Ressources / Resources
De l'État / From the State
British Library and Research Information Network - Information handling in collaborative research: an exploration of five case studies
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Guideline for External Use of Web 2.0
De la communauté / From the community
World Intellectual Property Organization - The Case for a Treaty on Exceptions and Limitations for Libraries and archives: Background Paper by IFLA, ICA, EIFL and INNOVARTE
A Surfboard for Riding the Wave: Towards a four country action programme on research data
IFLA Code of Ethics for Librarians (Draft)
Livre en ligne - L’historien, l’archiviste et le magnétophone : de la constitution de la source orale à son exploitation
Records Management Journal, vol. 21, no. 3 (2011)
VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems, vol. 41, no. 4 (2011)
Passim: bulletin des Archives littéraires suisses, no. 9 (2011)
Livre - Archives incandescentes: écrire, entre la psychanalyse, l'Histoire et le politique
Book - Image Matters: Archive, Photography, and the African Diaspora in Europe
Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
OCLC - ArchiveGrid Webinar Recording Now Available
Storing and Preserving Family Archives and Artifacts
3 March 2012, Ottawa
Slides from 'Intellectual Property Rights and Digital Preservation' now available
21 November 2011, Bristol
Présentations disponibles - La désacidification de masse : une technique de base pour la préservation des collections patrimoniales de bibliothèques et des archives
29 mars 2011, Paris
Sur le web / On the web
NARA - What's Next in the Social Media Revolution? (video)
L'intégralité des cours du Portail International Archivistique Francophone sont désormais disponibles en format PDF
Video - Talking Cloud Privacy
Outils / Tools
DAITSS (Dark Archive in the Sunshine State) software is available under a GPL v 3 license
Nouvelles du monde / News from the world
Watchdog criticizes plan to destroy gun registry data
Ottawa, churches playing hardball over residential school historical documents, TRC charges
New Brunswick - Right to information compliance deadline yet to be set
Jack Shadbolt originals found at Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia
Ottawa - City archives likely to be named for James Bartleman
BAnQ acquiert et met en ligne le fonds d'archives de Clémence DesRochers
University of Victoria - Digital libraries make community history accessible
University of Guelph’s 13,000-volume cookbook arsenal
Ontario - Elgin County Archives receives funding for new digitization project
Le Fonds d’archives photographiques du Centre d’arts Orford accessible au public
Afrique / Africa
Saving Ghana's flooded music archive
L'Algérie a récupéré 50 tonnes d'archives à partir de la Tunisie
National Security Archive: Brazil Takes Steps on Truth, Human Rights, and the Right to Know
White House inaction stalls Freedom of Information Act recommendations
U.S. - Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act: A Law We All Can Love
National Library of Medicine Launches YouTube Channel
Digital Preservation and the 1963 Kennedy Assassination Study
A Museum Perspective on Digital Preservation
Indiana University - Kinsey Institute gets archives of pioneering researchers
Yale Provides Access to Stalin’s Papers in Digital Archive
Protesters call on Getty to relinquish medieval manuscripts
China - Beijing Municipal Archives
Philippines - We need a film archive
Le Vietnam aide le Laos à valoriser ses archives
Images of World War I Australian servicemen
Ford Australia Archive Opens In Melbourne
Europe / Europa
Copyright isn't working, says European Commission
Armenian expert advises Turkish MP to check their archives
Govt saves stamp archive for Gibraltar
Communist-era police files still elusive in Czech Republic
Fashion Designer Valentino launches online museum archive
New Archive of Nazi Exhibitions Complicates Our Understanding of Hitler's Art History
National Archives of Ireland to merge into National Library of Ireland
Ireland - IRA archive reveals peace contact's role
UK - Local authorities 'need to improve data management'
UK - Announcing JISC eCollections: A new community-owned content service providing access to collections of historical books, journal archives and multimedia content
Anthony Burgess archive reveals vast body of previously unseen work
Le manuscrit de la vie de sainte Catherine d’Alexandrie, trésor national, entre dans les collections de la Bibliothèque nationale de France
Procès Carlos: le cercle des amateurs d'archives de la Stasi s'agrandit
Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Iraq informs int'l community readiness to hand over some archives to Kuwait
Oman - National Records and Archives Authority’s expo showcases 1,000 historial items
Turkey - CHP leader fails to apologize for Dersim, calls for opening state archives
The Big Data Boom Is the Innovation Story of Our Time
Quietly, Google Puts History Online
RFID for Archives: Or "Why QR Codes Are Becoming So Appealling As An Alternative"
PDF/A-2: what it is, what it can do, what it cannot do, and what to expect in the future
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