Thursday 25 February 2021

Vol. 14, no. 21

                                                     Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Library and Archives Canada - Departmental Plan 2021–2022

Chaire de recherche en exploitation des ressources informationnelles (Daniel J. Caron) - Transformation de l'administration publique vers le numérique et gestion documentaire : revue de la littérature et réflexion sur l'avenir

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision (New Zealand's Audiovisual Archives) - Briefing to the Incoming Ministers

Archives nationales de Luxembourg - Tableau de tri du Service des médias et des communications

De la communauté / From the community
Royal Society of Canada - Remembering is a Form of Honouring: Preserving the COVID-19 Archival Record

Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Strengthening Canadian User Rights through Shared Understanding: Adapting the Codes of Best Practices in Fair Use for Canada

International Council on Archives - Public release of Records in Contexts-Ontology 0.2

Digital Preservation Coalition - Technology Watch Guidance Note: Which Checksum Algorithm should I Use?

Digital Preservation Coalition - Pragmatic Audiovisual Preservation Technology Watch Report

Society of American Archivists Case Study - Our Sustained Commitment to Native Communities: Adoption of the Protocols as Ongoing Collection Management Process

Society of American Archivists Case Study - Personalizing the History of Mathematics through Institution-Specific Archival Materials

Digital Repository of Ireland - Using Digital Archives for Academic Research

American Land Title Association & Property Records Industry Association - Information Shielding: Best Practices and FAQ

Association of European Research Libraries - Best Practices for Library Linked Open Data (LOD) Publication

Association of Southeastern Research Libraries - Future Thinking: ASERL's Resource Guide to Controlled Digital Lending for Research Libraries

International Journal of Information, Diversity & Inclusion, vol. 5, no. 1 (2021) 

African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, vol. 30, no. 2 (2020)

Library Management, vol. 42, no. 1-2 (2021)

Burlington Historical Society (Ontario) Gazette, vol. 17, no. 3 (2021)

Free eBook - The Restoration of Engravings, Drawings, Books, and Other Works on Paper

Book - Crafting Anatomies: Archives, Dialogues, Fabrications

Book - FBI Files on Mexicans and Chicanos, 1940-1980: the Eagle is Watching

Book - Treasures of the New York Public Library

Book - Sharing your Family History Online: a Guide for Family Historians

Book - History on the Run: Secrecy, Fugitivity, and Hmong Refugee Epistemologies

Book - Intellectual Property and the Law of Ideas

Book - Managing Microsoft Teams: MS-700 Exam Guide

Book - Word Association Thematic Analysis: a Social Media Text Exploration Strategy

Book - Towards a Digital Epistemology: Aesthetics and Modes of Thought in Early Modernity and the Present Age

Book - Photogrammetric Survey for the Recording and Documentation of Historic Buildings

Livre - Archives nationales d'outre-mer : mode d'emploi

Livre - Nostalgies contemporaines : médias, cultures et technologies

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
The S. J. V. Chelvanayakam Fonds at the University of Toronto Scarborough Libary Archives: Virtual Launch
February 26, 2021

World Information Architecture Day Toronto 2021
February 27, 2021

Canadian Association of Research Libraries - The who, what, and where of Persistent Identifiers: a Six-part Webinar Series Devoted to All Things PID
March 3 - May 12, 2021

Ontario Jewish Archives - Celebrate International Women's Day by Honouring Dr. May Cohen
March 8, 2021

Fédération des milieux documentaires - Introduction au Web sémantique
9 mars 2021

New Works - Victoria Lemieux: Searching for Trust
March 24, 2021

Virtual Book Discussion - As a Matter of Fact: Convincing the World that Archives Matter
March 25, 2021

An Introduction to the Manitoba Archival Information Network
March 29, 2021

Digital Humanities Summer Institute - East
April 26-30, 2021

Curating Online Exhibitions
February 26, 2021

Fictioning Archives and the Future of Archival Silences
March 2, 2021

International and National Copyright Policy Action for Open Access
March 8, 2021

Multilingual Publishing in Digital Humanities
March 10, 2021

Digital Archive and Canon
March 10, 2021

Indiana University - Archives of African American Music and Culture (AAAMC) Virtual Tour
March 10, 2021

Tips for Security and Compliance in Microsoft Teams
March 11, 2021

Fair Forever? Fairer for Longer: Digital Preservation and the European Open Science Cloud
March 18, 2021

