Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Archives New Zealand - Advice on File Formats for the Creation of Digital Records
Centre de coordination pour l'archivage à long terme de documents électroniques (Suisse) - PDF/A-1b avec une police TrueType
Ministry for the Arts - Australian Best Practice Guide to Collecting Cultural Material
De la communauté / From the community
Support Action Centre of Competence in Digitisation (SUCCEED) - Recommendations on Common Licensing Scheme for Tools and Resources
OCLC - Registering Researchers in Authority Files
Article - Memory, Monuments and Archives: Some Reflections on Secrecy and Access
Archives and Records: the Journal of the Archives and Records Association, vol. 35, no. 2 (October 2014)
International Journal of Digital Curation, vol. 9, no. 2 (2014)
International Journal on Digital Libraries, vol. 15, no. 1 (November 2014)
Journal of Information Science, vol. 40, no. 5 (October 2014)
Alexandria, vol. 25, no. 1-2, 2014 (Special Issue on Web Archiving)
Écrire l'Histoire, no 13, 2014 (numéro spécial Archives ; Les ouvriers de l'oubli)
National Archives of Australia - Governments Agencies Information Network e-Bulletin, no. 9 (October 2014)
Maple Ridge Historical Society (B.C.) Family History Newsletter, October 2014
Book - The C-SPAN Archives: an Interdisciplinary Resource for Discovery, Learning, and Engagement
Book - Styling the Stars: Lost Treasures from the Twentieth Century Fox Archive
Book - A Guide to Oral History and the Law (Second Edition)
Book - Copyright Workflow for Photographers: Protecting, Managing, and Sharing Digital Images
Book - Information Privacy Fundamentals for Librarians and Information Professionals
Book - Uncertain Images: Museums and the Work of Photographs
Book - Contemporary Perspectives on the Detection, Investigation and Prosecution of Art Crime: Australasian, European and North American Perspectives
Book - Spontaneous Particulars: the Telepathy of Archives
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Friends of the City of Ottawa Archives Annual General Meeting 2014
November 2, 2014, Ottawa
Trent Valley Archives 25th Anniversary
November 6, 2014, Peterborough (Ont.)
Exhibit - A Yukon Snapshot: Photos and Home Movies
November 7, 2014 - February 21, 2015, Whitehorse
North Lanark Regional Museum - Genealogy Workshop
November 12-15, 2014, Almonte (Ont.)
Photography Historians: a New Generation?
March 26-28, 2015, Toronto
Performing the Accidental Archive
April 17, 2015, Toronto
Personal Digital Archiving 2015
April 24-26, 2015, New York City
International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly
April 27-28, 2015, University of Stanford (California)
Government Information Day (Presentations Available)
October 16, 2014, Ottawa
Webinar - Transparency and Information Management Open Discussion Forum (Recordings Available)
October 22, 2014
Webinar - Mining Big Economic Data (Recordings Available)
October 28, 2014
Sur le web / On the web
Video - Library and Archives Canada Exhibition on the Franklin Expedition
New Website - Discovering Anzacs: about Australians and New Zealanders in World War I and the Boer War
Slidecast - The Europeana Strategy and Linked Open Data
Slidecast - Médiation numérique dans les GLAMs: crowdsourcing, réseaux sociaux, Open Data et autres initiatives
Video - An Introduction to the Basics of Research Data
Slidecast - DURAARK (Durable Architectural Knowledge) Workbench and PREMIS
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Bullets mark Library of Parliament; gunfight broke out just steps from workers
Erik Spicer was the youngest Parliamentary Librarian of Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada's Research Data Archiving Policy and Historians
Newly released records reveal B.C. history writer was a MI-5 spy who exposed Nazi sympathizers in WWII
WWI propaganda posters on display at Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage: University of Dalhousie Archives Releases Footage of “University of the Air” TV show
Université de Victoria - « J. M. », les mystérieuses initiales d'un artiste de la Grande Guerre
University of British Columbia iSchool Doctoral Candidate wins SSHRC Award to support her research on the Trustworthiness of Digital Photographs accessed and stored in Social Media Platforms
Win Tickets to Vancouver Archives Screenings
Université de Sherbrooke - Regards d’un historien sur les sciences humaines numériques
Introducing the LGBTQ Oral History and Digital Archives Collaboratory at the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives
Cape Breton culture gets new lease on life
Waterloo (Ont.) - Prospecting for open data
La maison de Jeanne Mance retrouvée en France
Rivière-du-Loup - Le Centre d’archives acquiert le fonds d’archives du club Rotary
What a Night: the 1st Annual Raising the Archives at South Peace Regional Archives (Alb.)
