Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
National Library of Australia - Trove: the terrors and triumphs of service-based social media
Public Record Office Victoria - Recordkeeping Implications of Social Media
JISC - Future Proofing: enabling practical preservation of born-digital records
La gouvernance documentaire dans les organisations françaises
Law Society of Scotland - Cloud Computing: Advice for the profession
Journal of the Society of Archivists, vol. 33, no. 1, 2012 (Special Issue: Community engagement and the Olympic and Paralympic Games)
Records Management Journal, vol. 22, no. 1 (2012)
The Reference Librarian, vol. 53, no. 2 (2012)
JISC Inform, no. 33 (Spring 2012)
British Standards Institution - PAS 198:2012 - Specification for managing environmental conditions for cultural collections
Booklet - Save As...: Basic Rules for Digital Preservation
Book - Managing Canadian Electronic Records: Electronic Records Management, Document Management & E-Discovery in Canada
Book - Publishing, Digital Information and Society: New Models of Information Production, Distribution and Consumption
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
4-7 October 2012, Barcelona
Semantic Technologies & Linked Data for Digitized Collections (video available)
March 7, 2012, New York
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
The book: history and practice workshop (video available)
March 12, 2012, Dublin
Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada Podcast - The Lest We Forget Project
UK - New website for the archives sector launched
Archives Portal Europe (final version)
CURATE: The Digital Curator Game
Video - CNI: Crowd Sourcing Metadata
Video - Oublier l'oubli : mémoire et traçabilité numérique
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Budget - National museums, Canada Council spared cuts, Library and Archives, NAC, NFB, Telefilm see reductions over 3 years
Auditor-General battles B.C. for access to documents in corruption case
Judge upset by RCMP records backlog
New Irish Famine documents shed light on incredible nuns and priests in Canada
Ville de Québec - Gilles Lamontagne lègue ses «secrets»
Afrique / Africa
Google launches Nelson Mandela digital archive
Zimbabwe - Chigwedere consults national archives
Amériques / Americas
Obama administration unveils Big Data Initiative
Justice accused of hindering multi-agency Freedom of Information Act website
Archives crowdsources advice on federal e-records management
National Archives Announces Discovery of "Hitler Albums" Documenting Looted Art
California - Council Votes To End Implementation Of $1.9 Billion Court Records System
Florida - Digitalizing Duval courthouse making up for loss of manpower, clerk of court says
San Francisco State University’s Labor Archives and Research Center earns RUSA award for preservation and promotion of labor history
An Archival History of Women’s Education at Harvard
Getty gets NEH grant to organize huge contemporary art archive
Transmissions from The Timothy Leary Papers: Applying Archival Processing
Unpublished Letters Written by Ernest Hemingway Made Available for the First Time by JFK Library
“Empire Strikes Back” and “Raiders of the Lost Ark” Visual Effects Producer Thomas Smith donates collection
Talking about Storage Solutions for the “Lone Arrangers”
Europe / Europa
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
The Parsis, Once India’s Curators, Now Shrug as History Rots
http://india.blogs.nytimes. com/2012/03/23/the-parsis- once-indias-curators-now- shrug-as-history-rots/
China - Protection of old footage has long way to go
Historian uncovers Australia's censored books
Philippine - Archdiocesan Archives’ digital collection launched
Malaysia - National archives to digitise collections
Japan releases POW files
European Computer and Video Game Archives and Museums Joining Forces to Preserve Gaming Legacy
Spain moves toward freedom of information law amid widespread disgust over corruption
Dutch Broadcaster Releases Footage for Re-use
Historians call for faster access to Václav Havel archives
France - Échec de la vente d'un manuscrit de Jean Jaurès faute d'offre suffisante
France: Law on Digital Exploitation of Unavailable Books
UK - Government consults on revised archive plans for 'non-print' content
UK National Archives - Discover more than 300,000 naturalisation records
British Film Institute National Archive acquires over 20,000 COI films
Make your history part of Kent’s history
Victorian Newcastle brought to life in photographic treasure trove
Exeter Cathedral: How do you move 70,000 archives?
New George Harrison guitar solo uncovered
Le gouvernement israélien privatise les archives nationales
American University in Cairo digitial library preserves Egypt’s cultural treasures
Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) becomes an ISO standard
Drowning in Email, Photos, Files? Hoarding Goes Digital
Google Apps Debuts Archiving And Records Management System For Businesses, Vault
As 60th anniversary nears, tape reinvents itself
The Value of a Broken Link