Friday, 22 January 2010

Vol. 3, no. 1

Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Shared Infrastructure: Services Landscape Study: A survey of the use of Web 2.0 tools and services in the UK HE sector
AUS - A Landscape Study of Shared Infrastructure Services in the Australian Academic Sector
Hungary introduces mandatory open standards for public institutions
France - Rapport Tessier sur la numérisation du patrimoine écrit
NA (UK) Surveying the country's religious archival heritage
De la communauté / From the community
RLG Draft Report on Digital Cameras in the Reading Room
France  - Wiki InfoDoc - projet collaboratif piloté par la FADBEN (Fédération des Enseignants documentalistes de l'Education Nationale)
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) -  Data Management Awareness Toolkit
Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter - January 2010
First issue of Digital content quarterly
Documentation Magazine, nº 15 - January-February, 2010
D-lib Magazine - January-february 2010
Revue Documents numériques, thème "Documents annotés et langages d’indexation", volume 12 –2009/1
SPA Bulletin d'information, janvier 2010
Volume: Le développement de l’intelligence informationnelle : les acteurs, les défis, la quête de sens
Revue Documentaliste-Sciences de l'Information,  thème Indicateurs de la recherche et politique documentaire, vol. 46, no 4 2009
New Publication - The New Museum Community: Audiences, Challenges, Benefits
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Call for papers - Joint IASA/AMIA Conference 
November 2-6 2010
Research Data Access and Preservation Summit: An ASIS&T Summit
April 9-10, 2010
Appel à communication - Congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec
3 au 5 novembre 2010
6th International Digital Curation Conference - "Participation & Practice: growing the Curation Community through the data decade" 
6-8 December 2010
Le programme provisoire de l’ECA2010 (Genève) est disponible en ligne
Empowering users: an active role for user communities
15-16 December 2009, Florence, Italy
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Afrique / Africa
Egyptian library merges modern technology with ancient relics
Creation of national archive of Angola

Amériques / Americas
ICA Statement about the situation in Haïti
IFLA - The building of the National library of Haïti is safe
Latest on the earthquake in Haïti from IFLA and the global library community
ICBS Statement on the Earthquake in Haiti
Message from the ICOMOS President following the earthquake in Haiti
HAITI: Quake devastates universities, kills academics
Urgence Haïti. Pour que vive et résiste la culture haïtienne
Dossier de presse
Argentina: Declassification of Military Records on Human Rights
Why Did the Bush White House Copy and Print Every Email It Received
UK- Data breaches to incur up to £500,000 penalty
UK- BBC: What happens inside the National Archives? (Video)
Ireland - Storage problems with State papers
Netherland -  Secret Royal Family archives disclosed

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
In Israel, a tangled battle over the papers of Franz Kafka

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