Thursday, 12 January 2012

Vol. 5, no. 19

Ressources / Resources

De l'État / From the State
U.S. National Information Standards Organization - SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource Understanding (Draft for public comment)

Archaeological archives in Northern Ireland: legislation, guidance and comparison with other jurisdictions

California Office of Legislative Counsel - Authentication of Primary Legal: Materials and Pricing Options

Bibliothèque nationale de France - Pour un humanisme numérique : culture et démocratie à l'heure du numérique (Bibliographie)

De la communauté / From the community
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - Microdata to RDF Guide and HTML Data Guide
Microdata to RDF Guide:
HTML Data Guide:

Association for Manitoba Archives Newsletter (Fall 2011/Winter 2012)

Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter (January 2012)

Book - The Lone Arranger: Succeeding in a Small Repository (Society of American Archivists)

Book - Engaging Colonial Knowledge: Reading European Archives in World History

Book - Transforming Information Literacy Instruction Using Learner-Centered Teaching 

Livre - Comment le numérique transforme les lieux de savoirs: le numérique au service du bien commun et de l’accès au savoir pour tous

Conférences et événements / Conferences and events
Information Without Borders Conference
February 9, 2012, Halifax

Nitrate Treasures: A Special Screening of Archival HBC Films
January 21, 2012, Edmonton

Personal Digital Archiving 2012
February 24-25, 2012, San Francisco

Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives
September 29, 2011, Berlin

Sur le web / On the web

Slidecast - Linked data for Libraries, Archives, Museums

Slidecast - Designing functions for mass transfer and preservation of records in ERM systems: case of the National Archives of Korea

Nouvelles du monde / News from the world

Government's online information access plan falls short

Library and Archives Canada - Sir John A. Macdonald Flickr Image Set is Now Available

Yellowknife - Water, smoke damage keep museum closed; archives re-opened

Le personnel de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec vote pour la grève

Afrique / Africa
Amériques / America
American Historical Associations Annual Meeting: Government Secrecy May Be a Relic From the Cold War and a Wave of the Future

NARA - Freedom of Information Act Portal Moving from Idea to Reality

Alaska State Hires Archivist to Sort Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Lawsuit Files

New York - Unbinding the Atlas: Working with Digital Maps

The King Center Imaging Project Goes Live on Monday, Thousands of Never-Before-Seen Images Will Be Available Online

The Guggenheim Museum has digitized a ton of its out-of-print publications and is offering them free

'Speed archivists' make quick work of organizing Philly area collections

Europe / Europa
Czech Republic - National Digital Library project under heavy fire

Letter penned by Beethoven uncovered in Germany

Hungary Makes Open Standards Default

Funding Dispute Threatens Bosnia's National Library

L'histoire du climat revisitée par les archives de Météo France

Scotland’s Freedom of Information powers ‘falling behind in UK’

Thatcher's Britain revealed in Mass Observation Archive

UK’s National Archive is to Digitise 165 Years Worth of British Telecom’s and its Predecessors’ Historical Documents

UK National Archives - Closure of Your Archives

'Jack the Ripper' manuscript to be published worldwide

Moyen-Orient / Middle East
Egypt - Library chief requests investigation into smuggling of Mahfouz archives 

Emirates eGovernment urges government entities to enhance open data on their websites


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