Thursday 31 October 2019

Vol. 13, no. 9

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
British Columbia - Property Taxation Operational Records Classification System Amendment (for Comments)

British Columbia - Prosecution Services Operational Records Classification System Amendment (for Comments)

Vatican - Apostolic Letter in the Form of a Motu Proprio for the Change of the Name of the Vatican Secret Archive to the Vatican Apostolic Archive

De la communauté / From the community
Canadian Federation of Library Associations - A Plain-language Description of Bibframe and its Potential Impact on Canadian Libraries

Sedona Canada Commentary on Privacy and Information Security for Legal Service Providers: Principles and Guidelines (for Comments)

National Digital Stewardship Alliance - Levels of Digital Preservation 2.0

White Paper - Teaching with Digital Primary Sources: Literacies, Finding and Evaluating, Citing, Ethics, and Existing Models

OCLC - Public Libraries Respond to the Opioid Crisis with their Communities

Flexible API Standard for E-content National Information Standards Organization (for Comments)

First Draft - Essential Guide to Newsgathering and Monitoring on the Social Web

Article - Online Disinformation and the Role of Wikipedia

Archival Science, vol. 19, no. 4 (2019)

Journal of Film Preservation, no. 101 (2019)

Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, vol. 3, no. 3-4 (2019)

Outreach: the Newsletter of the Friends of the UK National Archives, vol. 6, no. 5 (2019)

La Pomme : bulletin périodique de la Fondation archives vivantes (Suisse), no 34 (2019)

The Burlington Historical Society (Ontario) Gazette, vol. 15, no. 9 (2019)

Free eBook - Image, Knife, and Gluepot: Early Assemblage in Manuscript and Print

Free eBook - Techniques for Electronic Resource Management: TERMS and the Transition to Open

Livrel gratuit - Exigeons de meilleures bibliothèques : plaidoyer pour une bibliothéconomie nouvelle

Book - The Passion Projects: Modernist Women, Intimate Archives, Unfinished Lives

Book - Trauma and Loss: Key Texts from the John Bowlby Archive

Book - A Window into Modern Iran: the Ardeshir Zahedi Papers at the Hoover Institution Library & Archive

Book - Matters of Belonging: Ethnographic Museums in a Changing Europe

Book - Data Breaches: Crisis and Opportunity

Book - Targeted: the Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower's Inside Story of how Big Data, Trump, and Facebook Broke Democracy and how it can Happen Again

Book - Pirates and Publishers: a Social History of Copyright in Modern China

Book - Defining National Heritage: the National Trust from Open Spaces to Popular Culture

Book - Museums, Infinity and the Culture of Protocols: Ethnographic Collections and Source Communities

Book - Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business

Book - War and Algorithm

Book - Peculiar Questions and Practical Answers: a Little Book of Whimsy and Wisdom from the Files of the New York Public Library

Book - Medicine at Monte Cassino: Constantine the African and the Oldest Manuscript of his Pantegni

Livre - Archiver la mémoire : de l'histoire orale au patrimoine immatériel

Livre - Trésors des bibliothèques et archives de Champagne-Ardenne

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Caring for Digital Collections: Professional Ethics and Decolonization
November 4, 2019, Winnipeg

When Dreams Came to Calgary: the Dawn of Moving Pictures in Calgary
November 13, 2019, Calgary

Here Are the Fragments: an Immersive Theatre Experience Inspired by the Psychiatric Writing of Frantz Fanon
November 19 - December 1, 2019, Toronto

Formation gratuite à Wikipédia sur le thème des figures féminines marquantes de l'histoire de Montréal
23 novembre 2019, Montréal

Fair Dealing Symposium 2020
February 26, 2020, Edmonton

Decolonising the Archives Research Residency Programme 2020
Submissions until November 14, 2019 for Submissions, London (UK)

Decolonising History
November 6, 2019, Birmingham (UK)

Webinar - Generating Metadata with Artificial Intelligence: Experience of the National Library of the Netherlands
November 8, 2019

Fantastic Futures: Libraries and Artificial Intelligence Conference
December 4-6, 2019, Stanford University

La restauration du papier
10-12 décembre 2019, Paris

Evidence: the Use and Misuse of Data
June 5, 2020, Philadelphia

Remembrance and Geomedia
July 7-10, 2020, Salzburg (Austria)

Australian Society of Archivists - Archives Amplified: Connect, Challenge, Reimagine
August 26-27, 2020, Brisbane

Sur le web / On the web
Portail international archivistique francophone - Nouveau site pour la bibliographie