Vaughan (Ont.) - Preservation and Security in the Archives
Afrique / Africa
Kenya - Judiciary moves to eliminate missing file syndrome
Archivists of South African Broadcasting Corportation Radio Archives being interviewed about World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2014
South Africa museum dedicated to music heritage preservation
Patrimoine audiovisuel ivoirien: les archivistes locaux interpellés pour la préservation
Mali: Journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel édition 2014 : archives en danger, il reste beaucoup à faire
Madagascar - Patrimoine : les archives audiovisuelles en danger
Algérie - Le ministère des Moudjahidine ne détient aucune archive secrète
See Solomon Osagie Alonge's Rare Photographs of Nigerian Royal Court
Amériques / Americas
50 groups push Obama on Freedom of Information Act legislation
CIA Cannot be Trusted to Destroy Non-Senior Email
Why Netflix sends 'Orange is the New Black' to the Library of Congress on videotape and why the Library hopes that's going to change
Feds set to destroy H-1B records (Labor Condition Applications)
Surveyor Digitization Project Will Bring Thousands of Unseen Lunar Images to Light
Exploitation of Captured Japanese Documents by the Far Eastern Section, Foreign Intelligence Branch, of the Office of Naval Intelligence (OP-16-FE), 1944-1946
Prince of Persia creator donates dev archive to Museum of Play
Internet Archives - Building Libraries Together: New Tools for a New Direction
Civil war diary code cracked
In Rare Film, White Sox Before They Were Black Sox
Indiana to Digitize 13 Million Birth, Death, and Marriage Certificates
Alaska - Elders peek into past while helping sort museum's photo collection
Digital humanities on the rise at Stanford University
Stanford Libraries unearths the earliest U.S. website
Stanford University - Library archivists face contractual, technical challenges in preserving digital materials
Hidden Gem: Harvard’s Hiphop Archive
Folklorists partner with University of Maryland archives to create living archives of folk arts documentation
Wanted: Home for a Prized Trove, D. A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus’s Counterculture Archive
There's Now an Online Archive of Boston Park Documents Dating Back to 1875
New archive preserves Philadelphia art scene zines
The Story Behind the Brooklyn Bridge's Most Famous Photo
The Expansive Influence of an Archive: New Publication Honors Stephen Leiber
Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australia - Data retention bill introduced to parliament
Australia - National Archives crowd-sources data to flesh out the nation's World War I story
New Zealand - The conservation of George Murray Levick's notebook by the Antarctic Heritage Trust
Japan’s First Digital 3D Model of a Registered Historic Building to Aid in Preservation of Museum
Vietnam - Présentation de plus de 200 documents sur le Président Ho Chi Minh et la Russie
Hong Kong - Government urged to keep umbrella movement records
After a month of Hong Kong protests: guardians saving the movement's art
India - Declassified UK Archives Shed Light on Nehru, Netaji Aide
India - The disappearing Jewish community of Kolkata
National Portal and Digital Repository for Museums of India
Europe / Europa
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is Asking for Your Help in Figuring Out What These Archive Photos Show
Can Hollywood technology preserve minority sports?
German Government Data Portal: Ready to go
Trials in the German Democratic Republic suggested to be ethically ambiguous by archival records
Adolf Hitler's Personal Copy of Mein Kampf Offered for Sale
Russia Bans Wayback Machine Internet Archive Over Islamic State Video
Russia - Red Square Exhibit Sheds New Light on Soviet Cult of Lenin
Belarus - National Historical Archives in Grodno moves into new premises
Napoleon's conquest of Italy led to a copyright-fueled opera boom
Armenia - National Archive Chief Says Enough Documents to Bring Turkey to Court
After The Flash: Photography from the Atomic Archive
Suisse - Le loi révisée sur la protection des biens culturels entrera en vigueur le 1er janvier 2015
Belgique - Culture fédérale: La mémoire du pays est-elle en péril ?
Belgique - Le transfert des archives, une odyssée
Belgique - Seconde phase de numérisation à la Bibliothèque royale
France - L'Institut national de l'audiovisuel met en ligne plus d'un siècle d'archives sur le thème de la montagne
Mise en ligne de la base de données Documents d’archives concernant l'histoire polaire française
France - Suppression de l'épreuve de latin pour les Concours de conservateur du patrimoine (dans la spécialité archives)
Aerial photographs of Northern Ireland in online archive
Ireland - Diary reveals Temple Street hospital’s part in 1916 Rising
Ireland - What do we lose when records are digitised?
Landmark archive of 10 million Gaelic words launched
UK - Millions of orphan artworks and historic documents to be seen under new copyright laws
UK National Archives - Members appointed to the Advisory Council on National Records and Archives
UK National Archives - Spies and scandals in MI5 files
British security services archives focus on General Grivas from Cyrprus
Church of England to examine 1950s records in child abuse investigation
Video games culture deserves a national archive to rival those of books and film
Last wish of Ypres soldiers: I leave everything to mum
Denbighshire archive cuts could see historic documents destroyed
Manchester library unveils public gay history archive
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
National Library of Israel - From Kafka to Newton, the stories behind the books
1,000 Years of Scientific Texts From The Islamic World Are Now Online
Arab League calls for concerted efforts to restore stolen Arab archives
Israel stole 80,000 Palestinian books and manuscripts Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Al-Arabi said
De la photographie de guerre à la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel palestinien
Amid insurgency, Iraqi priest is guardian angel of ancient manuscripts
United Arab Emirates - Preserving world cinema for posterity
Armenia not ready to open its archives for investigation of 1915 events: Turkish Minister for EU Affairs
Twitter saves Twitpic's domain and photo archive at last minute
The Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals launches Archives webpage to mark the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
New Rhizome tool preserves net art for future generations
Digital Lessons From the Museum and Art World
Collection Appareils: a Comprehensive Online Archive of 10,000+ Beautiful and Odd Vintage Cameras
Running archived Android apps on a PC: first impressions
Preventing Digital Decay
PDF/A-3 vs. PDF
The True Cost of YouTube's Library of Everything
The Chapter: a History