Thursday 28 July 2016

Vol. 9, no. 48

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Information Commissioner of Canada - Advisory Notice: Time Extensions Pursuant to Paragraph 9(1)(b) of the Access to Information Act

Archives New Zealand - Regulatory Statement

Archives New Zealand - Information and Records Management Standard

Library of Congress - Recommended Formats Statement 2016-2017

NARA - 2015 Records Management Self-Assessment Report

UK Government - Knowledge Principles for Government

De la communauté / From the community
Portage Network - White Paper on Research Data Discovery in Canada

Macdonald-Laurier Institute - How to Really Support Canadian Culture: Heritage and the Copyright Brief

Practical Considerations for the UK in Applying and Communicating the new UNESCO Recommendation on Protecting Documentary Heritage Including in Digital Form

Europeana - White Paper on Best Practices for Multilingual Access to Digital Libraries 

Council on Library and Information Resources - The Open Data Imperative: how the Cultural Heritage Community Can Address the Federal Mandate

Star Reforms in the Open Government Partnership

Data Repository and Curation Services, how Do we Compare? A Snapshot of Six Academic Library Institutions

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - Linked Data Notifications (Draft)

Paper - The Final Abuse of Indian Residential School Children: Deleting their Names, Erasing their Voices and Destroying their Records after they Have Died and without their Consent

Journal of Electronic Publishing, vol. 19, no. 1 (Summer 2016)

Theoritical Inquiries in Law, vol. 17, no. 2, 2016 (Special Issue: the Constitution of Information: from Gutenberg to Snowden)

Études de communication, vol. 46, no. 1, 2016 (Numéro spécial : les médiations des patrimoines vers la culture numérique ?)

First International Council on Archives Congress Newsletter (2016)

Library of Congress Magazine, vol. 5, no. 4 (July-August 2016)

Ngā Tapuwae: the Newsletter of Archives New Zealand (July 2016)

National Archives of Australia - Government Agencies Information Network e-Bulletin (July 2016)

Off the Record: the Official Publication of the Archives Association of Ontario, vol. 32, no. 3 (Summer 2016)

Saskatchewan History, vol. 68, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2016)

Trent University Archives News, no. 58 (July 2016)

Book - Teaching with Primary Sources 

Book - The Origins of Japanese-Chinese Territorial Dispute: Using Historical Records to Study the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Issue

Book - Working with Text: Tools, Techniques and Approaches for Text Mining

Book - Doing Digital Humanities: Practice, Training, Research

Book - Copyright in Islamic Law

Book - Knowledge Management in Practice 

Book - Cyberspies: the Secret History of Surveillance, Hacking, and Digital Espionage 

Book - Museum Administration 2.0

Book - Educating the Profession: 40 years of the IFLA Section on Education and Training

Book - Critical Information Literacy: Foundations, Inspiration, and Ideas

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Solutions to Address Common Analytic and Data Challenges
September 21, 2016, Toronto

Conférence Big Data
23 septembre 2016, Montréal

Big Data Strategy at BMO
October 19, 2016, Toronto

Webinar - How to Respond to a Security Incident in your Library
August 17, 2016

Free Webinar - How to Create New Revenue Streams for your Library
September 12, 2016

Cours en ligne massif et ouvert - Les médiations culturelles et scientifiques à l'ère des réseaux sociaux
À partir du 21 septembre 2016

Versioning Cultural Objects: Concepts, Structures and Expressions
December 1-2, 2016, University in Maynooth (Ireland)

Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
March 14-17, 2017, Gothenburg (Sweden)

Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries Conference
June 20-23, 2017, Iowa City 

ABC Copyright Conference 2016 (Presentations Available)
May 26-27, 2016, Halifax

Bibliothèques, archives et musées à l'heure de l'open data : bonnes pratiques, normes et retours d'expériences (vidéos disponibles)
24 juin 2016, Paris

Forum 2016 de l'Association des archivistes français (certains présentations en ligne)
30 mars au 1er avril 2016, Troyes

Second Virtual Symposium on Information & Technology in the Arts & Humanities (Recordings Available)
April 27-28, 2016