Dalhouse University Library - ZomBool: a Video Game in which you Try to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse by Successfully Applying Search Strategies

LawBytes Podcast - Partisan Posts, Social Media, and Misinformation: Taylor Owen on What Actually Happened Online in the 2019 Election

United State Copyright Office - Learning Engine Video Series

Baladodiffusion  - Valérie Mréjen : je me suis emparée de certaines archives pour en faire des oeuvres

Slides -  Implementing Accessibility for Born-digital Material

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

International Council on Archives - The Approach to Designing Archives (by Ian Wilson)

Library and Archives Canada - Highlights of Hayward's photos for companies

Canadian Federation of Library Associations Upholds Intellectual Freedom

British Columbia first province to enshrine international standards for Indigenous rights

Heritage British Columbia steam locomotive enters the digital world

Provincial Archives of New Brunswick - The Largest Single Collection of UFO Material Is Being Cataloged

BAnQ - L'austérité a fait mal à la Grande Bibliothèque

Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec : notre vaisseau sans vent

Utiliser des oeuvres du domaine public n'a jamais été aussi simple grâce à BAnQ

BAnQ conclut un partenariat avec AMI-télé pour démocratiser l'accès au savoir et à la culture

BAnQ - Le fonds Famille Dufresne : un témoin direct du développement minier nord-côtier

Quebec - When it is Illegal to Repurpose Publicly Available Information for Commercial Purposes?

Introducing Omni: a New Academic Search Tool from 14 Ontario University Libraries

Librarians, archivists reach tentative deal with Western University

Western University leads celebration of Walt Whitman legacy

University of Manitoba - The Falcon Lake UFO Files

McGill University - Trial by fire (and water): safeguarding a world-class collection

McGill - In Storage No More! Discover the Visual Arts Collection's New Curated Spaces

University of British Columbia Digitizer's Blog - Main Mall then and now

Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto needs your help

Archives de Montréal - Les archives de Jean Drapeau sont maintenant disponibles

Rapport Malouf sur le coût des jeux de 1976 : la réponse du maire Drapeau rendue publique quelque 40 ans plus tard

Astérix à La Ronde? Jean Drapeau y pensait

Montreal - The Words and Music Show Becomes a Digital Archive

Vancouver - City completes BC Gay and Lesbian Archives collection digitization

City calls for help identifying key people and moments in Vancouver's LGBTQ2 history

City of Vancouver Archives - Archives Staff Share their Spookiest Record Discoveries

You Should Know about Vancouver's Long, Explosive Relationship with Halloween

Toronto Public Library - Ghost Towns of Ontario

Halloweens past: when pirates and clowns roamed Calgary's streets

Ottawa - Super library design set at five storeys as floor details emerge

Conservation des archives de Longueuil: qu'est-ce qui a été fait depuis 2006 ?

Kingston Frameworks presents we Remember: 100 Years of Kingston

Residential school exhibit at Peterborough Museum (Ontario) shares shameful past

A path to the past: history trail project taking shape in northern Quebec

Les archives historiques du Collège du Sacré-Coeur désormais entreposées au Centre d'archives Mgr-Antoine-Racine

Archives Bois-Francs - Jacques Baril fait don de ses archives

Centre d'archives régional des Îles-de-la-Madeleine - Clin d'oeil sur une fête d'Halloween en 1993

Montérégie - Des souvenirs scolaires mémorables conservés en archives

Lecture d'archives à voix haute : le cas du public scolaire

Our People at Work: Carlie Moloney, Cataloguing Librarian at Public Services and Procurement Canada

Larry Dohey, Kay Coxworthy Recognized by Museum Association

Afrique / Africa
Burkina Faso - Loi portant régime juridique des archives : le Parlement donne son quitus

Les archivistes togolais s'imprègnent des réalités du numérique

South Africa's copyright bill is good for digital archives. Here's why

From security guard to academic archivist: how University of South Africa shaped my life

Amériques / Americas
Student in Peru makes history by writing thesis in the Incas' language

Library of Congress - Quaint and Curious Forgotten (Copyright) Lore

Library of Congress - In the Library's Web Archives: Dig if you will the Pictures

Library of Congress - Sprinting toward a Lab: defining, connecting and writing a book in five days

Library of Congress - The (Cursed?) Original Book of Witchcraft

The priceless history inside the Reagan Library, narrowly saved from a fast-moving wildfire

Federal Judge Orders White House to Preserve Head of State Call Records (National Security Archive)