The Shock of the Record: why Archives Matter
March 18, 2021

Collaborating for Impact: Creating a Racial Justice Blog Series to Connect the Past to the Present
March 25, 2021

Archives and Records Association Section for New Professionals - Dissertation Showcase #1
March 25, 2021

Archival Imaginaries
April 2, 2021

Immaterial Archives: an African Diaspora Poetics of Loss
April 9, 2021

Methodologies of Working in Cold War Archives: Facts, Values and Archival Ecologies
October 14-16, 2021

2021 International Conference of Indigenous Archives, Libraries, and Museums
November 29 - December 1, 2021, Washington D.C.

Sur le web / On the web
Library and Archives Canada - A New Google Map to Search for Indigenous-related Collection Items

Heritage Newfoundland Video - Folklore DIY Tip of the Day: how to Make a Tape Log for a Recorded Audio Interview

Simon Fraser University - New Digital Collection: Dispatches from the Poetry Wars

Simon Fraser University Archives - Github Site

From the Vaults: Audio from Edmonton's Past - An Interview with Maisie Hamilton

Historical Reminiscents Podcast - No Meeting Days

Society of American Archivists Video - Encoded Archival Standards: a Primer

Video - The Black Index: Archiving Black Creativity & Resistance

Vidéo - Mémoir (chives) : une journée d'étude à découvrir

Scottish Council on Archives Podcast - Professor Michelle Caswell 

New Website - European Internet Archive

Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (Hungary) Online Exhibition - Records Uncovered: Gay and Lesbian Histories in Central and Southeastern Europe, 1945-1999

Slides - The Current State of Freedom of Information (in Ontario)

Slides - From Collections as Data to Collections as Infrastructure: Building the GLAM Workbench

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Online discussion about Canadian Government Consultation paper on how to implement an extended general term of copyright protection in Canada

Library and Archives Canada - Denied Entry

Library and Archives Canada - The extraordinary life of John Freemont Smith: a Black History Month Co-Lab challenge

Library and Archives Canada - Co-Lab Updates for February

Preserving the past through home video, Manitoba Home Movie Archive project reopens

Saskatchewan Treaty Commissioner - Treaty archives now organized, available on line

Québec - Fermeture de la bibliothèque du ministère de la Culture

University of Toronto researchers train artificial intelligence to read difficult-to-decipher medieval texts

Université Laval - Soyez écoresponsable : gérez vos courriels

Les archives religieuses au Québec : bien public patrimonial ?

Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia - Southern Africa Diaspora Part II: Apartheid

Le Centre des archives fransaskoises s'est offert un numériseur dernier cri

Ottawa - Why a decades-old dispute over Algonquin ancestry is key to a city hall controversy

Vancouver Archives - Acquisition Demystified: Community Contributions to the Archives

Eleven Vintage Crowd Photos in Toronto that Now Seem Otherworldly

South Peace Regional Archives (Alberta) - What's the Deal with the Watermark?

Summerland Museum and Archives Society (British Columbia) launches membership drive

Bowen Island Museum & Archives (British Columbia) seeking street name histories

Centre d'archives régionales du Séminaire de Nicolet - Les faux sauniers et le peuplement de la Nouvelle-France

Centre d'archives régionales du Séminaire de Nicolet - Pierre Pépin Ancêtre des Laforce du Québec

Oxford County Archives (Ontario) - National Cook a Sweet Potato Day

Whistler Museum and Archives Society - Finding a Space

Montreal publisher launches online campaign to add Cree to Google's translation software

Diary of a postwar Saint John housewife contains revelations for historian granddaughter

Un fauteuil sur la Seine, un regard vers le passé par les archives

Afrique / Africa
Amériques / Americas
Juridiction spéciale pour la paix - Une politique institutionnelle d'archivage en Colombie

NARA - Spotlight: Finding Footage for National History Day Projects

Library of Congress - Doing History with Born Digital Files: the Rhoda Métraux and Edward Lorenz Papers

Library of Congress - The Marrakesh Treaty in Action: Exciting Progress in Access to Published Works for the Blind and Print-Disabled Communities

Library of Congress Acquires Courtroom Sketches of Trials on Police Brutality Against Rodney King

