Thursday 28 September 2017

Vol. 11, no. 4

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
Creative Canada Policy Framework

Information Commissioner of Canada - Failing to Strike the Right Balance for Transparency: Recommendations to improve Bill C-58: An Act to Amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act

Archives de l'État en Belgique - Version actualisée du tableau de tri des archives du pouvoir judiciaire

De la communauté / From the community
UNESCO Persist - Report on National Policies and Strategies of the Preservation of Digital Heritage

Canadian Association of Research Libraries - Highlights from 2015-16 Statistical Survey of Canadian Academic and Research Libraries

Association des archivistes suisses - Livre blanc : portail d'archives

Association of College & Research Libraries - Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research

Software Heritage - Why and How to Preserve Software Source Code

National Information Standards Organization - Issues in Vocabulary Management

Historic Libraries Forum - 2017 Library Management System Survey Results

Digital Library Perspectives, vol. 33, no. 3 (2017)

Marges : revue d'art contemporain, no 25, 2017 (numéro spécial : Archives)

Journal of the Japan Society for Archival Science, no. 25 (2016)

National Archives of Australia - Government Agencies Information Network Newsletter, no. 5 (2017)

Library of Congress Magazine, vol. 6, no. 5 (September/October 2017)

Chroniques de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, no 80 (2017)

Mennonite Historian: a Publication of the Mennonite Heritage Archives (Manitoba), vol. 43, no. 3 (2017)

Saanich Archives (B.C.) Newsletter (2017)

Grey Litterature Network Services Quarterly Newsletter, vol. 9, no. 4 (2017)

Master's Thesis (Archival Studies, University of Manitoba) - Toward a Collaborative Online Framework for Archival Representation

Book - Generali in History: Tales from the Archive 

Book - Defining Documents in World History: the 18th Century (1701-1800)

Book - Marketing your Library's Electronic Resources: a How-to-do-it Manual (Second Edition)

Book - Firecrackers: Female Photographers Now

Book - Gile's War: Cartoons 1939-1945

Book - The Politics of Postmemory: Violence and Victimhood in Contemporary Argentine Culture

Book - How to Teach: a Practical Guide for Librarians (Second Edition)

Book - The Anatomy of a Museum: an Insider's Guide

Book - Memory and the Management of Change: Repossessing the Past

Book - Coloring in the Lions: a Coloring Book: Vintage Art from the Archives of the New York Public Library

Book - Photographing the Fallen: a War Graves Photographer on the Western Front 1915-1919

Livre - Expérimenter les humanités numériques : des outils individuels aux projets collectifs

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
The Faraway Nearby: Photographs of Canada from the New York Times Photo Archive 
September 13 - December 10, 2017, Toronto

City of Toronto Archives - Wide Open World: a Celebration of the Suburbs in Toronto
Starting September 21, 2017, Toronto

McGill @ Expo 67
October 2 - December 21, 2017, Montreal

Centre régional d'archives de l'Outaouais - W. D. Richer, curé hors de l'ordinaire à Val-des-Bois 
12 octobre 2017, Gatineau

Conférence Infonuagique 101
25 octobre 2017, Montréal

NARA - Women and the Supreme Court
October 5, 2017, Washington D.C. (and Livestream)

Fundraising for Archives: Developing a Fundraising Strategy
November 1, 2017, Edinburgh

Archiver le temps présent : les fabriques alternatives d'archives 
26-27 avril 2018, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique)

International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centre Conference 2018
July 22-27, 2018, Leipzig (Germany)

International Data Week 2018: the Digital Frontiers of Global Science
October 22-26, 2018, Gaborone (Botswana)

Sur le web / On the web
Directory of Corporate Archives in the United States and Canada (Revised Edition)

Video - Our Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada's Gatineau Preservation Center (Until 11:00)

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto) - Historical Timeline Slideshow

Patrimathèque : des archives audiovisuelles pour découvrir le patrimoine français

Digital Preservation - Finland

Video - Overview of the OO-IO (Outer OAIS-Inner OAIS) 

Podcast - Personal Recordkeeping in the Digital Age

Slidecast - Always on the Move: Transient Software and Data Migration

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Rethinking Crown copyright law  

Canada Pushes Back Against U.S. Copyright Demands in NAFTA

Justin Trudeau should finish the job on access to information: Editorial

National Association for Information Destruction Canada before the House of Commons Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics

Library and Archives Canada - Web Archiving the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Library and Archives Canada - Stony Mountain Penitentiary

Library and Archives Canada - Guest curator: Annabelle Schattmann

Where is she buried? Government prepares database on Inuit tuberculosis graves

RCMP inks deal to return Louis Riel artifacts to Métis people

Ontario - Dalton McGuinty aide instructed staff to destroy gas-plant e-mails, court told

Saskatchewan soldier's Victoria Cross sold for $550K at auction

Archives of Manitoba - Third Canadian Division Athletic Meet, September 21st, 1917

Québec - Le ministre Luc Fortin annonce le lancement d'un appel de projets pour la documentation et la numérisation d'éléments patrimoniaux

Québec - Testament écrit sur un support technique : nul comme testament olographe

BAnQ - Le grand éboulement de Québec : une tragédie oubliée?