Society of American Archivists Representative Bill Maher Implores World Intellectual Property Organization to End Borders on Knowledge

Society of American Archivists Supports NARA Inquiry into Wilbur Ross' Use of Private Email to Conduct Government Business

The Untold Story of the Secret Mission to Seize Nazi Map Data

California governor gives OK for state, local agencies to destroy emails

Fire rages around famous California Getty museum, but priceless art is staying put

University of Hawaii Press releases 90 classic books as open-access titles

Brandeis University acquires archives of Jewish group that supported Soviet Jews

Steal this Archive? Abbie Hoffman's Papers Become a College Collection

Lost Lou Reed recording for Andy Warhol discovered by Cornell University musicologist

Disney Is Quietly Placing Classic Fox Movies into its Vault, and that's Worrying

We visited the Walt Disney Archives, usually only open to employees

Documenting the Undocumented: Archiving and recording the refugee experience

Artifificial intelligence scanned millions of books to create a historical index of national happiness

In Pittsburgh, Archivists Work to Preserve the World's Response to Mass Violence

Artificial intelligence can now read the thoughts of paralysed patients as they imagine they are writing

The Talented Patricia Highsmith's Private Diaries Are Going Public

Moneta Sleet: the great black photographer you've never heard of

Teaching with Digital Humanities: a Toolkit for Western History in the Digital Age

#Askanarchivist Day 2019: the Twitter Takeover

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
National Archives of Australia runs up legal bill in face of budget cuts

National Library of Australia - Improving records for First Nations collections

Fears Australia's film and television history could be lost forever

Australians respond to media campaign that calls out creeping culture of secrecy

Queensland Government Recordkeeping (Australia) - Requirements requirements

New Zealand - Digital platform to ease access of te reo Maori for 21st century conversations

Japan - Foreign Ministry refused to release records already made public

Archives show Japan studied forcible mobilization of Korean labor during World War II

Bangladesh - Government to set up digital archive on Bangabandhu

India - Diwali's visual archive: lights on the canvas

Europe / Europa
National Archives of Finland - Pilot project of mass digitisation

Spy Photos from Communist Czechoslovakia

Migrating Russian eagles run up huge data roaming charges

Spain's atonement: how the country plans to make amends for killing Jews during the Inquisition

In Pursuit of the Elusive Spanish Forger

Venice time machine project suspended amid data row

Exhibition marks 50th anniversary of the Gibraltar National Archives

Armenia -  European Union experts visit is over, they will support digitization of Cadastre archives

Vatican - Cardinal Mendonça: les Archives apostoliques, outil de fidélité à l'Évangile et à l'histoire

À la Bibliothèque nationale de France, une grève du personnel dénonce les difficultés de l'accueil des publics

La Bibliothèque nationale de France, ce sont des livres, mais aussi un fonds de 17.000 jeux vidéo

France : publication en chinois d'archives diplomatiques sur les origines des relations franco-chinoises

France - Le combat des droits photos

Ireland - Large cache of Troubles files kept hidden from legacy inquiries

Genealogists petition for early release of 1926 Irish census

The female detectives uncovering Scottish art's lost women

UK National Archives - The pannotype mystery: Part 1: historic photographic processes in Design Registers

UK National Archives - Reflections of a Bridging the Digital Gap trainee

UK National Archives - Skynet: the real communication satellite system

Black Cultural Archives Just Made Over 4,000 Items Available Online

British Army engineer reunited with letters found in loft

Unlocking museum archives in one click: Teesside (UK) duo pioneer artificial intelligence tool

Wish you were here: postcards from the 60s and 70s in pictures

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Palestinian National Library to collect Palestine's scattered archives

United Nations spotlights digitization of audiovisual archives to preserve human history on World Day

World's Largest Holocaust Archive is Now Making Their Records Available to Everyone on the Internet

The Importance of Preserving Videos of War Crimes

The Wayback Machine: Fighting Digital Extinction in New Ways

Internet Archives - Weaving Books into the Web: Starting with Wikipedia

The interaction between search engine caches and web archives

Deaccessioning in the Archives

Ancestry Debuts the World's Largest Digital Archive of Searchable Online Obituaries and Death Announcements, Powered by Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence

This supernerd might be on to something with digital archives for your stuff

Social justice is a library issue; libraries are a social justice issue

What to Do if you Encounter Paranormal Forces at the Library

Experts Optimistic about the Next 50 Years of Digital Life

Where the filthy things are: Pornhub says it hosts a staggering 11 petabytes of data, nearly 7,000 years of porn