New South Wales - Records Managers' Forum (Recordings Available)
July 19, 2016, Kingswood (Australia)

Sur le web / On the web
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada - Nouvelle page Web dédiée au régiment de Carignan Salières

Vidéo des Musées de la civilisation - Chantier des archives : le traitement des oeuvres sur papier

NARA - Video: Records Management Guidance for Political Appointees

Video - University of Oklahoma: Digitizing the Collections

Podcast - Foucault, the Archive and the Writing of Intellectual History

SEAD (End-to-end Data Services) 2.0

Slidecast - Personal, not Painful: Practical and Motivating Experiences in Data Sharing

Slidecast - Involving Humans in Semantic Data Management

Slidecast - Tools for Preserving Performative Media

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Gaps in census mean Canadians are being left out of history (by Ian Wilson and Bill Waiser)

Why Canada's e-library is barren: slow going national digitization plan leaves virtual shelves empty

Election law needs update to deal with Twitter, Facebook, watchdog says

StatsCan looking for powers to make all surveys mandatory, compel data from companies

Privacy commissioner to investigate data breach of public servants' personal info

Smoke in Ottawa data centre shuts down e-mail for 50,000 civil servants

Why Canada should adopt a national Intellectual Property strategy

Fix Canada's copyright law before it puts publishers out of business

Library and Archives Canada - What's new in the collection: the summer 2016 edition is out

Luce Lebart appointed Director of the Canadian Photography Institute

Inuit press claim for co-ownership of Franklin artifacts

Archives Alberta - Cover All the Bases: Collections Insurance

Alberta - Les cartes géographiques à l'ère de la géolocalisation

Archives of Manitoba - One Manitoba Soldier: Friends at the front

Manitoba - Camp Hughes marked for its role in First World War

Newfoundland - Forget-Me-Not Commemorate a Hero campaign in full swing

It's the new emerging thing: mining for data in western Labrador

Regard québécois sur le droit à l'oubli et la suppression de renseignements personnels en ligne

BAnQ - Commission d'enquête sur le coût de la XXIe olympiade [Commission Malouf], 1977-1978

Ottawa museums try to get handle on Pokemon Go craze

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto - Love, Mom: Letters from Mary Power to her Son, 1822-1824

Toronto Public Library creating Chinese Canadian Archive

Cumberland Museum Archives (Ont.) to stay put 

Nouveau départ et nouveaux locaux pour la Société d'histoire de la Haute-Gaspésie

Pour 500$, il se retrouve avec un trésor d'archives

Les normes ISO - Gestion des documents d’activité sont-elles ignorées au Québec ?

Catch'em all! Pokémon in the Archives

Conference Seasons and Summer Vacations

Afrique / Africa
Vie associative : les bibliothécaires, archivistes, documentalistes et muséologues du Congo créent une plate-forme

Daughter of Sudanese film legend preserves his legacy

Project of structuration, digitalization and treatment of German colonial archives in Cameroon

A history of Benin in 15,000 photographs

Amériques / Americas
Haïti - L'identification des enfants non-enregistrés par l'état civil, nouveau défi des mairesses 

Library of Congress to preserve Democratic National Convention Host Committee's digital, social platforms

Library of Congress - Digitizing Braille Music

Library of Congress - World War I: a Wartime Clipping Service

National Archives Presidential Libraries and PBS series American Experience Launch #ElectionCollection Challenge

NARA - The Wartime Films Project: Narrowing the Focus of our User-Centered Design Pilot

NARA - Microfilming in a Digital Era

Introducing Freedom of Information Act to a New Generation of Requesters

Should Secret Service Protect Emails of Future Presidents?

The Copyright Office is trying to redefine libraries, but libraries don't want it: who is it for?