BAnQ - Une vision de la Belgique libérée

Alberta - Researchers aim to create archives of heritage structures in a digital world

Guelph University researcher's farm diaries shed new light on rural Ontario life

Insects shown in video from University of Saskatchewan library not bed bugs

University of Waterloo Special Collections and Archives - Portia White's debut

Université de Montréal - Vers un plus grand partage des données de la recherche scientifique

Regroupement des archivistes religieux - Soyons fiers de nos 40 ans

Vancouver - Habitat Forum photographs now online

In Victoria school archives, a treasure trove of art

Thunder Bay - City Archives Unveils Inductees into Women's History Month Exhibit

Windsor Public Library Cherishes Past, Looks to the Future

Banff stock photo shows evolution of female representation

Kingston - Exhibit displays names of Canadians killed in WWI 

Kitchener - Library project exploring stories behind people's tattoos

Bibliothèque de la danse Vincent-Warren - Patrimoine: 8000 archives de danse accessibles en un clic

Oliver & District Heritage Society (B.C.) - Archives Backlog Completed

Que sont les manuscrits devenus ?

Traces: des archives d'ici prennent voix et vie

Normandie : des Québécois en quête de leurs racines

Tech Learning in the Archives

Cultural Appropriation and the Practice of History

Il y a 175 ans, en Gaspésie, William Logan entreprenait l'exploration géologique du Canada

How I Work: Eleonore Shaffer, MLIS student in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at Western University

Afrique / Africa
Rwanda - Genocide: France Can Keep the Archives the Truth Is there for All to See

Liberia - National Archives, a Vibrant Research Hub in the Making

An update from Open Burkina 

South Africa - Declassified: Apartheid Profits Behind the Iron Curtain

Amériques / Americas
Ouragan Irma : comment les archives de Saint-Martin vont aider à la reconstruction 

Colombia recovers copy of declaration of independence that got lost in guerrilla attack

Visite de terrain aux archives chiliennes

The ultimate guide to searching CIA's declassified archives

U.S. Government Publishing Office - Digitized Bound Congressional Record for the 1920s Now Available

NARA - The Digitization of 26-LG

NARA - Help Advance Open Government

Library of Congress - Federal Courts Web Archive Launched

Lincoln Presidential Library obtains southern Illinois family's treasured documents

Obama's promises for presidential center may not be enough this time for African-Americans

One Library of Medicine, Many Worlds

14 boxes of Jack Ruby records become public next week

Decades-old documentary films preserve snapshots of Alaska Native cultures

Digitization of Arizona historic newspapers to continue to preserve history

Texas State Library and Archives - FAQ: Are text messages records? (redux)

University of Texas - Michael Ondaatje opens archive to reveal his writing methods

Indiana University - Spock's Ears: the Story of an Unexpected Donation

Emory University acquires letter to Jack Kerouac that inspired On the Road

Banned, burned, and now rebuilding: comics collections in libraries

A New Tool for Deep-Down Data Mining

Where does Hollywood store its precious film reels? Underground, near Kansas City

We're running out of time: one woman's quest to save Baltimore television history

Denver Museum Released Huge Online Archive from One of America's Most Secretive Artists

In a Lost Essay, a Glimpse of an Elusive Poet and Slave

Book of Mormon sets new record for most expensive manuscript ever sold

Meet the Engineer Preserving the Last Analog Motion Graphics Machine

Asie-Pacifique / Asia-Pacific
Australian Society of Archivists and Archives and Records Association of New Zealand - Memorandum of Understanding

State Archives and Records Authority of New South Wales (Australia) - Microsoft Office 365 in New South Wales Government agencies: jump in and start swimming quickly or try to achieve recordkeeping by design?

Taiwan - Treasure online archive of US documents opens

In search of roots, young Taiwanese dig through foreign archives

India - Kerala Archives department takes the tech route to the history channel

Pakistan - Bakhshali manuscript throws new light on rich history of Gandhara

Europe / Europa
Historical Archives of the European Union - Discover our Digital Preservation System Project

Expatriate Archive Centre - The Exception to the Rule

Card File of the Jewish Population in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia

Korea in the Bulgarian Archives, 1945-1995: an Introduction 

Suisse - Frontières d'archives : entretien avec Jean-François Bert (Université de Lausanne)

Concealing Genocide archives is a ploy by France to feign innocence

Lancement d'une souscription pour la restauration de documents historiques de Napoléon Ier

National Library of Ireland - Acquires Major W.B. Yeats Treasures

Behind the masks: new digital archive documents Northern Ireland's history

Trinity College reveal eight rare and fascinating ancient manuscripts online

Launching the Welsh Music Archive

A look back at the '97 Referendum using the National Library of Wale's electronic resources

The UK National Archives celebrates the achievements of archive trainees

UK National Archives - Ship Money, Charles I and the Privy Council 

UK National Archives - The Partition of British India: engaging new, diverse audiences 

UK National Archives - The spider man's legacy in British animation 

UK National Archives - Recreating the Caravan: london's greatest bohemian rendezvous

British Library - Collecting Webcomics in the UK Web Archive

1,000-Year-Old Illustrated Manuscript of Herbal Remedies Available Online

Documents that Kim Philby passed to USSR on display for first time

Rubens' Duke of Buckingham found after 400 years

University of Manchester - Rare Iranian newspaper archive documents 1979 Revolution

Brunel University London - Whose history is that in those national film archives?

This Guy Is Digitizing the VHS History of Video Games

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Ancient prayer book donated to National Library of Israel

United Arab Emirates - The National Archives announces the extension of working hours to 12 hours a day

Nancy Dupree, American historian who spent decades preserving Afghanistan's heritage, dies at 90

National Hockey League puts historical stats at your fingertips

Historical data: hidden in the past

Towards Strategies for Making Legacy Software Curation-Ready

Software Heritage and repository metadata: a software citation solution

Metadata and power: toward relational agency in archival description

How to open your messed up files

Publish or perish, quand la science met les chercheurs sous pression 

A response to Elsevier's insights into making the transition to open access possible