsoft Research lets people curate their own personal history