Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations - Towards Open Government Metadata
France - Amélioration de la relation numérique à l'usager: rapport issu des travaux du groupe "Experts Numériques"
OCLC - Taking Stock and Making Hay: Archival Collections Assessment
Cineaste, vol. 36, no.4, Fall 2011 (Special Issue on Film Preservation)
Program: electronic library and information systems, vol. 45, no. 4 (2011)
Service interministériel des Archives de France - Bulletin sur les ressources archivistiques numériques, no 43 (septembre 2011)
Book - The future of looking back (first book in the Microsoft Research series from Microsoft Press)
Book - Essential Law for information Professionals, 3rd edition
Livre - Les livres dans l'univers numérique
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Exhibiting Archival Materials
November 4, 2011, Edmonton
Digital Humanities Summer Institute
5-8 June 2012, University of Victoria
2011 CBA Privacy Law Conference and 7th International Conference of Information Commissioners
October 3-5, 2011, Ottawa
ARMA International 57th Annual Conference & Expo
September 21 – 26, 2012, Chicago
Actes du 39e congrès de l'Association des Archivistiques du Québec
3 au 5 juin 2010, Victoriaville
Sur le web / On the web
Outils / Tools
Podcast - Nova Scotia Public Archives at CBC discussing the @Photopolis crowdsourcing project
The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
NARA Now Available on iTunes
Guardian's Tech podcast: Creating a digital public space
Video - A Brief History of Digital Data
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Feds appeal judge's order to open up RCMP security file on Tommy Douglas
Library and Archives Canada digitizes past issues of the Canada Gazette (1841-1997)
P.E.I. shines in national access to information audit
Newfoundland - NDP Promise Overhaul of Access to Information Act
Members lament B.C. Freedom of Information Act is a shell of what it once was
Burnaby played role in Freedom of information laws
BANQ - Des certificats d'agrément remis à trois sociétés d'histoire du Lac-Saint-Jean
Ted Harrison donates archives to University of Victoria
University of Western Ontario Librarians and Archivists Strike Ends As Both Sides Ratify New Agreement
Afrique / Africa
African Platform on Access to Information adopted at conference in Cape Town
Numérisation des archives audiovisuelles de la TV tunisienne
Amériques / Americas
Bermuda's archivist put on administrative leave
U.S. Federal Player of the Week: Archivist of the presidential gifts and records
NARA - Online Access To The Founding Fathers Papers
The Fight Over the Future of Digital Books
Former National Archives employee accused of stealing from agency that safeguards US records
Presidential historian accused in document theft case wants to sell Warhol print, other art
Frank Driggs, Collector of Jazz Photos, Dies at 81
Billionaire Donates Elliott Erwitt's Print Archive to Ransom Center (Texas)
Europe / Europa
National Archives a window to a compassionate Australia
EU - TV Archives Join Linked Open Data Movement
Armenia’s National Archive contains 350 million documents
Belgium Launches Data Portal
France - Archives diplomatiques : transfert ou... pas ?
France - Les Archives nationales choisissent le Groupe Numen pour numériser leur 23 327 instruments de recherche
France - Les messages secrets du général de Gaulle
La chorégraphe Carolyn Carlson fait don de ses archives à la Bibliothèque nationale de France
Scotland - Note from author Rudyard Kipling found after 40 years on shelf
British Postal Museum and Archive under threat
The University of London, the British Library and JISC make ancient music books accessible to all
Alice in Wonderland manuscript released as ebook
UK - Saxophonist Peter to set up national Blues Archive
Archives of England's oldest swimming club unearthed in Brighton library
Steve Fuller: it's time for Humanity 2.0
Managing Information Risk and Archiving Social Media
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