Library of Congress - Black History Portraits: the Famous and the Forgotten

Library of Congress - Afro-Latinos: Shaping the American story

National Library of Medicine - Nursing and Libraries: Powerful Forces in Motion

Obama Presidential Center groundbreaking set for early fall

Groups press Biden to commit to transparency

ArchiveSocial Preserves Presidential History: Curating more than 20 terabytes of Trump social media records for public access

National Gallery of Art Announces Launch of Kress Collection Digital Archive

Society of American Archivists - Spotlight on Digital Collections: Black History Month

Forgotten blueprints of segregated hospitals in Georgia brought to light

Stanford University archive to highlight Black histories of Silicon Valley

Yale University - Beinecke to make Frederick Douglass and Douglass Family Papers collection available to the public

University of California Berkeley - The Intersection of Archives and Natural History

University of Iowa - The Digital Sixties: Bridging Generations and Scholarship in Online Archives: Part 1: Uptight and Laid-back: Iowa City in the 1960s

Time is of the essence for Auburn University Archives in saving videotapes

West Point football was all-White until 1966. So why does this 1920s photo show an all-Black squad?

The National Jazz Museum in Harlem Announces Online Museum Access through Google Arts and Culture

Once buried, a cache of images from Poland's Lodz Ghetto emerges at the Boston's Museum of Fine Arts

The national archives of the Presbyterian Church digitizes records of historic Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church

Mystery of 60-year-old Alaska tourist photos is solved

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
National Archives of Australia - Together we'll show the world: Telecom Expo Info

Rare manuscript from Spain to be given to University of Guam

South Korea launches integrated health information management app

India - Conserving a glimpse of Kerala's political history

Europe / Europa
Europeana - Frederick Douglass in Europe: transatlantic perspectives on American abolitionist and anti-slavery campaigner

Europeana - Mother tongues: four languages of the African diaspora

Identity Reconstruction : Summary of the research project undertaken by the Auschwitz Museum and the Arolsen Archives

Czech Film Archive begins unboxing treasures from director Ivan Passer’s estate

Dive into personal photo archives from the Balkans with this crowdsourced Instagram account

Les services secrets allemands cachent des fichiers Eichmann: un historien français dépose une plainte

National Library of Luxembourg  - Collaborative collecting at

France - Profession : archiviste paléographe

Un timbre pour célébrer les 200 ans de l'École nationale des Chartes

The 120 Days of Sodom: France seeks help to buy 'most impure tale ever written

Projet de doctorat à l'Institut national du patrimoine (France) - L'intelligence artificielle au service de la conservation-restauration : l'utilisation de la segmentation sémantique pour l'évaluation sanitaire des registres du Parlement de Paris conservés au Archives nationales

Comment le journal l'Équipe a numérisé cinq millions d'archives photos en quinze mois

Scots prison's Victorian mugshot helps solve century-old family mystery in Australia

UK Government - New guidance for publishing data

UK Parliamentary Archives - Haunted Glass and Hidden History: details from our photographic collections

UK National Archives - Artificial intelligence and archives: current challenges and prospects of digital and born-digital archives

UK National Archives - The extraordinary life of Douglas Bader

UK National Archives - Fanny and Stella: piecing together LGBTQ+ histories and telling the stories

British Library - 250,000 sounds preserved by Unlocking Our Sound Heritage

British Library - Qur'an manuscripts from Southeast Asia digitised by the Endangered Archives Programme

Georgian Collections in the British Library

British Library - Illuminated Canon Tables

Behind the scenes at the British Library: John Lee, Publisher, and Maria Vassilopoulos, Publishing Sales and Marketing Manager

Lloyd's seeks archivist to investigate slave trade links

Everyday Muslim Heritage and Archive Initiative - Keeping the Past Alive Online

Norwich Castle: fascinating medieval manuscripts to be restored

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
National Library of Israel - One of the World's Oldest Esther Scrolls Comes Home

Egypt: Treasure trove of Christian manuscripts never included in Bible found in church

Les archives de la Société des Nations : un patrimoine bientôt en ligne

Dans les pays anglo-saxons, des destructions d'archives inquiétantes

Artprice's archive is the global alternative after the closure to art professionals of Christie's London archives

Foundations of Visual Literacy: Historic Preservation and Image Management

What's in a format

Theory of Bitcoin looks at how Bitcoin handles long-term document retention

Using PhotoRec to Recover Deleted Photos from a Memory Card