Smithsonian Institution - Conserving Archival Collections Suffering from Fungal Attack

American Library Association - Resolution on the Restoration of the United Nations Depository Library System

NASA Is Finally Digitizing the Viking Mission's 40-Year-Old Data

New Hampshire citizen archivists train to transcribe history

Acquiring and Appraising Born-Digital Material at the Minnesota Historical Society

Yale Set to Reopen its Renovated Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library

Muhammed Ali biographer donates archive to Illinois Wesleyan University

The Digital in the Humanities: an Interview with Jessica Marie Johnson, assistant professor of Africana Studies and History at Johns Hopkins University

A Snapshot of a 21st-Century Librarian

The Future of the Past: Modernizing the New York Times Archive

Malcolm X handwritten postcard, featuring chimpanzee expressing racial tensions, auctioned for $11,793.75

19th-Century Schoolgirls were Incredibly Good at Drawing Maps

Appeal filed in Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven copyright case

The shock of the new: a visit to Pepco's archives

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Queensland State Archives (Australia) - Having trouble logging appraisal?

Transforming libraries in Myanmar: the e-Library Myanmar Project 

South Korea - Gangwon Province Transforms Right to be Forgotten into Business Opportunity

Nepal - Plight of intellectual pride: let's save our libraries

India - Subramanian Swamy demands review of Mahatma Gandhi assassination archives

The fear of history: India needs a policy that allows scholars to access primary documents and archival material

State wish for film archive gets National Film Archives of India push

Europe / Europa
Article 29 Working Party Statement on the decision of the European Commission on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield

There's a Russian Pokémon GO-Type Game that Lets you Catch Historical Figures

Russian Copyright Law Allows Entire News Site to Be Shut Down Over a Single Copied Article

Why libraries are everywhere in the Czech Republic

Engineer Discovers Something Amazing in Da Vinci's Irrelevant Scribbles

Vatican library digitises 1,600-year-old edition of Virgil

Mont Blanc ice cores will be sent to Antarctica to preserve climate record

Switzerland - Bridging the Curation Gap between Research and Libraries: a Case Study

Belgique - Endroits méconnus de l'Université catholique de Louvain: les Archives ou les couloirs de la mémoire

Le jour où on a pris la première photo

Roger Chartier : nos rapports avec la culture écrite sont profondément transformés

The Archives of the planet by Albert Kahn, now available in open data

Les archives municipales de Lyon vont exposer vos clichés de mariages

Thousands of frozen manuscripts from bankrupt Aristophil fund to return to market

The National Library of Ireland: online and on the shelves

Former librarian who stole hundreds of rare antique books worth nearly €200,000 from the National Library of Ireland avoids jail

An Irish breakthrough in the big data storage problem

Oldest map of Scotland goes on display in Edinburgh

Scotland - Rare 16th century legal manuscript comes home to St Andrews

National Library of Wales should be given prominent role

UK National Archives - A day in the life of a Transfer Adviser

UK National Archives - Shining a light on a glass lantern collection

UK National Archives - László von Almásy: the real English patient

UK National Archives - Captain Fryatt: forgotten martyr of the First World War

British Library - Murdered but not silenced: a unique recording of pianist Marion Roberts (1901-1927)

Victoria and Albert Museum acquires world's largest collection of paper peepshows

New interactive map of 100,000 photos and videos reveal lost London in the Victorian era

Dick Whittington treasury entrusted to Guildhall library

Transforming Archives: Rambert Archive

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
High Court of Justice okays transfer of ancient library to western Jerusalem

Hebrew University in Jerusalem - Take a virtual walk through the Einstein archives

United Arab Emirates - Sultan Al Qasimi issues law on setting up Sharjah Documentary and Archives Authority

United Arab Emirates - Nahyan bin Mubarak examines National Archives historical documentation of UAE-Egypt relations at embassy event

Germany returns two rare manuscripts of Holy Quran to Iran 

Syria's secret library

Turkey - Tabanlioglu architects renovates Istanbul's historic library with its rare book collection

RIP, VHS players: the last VCRs ever will be made this month

We need to talk about smart contracts and recordkeeping

Challenges to Archives in an Age of Digital Abundance

Debunking Archival Research Myths

The Most Popular Sea Creature in Cartography

Technology changes how authors write, but the big impact isn't on their style

Scientists work toward storing digital information in DNA

Open Data as a Human Right: the Case of Case-Law

Wikipedia seeks to speak your language

Let's open library doors to Wikipedia

How Pokémon Go is creating a barrier for gamers with disabilities